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The global knowledge economy has turned higher education into a key player in societal development. Internationalization benefits higher education institutions in several aspects, such as improvement and visibility in international rankings, revenue generation via tuition fees and external funding, improvement of research and teaching quality, integration with academic communities and familiarization with scholarly attitudes. In this study, we provide insights into the challenges of internationalization faced by higher education institutions in Iran as a developing country. Several policies and practices have been adopted in Iran to improve internationalization efforts; however, these activities have had little impact on the quality of research and educational programs at Iran's universities. Understanding the challenges they face in a systematic way can help identify different factors and develop a set of suggestions to increase the quality and quantity of international cooperation. We formulate our suggestions based on the opportunities provided by the digitalization solutions in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing importance of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals in both global and national environments. We interviewed 15 faculty members in Iranian higher education institutions and 14 managers in charge of international affairs at universities in Iran. In addition, data extracted from three forums on Iranian higher education internationalization are analysed. Using a grounded theory approach, we group the challenges into macro-, institutional and individual levels and then suggest a number of practices and policies to increase the quantity and quality of internationalization efforts.  相似文献   


Based on data from the “2014 Chinese University Faculty Survey,” this article analyzes the distribution characteristics and manifestations of internationalization from returnee faculty to Chinese colleges as well as their impacts on the internationalization of higher education in the three dimensions of scientific research output, teaching content and methods, and international exchanges. Compared to local teachers, returnee faculty members adjust their research output strategies to reach a higher level of internationalization. They favor publishing papers in international journals and publish fewer domestic papers and make fewer domestic patent applications. They focus on international perspectives and content in their course teaching content and methods. In terms of international exchanges, they participate in international academic conferences and travel abroad more often for advanced studies. Their experiences studying overseas accumulate their comparative advantage in the internationalization of the academic profession. Higher education institutions should make them play larger roles in promoting the internationalization of scientific research and teaching as well as international academic exchanges to improve the level of internationalization of Chinese higher education.  相似文献   

Meng Xie 《Higher Education》2018,75(3):381-397
Internationalization is an integral part of the strategies of leading Chinese universities to strive for world-class standing. It has left its marks on the academic life of China’s social scientists. This article explores the impact of internationalization on the academic life of Chinese social scientists using Tsinghua University as an example. Emphasis is placed on the transformation of their academic life in the process of internationalization. Employing a qualitative case study method, this research draws on approximately two thirds of the faculty members in the Department of Sociology to present in-depth insights into the dynamics and ecosystems of their academic life. The findings show that internationalization promotes the adoption of internationalized criteria in faculty recruitment and promotion mechanisms, stimulates enthusiasm for international activities, and strengthens internationally oriented (largely North American) norms and practices in research, teaching, and discipline development. In discussing these dimensions, this article argues that Tsinghua social scientists experience both benefits and costs as the university works hard to pursue world-class status, echoing their peers in China’s other top institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

财经类高校课程国际化策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程国际化是高等学校国际化的重要组成部分,也是财经类高校国际化的内在需求。财经类高校应将课程国际化纳入学校国际化战略的发展规划,逐步建设具有国际化视野的高水平师资队伍、合理的国际化课程体系和高效有序的管理机构及运行机制。  相似文献   

青年教师是我国高校师资队伍的主力军,也是确保高校国际化战略有效落实的核心力量。研究以上海地区一所高水平研究型大学中的青年教师为调查对象,通过质性访谈的方法,重点分析了青年教师在职期间参与大学国际化实践的动机,并在此基础上对推动其参与行为的影响因素及其作用机制进行了深入探讨。研究结果显示,青年教师参与国际化的主要动机在于加强科研产出、获取学术资源、建立一种广义的学术声誉,其核心诉求是积累推动学术工作发展的各类学术资本。多种主要源自高校和教师个体的因素在其中发挥了不同程度的重要作用。研究通过进一步对这些“理性”参与动机背后信息的分析,探索了青年教师面对不同国际化活动所采取的“主动参与”“被动参与”和“综合参与”3种策略。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学国际化评估指标、策略及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年和2006年,美国教育委员会(ACE)先后两次对美国研究型大学的国际化现状进行了全国范围的问卷评估。评估内容涉及明确承诺、专业提供、组织架构、外部资金、大学对师资的投入、国际学生和学生项目等六个维度。评估报告总结了高度活跃的研究型大学的国际化策略选择,为活跃度低的研究型大学的工作改善提供了建议与借鉴。其评估指标具有以下特点:遵循分类指导的原则;内容指向学校的组织策略;体现了品质与绩效兼容并蓄的价值取向及对研究型大学国际化的改善功能。对我国大学国际化评估指标的构建具有启示作用。  相似文献   

