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高职院校要实现应用型、复合型、技能型人才培养目标,必须走产学研合作道路。本文探讨了广州番禺职业技术学院在开展产学研合作教育实践上的经验与做法,分析了如何通过政府、高校、企业三方联动机制实现校企合作培养高技能人才,确保产学研深度融合,最终达到资源共享、优势互补,实现双赢。  相似文献   

当前中国交通行业服务水平和国际合作水平难以达到"一带一路"国家战略实质性实施的要求。"一带一路"建设需要大量的国际化、复合型专业人才。行业高校现有的单一化人才培养难以满足"一带一路"对交通行业人才的实际需求;交通行业高层次和高技能的人才非常紧缺,尤其是运输行业的国际化、复合型人才严重匮乏;创新交通行业人才培养模式,培养具有国际视野的复合型人才迫在眉睫。交通行业人才培养要实现"四个转变",即转变办学模式、转变人才培养模式、转变课程设置、转变师资结构。通过"四个转变"改革人才培养机制,为实现"一带一路"战略建设提供强有力的人才支撑。  相似文献   

结合哈尔滨工业大学交通行业重点实验室建设与复合型创新人才培养的实际情况,对设在高校的交通行业重点实验室的特点进行了分析,指出交通行业重点实验室建设对培养复合型创新人才的重要意义。从积极参与国家重大工程建设和抗灾救难社会行动、国际学术交流、与其他重点实验室合作交流等方面总结了交通行业重点实验室建设的特色工作。根据交通运输类专业复合型创新人才培养的需要,从培养理念、改革思路、采用的教学方法等方面提出了交通行业重点实验室用于复合型创新人才培养的具体措施。  相似文献   

张霞 《高教论坛》2014,(8):60-63
选择合适的产学研合作人才培养模式对地方高校培养应用型人才起着至关重要的作用,目前地方高校产学研合作人才培养模式包括"订单式""X+Y"模式和"工学交替式"等类型,但地方高校在选用产学研合作人才培养模式中存在不少问题。文章总结了吉首大学工商管理专业在进行国家特色专业建设中搭建的具有地方特色的产学研合作人才培养模式,包括专业建设目标与人才培养目标的一致、校外人才培养实习基地群和智能库的建设、学生未来职业生涯指导与教学改革的结合、以职业经理人综合素质养成计划为中心的创新创业平台的搭建等;同时指出地方高校在进行产学研合作人才培养模式的构建中需注意的事项。  相似文献   

通过对软件外包人才需求及人才培养现状的分析,指出高校要紧跟企业需求,在人才培养体系上大胆创新、勇于改革.校企合作模式是高校与企业共同培养应用型人才的一种新的人才培养模式.达到产学研合作、共同参与、互惠共赢.  相似文献   

随着社会发展,复合型人才越来越受到重视。作为培养人才的基地,高校同样应该越来越重视复合型人才培养。本研究结合理工科高校的特点,通过探讨高校教育培养模式的改革,以及构建"产学研"的教育培养模式,为高校复合型人才培养献计献策。  相似文献   

本文以深职院软件专业与相关企业的产学研合作实施情况出发,研究不同的产学研合作模式,并试图解决校企合作长效机制和双赢模式,实现校企资源共享、优势互补,制定产学研合作人才培养模式,培养高素质、高技能、复合型人才。  相似文献   

产学研合作教育模式是应用型高校培养创新人才的重要模式。本文在介绍应用型高校产学研合作教育模式的基础上,详细分析了当前应用型高校创新人才培养和产学研合作教育模式所存在的问题,寻求创新人才培养的途径,为应用型高校深化产学研合作、培养创新人才提供有利的建议。  相似文献   

文章首先分析了产学研合作模式的含义与价值以及如何强化高校社会服务职能来促进应用型人才培养,然后分析了当前产学研合作模式下高校培养应用型人才存在的问题,最后重点探究了产学研模式下高校培养应用型人才的有效策略,以期为我国高校应用型人才培养提供有益启示。  相似文献   

本文阐述了产学研合作教育模式基本概念,研究了政府—高校—企业协同合作建立集教学、生产、科研、人才培养为一体的产学研合作教育平台培养高素质创新人才的基本模式,提出了新形势下搭建产学研合作教育平台的新举措。国内许多高校实践效果表明:产学研合作教育模式是一种培养高素质创新人才的行之有效的办法。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings on a hybrid guidance curriculum in Hong Kong, a place where East meets West in education and in many other spheres. A qualitative case study method is applied that uses questions for understanding the ‘self’ in guidance but incorporates Confucian cardinal human relationships of parent–child, brother–sister, husband–wife, superior–subordinate, teacher–pupil and friend–friend in understanding the ‘other’ relationships. The study of ‘self–other relationship’ is combined with Lawton’s (Social change, educational theory and curriculum planning, Hodder, London, 1973) model of curriculum development in Western traditions. Data obtained from stakeholders in schools include traditional Chinese ideas as well as modern Western ideas. Implications of this framework to the study of other societies with a mix of Western and traditional cultures are discussed.
Pattie Yuk Yee Luk-FongEmail:

