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There are few empirical studies that demonstrate how values are developed and how they are linked to coaching actions. There can be a discrepancy between the statement of coaches’ values and their actual coaching actions. In order to examine how coaching actions are influenced by values that are developed over a lifetime, the purpose of this article is to first describe a female hockey coach’s approach to coaching using five key coaching actions, then identify the underlying values that influenced those actions, and then explore how these values were developed in different experiences throughout her life. A time-oriented network analysis was conducted based on four semi-structured, in-depth interviews with the coach. The results present five key coaching actions: (a) organizing coach education programmes for athletes, (b) creating groups to help athletes bond, (c) bringing in experts from various domains, (d) asking athletes to reflect on attitudes and goals, and (e) giving athletes playing time based on hard work and effort. We identify the core values guiding these actions as: (a) equity, (b) connectedness, (c) holistic development, (d) respect, and (e) effort. Finally, we present a number of the coach’s experiences that demonstrate the complexity of developing these values throughout her life. The importance of reflecting on and discussing coaching actions, experiences, and the underlying learned values may help coaches develop coaching actions that are guided more explicitly by those values.  相似文献   


Peter Jarvis is a towering figure in the study of adult and lifelong education and a leading and original theorist of learning. This paper sets out his intellectual and professional biography, maps the main contours of his work and introduces fourteen papers by leading scholars devoted to his work. Five broad phases in Jarvis’ life are identified: (a) youth, self-education, Methodist ministry and early teaching and research; (b) founding of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, authorship of important textbooks on adult and professional education and linking of academic communities in different countries; (c) early research on and theorisation of learning; (d) engagement from the early 1990s with debates on lifelong learning and the learning society; and (e) return to theorisation of learning, particularly from the perspective of globalisation, from around 2000. Recurring themes include ethics and responsibility, the essentially social nature of learning, democracy, and authenticity in human relationships.  相似文献   

Tinker教育被视为STEM教育的一种重要形态和创新举措,受到发达国家的广泛关注和认可,而当前我国对于Tinker教育的研究还处于初级阶段。基于此,文章首先明确了Tinker教育的概念,并深刻剖析了其价值意蕴。随后,文章以欧盟Tinkering EU项目和旧金山Tinker幼儿园为例,分析了Tinker教育的活动特征。最后,文章从弘扬Tinker教育理念、创建Tinker教育生态系统、整合资源构建探客空间、构建Tinker教育课程体系、加快建设Tinker教育师资队伍五个方面,提出了我国Tinker教育的发展路径。作为一种颇具特色的STEM教育形态,Tinker教育的相关研究可以为我国新时代教育改革和推进全民终身学习提供参考。  相似文献   


In this study, we reviewed 76 journal articles on employing drawing assessment as a research tool in science education. Findings from the systematic review suggest four justifications for using drawing as a type of research tool, including assessment via drawing as (a) an alternative method considering young participants’ verbal or writing abilities, and affective or economic reasons, (b) a unique method that can reveal aspects not easily measured by other methods, (c) a major method that reflects characteristics of science subjects, and (d) a formative assessment to diagnose students’ ideas to benefit their learning. Furthermore, five research trends of studies using drawing as assessment tools are identified, including: (a) students’ conceptions of scientists from the Draw-a-Scientist-Test (DAST) and evolving studies, (b) students’ understanding or mental models of science concepts, (c) participants’ conceptions of science learning or teaching, (d) students’ inquiry abilities and modelling skills via drawing, and (e) technology to support drawing. For each trend, we synthesised and commented on the current findings. A framework conceptualising phases and issues when designing research and instruments employing drawing assessments is proposed. The review provides insights into the design and future direction of research employing drawing assessments in science education.  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the bases of teacher expectations in higher education. The first author interviewed 20 university teachers from an English-as-a-foreign-language course, exploring their expectations for the first-year undergraduates in their classes. The grounded theory method was adopted to analyse the data that had been collected. The results showed that for this sample of 20 teachers, student characteristics were important contributing factors to their expectations in the teachers’ university settings. The factors the teachers considered important included students’ (a) prior academic achievement, (b) motivation, (c) study skills, and (d) academic discipline. Also, teacher characteristics were found to be another major source of these university teachers’ expectations, including teachers’ (a) past teaching and learning experience and (b) teaching self-efficacy. The findings suggested that the bases of teacher expectations in higher education may differ from those at the elementary or secondary school level.  相似文献   

