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古罗马音乐“涵化”现象探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何一种传统文化,都对人们现实的一切活动,政治的、经济的、文化艺术的发挥着影响,这种多种文化元素混合和合并的过程被称为涵化现象。文化涵化是不同文化间的交流融会,并在此基础上形成新的文化概念、新的文化形态的历史现象。文章从文化的涵化概念出发,以古罗马音乐文化传播为线索,分析了古罗马音乐文化的涵化现象及其形成的驱动因素,探讨了文化多样性形成的作用与机理,以及涵化与社会变革、文化传统的关联性。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the idea of enculturation to sociology as a compliment to socialisation in the context of Bourdieu’s ‘collective enterprise of inculcation’ and social theory. Enculturation is positioned as a concept that can be used to address formal education as a factor in social reproduction. Following a discussion of socialisation and enculturation and their interrelation, they are further examined in the context of medical education. In particular, I focus on the moral and ethical aspects of medical education and the social or professional reproduction of medical students. I differentiate between ‘medical morality’ or ‘ethos’ and ‘medical ethics’ or ‘eidos’, arguing that the reproduction of the former is predominantly a matter of socialisation whilst the reproduction of the latter is a primarily a function of enculturation. Nevertheless I make clear that any eidos is not independent of the ethos in which is exists and that, therefore, any medical ethics is dependent on the socio-cultural institution of medicine and its moral ethos. Utilising the concepts of eidos and enculturation in Bourdieuan social theory facilitates a focus on the neglected cognitive aspects of social life, including explicitly pedagogic activities, and provides for a degree of indeterminacy or ‘freedom’ in a theoretical perspective that has been criticised for its deterministic implications.  相似文献   

论近代知识分子转型及其教育推动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代化进程中,中国文化急骤变迁,知识分子艰难地完成了由时代精英向社会基石的转型。这一"凤凰涅槃"式的转变,既需要爱国情怀的强大动力,更倚仗近代新式教育提供的转型方式、超常智慧、文化场域和理想目标。在新式教育的推动下,知识分子在自由与包容的教育场域中完成了文化的濡化与涵化、文化心理的熏陶与淬砺。他们积极地改造教育、救亡国家,以知识分子特有的书生意气实现着自身、教育和国家的现代化转型。  相似文献   

The fact that education is, and must be, a process of enculturation for those being educated gives us some, but by no means enough, guidance as to what we would expect to see going on in our schools. For given that our educational institutions are part of our culture and, given that anything that is part of our culture will transmit cultural messages, if we put children in school and let them play all day, or simply asked teachers to explain their hobbies to the children, then some processes of enculturalisation would be going on. But no one with any real concern for either our children or their education would think such things fulfil a proper role for schools. Certainly if, as Arnold thought, education is a question of passing on, or trying to pass on, the features from our culture that we value, then any such reliance on random processes must be ruled out. Instead we have to select those aspects of our culture which we wish our children to partake of and insist that our educational establishments make sustained and intentional efforts to ensure such participation.  相似文献   

"以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向"是我国职业教育的发展方针。然而,部分高职学校片面理解这一方针,过于追求学生专业技能素质,忽略了学生人文素养的培养,导致高职生缺少文化底蕴,发展后劲不足,高职教育陷入规模有余而内涵不足的发展困境。在培养学生专业技能素质的同时,努力做到成人和成才目标相结合,专业技能课程与人文素养课程相结合,市场调研与学生人文素养差别化培养相结合,课内训练与课外濡染相结合,定性评价与定量考核相结合,着力培养学生人文素养,提高学生可持续发展能力,是高职学校摆脱发展困境的良策之一。  相似文献   

This study examined a two-year special education and inclusive practices in-service training programme with a university in Nicaragua. Participants included 14 teachers from nine schools in Nicaragua. Participants’ knowledge of special education concepts were evaluated as part of assessing the training modules. In addition, programme evaluation information were collected. Results from the knowledge pre-and post-test indicated that participants made significant gains in their special education knowledge and the module evaluation forms indicate participants were highly satisfied with the project. Recommendations for planning and implementing a future training programme are also provided.  相似文献   

