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随着科技的发展,现代艺术设计从传统的绘画方式中解放出来,打破了传统的设计理念,通过电脑、数位板等数字产品来完成相关的设计工作,这给数码插图领域带来了翻天地覆的变化。这种又好又快的数码插图技术给艺术设计带来了革命性的影响。  相似文献   

<正>杰西卡·福特纳是来自加拿大多伦多的一位插画家,专注于编辑、广告和儿童插图。她的作品主要是用传统和数码结合的方式创作的。她的作品经常刊登在《JUXTAPOZ数字艺术》、《哈佛商业评论》和《纽约时报》等著名刊物上。  相似文献   

从数码艺术看传统艺术与数码技术的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过把传统艺术和数码技术放到数码艺术中去考察,从数码绘画、虚拟现实、数码艺术创新、影象生存4个方面,探索传统艺术和数码技术之间的关系,论述了传统艺术和数码技术的融合性。辨证地说明了传统艺术与数码技术的融合是数码艺术发展和变化的趋势。  相似文献   

数字技术的迅速发展到广泛应用,不仅诞生了多种的艺术创作形式,还拓展了艺术表现形式的互动空间。发掘数码艺术与传统艺术的渊源,是丰富数码艺术语言和正确表现数码艺术形式美的关键。深入汲取中国传统艺术的精粹,借鉴西方的优秀科技文化;尊重民族艺术的独特性,同时反映现代人的内在精神追求,相互借鉴、各学科相互补充是数码艺术得以健康发展的根本所在。  相似文献   

随着数码技术的快速发展,数码艺术在雕塑艺术领域中得到广泛的运用,数码艺术雕塑作品已经能够虚拟出近乎完美的艺术效果。数码艺术改变了传统的雕塑创作和制作方式,雕塑艺术的传播也越来越数码化、网络化。  相似文献   

敦煌插图专指在敦煌藏经洞发现的书中之图,凡是文献中有图有文、图文互相补充说明的图画,均为敦煌插图.它包括敦煌写本手绘插图和敦煌印本木版插图两大类.敦煌手绘插图是我国唐代插图艺术的宝贵遗存,而敦煌木版插图是唐代以后雕版印刷术广泛发展和传播的产物.敦煌插图是敦煌艺术重要的组成部分,应作为一个独立的画种进行研究,而以往关于敦煌插图的研究往往被敦煌白画研究和敦煌版画研究所替代.本文从插图与白画、版画之间的作为艺术画种的特质入手,理清敦煌插图与敦煌白画及敦煌版画之间的关系,以提出应当开创对敦煌插图艺术进行研究的观点.  相似文献   

随着数字化时代的到来,电脑已成为多种视觉艺术支持的工具,因为插图也随之进入了数字化时代.本文对数码插图产生的背景、特性、存在的价值做了简单的阐述.  相似文献   

作为一种独特的视觉传达形式,插图的表现形式非常直观,目前已经被广泛应用于设计的多个领域之中.审美观念的提高使得社会急需插画设计方面的专业人才,插画设计课程在我国的各大高校中也依次开展,基本达到普及.与欧美等发达国家相比,我国的插图设计发展起步比较晚,成品艺术中还存在很多西方文化的印记.对于中国的插图设计课程教师而言,在教学过程中吸取西方插图设计艺术精华的同时还要鼓励学生创造具有中国传统文化、东方艺术特色的插图风格,将东西方文化与艺术特色有机融合,赋予插图艺术新的感染力.因此,如何打造独具特色的插图设计课程,需要教师进行深入研究.  相似文献   

立足于传承和发扬中国插图文化,开设插图艺术课程能丰富函授美术专业课程内容,为成人院校的美术专业添上一笔与时俱进的色彩。同时可促使函授美术学生再就业和创业成为现实,使有稳定工作的学生获得充足的精神和物质财富,通过学习插图艺术丰富生活,成为一名合格的插画师。成人院校对不同层次的美术学生进行插图艺术培养,传承和发扬中国插图艺术,有着重要意义。  相似文献   