This article deals with the relationship between adults’ free time and further education. More specifically, the paper addresses the question of whether there are similarities and analogies between the leisure time that adults dedicate to non-formal educational activities and free time per se. A structured questionnaire was used to examine the above issue. A total of 787 adults, who were involved in some kind of non-formal education in a region of Greece, replied to the questionnaire. The results of the research revealed that, despite the fact that all those who participated in non-formal education activities have limited free time, they prefer to dedicate some of it to learning opportunities. Furthermore, it seems that a connection between the particular learning programme and the participant’s professional field is an essential factor in the choice of the programme. Conversely, personal needs and preferences, as well as individual flair, have less to do with this choice.  相似文献   

德国传统的职业教育与学术教育是两个相对独立和分隔的教育领域,两者在渗透性教育体系建设背景下逐渐走向沟通、融合和一体化设计的融通状态。由整个融通历程来看,教育领域之间的渗透性蕴含着许多创新的可能性,创建出更多汲取原先教育领域优势的教育形式,形成新的教育秩序。两者融通的实现离不开相应策略的设计,如建设支撑终身学习的制度基础、开发统一的能力描述语言、设计跨教育领域合作机制、提供系统完备的职业指导及持续消除政策与经济障碍等。职业教育与学术教育均不可或缺,通过增强两者的渗透性来应对个人和社会对教育体系的期许与不断变化的需求,才能使教育体系更具有竞争优势,解决教育体系供给与学习者、劳动世界需求之间的不匹配问题。  相似文献   

自“社会教育”引入我国以来,其目的经历了四个时期的变化:民国时期作新民、改造社会与救亡图存三位一体;建国初期培养有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者;改革开放时期培育服务经济发展的终身学习者;新时代培养信息社会友好生活的数字公民。历史回顾下,社会教育目的的发展遵循一定的演进逻辑,主要表现为从“供给驱动”向“需求驱动”过渡;从“现实依赖”向“未来开放”转向;从“教育阐释”向“社会形塑”演变。在新的历史时期,社会教育目的应努力把握未来发展方向,包括创新私人定制,拓展“学会学习”的内涵;转换教育观念,加深对生活的理解;凸显教育特色,彰显“自成”的意义。  相似文献   


There exists bias among students that learning organic chemistry topics requires rote learning. In this paper, we address such bias through an organic chemistry activity designed to promote argumentation. We investigated how pre-service science teachers engage in an argumentation about conformational analysis. Analysis of the outcomes concentrated on (a) pre-service teachers’ understanding of conformations of alkanes (b) the nature of the pre-service teachers’ discourse; (c) the quality of pre-service teachers’ argumentation; and (d) pre-service teachers’ spatial ability. Various measures were used to trace (a) conceptual understanding through the answers in the writing frames, (b) the nature of the pre-service teachers’ discourse using two different codes, (c) the quality of pre-service teachers’ argumentation by counting the number of episodes with higher-level argumentation, and (d) spatial ability by Spatial Ability Test. The results showed that high performing groups had multiple rebuttals in their argumentation and low performing groups had problems in evaluating the credibility of evidence. Furthermore, we observed that spatial abilities play an important role in pre-service teachers’ engagement in argumentation. The findings help understanding of how to further enhance pre-service teachers’ conceptual understanding and engagement in argumentation regarding organic chemistry concepts.  相似文献   

