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文章分析了软件整合的需求和面向服务构架的特点,论述了如何使用基于面向服务构架的方法对软件进行模块级别的整合,以达到模块重用和降低开发成本的目标;并通过在Moodle的资源页面中嵌入简单的代码调用另一平台的评分模块服务,提供了面向服务构架的整合实例。  相似文献   

随着e-Learning的普遍应用,各种e-Learning平台及资源之间的共享与互操作需求日益显著,为此我们需要通过一套统一的e-Learning系统架构使之标准化,从而达到资源和系统功能模块间的互操作。面向服务的系统架构是近十年来软件工程领域提出的最新软件实践方法,具有灵活、松耦合、支持异构平台互操作等特点。将面向服务的思想运用在e-Learning系统架构的研究中,可以满足e-Learning架构设计的需求,本文给出了一个面向服务的e-Learning系统架构的方案并用其指导实际系统的开发。  相似文献   

随着e-Learning的普遍应用,各种e—Learning平台及资源之间的共享与互操作需求日益显著.为此我们需要通过一套统一的e—Learning系统架构使之标准化,从而达到资源和系统功能模块间的互操作。面向服务的系统架构是近十年来软件工程领域提出的最新软件实践方法,具有灵活、松耦合、支持异构平台互操作等特点。将面向服务的思想运用在e—Learning系统架构的研究中,可以满足e—Learning架构设计的需求,本文给出了一个面向服务的e-Learning系统架构的方案并用其指导实际系统的开发。  相似文献   

随着计算机软件产业的形成和发展,软件质量保证受到愈来愈多的重视,于是一种专门针对软件开发组织的软件质量保证模型CMM逐渐成为研究热点。本文介绍了CMM中的需求工程,指出了基于CMM的需求工程中用户的不足与误区,同时并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

为适应地方电子信息产业、汽车产业、软件及信息服务外包等产业高速发展的需要,面对21世纪高等教育大众化发展的挑战与机遇,以电子信息类本科专业为主要研究、教改与实践的对象,对电子信息类应用型人才培养体系进行探索、改革和实践。以电子信息大专业平台建设为基础,构建面向行业经济和区域经济需求、适应电子技术应用能力和创新能力培养的人才知识、能力和素质结构体系及应用能力培养体系。充分利用社会资源,校、企、政共建实习实训平台和实习基地,通过实施以工程能力训练为特色的实践教学和积极组织学科竞赛及学生课外科创活动全面提高学生工程实践能力,培养面向生产一线的高素质应用型工程技术人才。  相似文献   

近年来,贵州省铜仁职业技术学院以国家骨干校建设为契机,通过四围绕、五结合,初步形成了服务需求、开放融合、有机衔接、立交沟通的基本体系架构,使学科设置、人才培养目标同社会需求有效结合,探索出了一条适宜于贵州现代职业教育发展之路。一、四围绕,构筑现代职业教育新高地1.围绕地方优势资源开展工程研究。优势资源在地方经济发展中起着关键性的要素作用,围绕地方优势资源开展工程研究,可以变资源  相似文献   

"软件需求工程"是计算机及软件类专业一门兼具理论性与实践性的专业课。在"软件需求工程"的教学中采用案例驱动教学法,合理选取和裁剪项目案例,并将案例融入课堂导入、内容讲解、实验教学等教学环节,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣和积极性,以便更好地将理论与实践相结合,深入掌握需求工程相关理论与技术。  相似文献   

人们日益增长的托育服务需要与托育事业不平衡不充分发展之间的矛盾日益突出。面向我国经济发展水平不同的4个地区的360个家庭展开问卷调查,数据显示:当前家长托育需求强烈,对托育服务的形式与内容需求多样化;家长对托育服务的便利需求、保育需求、管理需求、早教需求与家庭收入水平、居住地区城市化程度显著正相关。政府部门应细化托育规范标准,建立多元供给体系,健全托育法律法规,整合资源以搭建共享平台。  相似文献   

基于SOA数字校园的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何利用原有系统的资源,建立开放灵活、低代价的系统已经成为高校信息化建设的关键;信息化建设在面向服务体系结构(Service Oriented Architecture SOA)为解决分布式环境中软件重用,扩展和提高软件开发效率提供了解决方案。文章从面向服务体系结构的定义出发,探讨了SOA的特点以及它的分层模型,并根据SOA的理论和实际项目需求构建了数字校园的服务框架。  相似文献   

残疾人是我国社会弱势群体,根据对我国8300万残疾人康复服务需求的情况研究发现,仅有20%的残疾人康复需求得到满足。文章采取访谈法和问卷调查法等研究方法,通过对新疆吐鲁番地区残疾人康复服务情况进行调研后发现,残疾人的康复需求与提供的康复服务之间存在较大差距。在今后的发展中还需进一步加强残疾人康复服务机构建设、康复人才队伍的培养,促进社会各界的参与支持,加大财政投入力度,进一步促进新疆残疾人康复服务事业更加顺利有效的发展。  相似文献   