大学教育国际化虽然不是一个新的话题,但是在经济全球化背景中,却出现了一些新的现象。这些现象表明目前的大学教育国际化与传统的大学教育国际化非常不同。比如,目前大学教育的跨国性已经超出了传统大学教育国际化的范畴。传统大学教育国际化是以学生和教师的流动为主,而目前的大学教育国际化体现为大学与大学之间的交流与合作。环太平洋大学联盟成员大学如何看待国际化问题,如何实施国际化,国际化的新趋势是什么是本文论述的焦点。  相似文献   

Stephanie K. Kim 《Compare》2016,46(1):116-135
Under the slogan of internationalisation, Korean universities have opened international colleges as a way to better attract and accommodate foreign students. However, due to a lack of foreign student recruiting capability, the majority of the students who enrol at one such international college are not foreign, but Korean. Contradictions arise when the English-language medium enforced by the foreign faculty members of the college conflicts with the linguistic practices of the mostly Korean student body. This article uses an international college in South Korea as a case study for the examination of the role of English on student life at Asian universities pursuing internationalisation strategies via the recruitment of foreign faculty members. Paradoxically, by establishing an international college that aggressively enforces the English language medium, the Korean university has created an environment where students avoid using English at all.  相似文献   

王涛 《高教发展与评估》2012,(1):85-93,109,120
由于高等教育国际化发展水平、大学数量及教育质量等方面所存在的问题,印度已成为智力外流的主要国家之一。在高教改革的推动下,印度的私立院校较之公立大学在开发创新服务项目和满足西方大学学术研究及学生的需求等方面,显示出更强的竞争力和灵活性。印度只有建立有效的学生支持服务体系及质量评估策略,与国外大学机构实现功能对接,才能在高等教育国际化发展中成为对外国留学生和教师流动有吸引力的国家。  相似文献   

Third-country faculty are faced with significant challenges interacting with university students who come from different socio-cultural backgrounds and have different expectations regarding faculty’s role, behavior, and leadership style. This paper compares diversity practices and action options that can facilitate or hinder the integration of third-country faculty across five universities established in an equal number of countries. The proportion of third-country faculty in American universities abroad is also used to provide a measure of diversity. Notwithstanding recent trends pointing to the internationalization of higher education universities have yet to develop an appropriate institutional mentality along with supporting diversity policies that would help them gain global efficiencies by hiring qualified international faculty. This may have serious implications for organizational effectiveness with respect to resource acquisition and even the long-term survival of the organization. The author is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Management and E-Business in the School of Business, the American University in Dubai.  相似文献   

人才国际化与高校师资队伍建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张虹  张成华  闵昉 《高教论坛》2007,(4):150-152
国际化的师资队伍是高校重要的资源之一.高校培养适应国际化要求的开放型人才,则需拥有一批一流的、国际化的师资队伍.人才国际化的内涵包括人才素质国际化、人才培养培训国际化、人才活动空间国际化、人才管理与评价的国际化等四大特征.我校在推进人才国际化方面作了一定的探索,分析存在的问题,找出科学的管理对策:提高认识、加强师资队伍建设的领导;加大人才培养和人才引进的力度;实行人性化管理,创新机制用好人.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a discussion of how globalization is affecting women faculty in different countries around the world. It reports on a collaborative, international research project designed to understand the participation of women faculty members in Chinese universities, sketching the historical context necessary for understanding women's place in universities in China, describing the process of surveying university faculty on gender issues and reporting the findings of the survey for universities that prepare secondary school teachers. The paper concludes that in China, ‘gender consciousness’ is a major barrier preventing women's full participation as faculty. As a result, women are likely to increase their disadvantage in the next few years as Chinese universities expand, diversify, emphasize research and broaden their links with the rest of the world.  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育的量变、质变及其特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加拿大高等教育过去40年的数量发展主要表现为高等学校学生、教师及学校数量的显著增加,其质变主要表现为越来越强调应用研究、国际化和商业化等。加拿大高等教育体系的主要特征为:政府干预日益增多,大学与经济间联系日益加强,市场规则与机制逐步引入,大学集权管理不断加强,大学功能日益商业化。  相似文献   

