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"混合式学习"是面对面的课堂学习和网上远程学习两种方式的有机整合。作者针对开放教育学生的学习方式,计算机应用基础的课程特点,在电大开放教育计算机应用基础课程教学中,运用混合式教学模式,在课程导入、活动组织、学习支持和教学评价四个关键环节进行设计与实施,收到了良好的教学效果。文章主要介绍混合式教学模式下的计算机应用基础课程的教学设计和教学方案。  相似文献   

近几年,各级电大积极鼓励教师开展网上教学方式、方法和手段的改革,研究网上教学内容、组织形式、远程学习支持服务和网上教学实施过程的一般规律,旨在不断推进以学生自主学习为主、教师导学为辅的网上教学模式,提高网上教学的质量。本文主要以《文学概论》网上教学为案例,围绕提高网上教学的有效性的具体实践和相关研究,试图在总结经验的同时,从当前的网上教学实践中发现、梳理并深入探讨一些带有规律性的问题,以努力推动网上教学的实践进程。  相似文献   

网络课程教学和课程考核改革是电大远程开放教育转入常规后进一步深化教学改革、加强教学工作、提高学习支持服务水平、保证教学质量的关键。本文对中山电大(铖本管理》网络课程的教学组织和考核改革进行了阐述,旨在为基层电大教师在网络课程教学方式、方法及学习支持服务构建方面提供可资借鉴的经验和做法。  相似文献   

基层电大课程辅导模式探讨是电大“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点“项目研究中的一项重要改革内容.本文运用建构主义理论,结合开放教育课程辅导实践,对远程开放式教育条件下的基层电大课程辅导模式进行了初步探讨.提出:辅导课教学实施方案的设计是基层电大教学模式转换的切入点;正确处理中央电大主讲教师的主讲课和基层电大教师的面授辅导课的关系;找准自己的位置,明确“以学生为中心“;充分运用现代通信技术和计算机网络为学生提供学习支持服务;教师在教学过程中突出实践环节教学,注重学生各项能力的培养与提高.在基层电大课程辅导中真正确立“以学生自主学习为主,多种媒体、多种形式教学、面授教学为辅“的自主学习的模式.  相似文献   

如何在远程开放教育环境下搞好电大公共英语的教和学,一直是这一领域的同行们关心和研究的课题。要提高教学效果,应该在教学实践的基础上,从学法指导、面授课教学方式、网上教学活动、课程评估体系等方面对电大公共英语《开放英语》课程的教学模式改革进行深入的实践探索和研究。  相似文献   

张立群 《文教资料》2013,(14):180-181,188
邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想概论课程是电大的一门公共必修基础理论课。鉴于本课程学生人数多、课程内容多的实际特点,教师注重网络教学平台建设,以适应邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想概论课程辅助教学的迫切需要。深圳电大在邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想概论在课程教学模式探索中,充分利用网络教学平台的教学形式,为学生提供支持性服务,提供丰富的网上教学资源,促进了教师与学生的互动交流,对于提高本课程的教学实效起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

网上教学是现代远程教育的基本教学形式,是电大重要的办学特色。提升开放教育内涵,保证教学质量,关键是教学的提升,而网上教学的水平和质量则是提升开放教育整个教学质量的基础。2008年山东电大认真落实中央电大《关于进一步推进教学模式改革工作的若干意见》和《关于进一步加强网上教学工作的若干意见》文件精神,制定了《山东广播电视大学教学点开放教育教学管理工作流程》等教学文件,并针对2007年山东电大网上教学的薄弱环节,重点抓了网上教学环节的落实,取得显著进步。目前开放教育629门课程教学资源基本齐全,网上教学信息丰富,教学活动开展活跃,学生上网点击率明显提高。特别是部分县级电大教学点网上教学出现可喜局面,如文登电大、周村电大、莒县电大等网上教学针对性强,师生互动活跃,教学水平明显提升。网上教学的进步值得欣慰,但是距离学生教学支持服务的需求,相比先进兄弟省电大的网上教学水平,我省网上教学还有很大差距,有许多急需改进的方面:如省开课网上教学资源的质量有待提高。部分课程网上教学资源缺乏整体设计,教学资源形式单一,针对性和适用性不强;网上教研教学活动策划不够精致,部分课程活动缺乏活动主题和教师引导;教学点教师参加省校网上教研活动...  相似文献   