This study in social cognition has been focused on exploration of ways in which cultural contexts shape formation of knowledge about art in early childhood years. Focusing of the connotative rather than denotative meanings of the term art, this study was designed to examine how this concept functions in a variety of cultural contexts. The method of structured interviews was used to elicit answers of four- and five-year-old children in Canada, France, and Taiwan to questions regarding the nature of art and its salient characteristics. In particular, this study addressed questions about portability of culture and the effects of heritage and enculturation in the formation of social knowledge among individuals whose cultural identity is negotiated in the context of a ‘transplanted’ culture. Responses of francophone children in the Canadian province of Quebec were contrasted with those of their French counterparts, as well as their Canadian peers from European ancestry other than French living in the province of British Columbia. Similarly, responses of interviewees in Taiwan, ROC were compared to the reported beliefs about art of young Chinese-Canadians. The results of this study bring support to the theory of modified cultural pluralism that emphasizes the interplay between the original cultural beliefs and values and those prevalent in the societies that become new home for a transplanted culture. Implications of the study findings to art education are discussed. Research reported in this paper has been supported by a grant from the Social Studies and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the France-Canada Accord.  相似文献   

Vocational training and skills are playing an increasingly important role in the developed economies. However, both the vocational education structure and the underlying philosophy and culture of education and training vary from country to country. What is clear, though, is that employers play a crucial role in all cases; this paper explores the reasons why companies in different countries are willing to invest in initial vocational education and how they do so. The paper will focus on Great Britain and Germany as examples of a market-led model and a state-directed model, respectively. Interviews with employers in both countries show that, in Britain, initial vocational education is strongly task-related in most cases or else is seen as the employee’s private, individual concern. In Germany, by contrast, a much broader range of initial vocational education is available and is viewed as an integral part of company culture.  相似文献   

Research Findings: We examined associations among Anglo acculturation, Latino enculturation, maternal beliefs, mother–child emotion talk, and emotion understanding in 40 Latino preschool-age children and their mothers. Mothers self-reported Anglo acculturation, Latino enculturation, and beliefs about the value/danger of children's emotions and parent/child roles in emotion socialization. Mother–child emotion talk was observed during a Lego storytelling task. Children's emotion understanding was measured using 2 age-appropriate tasks. Correlations showed that mothers' Latino enculturation was associated with mothers' stronger belief in guiding children's emotions and children's lower emotion understanding. Anglo acculturation was associated with mothers' lower belief that emotions can be dangerous and children's better emotion understanding. Mothers with a stronger belief in guiding children's emotions more frequently labeled emotions. Mothers with a stronger belief that emotions can be dangerous less frequently explained emotions. Regressions controlling for child age and maternal education demonstrated that mothers with a stronger belief that children can learn about emotions on their own and mothers with greater Latino enculturation had children with lower emotion understanding, whereas mothers with greater Anglo acculturation had children with better emotion understanding. Practice or Policy: Results suggest that understanding both family acculturation and family enculturation will be helpful for early childhood researchers and educators seeking to assess and promote children's socioemotional development.  相似文献   

In Russia a new school subject has been introduced in order to facilitate educators in shaping the enculturation process of the autonomous student into the cumulative tradition. In this article the Russian societal and educational context is described and the concepts ‘religion’ and ‘culture’ are clarified. Together they build the concentric structural model in which a distinction is drawn between different layers representing various influential factors related to RE, not only in Russia but also in the western world. In our view this concentric structural model is constitutive for the new school subject of religious culture. The presentation of the model and its application is central in this article.  相似文献   

体育文化近年来成为体育学界研究的热点,其在高校人才培养中的应用逐渐被高等教育工作者所重视.在深入分析体育文化内涵结构的基础上,对大学校园体育文化在高校人才培养过程中的价值功能及其应用进行了研究.结果表明:大学体育精神文化在人才培养过程中有着十分重要的实践指导作用;大学制度文化在创新型人才培养过程中能够为学生提供丰富的创新土壤和创新思维;大学物质文化能够为人才培养提供和谐的生态环境和育人环境.  相似文献   

