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随着高等教育的发展,高等职业院校的发展规模和招生人数在逐年扩大,贫困生人数也随之逐年增加。家庭经济困难的学生作为高职教育重要的学生来源,做好高职院校贫困生的教育与培养工作是十分必要的。尤其是在社会竞争激烈的今天,应针对高职贫困生的特点,不断加强高职贫困生的教育与培养工作,使高职贫困生能够获得更多的发展空间和平台。  相似文献   

高职工商管理专业为企业培养人才,因而开设企业文化课程,使学生认识企业文化对企业与就业的重要意义。在上岗前就培养学生所需要的企业文化素质,使学生较快地融入企业实践活动,为社会培养大批合格的“实用型”技术人才。  相似文献   

近几年参加美术高考的人数每年以超过30%的速度在递增,而文化知识基础薄弱,文化素养缺乏的学生大量涌进高校,使得高校美术专业学生的整体质量在下降。必须加强高校美术专业学生的人文素质的培养,全面提高他们的综合素质。  相似文献   

随着教育的不断普及,大学毕业生人数呈现出线性增长态势,这就使得大学生就业问题不断加剧,解决这一问题迫在眉睫。引导大学生创新和创业能够让就业难的问题从根本上解决。然而,我国创新创业教育在高校中开展情况存在的问题仍然严重。积极的校园文化能够对学生成长起到促进作用,所以在开展创新创业教育时应当注重与校园文化建设相融合,为学生营造更利于创新学习的环境,在正确的精神文化引导下找到创新创业教育开展的有效途径。文章针对两者的融合路径进行研究。  相似文献   

Distance students are time poor and some drop out of their studies because they fall behind with coursework. This raises the issue of how course teams decide upon how many study hours should be included in a course. This article presents a number of Open University projects that have addressed student workload management and relates how learning design has incorporated these findings into advice for new module development. Moreover, the article also discusses how recent automatic feedback systems can motivate and support time-poor students when writing their assignments. This is an important finding as drop-out can occur when students are unable to devote the necessary time to their summative assessments and drop out of the learning process.  相似文献   

For some time lecturers in a number of UK and other European universities have suggested that some entrants to undergraduate programmes in engineering have lacked basic and necessary mathematical skills. There are now numerous reports that provide evidence supporting this suggestion. This paper describes the results of surveys of students' confidence in basic mathematics and the subsequent diagnostic testing of basic mathematical skills. These results have been used to identify learning needs and to develop ways in which students can be supported. In particular, it has been possible to select those topics that cause students the most concern. They also form the basis of a number of recommendations related to mathematics provision in undergraduate programmes in engineering.  相似文献   

组合体可以理解为机器零件进行了必要的简化,去除了铸造圆角、技摸斜度以及工艺结构,是“几何化“了的机件.组合体的投影作图,应教会学生思维方法和工作方法;在讲述画图和看图过程中,要突出分与合;在组合体尺寸标柱中,要使学生理解尺寸基准,用好尺寸基准和正确区分三类尺寸;在尺寸标注法和绘图中解决好“形“和“数“的关系.  相似文献   

语文学习离不开大量的课外阅读,课外阅读能弥补课内阅读不足。课外阅读不是漫无目的阅读,教师需要有效地对学生进行指导。要注重激发兴趣,让学生好读书;注重推荐书目,让学生读好书;注重指导方法,让学生会读书。  相似文献   

在大学生党员数量迅速增加的形势下,加强对大学生党员的教育是保证党员质量的必然要求.大学生党员教育的传统理念已经无法适应新形势的要求,高校党组织和党务干部必须与时俱进地确立以人为本,以党员为主体的教育理念.  相似文献   

社会资本分布失衡是指不同主体在进行同一社会行动时,拥有与使用的社会资本存在较大的数量与质量差异。本研究构建了大学生社会资本分布失衡的测量指标,并基于6省15所高校2 967名大学生的问卷调查所获数据,对就业过程中贫困大学生与非贫困大学生的社会资本拥有与使用情况进行了比较,结果发现贫困大学生拥有的社会资本数量更少,质量更低,使用社会资本的次数也更少,且更偏好使用弱关系和低质量社会资本来获取就业资源,两者之间存在社会资本拥有与使用的双重失衡。这种双重失衡,给贫困大学生就业带来求职成本增加、就业机会获取困难和就业质量低端锁定等负向影响。在精准扶贫视角下,应通过增加贫困生社会资本数量、提升社会资本质量、优化社会资本结构和提高社会资本运作能力等路径,防范社会资本分布失衡对贫困生就业的负向影响。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the development of two sub-concepts necessary for a complete mathematical understanding of rational numbers, a) representations of the magnitudes of rational numbers and b) the density of rational numbers. While difficulties with rational number concepts have been seen in students' of all ages, including educated adults, little is known about the developmental trajectories of the separate sub-concepts. We measured 10- to 12-year-old students' conceptual knowledge of rational numbers at three time points over a one-year period and estimated models of their conceptual knowledge using latent variable mixture models. Knowledge of magnitude representations is necessary, but not sufficient, for knowledge of density concepts. A Latent Transition Analysis indicated that few students displayed sustained understanding of rational numbers, particularly concepts of density. Results confirm difficulties with rational number conceptual change and suggest that latent variable mixture models can be useful in documenting these processes.  相似文献   