微观教学模式是指电大基层教学点、班在中央电大和省级电大教学及支持服务的基础上,由市级电大教师对学生进行课程教学辅导、指导和学习支持服务等教学实践活动的具体方式,是电大系统教学模式的终端。网上课堂这一以计算机媒体和网络为基础的远程开放教育微观教学模式,真正体现了“以学生为中心”的电大远程教育核心理念。  相似文献   

祁云川 《文教资料》2010,(19):201-203
如何充分发挥学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,为学生自主学习提供必要的条件和支持服务,一直是电大教育工作者在不断探索的教学模式,在管理学基础课程教学过程中,一直把案例引入作为教学模式改革的主要方向来加以探索,从而研究适合开放教育规律的教学模式。本文分析了选择案例的基本原则,并从面授课案例教学和网上案例教学这两个方面,探讨案例引入教学的具体实现途径。  相似文献   

公共教育学课程的传统教学多采用单纯讲授的授课方式,教学效果不理想。基于网上资源利用的公共教育学课程教改试验,试图将信息技术融入公共教育学的教学中去,以建构主义学习理论为指导,为学生提供丰富的学习资源,教师引导学生以学习小组的形式进行学习研究,改变以教师讲授为主,学生被动接受知识的传统教学模式,使学生在较好地掌握和运用本课程的基本理论知识的同时获得其他方面的知识技能。  相似文献   

Improving retention and identifying ‘at risk’ learners are high profile issues in higher education, and a proposed solution is to provide good learner support. Blending of online learning with classroom sessions offers the potential to use a virtual learning environment to deliver learning activities, and to support learners using a distance learning model. Online tracking can also help to target ‘at risk’ learners quickly. In an action research project to improve retention, a blended module with proactive tutor support was compared with a previous cohort of the module and with similar classroom-only modules where there was no focus on learner support. Learners were also interviewed and the tutor kept records of the learner contact time. The resulting improved coursework submission rate was attributed to learner motivation as a result of peer and tutor support. The total teaching time was no greater in this model, although the workload distribution changed, and the tutor needed to be highly skilled in e-learning.  相似文献   

云服务能够实现网络虚拟环境上的最大化资源共享和协同工作,为教育创设丰富的学习情境。目前国内高校计算机基础课存在课时少,课程内容单一,实践应用性不强等。该研究结合学习者特点,利用云服务平台系统支持同伴互助、自主式学习、作品展示及集体智慧培养等活动,设计了云服务支持的课程信息化教学方案,来补充课堂教学活动的不足,并依照设计研究法,实施了三轮教学活动。研究表明,应用云服务支持课堂教学的教学活动实施,能够激发学习者的学习兴趣,可以提高课堂教学绩效。  相似文献   

Using a grounded theory research design, the author examined 180 reflective essays of teacher candidates who participated in a ‘Learning Process Project,’ in which they were asked to synthesize and document their discoveries about the learning process over the course of a completely new learning experience as naïve learners. This study explored (1) the use of grounded theory as a systematic and exploratory research tool, (2) the transformative insights of the teacher candidates as they discovered the impact of the naïve learner perspective on their teaching philosophies, and (3) the role of the naïve learner perspective in effective refinement of teaching and learning ability. Further discussion in this study examined the potential of the ‘Learning Process Project’ to assist post secondary instructors as mentors in supporting empathic teacher candidates who will in turn support and mentor the children in their care.  相似文献   

