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隐喻旨在用源域的经验来理解与建构目的域的经验。星象隐喻是古人在认知和建构天空时产生的,具有文化差异性,所以中国古典诗词中星象隐喻的翻译一直比较困难。认知翻译假设尝试将隐喻按照映射条件进行分类并据此采取不同的翻译方法。然而,本文通过对已有中国古典诗歌中星象隐喻的英译进行分析,发现认知翻译假设并不能完全解释已出现的星象隐喻英译现象,主要在于认知翻译假设没有注意到隐喻在具体语篇中的不同作用。  相似文献   

意象作为诗词的基本构成要素,不仅是诗词的本体与神采,也是语篇中一种重要的衔接手段,其可以有力保障诗词语篇连贯性的建立。本文基于Halliday和Hasan的衔接理论,从意象衔接的角度出发,从空间意象、隐喻意象和传说意象三方面论述了毛泽东《菩萨蛮·黄鹤楼》中意象所发挥的衔接功能,以期为《菩萨蛮·黄鹤楼》的赏析提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

双关语是一种典型的修辞认知,往往具有表层与深层两重意义。中国古典诗词中的双关语主要分为四类,即语音双关、语义双关、语境双关和析字双关。以文学翻译中的修辞认知转换模式来划分,中国古典诗词中双关语的翻译大致可分为两类:从修辞认知到概念认知和从修辞认知到修辞认知,前者最为普遍,包括只译出双关的一层意义,解释说明其中的双重意义等,后者包括以双关译双关,把双关转换为比喻、拟人等。由于双关语的抗译性较强,译者要善于调用自己的修辞认知,尽量降低翻译过程中的审美磨蚀。  相似文献   

否定类公示语是生活中常见的一类表达否定意义的公示语。根据否定的内容,可分为信息告知型和行为禁止型。行为禁止型又可根据交际目进一步分为公德维护型、安全保障型和混合型。在翻译时,译者要顺应交际场合和译文阅读者的认知语境,才能让译文更加准确、贴切,易于受众接受。  相似文献   

本文以顺应论为理论基础,采用汉英双语平行语料库的研究方法,分析雪漠长篇小说《大漠祭》及其英译本中的隐喻翻译,旨在探讨该作品中隐喻的翻译方法及其翻译模式,并且在顺应论的框架下分析其原因。结果表明,《大漠祭》中隐喻翻译策略有三种,即隐喻转隐喻、隐喻转明喻、隐喻消失,并通过数据统计分析,译文呈现出直译意译合译换译省略的翻译模式。译者在翻译过程中把甘肃特殊的语言用英文表达出来,顺应了目的语读者的同时又不失原文的风味。  相似文献   

我国文学的翻译产量丰富,但由于其接受度受译文质量,读者需求,读者接受心理等因素制约,文学外译时常面临困境,中国文化顺利走出国门堪忧。本文围绕诗歌英译中隐喻的接受问题,提出了隐喻的可及性建构这一概念,旨在解释隐喻翻译的可接受性。笔者认为,译者在翻译过程中参与建构了隐喻的可及性。本文从本体、喻体具体化重构,语境细化,以及调动主体的体验性三个方面,讨论了隐喻的可及性建构方式,尝试为文化外译提供新思路。  相似文献   

作为翻译实践的主体,译者在翻译过程中通过充分发挥主观能动性来实现翻译目的。从理解原文到表述译文、从选用翻译策略到译文选词的整个过程中,译者主体性起着非常重要的作用。因此,研究译者主体性问题对提高译文质量、达到翻译目的具有一定的借鉴意义。党的十九大报告是一篇具有里程碑意义的重要政治文献。该文选取党的十九大报告的两篇维译文,结合政治文献翻译的特点,从原文理解、翻译策略和方法及语言风格三个方面进行比较,分析译者主体性在这两篇维译文中的具体体现,旨在为今后政治文献维译中的译者主体性的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着国际交流的频繁,我国公共场所的中英双语公示语越来越多,公示语的翻译也更加重要,但公示语英译中有很多问题。以交际翻译理论为依据,根据公示语所属的呼唤类文本类型,分析公示语英译中存在的错误,探讨采用交际翻译来进行公示语的英译。指出在公示语英译时,译者应掌握公示语的独有特点,了解英汉文化差异,针对具体语境,优先选用或借鉴对应表达,运用交际翻译,符合语用规律,尽量使得译文让目的语读者得到与原文读者相同的效果,使目的语读者完全理解公示语的意思。  相似文献   

