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Understanding how the actions of members of sports teams are organised and coordinated is a key challenge for sport psychology and, until recently, extant theory within sport psychology has allowed few insights into this topic. This article considers how the labour in sports teams is organised, why the organisational structure of sports teams introduces an acute need for team coordination, and why coordination in teams is difficult to achieve. It also considers the team-level social-cognitive states and processes required to achieve coordination. Implications of the conceptual framework outlined here are presented for current theory and future research on team functioning within sport psychology as well as for applied practitioners working with sports teams.  相似文献   

This review addresses personality in organised sport. We describe the extant literature that has explored personality effects on athletic success and population-based differences before hypothesising how sport participation may contribute to personality development. We then outline the role of personality in athletic interactions and group processes before considering the practical applications of personality research and avenues for future study. Our review shows that personality is an important determinant of long-term success in sport and identifies clear personality differences between individuals that participate in organised sport and individuals that do not participate in organised sport. We also observe important personality differences between sub-samples of athletes and outline the contribution of personality to intragroup relationships and team effectiveness in team sport. The interaction of genetic and environmental influences is presented as a promising avenue of inquiry that can strengthen our understanding of personality effects on sport and exercise participation and athletic success. We conclude by outlining implications for applied sport psychology.  相似文献   

In the last couple of years, we have seen a renaissance of creativity research which originates in neuroscience. From the perspective of human movement science, sport computer science, and sport psychology, this paper will introduce a research program for the investigation of creative behavior in complex, mostly ecologically valid situations in team sports. After a general and sport-specific definition, several experiments and studies based on the framework of Sternberg and Lubart (1991) will be described, which will link tactical creativity with visual attention (inattentional blindness, breadth of attention), expertise, motivation, and environmental factors. In this context, novel analysis tools will be developed and validated (game test situations, neural networks). The results will then be discussed in light of current psychological as well as human movement and computer scientific theories and models; furthermore, practical implications for sports and research perspectives will be offered.  相似文献   

中国运动员备战2008年北京奥运会的心理服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国运动员备战2008年北京奥运会心理服务的过程与内涵进行调查,旨在揭示出举国体制下备战奥运会心理服务的现有规律和特征。采用内容分析的质的方法对15位参与第29届奥运会备战的运动心理咨询师的访谈文本进行了分析,结果发现了6个概括性维度,即举国体制对心理服务的影响,奥运会的主场应对,心理服务的理念和原则,心理服务的过程,心理服务的内容和形式,心理服务的评估。举国体制强化了主场条件下心理服务的有效性,体现在组织专家下队,集中资源服务,开创新颖手段,采用团队合作,以及将心理服务渗透到运动队的技战术训练之中。  相似文献   

本文主要是通过对现阶段我国运动心理学研究的现状进行思考后,提出新的发展战略,运动心理学的三大领域,即竞技运动领域、体育教育领域和大众健身领域的理论研究应该平衡发展,以适应当前我国体育发展的总体战略。  相似文献   

This review poses three key issues that will progress our understanding of the sport expertise literature and its translational scientific impact. Primarily relying on research conducted in interceptive sport tasks, and to a lesser extent team sports, we review the perceptual-cognitive skills of sports experts and explore the challenge of designing a sufficiently representative task to examine expertise. We focus on the methodological challenges presented by the reciprocal relationship between players’ action capabilities and their perceptual-cognitive skill. Second, we consider the need for a paradigm shift in the experimental approach used when examining the development of sport expertise. In short, a shift from traditional expert-novice designs to more prospective longitudinal designs that cross-sectionally track the development of expertise is discussed. The final issue considers how the volume of in situ data now collected provides a rich source of information that sport expertise researchers have only begun to consider and integrate with more traditional sport psychology research. We demonstrate how statistical approaches that have described the likely trajectories of expert performers on their journey toward expertise coupled with more traditional qualitative experimental approaches can provide useful insights into the development of psychological performance skills and more broadly sport expertise.  相似文献   

