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随着地方本科院校的快速发展,其规模逐渐扩大,吸引了许多青年教师的加入,青年教师群体的发展关系到学校的整体发展,如何给青年教师创造良好的环境,促进其职业成长是地方本科院校急需考虑的问题。文章从分析国内外关于教育生态系统、青年教师成长环境的研究角度入手,分析了地方本科院校青年教师成长所面临的生态环境系统,发现地方本科院校青年教师成长的生态环境具有关联互动性、动态平衡性、持续发展性等特征,并从教育生态系统的角度提出了提升地方本科院校青年教师成长环境的相应对策。  相似文献   

作者基于地方转型本科院校青年教师专业成长的境遇,尝试从这类院校青年教师专业成长与发展的自我诉求的内在动力机制分析,及社会(政府)、家庭、学校"三位一体"的外在支持系统分析这两大维度,探寻促进其发展的科学路径。  相似文献   

地方新建本科院校是高校重新调整后由专科层次的学校合并或升格而形成的。为了学校的发展需要,大量引进青年教师。因此,如何建设一支高素质、高水平的青年教师队伍,关系到地方新建本科院校在未来发展中的成功与失败,是这些学校能否赢得未来发展主动权的战略重点的重大问题。本文拟就地方新建本科院校青年教师队伍建设的意义、存在的问题和策略作一探讨。  相似文献   

在我国高等教育大众化进程中,新建本科院校己成为高等教育的重要组成部分,青年教师是新建本科院校的生力军,本文通过分析青年教师专业发展面临的现状,探求促进新建高校青年教师专业发展的策略。  相似文献   

地方本科院校要提高办学质量和层次、走出特色和创新发展之路,必须加强教师队伍建设、积极推进青年教师的专业化发展。教师个人和高等学校是教师专业化发展的承载主体,坚持终身学习和研究创新,提高专业智能和学术水平,提高课堂教学艺术和教学成效,是青年教师实现专业化的基本策略;地方本科院校应在国家、地方教育行政管理部门相关政策制度的基础上,从自身特点和实际情况出发,制定和落实岗前培训、继续教育、教学促进、学术引领、科研支撑、经费保障等政策制度和保障措施,激励青年教师的专业发展和全面成长。  相似文献   

文章分析了青年教师专业发展对新建本科院校的意义、青年教师专业发展的影响因素及当前存在的问题,结合新建本科院校和青年教师的特点,以科学发展观为指导思想,从教师自身的角度,建议青年教师在职业生涯规划、教学发展、科研发展、职称学历、外部关系、社会服务、心智修养等方面努力,搞好专业发展。  相似文献   

调查显示新建本科院校青年教师教学能力较为薄弱。加强青年教师教学能力建设是新建本科院校生存发展和青年教师自我专业发展的需要。目前,新建本科院校青年教师教学能力建设在教师评价、教师合作、教学反思和教师培训等方面存在诸多问题。改革教师评价机制、加强教学团队建设、积极开展教学反思和创新教师培训模式是新建本科院校加强青年教师教学能力建设的主要途径。  相似文献   

职业发展环境的优劣对青年教师的职业发展起着至关重要的作用。当前地方本科院校青年教师职业发展面临着资源配置不合理、激励机制不健全、学术文化不够彰显等环境因素的制约,严重影响了青年教师的快速健康成长。地方本科院校应采取优化资源配置、完善激励机制、彰显学术文化等有力措施,努力营造支持性的职业发展环境,更好地促进青年教师的职业发展。  相似文献   

新建本科院校建设千头万绪,其中青年教师队伍的建设乃重中之重。然而,由于新建本科院校青年教师底子薄,任务重,缺乏完备的职前职后培养培训保障机制,严重制约了青年教师的专业发展。文章从教师教育一体化视角提出了促进青年教师专业发展的有效路径:激发青年教师专业发展的自主精神,做好生涯规划,建立有效的评价考核机制促进青年教师专业发展,完善青年教师职前职后教育制度助力教师专业发展。  相似文献   

新建地方本科院校青年教师队伍的现状透视及策略   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
青年教师是新建地方本科院校教师队伍中的一支生力军,加强青年教师队伍建设显得尤为重要。文章分析了新建地方本科院校青年教师队伍存在的问题及其成因,提出了加强青年教师队伍建设的措施。  相似文献   

Scientific workforce diversity is critical to ensuring the realization of our national research goals and minority-serving institutions play a vital role in preparing undergraduate students for science careers. This paper summarizes the outcomes of supporting career training and research practices by faculty from teaching-intensive, minority-serving institutions. Support of these faculty members is predicted to lead to: 1) increases in the numbers of refereed publications, 2) increases in federal grant funding, and 3) a positive impact on professional activities and curricular practices at their home institutions that support student training. The results presented show increased productivity is evident as early as 1 yr following completion of the program, with participants being more independently productive than their matched peers in key areas that serve as measures of academic success. These outcomes are consistent with the goals of the Visiting Professorship Program to enhance scientific practices impacting undergraduate student training. Furthermore, the outcomes demonstrate the benefits of training support for research activities at minority-serving institutions that can lead to increased engagement of students from diverse backgrounds. The practices and results presented demonstrate a successful generalizable approach for stimulating junior faculty development and can serve as a basis for long-term faculty career development strategies that support scientific workforce diversity.  相似文献   