中国典籍作为中华传统文化的结晶,是传承中国优秀传统文化、提高中华民族凝聚力和民族整体素质不可或缺的组成部分。本文以《孔子家语》今译为例,基于"语内翻译"理论探讨了典籍今译涉及的利益相关者的关系,提出了典籍今译的四个原则,即目的原则、忠诚原则、对等原则和接受原则,总结出了"语篇分析→注释补偿→译文呈现"的典籍今译三阶段模式。  相似文献   

谚语是经过千锤百炼的语言和文化精华,富含民族文化内涵。英语和汉语分属不同的语系,其谚语受各自文化的影响,谚语字面上的信息意图和内在的交际意图往往大相径庭,这让谚语的翻译工作成了一项挑战。依据关联翻译理论,谚语翻译工作者首先应充分考虑谚语原文与译文读者所处的认知语境不同,既要明确谚语原文的交际意图,又要对译文读者的认知语境和期望做出准确判断,目的是让译文读者以最小的认知努力得到最大的语境效果。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,包括易学文献在内的一系列重大考古发现极大地开阔了人们的学术视野,对《易经》在西方的译介产生了深刻的影响。西方学者在翻译和诠释的过程中用出土易学文献来替代通行本部分对应文字,或者结合甲骨文、金文以及古文化遗址的考古发现对《易经》的意义进行重塑,打破传统经学的藩篱,在《易经》的诠释上走出一条全新的道路。  相似文献   

Two contrasting visions of ideological discourse populate sociological treatments of culture. In the work of the British social theorist Margaret Archer, we find a conception of ideological discourse as essentially dialectical and reliant on logically compelling argument. In American sociology of culture, conversely, we find an implicit understanding of ideological discourse as a ‘performative’ mode of discourse built around emotionally resonant symbols, image, and metaphors. If we take either of these categorical conceptualisations of ideological discourse seriously, then the only discourses which can qualify as ideological are those discourses which are either fully metaphorical or entirely dialectical. In fact, many ideological discourses make use of imagery and metaphors and at the same time feature propositions meant to be interpreted as part of a logically compelling argument. As the paper demonstrates through a detailed examination of the discourses produced by the American technocrats of the 1920s and 1930s, elaborate ideological productions often include both metaphorical propositions and logically compelling argument. Moreover, metaphorical constructions and literal propositions often function as complements in effective ideological discourses. This is especially true when the discourses are addressed to knowledgeable and economically privileged audiences, such as the ‘new class’ of the pre-depression United States.  相似文献   


Over the past two decades, compulsive hoarding – that seemingly-new psychopathology – has quickly progressed from academic departments of psychology to mass-media portrayals of consumption that rely on spectacles of the grotesque. What these pop-culture portrayals of the phenomenon gloss over is that those labeled ‘hoarders’ are very often specifically concerned with the hoarding of books, newspapers, and other textual objects. Even non-textual items are saved for quasi-textual purposes, as repositories of information that do not deserve to be destroyed. After comparison with forms of textual hoarding evident in early print culture (specifically, in early-modern Britain), this essay argues that contemporary hoarding phenomena should be understood in light of the ongoing digitisation of textuality, and that a full accounting of textual hoarding must move from the psychological to the phenomenological. While there is a spectrum of hoarding behaviors that should not be oversimplified, physical textual hoarding seems to constitute a hedge against the etherealisation of text. On the contrary, by the functionalist leanings of contemporary behavioral psychology, the emerging pattern of hoarding digital texts allows for the imperfectly-realised possibility of a hoard without impairment. An implication for elite critical practice is that in the growth of the digital hoard, and the growing reliance on the search function to navigate it, the critic may be liberated from the traditional aspiration to an absolute mastery which grows ever-more untenable, but at the cost of self-imposed limitations that are needed so to enable speech.  相似文献   

Theorists of discourse have long recognised the complexities of attributing reported speech in textual circulation. Yet rarely does one follow words from an original speech event through their many re-entextualisations, and it has proved particularly difficult to capture such circulations between oral events, print, and online media. This article captures such movements by following the mediatised – and politicised – afterlife of a speech event that would normally be classified, in academia, as ‘a talk’. It begins with a talk on Russia, given by the author-anthropologist of this paper, that was (mis)reported in Russian by a Voice of America (VOA) journalist, then traces the resulting text's subsequent movement from the VOA website into the Russian fieldsite that the oral talk described. It explores how the tone and substance of debates over politics and representation were enabled, constrained, and otherwise shaped by the particular textual circulations made possible in digital media. As the text traversed online newspapers, comments forums, blogs, social media networks, and private-turned-public personal emails, it produced a body of commentary that was both directly and indirectly a struggle over representation. While substantive debates unfolded over ethnic and national politics, much of the online commentary concerned the expertise of the commenters weighing in and the expertise and identity of the anthropologist who had been cited. This essay argues that Russian commenters and posters were productively using the intertextual gaps offered by digital circulation, while minimising those gaps' increasing breadth and depth by attributing ‘original’ authorship to a discrete, stable person.  相似文献   

