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正简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen,1775—1817)是英国批判现实主义时期著名的女性小说家,常被二十世纪的文学评论家和文学史家誉为真正伟大的英国小说家。她的作品主要描写乡绅家庭的婚姻和生活,关注家庭女性的爱情和幸福。简·奥斯汀对乡村生活细致入微的观察和其作品语言朴实幽默的风格使英国小说日臻完美,她的小说是具有经典意义的小说代表。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是英国小说史上的一位重要女作家,也是英国意识流小说的杰出代表之一,而著名作品《到灯塔去》更是被公认为最能体现意识流思想的杰出作品。文章通过结合意识流的起源和发展,解读了《到灯塔去》这一作品中伍尔夫的意识流思想及意识流表现技巧的运用。  相似文献   

姜麟 《华章》2007,(4):123-123
《远大前程》是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的著名作品.狄更斯在这部小说的创作中展现了高超的叙事技巧,尤其是双重叙事视角的运用.研究双重叙事视角不仅有助于对小说的深入理解,而且能佐证并丰富叙事理论.  相似文献   

《弗兰肯斯坦》(又名《科学怪人》)是英国著名小说家玛丽·雪莱的成名作,被认为是世界第一部真正意义上的科幻小说,也是一部以哥特式传统创作的感伤主义文学作品.从怪物的诞生到毁灭,小说无处不弥漫着浓厚的恐惧气息.本文从精神分析的角度对小说中主要人物的被抛弃心理进行解读,走进他们的内心世界.  相似文献   

《法国中尉的女人》是英国著名小说家约翰.福尔斯在20世纪60年代末出版的小说,是一部具有开拓性突破的后现代小说。在小说的文本中作者戏拟维多利亚现实主义的写作传统,并采用后现代主义的一些创作手法。本文就是基于后现代叙述,对这部作品做了一个简单的阐述。  相似文献   

《马贩子的女儿》是英国二十世纪杰出小说家戴维德·赫伯特·劳伦斯的著名小说,被广泛认为是“劳伦斯式小说”的典范作品之一。本文从成长小说的角度评析该小说中的女主人公梅宝在与弗格斯的爱情中不断走向成熟的成长历程,阐释了劳伦斯小说中重复出现的成长主题,从而达到了对该小说更全面、更深刻的理解。  相似文献   

英国著名侦探小说家威尔基·柯林斯与同时期的狄更斯享有同等声誉,某些作品的销售量甚至超过狄更斯。通过对威尔基·柯林斯的小说《法律与淑女》的深入研究,从三方面分析作品蕴含的主题:情与法、崇高的爱情和19世纪女性的法律权益意识来揭示小说独特的文学成就。  相似文献   

从福斯特的小说看作者对母亲的态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
爱·摩·福斯特是20世纪英国著名的作家,其作品包括六部小说、两部短篇小说集、几部传记和一些评论文章。关于他的长篇小说,大多数的人研究其小说反映出的英国中上层阶级的精神贫困,以及在每部作品中主人公都试图通过挣脱社会与习俗的约束来求得个人解放。可是很少有人关注福斯特在他的这些长篇小说中表现出来的他对他母亲的态度。福斯特在其小说中无意识地流露出对母亲的既爱又恨的双重态度。  相似文献   

艾米莉·勃朗特是英国著名小说家,《呼啸山庄》是其著名作品之一。小说充满了怪异强烈的情感,这与主人公的人生际遇和身世有关。小说展示了希斯克厉夫的人生经历及情感归属。本文旨在说明希斯克厉夫由于环境的影响形成的不同阶段的性格。希斯克厉夫性格中的爱—恨—复仇—人性的复苏,是小说的精髓。  相似文献   

当代英国著名女作家多丽丝·莱辛的代表作《金色笔记》是一本有争议的小说,其中有关女性主义的评论更是众说纷纭。以该小说的文本为基础,深入剖析其文本主题和内涵,并着重从小说中人物的男女关系入手,进一步探讨莱辛作品的女性主义。  相似文献   

The study examined the fears and anxieties of Chinese deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, and the ability of parents and teachers to report the presence of these fears and anxieties. Chinese deaf youth are at risk due to a lack of trained teachers, an overemphasis on oral education in schools, negative stereotypes, and parental overprotectiveness. The deaf children and adolescents in the study reported significantly higher levels of total fears, total anxieties, fear of the unknown, fear of injury and small animals, fear of medical procedures, and concentration anxiety than their hearing counterparts. Girls reported more total fears, fear of the unknown, fear of minor injury and small animals, and fear of failure and criticism than boys. Parents showed a better ability than teachers to confirm these reports of fears and anxieties. Implications and directions for future studies are presented.  相似文献   

表现世界末日恐惧的现代电影很多,归纳起来主要有四类:外星人入侵、自然灾难、人类局限以及电脑统治世界。现代人的末日恐惧有着深刻的社会根源,它根植于我们现代社会的恐惧和焦虑:工具理性的发展加剧了现代人的恐惧;信仰的失落使恐惧奎面世俗化;大众传媒放大了我们的恐惧.现代电影末日恐惧主题审美独特性在于:虽是虚拟的世界末日,却是真实的恐惧;电影对现代人的恐惧心理有缓解和超越的作用;更重要的是使我们反思现代的生存境遇。  相似文献   

