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作为一部宏大叙事的现实主义小说,古华的《芙蓉镇》充分表明后发现代国家的现实主义文学表面讲述的是个人故事,实际表现的是国家命运。小说建构了一个由党性、经济指标和道德伦理组成的价值判断系统。但就本质而言,党性是宏大叙事现实主义小说的最高原则,党的主流意志是其最高意志,宏大叙事现实主义小说中人物的意志必须以党的意志为转移,个人意志只有非常狭隘的表现空间。  相似文献   

劳动并不必然产生商标权,不能作为商标权产生的直接依据。商标权是个人意志与社会公共意志相结合的产物;社会公共意志对取得商标权的个人意志的认可,对于商标权的产生起着决定性的作用。社会公共意志对取得商标权的个人意志予以认可的根源,可以从伦理学的视角进行分析。赋予商标专有权是保障社会公共利益的必要手段,符合正义要求,具有深厚伦理基础。  相似文献   

意志是主观心理状态,意志行动则是主观见诸于实际的行动,教师教学中的意志行动是由意志支配的指向当下教学活动的行动。由于教师在教学实践中意志与意志行动处于矛盾的状态,教师的意志行动十分艰难。化解艰难的策略为超越、当下、身体以及和谐,它体现了教师意志行动的智慧。  相似文献   

意志培养,也称意志教育,即教育者针对学生身心发展的特点,有目的、有计划地对学生良好意志品质方面所实施的指导和教育。从心理学的角度看,良好的意志品质包括:自觉性,即对自己行动目的的正确性和重要性有明确而深刻的认识,从而自觉地行动,以达到既定的目的;果断性,即善于迅速地辨明是非,作出决定,执行决定;坚持性,即人能克服外部或内部困难,坚持完成任务的品质;自制能力,即人善于控制和调节自己行动的能力。良好意志品质具体体现在勇敢、机智、顽强、果断、不畏艰苦、勇于克服困难等方面的心理品质。 素质教育,指以促进…  相似文献   

刘明华 《广西教育》2008,(21):83-84
意志行动是有意识、有目的的心理活动,它是歌唱的重要因素之一。一名歌唱者无论进行哪一种声乐基本动作练习活动,都需要有目的、动机,并进行刻苦练习,需要歌唱者的意志行动调控,因此意志行动在歌唱与发声中随处可以表现出来。意志行动分为采取决定阶段和执行决定阶段,其中执行决定阶段是意志行动的中心环节。意志行动对歌唱者的关键作用主要体现在它的调节支配、发动和制止功能等方面。培养良好的意志行动对于促进歌唱者的演唱水平有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

通过对德国的考察和分析,笔者认为德国职业教育体系是从满足社会发展、企业需求和个人进步三者要求来设计的,同时这也成为职业教育的目标。职业教育机构不仅要培养学生独立工作需要的专业能力,还要培养学生今后适应社会变革和个人进步所需要的非专业能力,即关键能力,包括方法能力、社会能力和个人能力。专业能力和关键能力构成了职业行动能力。职业行动能力需要通过行动导向教学加以培养,行动导向教学以具体的职业行动和各种思想活动为基础,也是理解他人行动的过程。学习领域是德国新框架计划的结构特点,它面向职业任务与行动过程。  相似文献   

在考试应体现谁的意志的争论中,有四种代表性的观点:国家意志说,用户意志说,个人意志说,人类(社会)意志说。但上述观点并不能很好地概括考试的属性。为此,从国家、社会和个人的关系中,赋予考试内涵以新的阐释,即考试是三者之间意志协调的结果,其属性在于国家、社会和个人意志协调的契约。  相似文献   

一、实施"3抓",调控村小的校本培训1.抓宏观管理。在宏观管理上,中心校要做两项工作:一是抓3个计划的制订,即中心校校本培训计划、村小校本培训计划和个人学习计划的制订。首先中心校要依据上级关于校本培训工作的实施意见和方案,制订出中心校校本培训方案。在订中心校校本培训方案时,要体现统领性,即方案中要对培训原则、总体目标、阶段性目标和必修的通识理论内容有明确的规定,除此之外,对培训方式、培训措施、培训时间、地  相似文献   

我们讲制定计划,主要指制定学生个人的学习计划,例如:竞赛赶超计划、某科补课计划、假期自学计划、考前复习计划、课外阅读计划、社会调查计划、每天活动计划等等。有了这些计划,不仅有利于促进学习目标的实现,也有利于在实施学习计划的过程中磨炼自己的意志,养成良好的学习习惯。  相似文献   

哈耶克批判社会主义计划的思想辨析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计划是二十世纪二三十年代社会主义与自由主义争论的主要问题,作为自由主义代表的哈耶克对计划的理论反思占有重要地位。他认为计划是导致社会主义国家一切问题的根源。在他看来。一个缺少了竞争环境的所谓计划价格无法真实地反映经济波动,由此导致的信息困境决定了社会主义计划的行不通;计划导致中央政府干预领域不断扩大。直至侵犯个人行动自由,唯有市场才能保障个人自由。哈耶克对社会主义计划的批判在一定程度上可以为我们认识社会主义计划为什么行不通提供理论启示,但也存在着偏颇之处。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring prospective science teachers’ awareness of waste recycling. The study was conducted with the participation of 382 prospective teachers attending a university located in northern Turkey. The five-point Likert type scale that was developed contained 82 items relating to prospective science teachers’ awareness of waste recycling. The factor analysis conducted showed that five items had factor loadings below 0.30, and five were cross loading items. Factor analysis was repeated after removing these items. A further 24 items were removed from the list at the end of the factor analysis, and the remaining 48 items were grouped under ten dimensions. The reliability coefficient for the factors extracted varied between 0.717 and 0.805, and the internal reliability coefficient for the whole scale was 0.905.  相似文献   