郑巍巍 《人民教育》2012,(18):47-49
一、创造另一个引力场:儿童动漫课程。儿童沉溺于网络和游戏,是当下教育面临的一个巨大难题。解决这个问题,不能堵,不能绕,而是要"就势引导"。7年前,我们浙江省宁波淮河小学想到了数码艺术。数码艺术是建立在技术的基础上并以技术为核心的新艺术。开展数码艺术的学习既符合儿童兴趣发展的需要,又具有兴趣引导的重要作用。于是,我们提出了"数码校园"的建设目标,并启动实践"数码艺术促进学生个性发展的研究和探索"。最初的教学是基础性的,内容以数码绘画、图片处理、电脑动画等为主,教学范围仅局限于学生社团、课外兴趣小组内。  相似文献   

When working with graphics and illustrations, technical communicators face ethical questions at almost every step. The visual rhetorics available offer help with evaluating visual components but little guidance on ethical issues. This article presents examples of ethical conflicts, describes some of the prominent visual rhetorics, and discusses ethical issues that need to be addressed. Some steps for improving ethical awareness related to graphics and illustrations are suggested.  相似文献   

When working with graphics and illustrations, technical communicators face ethical questions at almost every step. The visual rhetorics available offer help with evaluating visual components but little guidance on ethical issues. This article presents examples of ethical conflicts, describes some of the prominent visual rhetorics, and discusses ethical issues that need to be addressed. Some steps for improving ethical awareness related to graphics and illustrations are suggested.  相似文献   

Three spatial tasks were created in two forms, as video and as computer graphics. Both forms of each task were presented to third graders, middle schoolers, and adults preferred working with the video but were more accurate working with computer graphics. Third graders preferred the computer but were equally successful working with both displays. The study suggests that the expectations with which students approach an instructional technology may determine the effectiveness of that technology more than characteristics of the technology in question.  相似文献   

计算机图形学课程的教改与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在论述计算机应用专业的计算机图形学课程教学内容存在不足之处的基础上,提出该课程改革总体目标。通过实施教学改革,完善了计算机图形学的教学内容,拓宽了学生的知识面,尤其提高了学生计算机图形学的应用开发技能.并总结了在进行计算机图形学教改时,还应重视的若干方面。  相似文献   

分析了现代计算机绘图的发展对传统工程制图的影响,探讨了计算机绘图与工程制图相融合的教学体系,提出了现代工程制图的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper examines the needs of students who, in the past, may have chosen to major in computer science or some other aspect of information technology as a way of achieving the goal of finding a job in the computer graphics field. The growth in computer graphics has lead to increased job opportunities in the industry. However, these jobs require fluency in both art and computing that an individual course or even a sequence of several courses cannot provide. In the past, there has been discussion of curricula for isolated graphics courses as part of a BS/CS degree, but industry demands more preparation than what one or two courses can deliver. This paper surveys and compares the two extant Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Graphics with the intent of encouraging dialog on the possibility of a four-year curriculum supporting this discipline.  相似文献   

Diagrams and illustrations as aids to problem solving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The psychological literature relating to factors which should be taken into account in the design of illustrations and pictorial instructions as aids to problem solving is reviewed. The problem solver can invoke a wide range of strategies for using pictorial materials to achieve his goal, although pictorial instructions which indicate how to perform actions place a tighter constraint on the choice of strategy than illustrations showing only states to be attained. The designer must make his graphics compatible with as wide a range of strategies for using them as possible while building on the knowledge the problem solver already possesses.The author now works for the Post Office Telecommunications Systems Strategy Department, 88 Hills Road, Cambridge.  相似文献   

文章提出了在题库系统的开发中应用VBA和OLE (Object Linking and Embedding,对象连接与嵌入)技术实现各类格式的插图和公式的录入与编辑、试题抽取、自动组卷、图文混排、消除试题跨页排版的方法.  相似文献   

在"计算机图形图像处理"教学中,采用项目驱动教学法,将两者很好地融合,能收到较好的效果。文章从影像、图幅纠正,图形、图像色彩调整和拼接,专题地图符号设计及数字栅格地图DRG的制作,图像缩放几方面,探讨项目驱动教学法在"计算机图形图像处理"教学中的运用。  相似文献   

充分利用CATIA V5易于制作“随意动像”画面的优势,在教学中将机械制图课与计算机绘图课融合,制图学习与计算机制图学习同步进行,全面提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

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