Contradictions in theorizing and implementing communities in education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past educational improvement endeavors were fundamentally centered on the learner as an individual. This changed by the early 1990s after an increasing number of educators and researchers embraced sociocultural learning concepts such as “communities of practice,” “communities of learners,” and “knowledge-building communities.” These ideas are originally grounded in a dialectical materialist, cultural-historical theory of activity, or, as Lev Vygotsky called it, in a “concrete human [social] psychology.” However, as these concepts filtered into Western scholarship, some of their defining characteristics have been lost or downplayed. The intention of this article is thus to offer a more complete theorization of the educational notion of community that is centered on collective activity or practice mediated by history and culture/society. Two case studies, which exemplify learning communities using this lens, conclude the paper.  相似文献   

The Robbins Committee (Committee on Higher Education 1963) is often given as the cause of university expansion in the 1960's. This important report was, however, the result rather than the cause of the expansion. The policies recommended by the Committee were already in being during the 1950's and the Robbins Committee served merely to confirm the trends determined by the University Grants Committee in response to growth in the age cohorts, rising expectations of better qualified school leavers who had stayed at school longer and belief in expenditure upon higher education as a means of procuring national prosperity. New universities were created partly to cope with the expansion in numbers but also with a view to injecting fresh thinking into the university system. The new universities tended to be placed in the south east and in old cathedral and county towns but this was as much because of the enthusiasm and donations of local people as because of any preference for such locations.The next expansion will be less easily achieved and may include preference for polytechnics, worsening staff-student ratios and lowerper capita costs.
Résumé On cite souvent les travaux du comité Robbins (comité sur l'enseignement supérieur, 1963) comme cause de l'expansion universitaire entre 1960–1970. Cependant, ce rapport important était plutôt le résultat que la cause de l'expansion. Les politiques que recommandait le comité étaient déjà à l'oeuvre entre 1950–1960 et le comité Robbins n'a fait que confirmer les tendances déterminées par le Comité de subventions universitaires: la politique de ce comité répondait elle-même à la croissance des cohortes d'âge, aux espérances des jeunes qui attendaient d'une scolarité plus longue une meilleure qualification et à la conviction que les dépenses consenties pour l'enseignement supérieur servaient la prospérité nationale.On a crée de nouvelles universités non seulement pour résoudre le problème de l'expansion du nombre, mais aussi pour introduire de nouvelles idées dans le système universitaire. On a localisé de préférence les nouvelles universités dans le sud-est du pays et dans les vieilles villes épiscopales ou les chef-lieux de comté, mais cela s'est produit du fait de la demande locale et à cause des dons des gens du district, plus qu'à la suite d'une politique concertée.La prochaine étape de l'expansion sera réalisée moins facilement et sera probablement orientée par la priorité accordée aux enseignements polytechniques, par une détérioration du taux d'encadrement et par un abaissement du taux de dépense par étudiant!

The following report was presented as a speech by Professor Perkin at a seminar on government influence in university development arranged by the Association of University Teachers in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England in February 1971. Professor Perkin is a former president of the Association (1970–71) and will be known to readers of this journal through his writings, expecially his OECD study,New Universities in the United Kingdom (1969).  相似文献   

This study investigated emotion transmission among peers during middle childhood. Participants included 202 children (111 males; race: 58% African American, 20% European American, 16% Mixed race, 1% Asian American, and 5% Other; ethnicity: 23% Latino(a) and 77% Not Latino(a); Mincome = $42,183, SDincome = $43,889; Mage = 9.49; English-speaking; from urban and suburban areas of a mid-Atlantic state in the United States). Groups of four same-sex children interacted in round-robin dyads in 5-min tasks during 2015–2017. Emotions (happy, sad, angry, anxious, and neutral) were coded and represented as percentages of 30-s intervals. Analyses assessed whether children's emotion expression in one interval predicted change in partners' emotion expression in the next interval. Findings suggested: (a) escalation of positive and negative emotion [children's positive (negative) emotion predicts an increase in partners' positive (negative) emotion], and (b) de-escalation of positive and negative emotion (children's neutral emotion predicts a decrease in partners' positive or negative emotion). Importantly, de-escalation involved children's display of neutral emotion and not oppositely valenced emotion.  相似文献   

Based on cross-section data worldwide and time series data in China, the essay is intended to make an analysis of the factors which have impacts on the ratio of public investment in education by using econometric models and then the future ratio may be predicted. Conclusions are as follows. First, the proportion of fiscal revenue to GDP (gross domestic products) is the most significant variable to predict the variance in the ratio of public investment in education in China. Second, experience in middle-income countries should be given top priority when international comparison is made. Third, the ratio of public investment in education in China will be close to 4% in 2010, and reach 4.4%–4.5% in 2020. Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2006, (2): 62–66  相似文献   


This paper deals with four aspects of teacher training in educational technology:
  • general information on the education system in Rumania