Object‐oriented analysis, design, and programming is a software development technology which has attracted universal attention in the past few years. We do not think that object‐oriented technology is a completely new approach to software construction; it is merely the consequent continuation of software engineering principles which have evolved since 1968, the year of the birth of software engineering. This article describes a course on software engineering with objects which track the evolution of this discipline. We work through the history of these concepts using a single application domain, demonstrating how the relevant analysis and design methods evolved over time, culminating in object‐oriented techniques.  相似文献   

以汽车仪表盘为研究对象,通过激光扫描仪的非接触式测量获取零件曲面的点云数据,并利用Surfacer软件进行点云数据处理,且基于NURBS曲面重构理论进行零件曲面造型,最后利用Pro/Engineer软件完成汽车仪表盘的实体模型设计.与传统的设计方法相比,提高了工作效率,缩短了新产品的开发周期.  相似文献   

Formal models for service composition have been proposed with the variation of the requirements of service developers. Some famous models have provided checking and verification techniques and tools for the behavior of service composition. These models generally focus much on the message flow of web services and neglecting the data contained in the exchanged messages among services, which restrict the application range of these models and also the web service techniques. As new kind of services with different protocols and communication methods have appeared, it is needed to model service composition from a new view which is adapted to the new development in service area. In this paper we offer a function oriented model of service composition which treats the composite service as a software system and specify the function of services which can be directly used to the realization by service providers.  相似文献   

Reverse engineering (RE) is the process of testing and analysing a system or a device in order to identify, understand and document its functionality. RE is an efficient tool in industrial benchmarking where competitors’ products are dissected and evaluated for performance and costs. RE can play an important role in the re-configuration and redesign of legacy and/or undocumented systems. It can also play a key role in helping students understand engineering products. This paper presents the Philadelphia University experience in constructing a RE course and integrating it within the engineering curricula. This paper can be used as a guide to other universities that wish to introduce RE to their curricula. The information provided in this paper covers the RE methodology for a system level, as well as mechanical, electronics and software levels. Finally, samples of student projects are presented in order to show the learning capabilities provided throughout the course.  相似文献   

软件产业的迅速发展对行业从业人员提出了更高的要求,但我国高校现有的软件工程专业实践教育并不能很好地满足这些要求.对此,本文以安徽大学为例,阐述了“卓越工程师培养计划”下的软件工程专业实践教学改革.文中根据软件工程实践教育特点,并结合卓越工程计划的培养要求,提出从树立工程化实践教育理念,构建一体化实践教育体系,采用多样化实践教学方法,突出能力化实践考核方式,建立创新型实践教学团队等多个角度进行实践教育改革.为研究新形势下,软件工程专业实践建设做出积极的探索.  相似文献   

随着教学方法的不断进步以及对工程实践能力的重视,单纯强调三维建模命令讲授的教学已经不再适应计算机辅助工业设计的课程需要。文章基于对计算机辅助工业设计能力的分析,对比了工程软件和造型软件在课程教学中的优劣,提出了面向工程实践能力培养的课程内容,为计算机辅助工业设计课程的教学改革提供了有益的思路。  相似文献   


Industrial software development today requires a fundamental education in computer science as well as the ability to work productively and collaboratively in a team environment. Employers will therefore favor graduates who have mastered computer science and software engineering concepts and can apply them while developing a software system. To produce computer science graduates possessing the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace, team‐oriented software engineering courses with real projects (and with real clients) are increasingly emphasized. It is, however, difficult to successfully present a software engineering course that covers software engineering concepts and offers opportunities to apply them during a project in a team environment. The difficulties lie in project selection, team formation, team and project organization, process management, and, finally, grading. The objective of this article is to discuss these difficulties and provide suggestions for alleviating or avoiding them.  相似文献   

文章首先对面向Agent软件工程方法进行了简要介绍,然后分别从方法理念、核心概念、开发过程三个角度对目前几种主流的面向Agent软件工程方法进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

论软件开发中的项目管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机软件技术的日益普及和提高,企业越来越追求规模效应,使得现代软件项目的规模越来越大,投资越来越高,业务越来越广泛。因此软件开发迫切地需要科学、艺术的项目管理方法。本文介绍了项目管理及软件工程的概念,分析了项目管理与软件工程之间的关系,重点阐述了软件开发中的项目管理方法。  相似文献   

Our catchy title is intended to be controversial, provoking thought upon the impact (or lack of any) that a programming language has on the curriculum for a software engineering course. Our view on the subject is from both directions, as indicated by the title. As educators, we argue that the language issues are secondary to the fundamental concern of understanding software engineering concepts, specifically object‐oriented concepts. However, we appreciate that expertise in a widely accepted object‐oriented language may be essential towards the more practical aspect of building a critical mass of software engineers versed in object‐oriented techniques. This reflects upon the maturing nature of computer science and engineering as a science, which is evolving its fundamental principles, while at the same time recognizing its impact as an engineering discipline sensitive to practical applications. The evolution of our primary software engineering course, CS250 Introduction to Software Engineering, has been influenced by our own reflections on the state of software engineering in the 1990s, industrial requirements for expertise by our graduates, and the needs of accreditation. We present the internal and external factors that have guided our course design. This process reflects our own experiences in academia and industry. We present this process as a representative model of a sound approach, but make no claims that it is the optimal approach.  相似文献   

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