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在当今世界经济的发展中,金融全球化和区域化的进程加快,虚拟经济作为价值独立化运动的经济,其发展规模非常庞大,并已大大超过实体经济的规模。虚拟经济和实体经济之间是一种辩证统一的互动关系,正确处理发展虚拟经济和实体经济的关系,必须以实体经济为基础,适度发展虚拟经济以促进实体经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

杨帆反对经济自由 ,但经济自由有利于资源的开发、收入分配的合理化。此外 ,实行经济自由还有其非经济的意蕴。基于此 ,我国不应限制经济自由 ,而应坚持实施经济自由。经济自由思想应与西方的经济自由主义区分开来。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的影子经济对经济安全产生严重影响。影子经济对经济安全的作用机制是:首先破坏经济秩序,使市场经济的基本规律无法支配经济运行;然后危害经济关系中各主体的安全,进一步摧毁正常的经济关系,破坏经济安全;最后给国家经济造成严重破坏,直接危及经济安全。对俄罗斯影子经济的分析有利于为包括中国在内的其他转型国家保障经济安全提供借鉴。  相似文献   

虚拟经济是相对于实体经济而言的,它是市场经济进化的必然产物。虚拟经济具有虚幻性、依赖性、复杂性、高流动性、不稳定性及高风险性等特征。虚拟经济既可以促进实体经济的发展,也能够危及实体经济的发展。为此,应充分认识虚拟经济对实体经济的正面及负面作用,趋利避害,实现虚拟经济与实体经济的良性互动。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会必须以经济为基础,经济生活以家庭经济为基础,家庭经济又以女性经济为基础,女性经济是一个没有落日的市场。女性经济包括很多方面,其中女性劳动、女性理财、女性消费都是女性经济中的重要方面,与建设和谐社会的关系是不言而喻的。  相似文献   

在以区域经济集团化为标志的多极化的世界经济新格局中,东亚地区作为世界经济中心之一,区域经济集团化发展得最为缓慢。本文总结了世界经济格局的新特点。概述了世界区域经济集团化的发展现状,分析了东亚地区区域经济一体化发展现状,以及发展缓慢的原因,认为该区将以大区域的松散经济联合和次区域的经济集团化为经济一体化的主要发展方式。  相似文献   

体育经济如今更多地是一种道德经济而非法制经济,单纯依靠市场调节和法律约束难以完全控制其中的不良行为。在这一背景下,经济伦理成为研究体育经济的一个新角度。经济伦理关注人们进行经济活动时自身的道德修养问题,以及在追求理性的经济伦理策略时所使用的伦理参考。只有实现经济利益与道德规范的统一,体育经济才能得到积极、健康的发展。  相似文献   

通过对四川省1978-2005年经济增长与公有制经济和非公有制经济的实证分析,发现四川省经济增长起主导作用的仍然是公有制经济,非公有制经济对四川省经济增长起到了明显的拉动作用;四川省公有制经济和非公有制经济对整体经济发展形势具有较大的依存性,公有制经济对非公有制经济具有明显的(Granger)影响关系;四川省非公有制经济对经济增长的作用还没有充分发挥出来,还需进一步加快所有制结构调整步伐,促进非公有制经济对经济增长的拉动作用。  相似文献   

虚拟经济作为一个独立的经济学概念,最早产生于十九世纪,自由资本主义时期。在20世纪80年代以前,虚经济无论从规模,还是从表现形式都远逊于实体经济。20世纪80年代以来,世界经济的格局发生了巨大的变化,主要工业国家和新兴市场国家的虚拟经济得到了极大的发展,虚拟经济规模急剧增大。资本的虚拟化程度越来越高,虚拟资本的形式也越来越丰富。虚拟经济日益成为现代经济中一个决定性的组成部分,其经济学内涵和外延得到了空前的拓展。本文试图从经济学角度总结虚拟经济的内涵,表现特征以及主要存在形式。分析虚拟经济对现代经济的积极作用和消极影响。针对现阶段我国宏观经济现状,探讨如何不失时机地发展虚拟经济,防范和控制我国经济的泡沫风险,保障经济快速、健康、持久地发展。  相似文献   

马克思在《资本论》第一卷第三篇第五章考察“劳动过程”时系统阐述了科学的经济形态理论。由于马克思是撇开了劳动过程的社会生产关系阐释经济形态,因而马克思的经济形态理论属于生产力范畴,是揭示经济形态演进一般规律的科学理论,从而成为解释经济形态从农业经济向工业经济演进,以及从工业经济向数字经济演进的理论武器,西方经济学者对农业经济、工业经济、数字经济的理论和经验分析,再次验证了马克思经济形态理论的科学性和普遍应用性。在数字经济已经成为重组全球要素资源、重塑全球经济结构、改变全球竞争格局关键力量的今天,我国要抢占全球数字经济发展的制高点,就必须推进马克思经济形态理论的中国化时代化创新,构建新时代中国特色数字经济新理论,为数字经济发展奠定坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

The effects of neighborhood and family income and family risk factors on developmental test scores at ages 1 through 3 are examined using a subsample (N = 347) from the Infant Health and Development Program. Beneficial effects of low numbers of risks were found for scores at ages 1 through 3. Family poverty was associated with lower scores at ages 2 and 3. Neighborhood affluence was associated with higher scores at age 3. The family risks-test score association at ages 1 through 3 and family income-test score association at ages 2 and 3 were mediated by home environment. Mediated effects were stronger for family income-test score associations at age 3 than for neighborhood income. Moderating effects of family risk on family and neighborhood income effects revealed an interaction between family poverty and risks for scores at age 3. Explanations for the early links between family risks and test scores and the later links between income and test scores are discussed.  相似文献   


