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The Philosophy for Children in Schools Project is an ongoing research project to explore the impact of philosophy for children (P4C) on classroom practice. This paper reports on the responses of head teachers, teachers and local educational authority (LA) officers in South Wales, UK, to the initial training programme in Philosophy for Children carried out by the University School of Education. Achieving change in schools through the embedding of new practices is an important challenge for head teachers. Interviews and qualitative questionnaires were used to explore perceptions of and attitudes towards the dialogic practice of P4C and the related challenges for school leaders. The results provide an insight into how head teachers planned to embed the new practice of P4C in their schools. Results from the interviews and questionnaires have been subject to iterative analysis and categories derived under which to discuss the findings. There are many similarities in the ways in which different head teachers go about planning change n their schools as well as differences. The results provide insight into the role of initial continuing professional development (CPD) in school development and the processes by which individual heads plan to embed change in practice across the whole school.  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校是20世纪80年代中期以来美国教育改革中出现的一种新型学校。作为厌这与中小学伙伴关系的产物,PDS学校把美国教师教育改革与公立学校的教改紧密联系起来,使教师教育质量的改进与中小学教育质量的全面提高形成一种共生的关系,其目的在于通过大学培养出更好的教师,以便把中小学办得更好。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how a sample of female Singaporean secondary school principals perceived their leadership styles and compares their responses to a similar study carried out recently of female English head teachers. The education systems of England and Singapore are quite different. The English environment allows schools significant autonomy in personnel management and the majority of head teachers and senior managers are male. In contrast, the Singaporean educational environment is quite centralized, including the management of career paths, and the proportion of female senior managers is much higher. Interviews were conducted with 11 female Singaporean principals to identify their styles of management, leadership perspectives, and attitudes. The discussion first focuses on whether or not the styles of the principals in relation to ‘masculine’ or feminine’ stereotypes of leadership were similar to those of the English head teachers. Further comparison is made of the leadership attributes of the two sets of principals, including styles of management, decision‐making, working environment, need for vision, and values.  相似文献   

农村教育是教育均衡化的发展之重,而农村教育的关键在于教师队伍的建设。分析2010年基础教育阶段若干教师政策的文本,可知农村中小学教师队伍的建设呈现多元走向的特点:免费师范生教育政策走向双向保障,国培计划走向价值引领式的教师培训,硕师计划与特岗计划政策走向适度的融合。  相似文献   

The study examines the role of the Head of Department in UK secondary schools in terms of its potential for school improvement. Thirty-two heads of department in secondary schools in Birmingham and Manchester were shadowed and interviewed in order to identify: (1) their leadership and management styles; (2) the sense of empowerment felt by each; (3) initiatives for improving teaching, learning and achievement in their departments; and (4) obstacles to improving teaching, learning and achievement. Four deputy head teachers in the sample schools were also interviewed with the purpose of eliciting their views on the role of the head of department in facilitating school improvement. The findings support the prediction that distributed leadership (or shared power) among senior and middle managers in UK schools still remains rhetoric rather than practice and that there is a growing need for current middle management development and training provision to change radically if middle managers are to be supported as curriculum leaders and managers  相似文献   

远程教师教育的目标是促进教师的专业发展,需要建立远程教师教育的准入与退出制度,推出一批特色课程、精品专业,打造远程教师教育品牌,整合各类教育机构与教育资源,建立区域性的远程教师教育网络,建立远程教师教育实践基地与教师专业发展学校,并加强远程教师教育专题研究。  相似文献   

