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The preparation for the World Conference on Education for All at the beginning of 1990 once again showed clearly the importance of education for development in the countries of the Third World. This article explores the systemic place of education in the process of development. With the help of factor analysis it treats the following individual questions: Is education, or basic education, an independent factor? Are the many development indicators determined by general factors? Is basic education one of these factors? An analysis is made of development indicators from 1960 to 1984 drawn from World Bank reports on 38 sub-Saharan African countries. Two sets of economic, demographic and educational data have been examined: the first relates to the year 1984 (or nearest available); the second contains two years, adding an earlier set from the nearest available date to 1960. The analysis of the later set reveals five factors: general modernization, population growth, economic development, pupil-teacher ratio, and food supply to the general population. Education is not an independent factor in this list. Using the data sets from both years, seven factors are revealed. After diagonal rotation these are: basic education, degree of urbanization, pupil-teacher ratio, average standard of living attained, economic growth, service sector, food production per head, population growth, and employment in modern sectors.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the Western models of university development with its accompanying Eurocentric knowledge systems adopted by Third World countries. It discusses the various productive and counterproductive effects of these alien features to Third World universities, their research institutions and the knowledge output of their academic communities. It goes on to discuss the possible contributions that can be made within the ambit of South-South educational interchange for the development of a self-reliant higher education system among Third World nation states accompanied by an interdependent and more equitable world knowledge order. The final part of the paper examines the prospect of a self-reliant higher education and knowledge-generation system, developing in Third World countries, in the light of rapidly growing information technology which is dividing the world into information-rich and information-poor countries.This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper presented by the author at the 20th Annual Conference of the British Comparative and International Education Society held at the University of Hull in September 1985. The author acknowledges the critical comments and useful suggestions offered by S. Gopinathan, S.N.R. Kazmi and Peter Worsley on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

Educational conditions for children in Third World countries are considerably inferior to conditions in industrialized countries. One important effort to improve conditions has been major textbook-development projects financed by international organizations, including the World Bank. This article looks at the success of such projects and the possible reasons for problems. Then it addresses two crucial questions: Why have these major textbook-development projects ignored instructional development? What could instructional development offer these projects?  相似文献   

Analysis of the national planning documents of selected Third World countries reveals common key issues in policies on educational inequality. Expansion, national unity, decentralisation, positive discrimination and terminal education are highlighted as recurring themes. A further focus on the dimensions of aid, training, nationalism, regionalism and finance provides a framework which can be used both to assess the degree of dependency or autonomy exhibited in equity planning and to provide a critique of over‐simplified applications of dependency theory regarding educational policy.  相似文献   

中国高等教育依附发展的讨论既凸显了学界对于中国建设高等教育强国的热切愿望,同时也折射出中国与世界高等教育强国之间的差距及缩小这种差距的现实困难。近年来较流行的中国高等教育"依附发展"观点从前提到结论都有可商榷之处,其实质是混淆了高等教育"依附发展"与"借鉴-超越"两种发展道路的根本区别。中国高教强国建设应当在"借鉴-超越"思想指导下,通过文化自觉与自主创新,努力构建高等教育现代化的中国模式。  相似文献   

This paper examines the underlying reasons for the formulation of policies and practices to abate the growing problem of the ‘educated’ unemployed through the initiative of vocational education and training schemes. The paper outlines the main reasons why in Singapore there is a convergence between its vocational education and training strategy and work while this is not generally so for many other Third World countries. It then focusses its discussion on the reasons why there is a mismatch between vocational education and training and work in many Third World countries. The paper concludes by suggesting an alternative strategy for Third World countries through which they may be better able to interface education and work.  相似文献   

Policy makers often employ rate of return (RoR) information in formulating public resource allocation decisions. A noteworthy present example is the World Bank, which uses RoR to advise Third World countries (TWCs) as they set student subsidy levels, tuition levels, and allocations by level of education (i.e., elementary, secondary, higher). This paper demonstrates that in the main RoR may be inappropriate policy devices for such aims because (1) major validity problems surround RoR formulations, (2) emphasis upon average RoR may misinform policy, and (3) RoR calculations are more sensitive to cost than benefits variations. It is concluded that true RoR to education are higher than conventionally estimated and in most cases support increased public resource allocations to various levels of education. Further, RoR evidence does not support reallocations from higher to lower educational levels, and World Bank advice to TWCs, most notably sub-Saharan Africa, may be in error.  相似文献   