A vast body of research has indicated the importance of distinguishing new vs. continuing students’ learning experiences in blended and online environments. Continuing learners may have developed learning and coping mechanisms for ‘surviving’ in such learning environments, while new learners might still need to adjust their learning approaches to the new learning context. In this large-scale replication study, we investigated whether and how the learning satisfaction experiences of 16,670 new vs. 99,976 continuing students were different. Using logistical regression modelling of learner satisfaction scores of 422 undergraduate blended and online modules (including 232 learner and module learning design variables), our findings indicated that new learners indeed differed subtly in their learning and teaching experiences across two consecutive academic years. The minor differences in key drivers between the 2014 and 2015 cohorts also indicate that institutions need to continuously monitor and act upon changing learning needs.  相似文献   

Engagement as an essential factor for active and meaningful learning of English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) is affected by both learner external (e.g., teacher support) and internal (e.g., growth language mindset and L2 grit) factors. This study examined the relationship between perceived teacher support, growth language mindset, and academic engagement by considering the mediating role of L2 grit. The participants were 295 Iranian EFL learners selected via multi-stage cluster sampling. The SEM results indicated that perceived teacher support and growth language mindset directly and positively predicted academic engagement. Additionally, L2 grit mediated the relationships ‘between perceived teacher support and academic engagement’ and ‘between growth language mindset and academic engagement’. EFL learners receiving more teacher support and endorsing higher levels of growth language mindset can successfully overcome failures and difficulties in their learning process by showing more persistence in dealing with challenges and sustaining their interest, which could considerably enhance their engagement in learning.  相似文献   


The current shift to mediated and WWW-based teaching and learning requires both teachers and learners to adapt established classroom practice to the new online environment. Many of the electronic systems currently on offer fail to support the complexity of interaction necessary to facilitate deep learning. This paper identifies the instructional strategies or “micro-genres” that form the essence of successful classroom teaching, and describes an online system, WebTeach(tm), that attempts to provide structured teacher-learner interactions that build on the familiar activities and strategies of the classroom. Through access to these “micro-genres” in an online classroom, both teacher and learner can reduce the cognitive demands of learning new processes while focusing on strategies for deep learning related to the content of the course.  相似文献   

The Community of Inquiry (CoI) model provides a lens to examine online learning through three elements: teaching presence (the design and facilitation of learning experiences), social presence (the extent to which learners project themselves as real people) and cognitive presence (the extent to which learners are able to construct meaning through inquiry and reflection activities). While research to date has established the importance of these essential presences in online learning environments, recent research on the CoI model calls for the need to explore the role of learner characteristics. The current study responded to the call by examining the role of learners’ epistemic beliefs (EB) (ie, individuals’ fundamental beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowing) in an online CoI. Multiple linear regressions analyses revealed that EB moderated the relationship between learners’ perceived teaching presence and cognitive presences. Future studies on CoI should take learners’ epistemic beliefs into consideration, especially in the case of low teaching presences. Theoretical and practical implications for designing and investigating online learning are discussed.  相似文献   

学习策略是为了提高学习效率,解决学习过程中所遇到的问题而作出的种种选择和采取的措施,它包括学习者的心理过程,也包括其具体行动。良好的学习策略是学生学好英语的关键,因而,英语教学应将对学生学习策略方法的研究与指导,纳入日常教学工作之中。  相似文献   

学习者与在线内容的交互被认为是决定网络教学和学习有效性的重要因素之一.学习环境中的任何事情总是一触即发,支持学习者与在线内容进行交互.当学习者与内容交互时,内部的反思性思考与对话发生了.本研究试图比较在线学习管理系统中研究生课程和本科课程中学习者交互之间的差别.基于所提出的研究学习者与在线内容交互的框架,研究者收集了学习管理系统日志和学习活动数据库中的相关数据;基于学习者与在线课程内容的交互模式和行为对收集到的数据进行了分析;并对教师和学习者在在线论坛中的讨论和交流的内容进行分析,尤其调查了已发生的交流的维度、深度和分类.基于上述研究成果.研究者认为应该加强网络内容的设计和传输,从而提升开放远程学习中在线学习环境的有效性.  相似文献   

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