金晓  王苏 《天津教育》2021,(8):33-34
班主任是一个班级教育和管理工作的核心,肩负着教书育人的重大职责。新时期下的初中生培养和教育工作更加注重学生的主观感受,强调学生的个性发展,为此初中班主任更需要在教学管理工作中体现出爱与温暖,运用自身教育智慧去关注学生发展动态,给予学生理解和欣赏,帮助学生健康成长。  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical discussion on the current problems and future challenges of school capacity building in early childhood education (ECE), aiming to highlight some key areas for future research. In recent years, there has been a notable policy shift from monitoring quality through inspection to improving quality through school capacity building in early childhood institutions in the global discourse for quality. Reflecting this policy shift and its implications on school development, ECE in Hong Kong is used as an illustrative example to deliberate the issues of school capacity building in Chinese educational contexts. We identify three challenging contexts: (1) low professional qualification and minimal teacher education resulting in a deficit approach to processional development, (2) absence of school-based professional learning culture for empowering teachers as internal agents of change, and (3) hierarchical culture within a school and between university and school hindering the process of school capacity building. Corresponding to these challenges, we aim to propose two suggestions, including (1) empowering teachers in ECE through school-based professional learning community and (2) promoting authentic external support in the process of university–school collaboration. Finally, we further propose specific directions for future research on school capacity building in ECE in Hong Kong. In doing so, it will contribute to knowledge-based development in school capacity building in Chinese educational contexts.  相似文献   

我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊及其深层次原因剖析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊现象及其体制的原因进行了理论探讨。心理教师的角色模糊主要表现为心理教师与管理者、与德育教师及与普通教师的混淆。造成这一混淆的根本原因在于心理健康教育在德育和管理框架内运作,缺少与特殊教育的联系,现存殊教育范围的狭窄及其与主流教育的脱节等。解决混淆的根本途径在于深化目前的德育与管理体制的改革,在特殊教育框架内,以特殊儿童的服务为核心,重新整合心理健康教育资源,使心理辅导与心理测评发挥其应有作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study to identify the extent to which organizations that develop educational/training products are committed to project management, as measured by their project management implementation maturity, as a methodology that is separate and distinct from the processes of instructional design. A Web survey was conducted among 103 public and private sector organizations worldwide that develop educational/training products. Results show no significant difference by project management maturity level in the roles of instructional designer and project manager, although there is some relationship between maturity level and how organizations perceive the skills/competencies of project managers versus those of instructional designers. Further, organizational decision-makers have very specific expectations about the formal education and training of educational/training product development project leaders. The findings should be of value to institutions of higher education in evaluating programs that prepare students for careers in instructional design.  相似文献   

基础教育信息化和新课程的不断深入,对教师教育技术能力提出了更高的要求。本文通过对职前教师(甘肃民族师范学院师范类高年级学生)教育技术能力现状调查发现,职前教师对教育技术能力的重要性持非常肯定的态度,并具有将教育技术相关知识和技能用于学习和生活的意识;教育技术相关理论知识欠缺、技能薄弱,应用与创新意识淡薄。在现状分析的基础上,笔者尝试从课程理念、课程内容、课程实施、教学方式和评价方式等方面提出了一些策略,以期时同类院校有所启示。  相似文献   

教师职业具有专业化的一切特征,教师专业化呼唤教师教育专业化.教师专业化已经成为一种强劲的思潮,极大地推动了许多发达国家教师教育新理念和新制度的建立.国际教师教育专业化潮流在催生我国教师教育学院的同时,也迫使其依据教师教育专业化要求实施改革与转型.在教师教育改革方面,担任主要角色的教师教育学院院长已经面临来自内外部的压力,为了应对这些变化,院长必须在教师教育的规划、实施和教育服务方面承担起主要的领导责任,以迎接教师教育专业化的挑战.  相似文献   

组建“名校集团”作为促进教育均衡的一种策略和手段,目前被广泛采用,然而,对于组建“名校集团”能否真正持续促进基础教育均衡发展这个问题,目前无论在教育理论界,中小学教育工作者和社会各方面都有争议。为此,文章以成都市为个案,在充分论证成都市“名校集团”建设操作策略及实践效果的基础上,提出对成都市推进“名校集团”建设的原则性认识及优化策略思路。策略包括:进一步明确指导思想,建设“学校发展共同体”;进一步完善和规范“学校共同体”的运行机制;建立龙头学校领先发展的支持机制;建立“共同体”成员学校的进出机制;加快实施普通中学布局调整,促进中学教育整体提升;加强对集团运行机制的研究,以理论支撑名校集团发展。  相似文献   

