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《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》明确要求初中学生“能结合具体情景发现并提出数学问题”。本文试图通过一个教学案例说明:在教学中尊重学生原有的知识背景,以及通过预习在内外教学情景下引发的数学感悟,有利于学生发现和提出问题,由此培养的问题意识也为教学带来了宝贵的资源。  相似文献   

笔者通过学习《数学新课程标准》和思考如何让学生主动的学习数学,自主的构建数学知识体系,将一些自己的想法运用于实践.本文主要探讨了在《二次根式的加减》的教学中,笔者通过改变学生构建知识的方式,运用抛锚式教学,将构建知识的主动权还给学生.文中详细阐述了各个教学设计点的理论依据,使理论和实践良好地结合在一起.  相似文献   

高职高专会计类专业《经济法概论》课程的讲授不要固守法学院校法律专业课程的教学模式,同时也要与本科院校会计类专业《经济法概论》课程的讲授方法有所区别,要有其独到之处.教师要着重围绕案例教学的各个环节下功夫,并通过多种教学手段的综合运用去提高学生的学习兴趣并丰富完善学生的知识结构,培养出既熟悉掌握财经知识又熟悉掌握经济法律知识的应用型人才.  相似文献   

一、为学生自主创新预留空间学习贵在创新,教师的创新意识是促进学生创新能力形成的首要条件.在数学教学中时时要关注学生创新能力的培养,改变以知识传授为中心教学过程,加强以培养学生创新意识和实践能力为目标,从教学思想到教学方式,大胆突破,确立创新性教学的原则.案例1苏科版数学七年级上册第三章第一节《字母表示数》中的练习题拓展:  相似文献   

文章通过对经济类学生学习数学的现状分析,探讨了《经济数学》教学的合理方法.  相似文献   

通过《年月日》教学案例,说明在我们的数学课堂教学中,要善于将枯燥呆板的课堂学习变为生动活泼的现实生活,将静态的知识变成动态的探索对象,让学生从现实生活背景中主动地、自由地捕捉数学信息。  相似文献   

基于活动的小学数学概念类知识建构教学设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数学概念的教学既是小学数学教学的重点,又是难点.如何在小学数学概念类知识的教学中利用信息技术,通过开展一系列数学活动,使学生成为数学概念的自主建构者,深刻理解概念的意义,这是本文探讨的主要问题.本文在解析小学数学概念类知识建构和基于数学活动的教学设计基础上,通过大量教学实践,提炼出信息技术环境下基于数学活动的小学数学概念类知识建构的中观设计,最后辅以案例说明这一教学设计在数学概念类知识教学中的具体应用.  相似文献   

西方经济学是一门理论性和应用性都很强的课程,大量的数学公式、图形、曲线、规律都比较抽象,使学生感到枯燥难懂,还产生畏难心理。为了使这些抽象的理论具体化、形象化,培养学生对西方经济学的学习兴趣,提高学生用所学理论分析和解决实际经济问题的能力,在西方经济学教学中引入案例教学法无疑是一个有效的选择。本文运用举例法阐述了在《西方经济学》教学中引入案例教学的必要性、功能、《西方经济学》教学案例的特点、来源以及实施案例教学应注意的问题等五个方面的内容。  相似文献   

《发酵食品工艺学》是一门涵盖微生物学、食品工艺学及发酵工程等多领域知识的综合性应用课程.针对《发酵食品工艺学》课程内容综合性强和繁杂特点及当前课程教学现状,在优化教学内容、完善教学手段的基础上重点探讨案例化教学方法在《发酵食品工艺学》中的教学效果.通过案例激发学生的学习积极性,加强对重点难点的理解和掌握,培养学生的创新能力.以具体的共性实例形式开展教学,实现案例化教学方法在该课程教学中的应用.教学实践表明,案例化教学提高了学生的学习主动性并取得良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

数学课堂教学,由传统地“讲数学”“听数学”“练数学”到更多地引导学生在实际情境中去探索、创造“做数学”,是现代数学教学观对数学教师的新要求。今天的小学数学课堂教学。怎样才能将《数学课程标准》(下称《课标》)中新的教育理念转化为具体的教学行为,使课堂教学走进新课程,贴近新《课标》,从而使学生能够深刻理解知识、牢固记忆知识、灵活运用知识。获得比较完全的认识。促进学生思维品质的发展。本文拟运用相关的教育教学理论,对自己经历的教学案例作些分析。  相似文献   

Mathematics lecturers have long expressed concern about their students’ poor mathematical background and the effect this has on performance in first mathematics courses at university level. This article explores a similar concern about students’ numeracy in a statistics course for psychologists.  相似文献   


To assess the extent to which student evaluations of lecturers are accurate indicators of quality of instruction (teacher effectiveness), 128 students taking a multisection course in University Mathematics evaluated the performance of their particular lecturers. Initial tests indicated no difference among the students taking the different sections (same content) in either aptitude or expected performance. Hence, the fact that significantly positive correlations were obtained between average student performance and average student evaluations of their lecturers across the various sections suggests that student evaluations of this kind can be used as a measure of instructional effectiveness under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