以文献研究为分析方法,对联合国教育、科学及文化组织教育理念演进进行分析。主要结论如下:《学会生存》超越了学校教育重新认识教育,系统提出了终身教育思想:从内涵上看是正规教育与非正规教育等的有机统一,从目的上看是造就“完人”,从指导教育实践的路径上看是将终身教育作为改造现有教育结构和制定国家教育政策的根本引领。《教育——财富蕴藏其中》则将终身教育理念发展为终身学习理念,将教育发展的重心从侧重教育供给方转到满足教育需求方,主张教育目的是为人的发展服务,提出将“四大支柱”作为指导教育改革和发展的实践原则。《反思教育 迈向全球共同利益?》将教育的公共事业属性上升为人类集体事业属性,主张教育是事关所有人的“共同利益”,唯有利益共享、责任共担才是出路,教育目的在于立足人类可持续发展的战略高度来培养人,要将共同利益理念落实到优化教育制度、充实教育内容、优化教育治理以及发挥参与主体作用各个方面的实践中去。三大理念的内在主线是UNESCO一如既往的人文主义观,体现其一以贯之的民主理想。  相似文献   

教育应贯穿人的一生,学校不应成为年轻人的专利。终身教育随着现代社会的经济、文化、科技的发展而出现,并已成为国际社会的一种理念与现代教育新思维,被越来越多的国家和地区运用到教育改革中。学前教育从朦胧接近科学,并逐渐确立了自己的地位,开始慢慢形成自己的价值观,作为教育第一阶段的学前教育将对人的终身教育的发展产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

Research indicates that transgender individuals frequently experience marginalisation and interpersonal victimisation within college and university settings. Missing from the literature is a discussion of what can be done to address such patterns in higher education, based upon empirical data gathered from transgender and gender non-conforming students, staff, and faculty. The present study aimed to fill this gap by reporting on solutions offered by a sample of 30 individuals in one US state while integrating a lens of intersectionality. Five resulting themes include (a) offer education, campus programming, and support for trans individuals; (b) improve university systems and procedures for recording one's name and gender; (c) encourage greater inclusivity and recruitment of diverse groups; (d) make physical changes to facilities; and (e) hold people accountable. These findings suggest institutional actions and policy changes for higher education administrators and others committed to improving campuses for transgender and gender non-conforming people.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the findings of a research project, the main objective of which is to identify curriculum components that promote personal development as a nuclear part of teacher professional identity formation through pre-service teacher education. Curriculum is viewed as an ecological scenario with different subsystems and both as formal and informal. Identity formation is conceived as an ever-provisional result of a double transaction: the biographical one and the relational one. The curricula of four different historical periods of pre-service teacher education in Portugal and the professional identity of teachers trained within them were characterised through collection and analysis of documents and biographical narratives. Crossing results from the four periods, the quality of school climate emerges as an important variable to the quality of the teachers’ identity. The lifelong learning ethos seems to emerge when the training curriculum connects everyday learning with everyday life, namely by urging the students’ involvement in school life, peer learning activities and peer and teacher educators’ informal learning activities.  相似文献   

Using a sociocultural framework to approach intergenerational learning, this inquiry examines learning processes used by families during visits to one nature center. Data were collected from videotaped observations of families participating in an environmental education program and a follow-up task to draw the habitat of raptors. Based on a thematic analysis, researchers developed two themes about the learning processes at play in the nature center, related to the use of prior knowledge. First, families’ prior knowledge used at the nature center came from informal education activities: (a) observation in the outdoors and spaces designed to represent an aspect of nature, (b) media (including books and Internet), and (c) experiences at informal education institutions. Second, when sharing prior knowledge, participation frameworks were created through the conversation that leveled the hierarchy between parent and child allowing for negotiation and collaborative idea formation. In the nature center, families valued social harmony by positioning their children as capable contributors of environmental knowledge. Suggestions to researchers taking a sociocultural approach are given, including the potential of ‘participation frameworks’ as an analytical tool to study learning interactions and as a potential tool for environmental educators to encourage families to create roles and structures for successful learning outcomes in nature centers.  相似文献   