职业教育是面向企业的教育,是为企业培养实用型人才的教育,学校与企业建立良好校企合作关系是职业教育的可靠保障。校企合作办学模式是职业院校的必由之路,校企合作为“双师型”教师队伍的培养与提高搭建了良好平台,重视和加强师资队伍建设是技能人才培养的关键。  相似文献   

The standard of professional ethics among teachers directly determines the educational standards of a school; they are an essential component of education. In order to clarify the current situation with regard to the professional ethics of teachers in institutions of higher education, this article analyzes how society evaluates those ethics and the factors influencing them (including forms of and criteria for teacher-student interaction, the professional skills of teachers, and the individual charisma [meili] of teachers).  相似文献   

随着教育信息化和教师专业化的发展,教育技术能力已成为当代教师的基本素质.《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》的颁布不仅对中小学教师教育技术能力明确了标准,而且对师范生的教育教学也提出了更高的要求.通过对凯里学院教育技术公共课教学中存在的问题进行分析,提出民族地区地方院校教育技术公共课相应的改革措施.  相似文献   

Despite significant global efforts to mitigate HIV and AIDS, the epidemic continues to be a serious problem to the human race. It has claimed many productive individuals, including teachers, administrators, and parents, and has left millions of traumatized and orphaned children. Unfortunately, few teachers are prepared to take on the extra tasks of teaching and providing support that the disease creates within school settings. Teacher training institutions and governments are challenged to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to take on these new and changing roles. This article explores the role of current pre-service and in-service teacher training (PITT) programmes and offers evidence that teachers need more and better training to integrate HIV education into the mainstream curriculum in Africa. We argue that the success of HIV interventions in the sector depends on the quality and relevance of the PITT programmes being offered.  相似文献   

路莹 《成才之路》2021,(11):16-17
班主任的班级管理工作,能够对高中生的学习、生活和成长产生重要影响。在当前高中教育阶段,一些班主任的班级管理工作还存在一些问题,导致学生的学习效率得不到提升,学生的能力得不到培养,无法帮助学生树立正确的“三观”。文章结合教育实践,对高中班主任班级管理工作存在的问题及对策进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

The rural educational policy of this society is to make village schools the heart of reform and village teachers its spirit. We believe that the central school is a product of actual village life and that the Chinese normal school is a product of the rural central school. The purpose of rural normal education is to turn out teachers who have agricultural skills, a scientific mind, and the will to reform society. These teachers must use the least amount of money to run the best possible schools in order to nurture the peasants' strength for life. We deeply believe they can rely on the principle of the unity of teaching, study, and work to give students the ability to conquer nature and reform society. However, to realize this education on a large scale, we must have experimentation, study, investigation, extension, talented leadership, organization, planning, capital, and a tenacious spirit to assure success. Our society has a broad scope of activity but, from now on, our primary responsibility is to serve our 340 million peasants through a forceful policy of rural educational reform. We are already committed to raise one million yuan and amass one million comrades to promote one million schools and reform one million villages.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):338-350

The debate about declining education standards and quality has been going on for decades. At the centre of this debate has been teacher performance. But the blame for the decline in educational standards and quality of education in South Africa cannot be placed squarely on the shoulders of teachers alone. Society as a whole must accept its share of responsibility too. For the decline or the improvement of the standard and quality of education depends on the roles played by teachers, parents, learners, tertiary institutions, non-governmental organisations and the government. To blame teachers alone misses the core problem, which is at the root of the continuing decline in educational standards and quality in a country which has the biggest economy in Africa. To stem this tide will require a collaborative effort by all these role players. But, more importantly, it will require the restructuring of how teachers are trained, as well as the transformation of school governing bodies, so as to enable them to play the role the South African Schools Act intended them to play. The profession must also be made attractive in order to attract talented matriculants. This will entail improvements in the salary structure and conditions of service of teachers. It will also be necessary to revamp the current teacher in-service training and development system to enable it to play a more meaningful role in assisting teachers to continually refresh and retool their skills in order to cope with the ever-changing teaching and learning environment.  相似文献   

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