中专学校对生物等非专业课课时安排相对较少,且学生学习基础相对较弱。因此在教学中需要更加重视激发学生学习生物的兴趣,以提高生物教学的课堂效率。师生间的感情融合、教师的激情感染、成功的豪情鼓舞、积极的语言和表情激励,都能有效地激励学生的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性,提高学习效果。  相似文献   

提高大学生语用能力是大学英语教学的主要目标之一。随着计算机与网络的普及,利用网络辅助大学英语教学成为可能与必要。网络不仅能丰富学生的语言材料及文化知识、促进学生识别语境能力的提高,而且能有效激发学生英语学习的兴趣,对大学生英语语用能力的提高具有较大的作用。  相似文献   

What patterns can be observed among the mathematical arguments above-average students find convincing and the strategies these students use to learn new mathematical concepts? To investigate this question, we gave task-based interviews to eleven female students who had performed well in their college-level mathematics courses, but who differed in the number of proof-oriented courses each had taken. One interview was designed to elicit expressions of what students find convincing. These expressions were categorized according to the proof schemes defined by Harel and Sowder (1998). A second interview was designed to elicit expressions of what strategies students use to learn a mathematical concept from its definition, and these expressions were classified according to the learning strategies described by Dahlberg and Housman (1997). A qualitative analysis of the data uncovered the existence of a variety of phenomena, including the following: All of the students successfully generated examples when asked to do so, but they differed in whether they generated examples without prompting and whether they successfully generated examples when it was necessary to disprove conjectures. All but one of the students exhibited two or more proof schemes, with one student exhibiting four different proof schemes. The students who were most convinced by external factors were unsuccessful in generating examples, using examples, and reformulating concepts. The only student who found an examples-based argument convincing generated examples far more than the other students. The students who wrote and were convinced by deductive arguments were successful in reformulating concepts and using examples, and they were the same set of students who did not generate examples spontaneously but did successfully generate examples when asked to do so or when it was necessary to disprove a conjecture.  相似文献   

Many Hong Kong schools are concerned about the growing number of ethnic minority students. How they are supported and how the diversity of their pastoral needs is fulfilled become critical. This article examines teachers’, students’ and parents’ narratives of the cross‐cultural experience of ethnic minority students from India, Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal and Thailand, and the diversity of those students’ pastoral needs. The qualitative data were collected from interviews, through which the constructs of 32 teachers and 32 students from three secondary schools were explored. Four groups of focus‐group interviews were conducted, in which 15 parents were involved. This article argues that to implement the ethos of caring, it is not only necessary for the school to promote the intercultural sensitivity of all practitioners, but equally important to develop a connected school system where ethnic minority students and parents can be consistently supported in the subsystems of classroom, school and home.  相似文献   

管理学作为一门实践性较强的综合性基础课程,通过管理学学习培养学生具备一定的管理技能。将项目教学法引入到管理学课程教学中,是以任务驱动为导向的教学理念在教学过程中具体体现,对于培养学生的专业兴趣,全面提高学生的职业技能和综合素质具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在数学教学过程中,教师应不断改进教学方法,打破只是教师、教学生学的教学模式,而要给学生提供一定的自由空间.注重培养学生的自主学习能力、实践能力。通过自主学习,让学生不断发现问题、解决问题,重在培养学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

调查显示企业对我院实习生的表现比较满意,学生通过实习收获颇丰。但是高职院校需要不断探索新形势下提高学生顶岗实习环节教学效果的途径和方法:建立学生顶岗实习管理新机制;将学生到企业实习划分为两个阶段;多渠道培养学生的职业素养;建立一批稳固的企业实习基地。  相似文献   

中外成功创业者素质研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从就业教育走向创业教育,培养大批具有创新精神和创业能力的高素质人才,是推进我国高等教育现代化和国际化的必然趋势,也是解决大学毕业生巨大就业压力的根本性战略举措创业者应当具备什么样的品质与素质以及如何培养大学生的创业基本素质,成为今天高等院校十分关注的重要话题。  相似文献   

杨春梅 《高教论坛》2011,(12):85-86,129
大四学生工作应侧重抓好学生职业生涯规划、处理好第四年的学习和求职的关系、做好就业指导等三方面的指导工作。  相似文献   

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