  • teacher training in the utilization of educational media

  • teacher training with a view to the improvement of teaching‐learning systems

  • teacher training in the new information and communication technologies

In each of these areas of teacher training, the problems and perspectives related to developments of educational technology are considered.  相似文献   

Alkaloids are plant secondary metabolites that are widely distributed in Nicotiana species and contribute greatly to the quality of tobacco leaves. Some alkaloids, such as nornicotine and myosmine, have adverse effects on human health. To reduce the content of harmful alkaloids in tobacco leaves through conventional breeding, a genetic study of the alkaloid variation among different genotypes is required. In this study, alkaloid profiles in leaves of five Nicotiana tabacum cultivars and Nicotiana tomentosiformis were investigated. Six alkaloids were identified from all six genotypes via gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Significant differences in alkaloid content were observed both among different leaf positions and among cultivars. The contents of nornicotine and myosmine were positively and significantly correlated (R 2=0.881), and were also separated from those of other alkaloids by clustering. Thus, the genotype plays a major role in alkaloid accumulation, indicating a high potential for manipulation of alkaloid content through traditional breeding.  相似文献   

Policy and experiment in mother tongue literacy in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The advocacy for initial mother tongue literacy in elementary schools and in adult education has been intensified within the past three decades, reflecting new attitudes to cultural diversity, especially to multilingual and multicultural education. This paper assesses the efforts made in one country, Nigeria, to achieve mother tongue literacy for its citizens, through a comparative analysis of the national policy on mother tongue literacy and the Ife experimental project, whose major purpose was to test the effectiveness of the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction throughout the six years of primary education. Although, like the Ife project, many experimental projects on mother tongue literacy in other countries are shown to have succeeded in realizing their objectives, the findings highlight the mediating effects of several non-linguistic variables. The findings indicate that its use as the medium of instruction in schools cannot compensate for the deficiencies in the educational system, particularly poor quality instructional facilities, or the social barriers in the wider society which prevent certain groups of minority children from learning well in school. The implications of the findings are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Förderung der Alphabetisierung in den ursprünglichen Muttersprachen in Grundschulen und in der Erwachsenenbildung wurde in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten intensiviert. Diese spiegelt neu entwickelte Ansichten über die kulturelle Vielfalt wider, besonders im Hinblick auf mehrsprachige und multikulturelle Erziehung. In diesem Artikel werden die in Nigeria unternommenen Bemühungen um die Alphabetisierung in den Muttersprachen der Bürger beurteilt. Hierzu stellte man eine vergleichende Analyse der nationalen Politik auf in Bezug auf die Muttersprachen und das Ife-Experiment, dessen Hauptaufgabe die Überprüfung der Effektivität der Anwendung der Muttersprache als Lernmedium während der sechs Grundschuljahre ist. Obwohl viele experimentelle Projekte in anderen Ländern wie das Ife-Projekt erfolgreich ihre Ziele in der Alphabetisierung in der Muttersprache verwirklichen konnten, deuten die Ergebnisse auf die nicht unwesentlichen Auswirkungen nicht-linguistischer Variablen hin. Die Resultate zeigen außerdem, daß die Anwendung als Lernmedium in der Schule weder die Mängel im Bildungssystem ausgleichen kann, insbesondere die geringe Qualität der Lehreinrichtungen, noch die sozialen Schranken in der Gesellschaft, die Kindern aus sozialen Randgruppen den Zugang zu qualifizierter Bildung erschwert, abbauen hilft. Die Auswirkungen dieser Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.

Résumé Le plaidoyer en faveur de l'alphabétisation initiale en langue maternelle dans les écoles élémentaires et dans l'éducation des adultes a été intensifié au cours des trente dernires années. Il traduit les nouvelles attitudes face à la diversité, particuliérement en ce qui concerne l'enseignement multilingue et multiculturel. Le présent article évalue les efforts entrepris dans un pays — le Nigeria — pour offrir une alphabétisation en langue maternelle à ses citoyens grâce à une analyse comparée de la politique nationale d'alphabétisation en langue maternelle et du projet expérimental d'Ife, dont l'objectif majeur était de tester l'efficacité de l'utilisation de la langue maternelle comme médium d'instruction durant les six années d'enseignement primaire. Comme pour le projet d'Ife, bien que de nombreux projets expérimentaux d'alphabétisation en langue maternelle mis en oeuvre dans d'autres pays semblent avoir réussi à atteindre leurs objectifs, les résultats obtenus soulignent les effets indirects de plusieurs variables non linguistiques. Ils indiquent que l'utilisation de la langue maternelle comme médium d'instruction dans les écoles ne compense pas les déficiences du systéme éducatif, particuliérement les équipements pédagogiques de médiocre qualité ou les barrières sociales de la société en général qui empêchent certains groupes d'enfants issus de minorités d'apprendre bien à l'école. On discute des incidences de ces résultats.


Atomic Ghost: Poets Respond to the Nuclear Age , edited by John Bradley with an introduction by Terry Tempest Williams. Minneapolis, MN: Coffee House Press. 1995. 330 pages. Softbound, $15.95.  相似文献   

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