A 51-item fear survey was administered to more than 2,600 adolescents and adults, including m ore than 400 pairs of like-sex twins, to examine developmental patterns and genetic influences on common fears. Raw data were age-sex standardized and subjected to factor analysis, and preliminary analyses of the factor scores documented both age and genetic effects. Some fears habituate with age; others exhibit sensitization; and, for some fears, intensity is uniform across development. Genetic effects were found for all factors, but the magnitude of such effects varied. Based on these initial analyses, developmental patterns of genetic and environmental influences on self-assessed fears were examined in 354 pairs of like-sex twins, ages 14-34. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to predict a twin's fearfulness from the co-twin's fear, the age and zygosity of the twin pair, and the interactions of these 3 predictors. For all fear factors, co-twin's score and the interaction of co-twin's score with pair zygosity significantly contributed to the prediction of a twin's fearfulness, but the magnitude of both effects varied for different fears. For 2 fear factors, Personal Death and Loved One's Misfortunes, 3-way interactions of co-twin's score, age, and zygosity were observed. The findings suggest significant genetic modulation of developmental patterns in the acquisition and maintenance of some adaptive fears.  相似文献   

采取分层抽样法,从山东农村抽取小学四、五、六年级,初一、初二、高一、高二学生共473人,使用儿童恐惧调查表-Ⅱ(FSSC-Ⅱ)对农村儿童青少年恐惧的内容进行了研究。结果发现:(1)农村儿童青少年最常见的恐惧事件主要与危险和伤害及社会关系有关;(2)随着年龄的增长,农村儿童青少年的总体恐惧水平、危险与伤害的恐惧及未知和不确定事物的恐惧水平逐渐下降,而社会关系恐惧的水平则随年龄的增长逐渐上升;(3)随着年龄的增长,农村儿童青少年恐惧对象的数目逐渐下降;(4)农村女生在总体恐惧水平、各维度恐惧水平及恐惧对象的数目上均显著地高于男生。  相似文献   

With panic clearly showing in his eyes, Josh dropped to the floor, locked his dad's leg between both arms, and screamed. It was Josh's first day at school. While young children's fears may not always appear to be rational in the eyes of adults, every child's fearful response deserves to be acknowledged as a genuine reaction to an actual or perceived threat. Because fear has the potential to interfere with the young child's quality of life, it would seem important to understand the nature and normal developmental course of early childhood fears.  相似文献   

Given the high attrition rate of beginning science teachers, it is imperative to better prepare science preservice teachers, so that they can be successful during the early years of their teaching. The purpose of this study was to explore science preservice teachers’ views of themselves as a future teacher, in particular their hopes and fears for science teaching and the experiences that help to shape their possible selves. Employed were qualitative methods, which included open-ended surveys and face-to-face interviews. Eleven preservice teachers who enrolled in a secondary science teacher preparation program participated. Findings showed six categories of future selves with the most frequent category being for effective/ineffective science teaching. When their hoped-for and feared selves were not balanced, participants articulated more fears. Regarding the primary influence in shaping their hopes and fears, diverse past experiences related to teaching and learning appeared to be more salient factors than science teacher education program. Given the enriched understanding of the science preservice teachers’ perceptions, we provided suggestions for science teacher educators.  相似文献   

Xhosa‐speaking South African children in school settings face several academic and emotional challenges. These may be due to family obligation, conformity to authority figures and over expectations from parents, teachers and society. This study examines the differences in the number and types of reported fears and worries in 200 South African children and adolescents, between 14 and 18 years of age. Responses to a questionnaire investigating the inventory of fears and worries revealed significant differences in the number, pattern and level of fears. The participants endorsed school fears at higher levels than their Senegalese, Australian, Nigerian and American counterparts. Girls and children of low‐income homes tend to exhibit higher levels of fears than children of upper‐class homes. When interpreted within the cultural context, results further indicate that the number of fears decreased with age and that cultures that have fear‐producing stimuli, and that favour inhibition and obedience serve to increase levels of fears and worries.  相似文献   

This study compared the fears of North American and South American children in Grades 2–5. Fears were assessed with English and Spanish versions of the American Fear Survey Schedule (FSSC-AM; Burnham 2005). Specific fears and several most common fears differed across the two countries. Overall, the South American children and the girls from both countries had significantly higher fear intensity scores than North American children and the boys. Fear intensity scores also differed significantly across racial backgrounds. Implications for counsellors and directions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

亚里士多德在其《政治学》一书中提出的命题"人是天生的政治动物"已成政治学领域的一句名言。这一命题体现了亚氏的国家观:思想上,反对政治冷淡;理论上,论证国家是社会组织,是自然进化的产物;政治上,提倡整体主义。亚里士多德是政治学的开创者,深入理解亚氏的这一命题,对于全面理解西方政治文化传统以及西方政治学说是十分必要的。  相似文献   

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