学科建设实现国际化,是进入“世界一流学科”的一个重要门槛。马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校(以下简称UMass Boston)教育管理学科建设的国际化经验,值得国内同类大学借鉴。借助美国教育协会ACE的国际化评价体系框架,考察分析UMass Boston的教育管理学科,发现其通过明确国际化理念、鼓励学生参与国际案例研究、开展体验式学习扩大学生的国际视野、支持教师参与国际化的交流学习提高国际素养、提供必要的政策优惠和财政支持、建立强大的内外合作伙伴关系等措施来促进教育管理学科建设的国际化。相比而言,我国高校教育管理学科国际化水平普遍较低,在未来国际化进程中应明确国际化建设方向、学校应提供必要的制度和财政支持、在课程体系及教学方式上应与国际相接轨、建立健全师生国际化流动机制、搭建高效的国际化学术与交流平台。  相似文献   

对韩国37所国立大学(综合类19所、理工类7所、师范类11所)的教师业绩评价有关规定进行政策文本分析发现,部分综合类高校和理工类高校在对教师进行业绩评价时,制定了考虑学科特殊性的评价方案,但大部分师范高校尚未制定考虑学科特殊性的评价方案.国立大学教师评价方案呈现出以下特点:重研究成果数量,轻质量;重国际学术期刊,轻国内...  相似文献   

Despite universities’ enthusiasm for internationalization, international academic mobility requires considerable institutional and cultural adjustment in terms of teaching and supervision styles, research expectations, and departmental relationships. Although language competency underpins these practices, research on international academics has neglected the impact of language proficiency on professional identity. This article uses autoethnography to document conversations about language ability during my first two years as an academic in a French-language university. My responses to language-related comments evolved over time, reflecting how I positioned myself as a linguistic – or audible – minority, vis-à-vis the linguistic majority. Using cultural phenomenology, the findings highlight the interactional, unstable nature of international academic identities and the importance of positive collective support for international academics who shift from majority to minority linguistic status.  相似文献   

大连大学日语专业在学生的国际化、师资、课程、科学研究的国际化及国际拓展五方面开启了国际化合作办学的人才培养模式,并取得了一定的成效。对国际化合作办学人才培养模式改革的研究,能为高校日语专业国际化合作办学的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

国际化是一股世界性的潮流。在我国现代大学实现人文教育与科学教育融合的过程中,既要强调融合需要国际化.又要强调融合的国际化发展必须立足于本土化。与其他国家推进国际化的大学有所不同,我国大学实施国际化发展战略的主要目标是:通过提升学校的国际品位,培养具有国际竞争力的高素质人才,创造具有国际影响的科研成就,建设一批世界一流大学。因此,在创建世界一流大学的目标下寻找适于我国现代大学人文教育与科学教育融合的国际化方式,已成为我国现代大学人文教育与科学教育融合过程中不可忽视的重要问题。  相似文献   

高校的国际化建设水平事关中国人才培养的质量,是新时代教育评价改革的重要一环。虽然中国高校的国际化水平评价目前已有一些专门性的指标体系,如国际学生数量等,但还不足以全面科学考察高校国际化发展与新时代中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦、人类命运共同体建设的结合度、有效度,尤其在高校国际化人才培养方面,目前评价标准的滞后性日益明显。鉴于此,文章提出了改进高校国际化质量评价若干关键向度,并从具体实施策略方面为未来如何确立更符合新时代中国高校国际化发展需要的质量评价体系提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Globalization is bringing about profound changes in the university writing class in Western English-speaking universities, notably due to the influx of international students. This article narrates the experiences of a US writing teacher working with Chinese international students. It presents two incidents in which misunderstandings occurred, one involving textual re-use and the other, writing tests. The narratives demonstrate that, in order to understand student behavior, it is important for teachers to understand both the global context within which international students operate and their cultures of learning. The argument rests on the premise that, through personal engagement with students, teachers can engage in transformative internationalization, a type of internationalization that involves synergistic changes in both teachers and students.  相似文献   

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