In recent times there has been a surge in interest on policy instruments to stimulate scientific and engineering research that is of greater consequence, advancing our knowledge in leaps rather than steps and is therefore more “creative” or, in the language of recent reports, “transformative.” Associated with the language of “transformative research” there appears to be much enthusiasm and conviction that the future of research is tied to it. However, there is very little clarity as to what exactly it is and what criteria might be used to design policy instruments to make more of it happen. In this paper, we contribute to the construction of a framework within which some conceptual clarity might be gained. We develop four analogies, or metaphors, that are found in the discourse about “transformative research” and show what they imply for the meaning of the notion and, as a result, both the phenomena that might be associated with it and the levers that would be available to design policy instruments. The analogies serving as theoretical metaphors that we propose, and also document to be present either explicitly or implicitly in the discourse about “transformative research,” are the stock market highlighting risk; the process of evolution and its selection mechanisms; the process of popular culture and the power of “hot” events; and exploration of the frontier of the unknown. No single analogy covers all the relevant issues. Together they help identify a field of phenomena and the potential and challenges “transformative research” presents to policy.  相似文献   

Changing images of work in discourse both portray and co-constitute the shift from an industrial to a postindustrial economy. Specifically, work metaphors appear in extra-scientific and intra-scientific discourse on workers and work structures in the natural and social world. An analysis of the entomological discourse from the late nineteenth century to the present shows changes in these metaphors that overlap with the discourse of change in human work and organizational structures. For instance, the metaphor of a busy bee within an efficient hive had traditionally evoked a comparison to the modern industrial workplace. The discourse on the hive currently more closely resembles a postindustrial conception of work. Discourse analysis can illustrate the role of language in co-constructing shared changes in image of work.  相似文献   

Iconographic avatars in web-based graphical chat environments work to create a ‘shattered’ sense of self through the use of emblematics (the bringing together of text and image) coupled with a reformulated use of free indirect discourse, a style of indirect address found in the modern bourgeois novel. Free indirect discourse, or ‘middle voice’, is crafted by the novelist but takes on the characteristics of the person described, even as the difference between novelist and character creates an ironic distance directed at both the character and the reader who may be encouraged by the style to identify with the character. Avatar-driven graphical chat suggests a synthesis of the value of an avatar external to oneself and that of the ironic distance provided by free indirect discourse. The ‘middle ground’ of iconographic graphical chat environments exemplifies how images reformulate and seemingly mitigate the tensions inherent in text-based free indirect discourse – with its suggestion of ‘experience without a subject’ – to create greater ambiguity, irony and abstraction of the self and others. This mirrors how various forces of global capital work to reformulate the subject.  相似文献   


News translation, which takes many forms, encounters two types of cultural resistance that hinder intercultural understanding. The first is apparent in the need to transform a text in order to make it meaningful in a new context, while the second results from the irreducibility of culture as a way of life to the form of a text. This article illustrates both forms of resistance by analyzing a story originally broadcast on The National in Canada in 1992, and it concludes by considering the implications of the power relations between journalists and the people they describe in acts of news translation.  相似文献   

The evolution of real time 3D graphics technologies in combination with high bandwidth Internet connections and modern Web browsers enable users to explore complex 3D scenes. As a rule, a virtual visitor has to manually explore the geometrically complex 3D model in order to discover points of interest. This manual exploration is a time consuming process that, in some cases, can be assisted by sets of predefined points of interest. In this paper, we propose the annotation of 3D scenes in order to equip the user with a text based 3D scene search engine. The search engine provides a query mechanism that unburdens the user from the time consuming process of manually exploring vast 3D scenes. It responds to queries by exploiting the metadata of each 3D model and returns textual and visual information along with a group of links that correspond to relative points of interest within the 3D scene. The search engine allows the virtual visitor to automatically be transferred to a specific point of interest. We have built a Web accessible prototype system that is able to handle queries related to historical data, topological relationships and architectural properties of buildings. A number of 3D reconstructions covering urban areas of cultural importance located in Northern Greece have been annotated and used in the search engine as case studies. The prototype system is based on open source technologies and on a hybrid metadata schema that is derived from the MIDAS Heritage and MACE schemas.  相似文献   

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