通过对目前高职院校经济数学的教学现状、高职院校经济数学课程教学改革的必要性进行深入分析,并结合个人教学实践,提出了经济数学课程改革的具体思路,使高职院校经济数学的教学更能适应素质拓展的要求,不断提高高职学生经济数学的应用能力和创新能力.  相似文献   

Public concerns about biotechnology have resulted in greater attention being paid to the mechanisms by which biotechnology is communicated with non-scientists, including the provision of science communication training. As undergraduate and postgraduate courses form the foundation of the biotechnology sector by providing a pipeline of university graduates entering into the profession, it has been proposed that formal science communication training be introduced at this early stage of career development. Using an Australian biotechnology degree course as a case study, this paper examines science communication training within this course and the views of past and present students towards this training. Interviews were undertaken with 22 stakeholders in the case, including undergraduate lecturers (who also supervise postgraduate research students), doctoral candidates and biotechnologists recently graduated from the course. Few of the students felt the course provided them with any form of science communication training, let alone training in how to engage non-scientists. Many were unaware of the training available to them and few of the lecturers were able to identify where communication skills are taught within the course. A previous study of this case has also shown that biotechnology undergraduates taking this course do not value communication with non-scientists. Clearly, the current state of science communication training for these students needs to be improved if they are to enter the biotechnology workforce as able civic scientists. The findings of this study may be useful for other university biotechnology courses which have yet to integrate science communication training into their curriculum.  相似文献   

While online courses provide opportunities for a range of assessment tools and resources, little is known about how lecturers might best provide assessment cues to support diverse cohorts. This study explored how lecturers communicate messages about assessment expectations to first-year students in two courses at an Australian regional university (Nursing, n = 323; Engineering, n = 153), and how students accessed the assessment resources. A comparative case study methodology was used. Data included interviews with course coordinators to identify the assessment cues provided, course online content related to assessment and data recording student access of assessment resources. Diverse messaging systems were observed and verbal and written cues were abundant and embedded throughout both courses; however, not all students accessed all cues. What remains unclear is how students might bring together these cues in a productive way. Further research must explore the extent to which students can be better supported to improve their learning.  相似文献   

The prime purpose of an educational institution is to prepare graduates for both industrial and research-oriented employment. In each case, the graduate must have a capacity for lifelong learning. The course content and process are interlinked parts of learning. Three standard questionnaires were used to assess how students learn. The ‘study process questionnaire’ (SPQ) showed that there was a significant proportion of surface learners but thai this percentage can be modified by adopting certain teaching methodologies. The ‘course experience questionnaire’ (CEQ) indicated that a good memory is not sufficient to pass examinations, but also showed that the workload was too heavy and that assessment methods tend to control the approaches to learning adopted by students. The ‘learning style inventory’ (LSI) showed that students have adapted their learning style to match course emphases. To accommodate the different types of learner, lecturers need to change their teaching paradigm from one where lecturers stand outside the students' learning context, to one where lecturers are intimately involved in the learning context.  相似文献   

We were interested in exploring the extent to which advanced mathematics lecturers provide students with opportunities to play a role in considering or generating course content. To do this, we examined the questioning practices of 11 lecturers who taught advanced mathematics courses at the university level. Because we are unaware of other studies examining advanced mathematics lecturers’ questioning, we first analyzed the data using an open coding scheme to categorize the types of content lecturers solicited and the opportunities they provided students to participate in generating course content. In a second round of analysis, we examined the extent to which lecturers provide students with opportunities to generate mathematical contributions and to engage in reasoning that researchers have identified as important in advanced mathematics. Our findings highlight that, although lecturers asked many questions, lecturers did not provide substantial opportunities for students to participate in generating mathematical content and reasoning. Additionally, we provide several examples of lecturers providing students with some opportunities to generate important contributions. We conclude by providing implications and areas for future research.  相似文献   

随着近几年高职高专院校办学理念的不断改进,其以培养实用型人才为核心目的的高职高专实践教学体系为主流,使高职高专教育越来越受到社会的重视。一直以来,高职高专《经济数学》这门课程都是被定位为经管类专业的一门重要基础课程,不仅是后续课程的工具同时也是构造学生科学思维结构不可或缺的基础。为实现高职高专《经济数学》课程教学改革的目标,文章从教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、考核方式等方面进行探索。  相似文献   

《经济数学基础》是广播电视大学(以下简称"电大")系统会计专业学生必修公共课,但该门课程考试通过率一直不高。以讲授"需求函数"、"利润函数"为例,探讨如何将数学理论知识与日常经济现象结合,解决学生实际工作中遇到问题,以此激发学生学习兴趣。  相似文献   

中药鉴定技术是药学专业一门重要的专业课,但内容繁杂,教学难度大,学生负担重。依据职业教育的培养目标,针对职业学校学生的学习特点,采用任务驱动式教学,能极大地调动学生学习主动性,教学效果显著,学生素质和能力明显提高。  相似文献   

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