It seems almost superfluous to have to highlight formal education as a social and moral institution (historically that has been its main role) but for the fact that after the Second World War greater consciousness on the part of rich industrialized countries spawns fresh concepts and notions that education is an economic enterprise. The human capital concept popularized by the Chicago School of economics as reflected in the works of Schultz and the seminal work of Denison catapulted education into the forefront as an engine of economic development for the so-called Third World countries. Heavy physical capital investment, with the exception of Japan and Germany, which is thought to be a sufficient stimulus for economic development in classical economic theory fails to deliver the goods. The frantic search for an efficacious solution to Third World Poverty unearths the forgotten dimension of educated and trained manpower as the missing variable in the economic development equation. Education becomes the new faith for Third Worlds in their attempts to banish poverty and join the rich industrial clubs. Needless to say, the new faith which holds sway for more than a decade ends in disillusionment (reflected in the Belagio Conference of 1974) for trained manpower is a necessary but not sufficient condition for national development. The complementarity and substitutability of physical and human capital have been overlooked. But whilst the human capital formation theory holds sway, formal education becomes predominently an economic enterprise and correspondingly its function as a social and moral enterprise is reduced in importance.  相似文献   

In many respects the third age is newly discovered territory, and it is therefore instructive to ask whether our understanding of the problems posed for education in the later years can in any way be aided by current developments in thinking about education in the Third World. In this paper the author, who brings to educational gerontology the experience of several years of specializing in education in developing countries, asserts that there are indeed intriguing and illuminating parallels to be drawn. In particular, education for the third age calls into question the social and economic imperialism of established patterns of formal education, while recent Third World examples of alternative development values suggest ways in which the educational contribution of the later years can be given the recognition that is not only its due but also its responsibility.  相似文献   

With reference to selected Third World countries, the paper generalizes, within a broad analytical framework, the underlying reasons for the formulation of policies and practices to abate the growing problem of the ‘educated’ unemployed through the initiation of vocationally-oriented educational programmes. It outlines the main reasons why the implementation of vocationally-oriented educational strategies did not converge with and reinforce other related employment initiatives to achieve their intended goals. Discussion is then focussed on why there is a mismatch between educational training and work, which has given legitimate grounds to many Third World countries to question whether the assumptions that underlie vocationally-oriented education are a ‘fallacy’. In conclusion, an alternative educational strategy is suggested. This strategy not only outlines how it may be possible to interface education and work, but also how greater efficiency and equity can be brought about in this relationship.  相似文献   

阿尔特巴赫以其教育依附论思想而闻名国际比较教育界。他在分析了西方国家和第三世界国家高等教育现状的基础上,以中心与边缘、新殖民主义及中心的边缘,边缘的中心等概念作为切入点,指出第三世界国家和工业化国家在教育上存在着不平等的关系。理解阿尔特巴赫的教育依附论思想对比较教育方法论的研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

There is a need for studies containing hard data on the extent of the financial squeeze on the education sector in individual Third World developing countries. This essay deals with the extent of the financial squeeze on the education sector in the newly-independent country of Barbados. The key matters which are discussed include Barbados' long-standing tradition of educational development, the state of the economy and of government operations, actual public expenditure on education since 1966, and policy-measures which have recently been adopted to reduce the rate of increase of educational costs.  相似文献   

In spite of the rapid changes in modern education today, its management appears to have remained the same. Planning and execution of the educational policies in many countries of the world, most especially the Third World countries, are poorly organized and generally ill managed. Although several empirical studies are needed to establish the reason for this, the possibility that the assigning of classroom teachers without any professional management preparation to leadership positions as one of the contributory factors to poor management cannot be ruled out. If this trend continues and there is every indication that it will (in most Third World countries teaching experience alone is still the route to educational leadership positions), we are then left with the inevitable question: Can teachers' skills be the same as those required of managers? Consequently this article attempts to examine and elucidate this problem by analyzing the issue of teaching and of management from the point of view of the basic practitioners' needs and conditions.  相似文献   