‘Environmentalizing’ curriculum in Brazil is a worthy goal of global educational reform for sustainability but is challenging given the limits to rational change thesis already argued in critical social science and post-structural deconstructionism. The federal government mandate to environmentalize undergraduate physical education programs poses the question of which aspects of physical education are conducive to change. ‘Nature’ sports, or outdoor/adventure activity education, is the most likely candidate. In Australia over the past three decades, the environmentalization of ‘old’ physical education outdoor activities has led to the development of ‘new’ discourse practices that integrate environmental studies and outdoor education and are designed for ecological responsibility and social sustainability. In this culturally comparative light about the possibilities for curriculum change in environmental, outdoor and physical education, we examine the potential for change in Brazilian approaches to physical and sport education by critiquing broader ‘environmentalizing’ issues as they have occurred historically within the Australian outdoor education context in the university and secondary schooling sectors.  相似文献   

This study employed qualitative data collection and analysis methods to investigate the influence of English as a foreign language teacher education programme on Korean teachers’ classroom teaching practices. Six in-service secondary-school teachers participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was applied to the data collected from these interviews. Findings from the analysis included that: a) most of the teachers were dissatisfied with the largely theory-oriented pre-service teacher education programmes that they attended; b) a major source of influence on their teaching was their experience of in-service teacher training programmes with practical curricula; c) observation of other fellow teachers’ teaching had the strongest impact upon the teachers’ teaching practices; and d) the teachers’ low English proficiency and the washback effect of the Korea Scholastic Aptitude Test hindered the maintenance of the changes brought about by in-service teacher education programmes. This study ends with a discussion of the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

终身教育的教育学立场体现在教育价值与本体的回归、个人学习历程的完善和教育的民主公共性目标构建三个方面。我国学校教育系统在发挥其功能方面存在着工具化、封闭化、标准化、单一化的倾向。苏格兰终身教育框架扩大了学生在学习、训练、专业进修和获得资格等方面的机会,对我国的学校教育系统如何在终身教育理念下,在时间、空间和参照体系三个维度实现功能的转化,走向学校教育系统的功能变革,具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Educational activity among adults is not only a key factor of social development but also one of the most important priorities of public policies. Although large sums have been earmarked and numerous actions undertaken to encourage adult learning, many people remain educationally passive, a particularly acute problem in Poland. We point to the main cultural and economic determinants of educational passivity: the family environment, education, low earnings and job. Based on several years of research conducted within the Study of Human Capital in Poland project, we conclude that the Matthew effect is visible in the field of adult learning: better-educated people increase their educational capital, moving further away from those with a lower level of education. Comparison of the levels of self-evaluation of competences between educationally active and non-active adults of various levels of education indicates that the highest increase in evaluation occurs among less educated people. Owing to this group’s very low level of education, however, the scale of using the potential for educational activity is very low. The outcome of this is that the opportunities created by adult educational activity are not exploited to reduce social differences and instead it sometimes reinforces these differences.  相似文献   

The global flow of citizenship education in China has spurred much discussion in Chinese academic circles. This study explores the interaction between citizenship education and China’s the existing political-ideological education and moral education as a space is negotiated a space in the current “ideoscape.” A qualitative approach is adopted to synthesize the literature coming from China on citizenship education from an interpretive and critical perspective. The research findings suggest: (a) The territory of orthodox political-ideological education is being narrowed down as its relationship with citizenship education is configured; (b) citizenship education and moral education are represented using different images to delineate their distinctions; and (c) the introduction of “global citizenship education” includes many new topics and competencies that expands the current ideoscape. This study argues that the ongoing debates on citizenship education are deeply rooted in China’s structural transformation, in which society tends to be separated from state. In negotiating its own territory, citizenship education reshapes China’s ideoscape in the education field. The paper concludes by suggesting that citizenship education should make a unique contribution to facilitating young citizens in a reexamination of the values imbedded in political-ideological education and moral education with a new social consensus being reached through the communication of ideas.  相似文献   

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