校本培训是一种契合新建本科高校实际的教师培训形式,将校本培训的理念引入新建本科高校并不断进行实践探索,对加强新建本科高校的教师队伍建设,促进新建本科高校教师的专业发展,具有特别的意义与价值。在新建本科高校开展校本教师培训,应当遵循内源性原则、民主化原则和实效性原则。  相似文献   

Professional development at postsecondary institutions has primarily been supported through a central faculty development center. With purposive sampling, this small case study explored the ways in which teacher education faculty members were influenced to participate in decentralized professional development focused on learning to teach with WebCT. Results suggest that university faculty were influenced by both intrinsic factors (including convenience, comfort, common interests, and future purposes) and an extrinsic factor (external pressures). This research suggests that these factors also contributed to the faculty's satisfaction with the professional development. A follow-up interview explored how faculty coped with budgetary limitations and encouragement to pursue other distance education technologies.  相似文献   

上世纪90年代末以来,我国师范院校探索了多种多样的教师教育模式,对教师教育的发展具有重要意义。按教师职业标准来划分,可以分为小学教师教育模式、初中教师教育模式和高中教师教育模式;按师范院校的层次特征,可分为传统师范大学教师教育模式、地方新建本科师范学院教师教育模式和师范专科学校教师教育模式。此外,还可从教师培养年限、教师培养"开放—封闭"以及课程模块组合的角度来对我国教师教育模式进行分类分析。  相似文献   

This paper offers ideas for graduate study in physical education teacher education (PETE). It discusses professional versus scientific degree options, and argues that pedagokinetics (the art and science of teaching movement) should be the central focus of the curriculum for both practitioners and researchers. To overcome major obstacles to academic excellence, a problem-solving agenda is outlined for the PETE professorate, with emphasis on critical issues such as (a) governance and control of teacher education, (b) the proper location of PETE units at educational institutions, (c) regional networks of research universities, undergraduate colleges, and local school districts, (d) faculty competence and differential graduate orientations, (e) the shortage of exemplary teachers and teaching in physical education, (f) recruitment of bright graduate students for PETE, and (g) cultivation of a knowledge base to support practice and research in pedagogical physical education. In addition, the paper reports on a new generation of scholars at work, for over a decade, to increase PETE'S credibility with other physical education disciplines as well as the generic teacher education enterprise.  相似文献   

教师发展者是大学教师发展活动核心的专业力量。近年来,我国大学教师发展实践的蓬勃开展与该群体从无到有、由泛到专的自身演进密不可分。这个历程可划分为"引进、内化、模仿、伫立"等四个阶段。只有从大学教师发展系统层面理清不同发展时期的要素和矛盾,把握大学教师发展者专业化的规律,教师发展者才能摆脱缺乏主体意识的自然式发展状态,从而真正实现理性化的专业成长。教师发展者个体的专业发展受教师发展机构体制机制的制约,因此,机构必须超越单一行政职能,向研究、教育与管理一体化的综合性职能转型,使得教师发展者变为集教育者、管理者和学者于一身的社会形象。  相似文献   

高校青年教师导师制的现实困境和解决之道   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高校青年教师导师制对于促进青年教师专业成长,增强青年教师的责任感、使命感和职业意识具有积极作用,也有利于促进教师之间的沟通与协调.然而,高校青年教师导师制在实施过程中仍面临不少问题,面解决的关键在于建构平等对话的语境和文化,以及确立多向交互式指导关系,强化监督、考评工作,并落实相关配套措施.  相似文献   

Guided by cultural border crossing and teacher identity development theories, this case study explores the bumpy process of a junior Chinese faculty member’s border crossing into the U.S. teaching culture and analyzes the challenges, coping strategies, and consequences of his border crossing on teaching and teacher identity development. The study found the subject demonstrated an active process of adaptation during his border crossing and experienced multifaceted and ongoing identity development in which both Chinese culture and the culture that he embraced played important roles in reshaping and facilitating the development of his professional identity, teacher learning, and teaching practices.  相似文献   

Community colleges require speech communication teachers with special competencies—competencies dictated by the educational goals, the student characteristics, and the community orientation of junior colleges. These teacher competencies should be taught through special master's degree programs and in‐service training provided by teacher education institutions and professional speech communication associations. Based on her experience as a teacher at community colleges in Texas and Illinois and as a director of teacher training in speech, the author suggests that community colleges are basically different than four‐year institutions, and need teachers with different skills.  相似文献   

One way in which institutions can assist junior faculty members is to facilitate appropriate nurturing through senior faculty. The Teaching Improvement Program (TIPs) at The University of Georgia was designed and implemented with this aspect in mind. This paper describes the philosophical base as well as the design, administration, and evaluation of this unique program that matches new junior faculty with senior faculty mentors. Despite some problems in scheduling, participants in the program received valuable suggestions on how to improve their classroom performance.He is a former Lilly Teaching Fellow.His office provides a wide range of instructional and professional services for faculty and academic administrators in the university's thirteen schools and colleges.The authors would like to thank Gina Dress for all her assistance in the TIPs program and three anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

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