In the last decade, collective efficacy has received increasing attention in the sport psychology literature. However, despite considerable focus on the antecedents and consequences of the construct (e.g., Magyar, Feltz, & Simpson, 2004), no research has considered the specific neuropsychological mechanisms that underpin the levels of collective efficacy perceived by individuals within sports teams. In this respect, neuroscience research outside sport psychology has identified cortical structures linked to socio-cognitive thought processes (e.g., Gallese, Keysers, & Rizzolati, 2004). Therefore, the purpose of this review is to provide evidence for potential neurological processes that underpin collective efficacy perceptions. Specifically, we discuss these processes in relation to how collective efficacy is conceptualized, measured, and analyzed. We then discuss pertinent neuroscience research that indicates both imagery and observation based interventions are suitable for increasing individual collective efficacy perceptions. Finally, based on the neuroscience mechanisms discussed, future directions for research are suggested that aim to increase our understanding of the nature and influence of collective efficacy perceptions upon individual and team behavior.  相似文献   


In this article, three prevailing myths about team and organisational culture – an increasingly popular topic in applied sport psychology research and practice – are identified, reviewed and challenged. These are; that culture is characterised only by what is shared, that culture is a variable and therefore something that a particular group has, and that culture change involves moving from the old culture to an entirely new one. We present a challenge to each myth through the introduction of alternative theoretical and empirical material and discuss the implications for sport psychology research and practice. The intent of this endeavour is to stimulate debate on how to best conceptualise and study culture. More broadly, we aim to encourage sport psychologists to consider team and organisational culture in new and/or varied ways, beyond current conceptualisations of consensus, clarity, integration and as a management tool to facilitate operational excellence and on-field athletic success.  相似文献   

运用绘画投射技术对在校女大学生的体育运动心理特征进行研究。结果表明:"太阳"图型是女大学生潜意识中具有代表性的运动意象,投射出女大学生充满朝气、崇尚力量、自由自主的体育运动精神。三种类型的"太阳"图纹投射出各自不同的运动心理特征,对女大学生的体育运动行为意向有宽泛的辐射。女大学生对运动环境有较高的心理感受性,对竞技性小、娱乐休闲类的运动情感认可度较高,对体育运动的价值、功能有清晰明确的认识,自我认知度较高。大部分的女大学生对体育运动具有较高的心理活跃性和自我效能感,追求时尚和高品质运动。绘画投射技术能够反映健康人群的体育运动心理特征,尤其适合对个案体育运动的内部心理现实和主体经验的研究。  相似文献   

基于运动员的视角对运动员寻求运动心理咨询态度的测评、约束因素(个体与环境)和运动心理咨询的提升策略进行归纳与分析,研究认为,性别、种族、人格以及先前的运动心理咨询经历等个体因素,以及对运动心理咨询师的评价、文化与国籍、运动项目类型与运动水平等环境因素是运动员对运动心理咨询态度和选择的主要制约因素。运动心理咨询的有效性、良好的运动员-运动心理咨询师关系、个性化的咨询方案是改善运动员对运动心理咨询态度及选择运动心理咨询的重要手段。  相似文献   

Information--movement coupling is a fundamental concept, integral to theorizing on the coordination of goal-directed activity in ecological psychology. In this paper, we examine the implications of this concept for the design of experimental research and the organization of practice during the acquisition of movement coordination in sport tasks. The task vehicle for our analysis is interceptive actions, in particular self-paced extrinsic timing tasks exemplified by serving in sports such as volleyball. Recent research highlighting the relevance of information--movement coupling for the process of practice in sport is discussed. We conclude that information--movement coupling represents an important principle for the structural organization of research and practice in self-paced extrinsic timing tasks and that further work is required to verify its significance across a range of sport movements.  相似文献   

The existence of structure in sport competition is implicated in the widespread practice of using the information gathered from a past contest to prepare for a future contest. Based on this reasoning, we previously analysed squash match-play for evidence of signature traits from among the stochastic relations between the various types of shot. The mixed findings from these analyses led us to re-analyse squash match-play as a dynamical system. Here, we extend this line of investigation with some suggestions as to how various sports might be described further within this theoretical framework. We offer some examples of dynamical interactions in dyadic (i.e. one vs one) and team (e.g. many vs many) sports, as well as some predictions from a dynamical systems analysis for these types of sports contests. This paper should serve to initiate further research into the complex interactions that occur in sport competition.  相似文献   