This research analyses the impact of home practices, sociodemographic variables (family income and parents’ education) and attendance at a formal education programme prior to the development of early literacy skills of 240 children (four years old) from rural and urban disadvantaged families starting nursery school in Chile. The results show that the development of literacy skills was higher in urban children. In rural areas, family practices (words games) and family income had the most predictive weight on the performance of children and no differences were found between those who attended a prior educational programme and those who remained at home; while in urban areas, programme attendance had the highest impact, so that children who remained at home attained a lower developmental level, similar to those of rural areas. The implications of these findings for educational practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined literacy in home environments and how children perceive literate events that occur in their families. Four children were selected from a larger study of 129 children. Two children (one African American and one biracial) were from a low income urban community. The other two were Caucasian and from a small farm community. Ninety-six hours of observations over eight weeks during the summer of the kindergarten school year were conducted. Data collected included field notes, tape recordings, parent questionnaires, awareness interviews and school achievement measures. Domains were identified and analyzed for literacy support in the home, The analysis indicated three major findings: 1) all the parents provided support for literacy but there were differences in the way literacy was constructed, 2) the differences in the children's awareness responses describing how they were learning to read at home reflected their home literacy experiences, 3) the home literacy environments of the four children who were from low income families were conducive to literacy development and school success.  相似文献   

This study examined literacy in home environments and how children perceive literate events that occur in their families. Four children were selected from a larger study of 129 children. Two children (one African American and one biracial) were from a low income urban community. The other two were Caucasian and from a small farm community. Ninety-six hours of observations over eight weeks during the summer of the kindergarten school year were conducted. Data collected included field notes, tape recordings, parent questionnaires, awareness interviews and school achievement measures. Domains were identified and analyzed for literacy support in the home, The analysis indicated three major findings: 1) all the parents provided support for literacy but there were differences in the way literacy was constructed, 2) the differences in the children's awareness responses describing how they were learning to read at home reflected their home literacy experiences, 3) the home literacy environments of the four children who were from low income families were conducive to literacy development and school success.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sets out to investigate the phenomenon of street children and its relationship to their home background. The project stemmed from the fact that there is an enormous increase of children nowadays roaming the streets. Our premordial aim here is to investigate whether misunderstanding between parents and their children resulting from home-rearing patterns can influence children to run away from home. METHOD: The research was carried out in specific areas of the Yaounde urban center where most of these delinquent children have their meeting points. Out of about 900 street children, 21 of them were sampled for this exercise. The nonprobability or purposive sampling technique was used. The main tool for data collection was the questionnaire. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested with the chi-square test of independence. RESULTS: From the data analysis, there is a highly positive relationship (chi2 = 68.0, P = .001 ) existing between home-rearing patterns and the children found in the street. The analysis also stipulates that there is an equally positive but low relationship (chi2 = 10.5, P = .05 existing between the level of family income and children running away from home. CONCLUSIONS: From the analysis of fundings, it can be concluded that the economic crisis which many Cameroonian families are facing cannot be considered as a major factor responsible for children abandoning the home for the street as family income has been shown to have only a weak connection with the street children phenomenon. On the contrary, authoritarian parenting which characterizes 62.86% of parents is revealed as the major factor responsible for children running away from home. The researcher recommends that interventions should focus on how parents treat their children without neglecting to deal with the means required to meet family needs.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the relative contribution of maternal, household, child, and poverty characteristics to the quality of the home environment. The sample consists of 1,887 children birth to 4 years old from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Ordinary least-squares regression is used to explore conceptually distinct aspects of children's poverty experiences. Poverty variables are found to have a statistically significant effect on the quality of the home environment, after controlling for the effects of other variables in the models. Statistically significant interactions among poverty variables are identified. A major finding is that improvements in family income have the strongest effects on the quality of the home environment for children who were born poor or lived much of their lives in poverty. The conclusion emphasizes implications for future research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the contributions of maternal education and ethnicity to three dimensions of home‐based parental involvement in young children’s education and development: parental expectations about educational attainment, children’s activities at home and outside the home, and family routines. Controlling for family background variables such as family size and structure, household income, and neighbourhood safety, we examined these relations in a nationally representative U.S. sample of 9,864 Asian American, African American, Latino American, and European American five‐year‐old children. Multiple regression models suggested that maternal education explained small to moderate amounts of variation in parental home‐based involvement, and was more strongly associated with these outcome variables than was income. Ethnicity significantly predicted additional variation in only two outcome variables: parental educational expectations and family discussions. Maternal education plays a unique role in explaining U.S. ethnic group variations in parental involvement in young children’s education.  相似文献   

金融发展与收入差距关系研究的新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察国内外相关文献,我们发现金融发展影响收入分配差距主要通过三条途径,即:金融发展的门槛效应与收入差距;金融发展的降低贫困效应与收入差距;金融发展的非均衡效应与收入差距。本文按照此逻辑对这些研究作理论概述,以拓宽我们的研究视野。  相似文献   

通过实证研究四川农村居民收入水平增长的状况,分析了农村居民边际消费倾向的变化趋势,构建了基于农村家电市场需求的概率模型,阐述了扩大内需,促进农村家电消费市场可持续发展的思路。  相似文献   

研究目的在于分析利用农民工回乡创业缓解耕地抛荒的可行性。结合需求层次理论、人口流动理论,构建的数学模型分析了耕地抛荒的原因、回乡创业的可行性。研究结果表明,城乡收入差距导致的人口流动是目前耕地抛荒的主要原因;追求自身价值实现的动机是农民工回乡创业的主要原因。最后,给出了具有可操作性的政策建议。  相似文献   

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