人事档案是医院的一项重要资源,也是医院管理的重要内容。随着科学技术的迅速发展,加强人事档案的现代化管理,充分的开发利用档案信息,可以更大限度地发挥医院人力资源的效力,更好地为医院各项工作服务。  相似文献   

通过对大学生进行PCI个人工作特性测验和卡特尔16PF人格测验,对大学生的工作特性和个性特征进行分析。研究大学生工作风格与个性特征的关系,有助于在高等教育工作中明确培养目标、寻找有效的途径,培养出符合社会发展要求的社会栋梁之才。  相似文献   

Nine hundred and forty-four effective participants from middle schools are enrolled in this research and divided into two subgroups: sample 1 (N=472) is used in the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and sample 2 (N=472) in the certified factor analysis (CFA). Results show that an Adolescents’ Personal Growth Initiative Scale contains 24 items in 5 factors, with expected indices of reliability and validity.  相似文献   

The present study details the development and validation of an engagement instrument in the pre-service teacher education context. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses were used to obtain the factor structures performed on a sample of 196 and 212 pre-service teachers respectively. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated four empirically interpretable and reliable dimensions: academic engagement, peer engagement, intellectual engagement, and online engagement. The confirmatory factor analysis results also supported the correlational four-dimensional model with adequate goodness-of-fit indices. Results also depicted convergent and discriminant validity of the instrument. Future research involved in the iterative process of instrument development is discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relative importance which six groups of academic departments attached to five institutional goal dimensions. The six groups were formed on the basis of Holland's theory of vocational choice and the five goal dimensions were developed from a factor analysis of eleven goal statements. A stepwise, multiple discriminant analysis revealed significant differences between the six groups of academic departments on the Research-Graduate and Quality Education goal dimensions. These two dimensions produced significant differentiation in eleven of the fifteen possible group comparisons. The findings suggest tentatively that Holland's theory of vocational choice can assist in the interpretation of varying goal priorities within the academic community. Suggestions are offered to indicate how this theory might be employed by university administrators and in subsequent research on the administration of academic departments and the complex roles of their chairmen.  相似文献   

"个人自由全面发展"是贯穿马克思思想整体的核心价值命题,在<1857-1858年经济学手稿>中,马克思详细地阐述了个人自由全面发展的实现条件,凸显了马克思伦理思想的现实性品格和实践性特征,也以此与一切形式化或说教型的伦理学思辨体系划清了界限.  相似文献   

研究表明 ,外在因素、内在因素和个性因素是影响外语学习的三个主要因素。个性因素范畴包括年龄因素、语言能力倾向、认知风格和动机因素。其中语言能力倾向在外语学习中具有重要作用。现在的研究成果还无法说明哪些个性因素对外语学习的成功起着至关重要的作用 ,要全面认识人们外语学习中质量方面所存在的差异 ,必须考虑学习者、社会等诸多方面的因素及它们之间的相互作用  相似文献   

Achievement goal orientations are important for students’ ongoing motivation. Students with a mastery goal orientation show the most advantageous achievement and motivational patterns. Much research has been conducted to identify classroom structures which promote students’ mastery goal orientation. The TARGET framework is one example of these efforts and provides six instructional dimensions (task, authority, recognition, grouping, evaluation, time), which should form a classroom structure that fosters a mastery goal orientation. The aim of this study was to examine the entire multi-dimensional TARGET framework and its impact on mastery goal orientation in a longitudinal study with 1680 secondary school students. CFAs confirmed the existence of one latent factor TARGET comprising the six proposed dimensions. This study also provides the first empirical evidence, based on longitudinal data, that TARGET has a positive impact on student mastery goal orientations.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences in students' perceptions of the amount of improvement in dimensions of teaching skills across levels of instruction, class sizes, and disciplines. The relationship between factor scores on the dimensions of teaching and students' overall ratings are also analyzed across instructional settings.Student ratings were collected in 2,816 classes in a Faculty of Commerce over three semesters. Using class means as a unit of analysis, the data were factor-analyzed. Factor scores were used as dependent variables in examining differences across course characteristics. Factor scores were further used to predict ratings of the overall quality of instruction. These predictions were subsequently compared across instructional settings.In the combined sample, differences in students' perceptions were found across levels of instruction for all factors, and across class size for two factors. When analyses were conducted on these variables within separate disciplines, the results varied. The relationship between factor scores on the dimensions of teaching and students' overall ratings varied across instructional settings.The results are discussed in relation to previous research on the dimensions of teaching and in relation to the concept of students' normative assumptions about teaching behavior. Some practical implications of the results are also described.  相似文献   

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