相比于大众锻炼领域和体育教育领域,竞技体育受到了运动心理学的更多关注.一系列运动心理干预技术已在北京奥运会上使用,如心理对策库、生物反馈技术、心理影片和音乐、心理网站,专为运动员做心理测试和迅速调整的多功能服务车等.心理领域的领先技术如电脑电图(EEG),事件相关电位(ERP)和电脑象限图(EEQG)等被用于诊断运动员运动时的心理状态或训练效果.通过对近3年发表在重要国家和国际期刊及会议里相关文章的分析发现,运动动机、运动认知、自我认知、运动情绪和心理技能是近年来运动心理学在竞技体育领域的主要研究方向.积极心理学的兴起有丰富的理论和应用领域,也丰富了近代运动心理学的理论和应用领域.运动心理学在20世纪出现许多新思潮,流畅体验便是其中之一.在竞技运动领域,心理监控与运动实践的联系是最紧密的.心理监控也正在向着系统化与专业化的方向一步步迈进,现代技术如CAS计算机辅助运动技术、Observer行为观察分析软件、FaceReader软件、Virtual-Reality仿真系统(虚拟现实)等已经在训练或比赛中得以应用.建议对已取得的运动心理学研究成果可以在未来实践中得到更多的应用.  相似文献   

Sport competition as a dynamical self-organizing system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The existence of structure in sport competition is implicated in the widespread practice of using the information gathered from a past contest to prepare for a future contest. Based on this reasoning, we previously analysed squash match-play for evidence of signature traits from among the stochastic relations between the various types of shot. The mixed findings from these analyses led us to re-analyse squash match-play as a dynamical system. Here, we extend this line of investigation with some suggestions as to how various sports might be described further within this theoretical framework. We offer some examples of dynamical interactions in dyadic (i.e. one vs one) and team (e.g. many vs many) sports, as well as some predictions from a dynamical systems analysis for these types of sports contests. This paper should serve to initiate further research into the complex interactions that occur in sport competition.  相似文献   

对已有应用运动心理学实践服务有效性评估相关文献进行总结,同时结合笔者应用服务实践工作中的一些经验及思考,对应用运动心理学实践服务有效性评估进行讨论.日的是为强调应用运动心理学实践服务中有效性评估的重要性.作者希望文中的一些信息可以为中国的应用运动心理学实践者们提供一些参考,更重要的是能够引起业内人士对实践服务有效性评估的重视,以及引发更多对有效性评估方法的探讨和讨论.  相似文献   

在美国,由政府资助的学校所开展的体育运动禁止性别歧视,主要法律依据是1972年《教育法修正案》第9章。法院在处理相关案件时将所涉体育项目区分为身体对抗性运动和非身体对抗性运动。在一所公立学校,对于对抗性运动,学校只有男队或女队时,一般不允许异性参加。对于非对抗性运动,学校只有男队时,允许女性参加男队,只有女队,则一般不允许男性参加女队。同时有男女运动队时,男女运动员应该享受平等的机会和待遇。美国追求学校体育领域的性别平等,是在承认男女客观存在的生理差别基础上,摒弃基于生理差别特别是社会性别而形成的偏见,使得男女都享有平等的机会并最终达到实质上的平等。  相似文献   

The concept of working memory has received a great deal of attention in the last couple of decades and discussions of working memory are now common in almost all branches of psychology, including cognitive, clinical, social, developmental, and educational settings. Therefore, it is surprising that the concept of working memory has received a lot less attention in the field of sport psychology compared to other branches of psychology, especially since research in sport psychology has increasingly incorporated cognitive concepts such as attention, perception and decision-making, which are purported to rely heavily on working memory. Thus, it is essential, in our opinion, to systematically investigate the working memory system in the field of sports, which offers a fruitful domain to explore the validity of models developed in other fields. This review provides an overview of working memory theory and discusses its relevance in sport psychology. We end the review by giving an outlook of potentially fruitful research areas on working memory in sport.  相似文献   

在我国“北冰南展”战略和北京正式申办2022年冬奥会的双重背景下,作为冬季运动项目排头兵的北京市,通过利用北京体育大学增设短道速滑运动队的途径,来提高其自身在冬季运动项目上的竞争力。依托北京体育大学在训练理论、体育科研和场地设施上已具备的优势条件,为短道训练队开展训练提供保障,并促进其竞技能力的持续提高。同时,针对在运动员选拔、教练员聘用和训练经费三个方面可能出现的问题进行分析,并提出具体的完善措施。为北京体育大学短道速滑运动队的建立和发展,提供前期的理论研究。  相似文献   

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