借鉴在比较教育研究中历来具有重要的地位,其作为当前中国比较教育研究的首要目的也无可厚非,但随着全球后殖民时代的到来,以及西方后殖民主义在全球范围的蔓延,后殖民主义的浪潮对第三世界国家比较教育研究中的借鉴问题提出了严峻的挑战。反思中国当前比较教育研究中的借鉴问题关系到中国教育发展的前景,因此通过对后殖民主义理论的探讨来反思中国比较教育研究中的借鉴问题就显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

How have recent trends in German educational research applied to developing countries? In order to outline the immediate state of this research in the FRG (1980–1983), the contribution first gives a brief review of its process from the beginning. The first part examines educational research until 1980, and then differentiates three main types of research on educational problems in Third World countries (on the implementation of projects; on the evaluation of education programmes and measures of educational aid; on education systems and the correlation between education and development). Through a survey of the literature published since 1980, the article aims to give an idea of the contemporary topics of this research and furthermore tries to show how German educationists try to come to terms with the failures of educational aid projects, also how they try to construct new and adequate theoretical models.  相似文献   

This paper relates the contemporary educational reforms in Sri Lanka to the processes of globalisation. The international monetary organisations such as the IMF and the World Bank and the regional organisations like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) play a dominant role in influencing the debt-receiving countries when it comes to their educational practice. The intensity of the influence of these organisations can vary depending on the existing educational policy of the aid receiving countries. This paper, after a brief introduction on globalisation, examines its effects on the education policy in Sri Lanka with a special emphasis on the current language policy. Equity in education is usually advocated at primary level based on the universal primary education concept so highly upheld by the World Bank. However, the present high human development indicators are undoubtedly due to Sri Lanka's free education policy in native languages. The paper concludes stressing the importance to retain the national education policy as a means of empowerment and liberation of its masses and creating stronger ethnic harmony.  相似文献   

战后美国对第三世界国家发展援助,是美国外交战略的重要组成部分,它会随着国际形势及美国外交战略的变化而不断调整,除了现实的政治经济利益考量外,美国的主要出发点就是按照美国的标准塑造受援国的政治经济体制。发展援助体现了美国强大的经济实力,恰当运用这一实力,可以很好地维护本国的国家利益,并有助于加强本国的软实力;反之,则会造成国家软实力的流失。冷战结束后,美国对外发展援助出现了一些新的特点,突出体现在发展援助由经济领域转移到政治领域,民主援助逐渐成为美国发展援助的重点。  相似文献   

The preliminary conference theme "Quality versus Equality: A Problem for Higher Education?" came to me as a big surprise: in many European countries, those evaluating lines of future development in higher education and looking for new problem-solving possibilities have grown used to giving special attention to those countries in which the expansion of higher education is already very advanced. Why, then, does one in the United States scrutinize the European countries, where the share of university students in the corresponding age group is smaller? Is it due to a felt need for information unrelated to one's own situation? Does one wish to document that the other countries are gradually encountering the same problems that one already has? Or does one perhaps expect that the European countries - either on the basis of their particular traditions in higher education and society, or as "developing countries" of educational expansion that are attempting to avoid the difficulties of their predecessors - offer special solutions worthy of consideration in the United States, too?  相似文献   

“9.11”事件之后,美国加大了向第三世界国家推行民主自由价值的力度。布什政府借“反恐”之机,向第三世界国家特别是所谓的“流氓国家”与“失败国家”实施“民主改造”战略,不但采取政治、经济、军事等各种手段对这些国家进行“政权变更”,而且企图主导它们的“国家建设”进程。布什政府的“民主改造”战略本质上是为美国霸权服务的,必将遭到第三世界国家的强烈抵制,最终难逃失败的命运。  相似文献   



In this article, which is based on a paper read at the International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris in July 1979, we shall first review the impact of science curriculum development on Third World countries and the effect of Western science education on those changes.

We shall then outline some of the ways of thinking that the pupils of different cultures bring to school that appear to differ from, or even to conflict with Western scientific modes of thought.

This will lead us to an analysis of the factors responsible for the predicament in science education today. In the light of this analysis we shall suggest some courses of action for the future progress of science teaching in the Third World.  相似文献   

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