时代在发展,社会在进步,大学生综合素质培养逐渐受到社会各界的广泛关注。通识教育视野下,大学生实际综合素质较差、重专业教育而轻通识教育、通识教育质量评价体系建设有待进一步改善等问题的存在,使得专业教育思想指引下的大学生综合素质培养面临人才培养理念落后、通识教育课程缺乏特色等现状。在此情况下,高校树立通识教育人才培养的理念,明确大学生综合素质培养核心要素,开设中国历史文化特色的通识教育课程,打造符合学生需求的校园文化品牌,完善丰富多彩的研学旅行计划,是提高高等教育整体质量、增强大学生综合素质的必由之路。  相似文献   

企业文化是企业形成长久的生命力与核心竞争力的最有力的基础,目前我国大、中、小企业中,优秀的企业都有自己特色的企业文化,而大多数中、小企业的企业文化不系统、不完善。在新入职员工的培训方面,很多企业做的也非常不够,或者往往只重视其岗位技能的培训,极大地忽视了企业文化教育。高职院校在学生的企业文化教育方面也存在缺陷,所以要使学生又快又好的从学生转变为职业人,在校期间,加强企业文化教育与熏陶十分必要,也非常重要。  相似文献   

经济全球化是一个世界公认的现实,教育的国际交往已经成为当代世界的一个基本现实,但教育的民族性也是无庸置疑的,因为教育从来不只是知识的传授和技能的培训,更是一种文化的传承和创新,而各国各民族的文化是具有“不可通约性”。高等教育的“国际接轨”应是指建立一个具有国际可比性的教育质量的评估和鉴定制度问题。作为现代大学第四大功能的“交往”除沟通不同文明外,还包含着多方面的对话与会通:科学和技术、科技和人文、肉体与心灵、感性与理性、自我与他人、个人与社会、人类与自然。  相似文献   

关于中等职业教育人才培养质量的评价,受职业面向与技能差异等因素影响,一直存在着评价标准体系不完善、质量监控体系不健全、随意性大于规范性等问题。在经济与社会高速发展的现阶段,上述问题制约了人才培养的过程与最终质量。文章在分析现状的基础上,提出了规范中职人才培养规格、完善质量评价体系、建立校内外平行监控机制、共同关注职业专门人才培养结果等具体措施,以实现中职办学水平与人才培养质量的进一步提高。  相似文献   

高校竞技运动是高校体育活动的一个重要组成部分。高校搞好运动队的训练对高校体育运动水平的提高,对扩大学校影响和群体活动的开展有重要意义。作者通过对大学足球运动队的训练,提出了训练效果的评价标准,狠抓思想教育,系统地进行科学训练,根据足球运动比赛特点,运用独特的训练方法和措施,取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

选取和谐发展、人才培养、大学文化这三个视角分析高校和谐育人机制的构建,是由我国传统和谐思想产生发展历史及高校发展现实决定的。针对高校和谐发展、人才培养、文化建设等方面面,临的现实困境,必须树立正确的发展观,建立弹性、多元、均衡的人才培养机制,增强大学文化建设的引导力、凝聚力、传承力。  相似文献   

应用型人才能力的培养是应用型本科院校体育课程改革与实践的中心目标。体育课程改革与实践应将主干工作定位在体育课程模式、课外体育锻炼和课余体育训练与竞赛上,不断深化体育师资、场地设施、教材建设、教学管理、绩效评价和教研教改等具体工作,同时,在各项工作中注重学生综合能力培养、体育文化环境养成。  相似文献   

教育信息化环境是一个网络化、数字化、智能化有机结合的新型的教育和学习环境。构建一个区域教育信息化的生态环境,可以更加安全、快捷、高效地把优质的教育资源、先进的教育理念、科学的教学方法、优秀的文化输送到区域的所有城镇、农村和边远山区的中小学校,真正实现教育公平。本文在阐述区域教育信息化生态环境内涵的基础上,着重探讨了如何从网络建设、平台建设、教师培训、评价保障、应用研究等五个方面来构建区域信息化生态环境。  相似文献   

通识教育旨在提高学生的文化品位、审美情趣、人文修养和科学素质。高职院校实施通识教育,是培养高素质应用型人才的内在要求,是高职教育改革与发展的新方向。高职高专实施通识教育的策略主要包括树立全新通识教育理念、确保通识教育应有地位、强化通识课程科学设置、创新通识课程教学模式、变革通识教育测评体系、提升通识教育教学效率等。  相似文献   

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