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人的创造能力来源于精神,精神是人创造发明的不竭源泉。但是,如果精神生命中的创造本性被异化为非创造性的东西,那么人就有可能由于精神异化而丧失创造发明能力。生活中有些人之所以终生毫无任何创造发明,正是由于这些人的精神被异化造成的。只有克服异化、全面占有自己的本质,才能拥有强大的创造发明能力。  相似文献   

美育在创造能力的培养中具有特别重要的作用,审美在科学创造和发明中具有突出的启迪功能。美育有助于创造能力发展的生理机制在于通过开发右脑使大脑两半球得到协调发展,使它们各自的功能得到互补和充分发挥;其心理机制在于美感作为自由感受具有自由直观的因素,这种因素培育着直觉思维能力,而这种能力正是开启创造能力的钥匙。  相似文献   

Relationships between measures of creativity and measures of intelligence were analysed to show that even when the intercorrelations among the former are not appreciably larger than correlations between creativity and intelligence measures, dimensions of creativity are found to be psychometrically and conceptually distinct from dimensions of intelligence. One hundred eighty-eight art and engineering college students were administered objective tests and questionnaires designed to tap a number of ability and nonability indicants of creativity and intelligence. Some of these measures were of a kind that some investigators would regard as “criterion” measures of creativity and intelligence. Data were analysed by means of correlational and factor analytic procedures. Eight major influences were indicated by independent factors rotated to approximate simple structure. The influences represented by these factors were identified as: fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, memory, fluency, rule-orientation versus intuitive thinking, and self-sufficient-calculated-risk-taking. The fourth, seventh, and eighth factors were discussed as representing distinct cognitive, motivational, and temperamental aspects of creativity. At the level of test intercorrelations discriminant validity did not obtain–measures of creativity did not intercorrelate more highly among themselves than they correlated with measures of intelligence. The putative factors of creativity did correlate more highly with creativity criteria, however, than did the factors identified as representing intelligence. Moreover, the intelligence factors were more highly related to intelligence criteria than to creativity criteria. Thus the evidence of this study suggests that it is useful to think of creativity and intelligence as the outgrowths of distinct (although overlapping) sets of influences, even when this is not well indicated by discriminant-convergent validation analyses carried out with respect to tests (in contrast to factors).  相似文献   

In order to prepare engineering students for a changing future and to help them develop their own capacity for independent innovative thought and creative problem‐solving, we are faced with the need to explore ways of fostering creativity in students within engineering programmes. We see the need to focus on how to access creativity, how to develop an environment which is less constrained and which will allow creative flow. Three case studies are presented which demonstrate the importance of establishing the freedom of the learning process as well as providing motivation, whether extrinsic, in terms of the assessment scheme, or intrinsic. This latter might take the form of helping students to realize that the process of learning is a process of invention in itself and that students need to recognize their existing creativity and capacity for engagement. The very important and yet elusive issue of evaluation is also considered for each course. We discuss how to monitor the level of success in achieving the given objective of fostering creativity in students.  相似文献   

Different manifestations of the impact of culture on creativity are discussed and illustrated by empirical studies. They include: (i) conceptualisation of creativity on both the explicit and implicit levels; (ii) attitudes towards creativity and values attached to creativity; (iii) channelling creative endeavour through different domains of human activities; and (iv) socialisation processes and educational goals and practices. It is argued that creative expression is a universal human phenomenon that is firmly grounded in culture and has its own profound impact on culture itself. The effects of culture on creativity are presented within an interactive model that, besides culture, also incorporates historical, societal and individual factors. Methodological dilemmas involved in cross-cultural studies of creativity are also discussed.  相似文献   

论数学思想方法在教学中的地位与作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
数学思想方法是研究数学发现,发明,创新和其他创造性活动的规律和方法的一门数学学科。综观数学发展的历史及其经验和教训,可以得出数学思想方法是数学的灵魂这个基本结论。  相似文献   

人的认识活动是一项复杂的活动。人的认识差异也是由多种因素综合作用的结果。其中,诸如自觉性、能动性、创造性等主体性因素在认识中尤为重要,它们相互交织,并通过认识图式、非理性因素、价值观影响着认识活动。在此过程中,只有遵循真理原则与价值原则才能获得正确认识。  相似文献   

杨凯 《培训与研究》2006,23(3):98-100
从科学技术发展看,21世纪将是高科技群体飞速发展和新的科技革命、社会革命相继到来的世纪,也是又一次伟大的文艺复兴和大智大德的新人辈出的世纪。人类的未来,国家的命运比以往任何时候都更加依赖于有智慧又敢于创新的人。培养科学技术发明创造人才在21世纪具有客观必然性和至关重要的现实需要。大学承担培养科学技术发明创造人才的历史使命,科学技术发明创造人才培养模式作为一大科学研究领域已经摆在人们面前。  相似文献   

Steve Coxon 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):255-256
The recognition of patterns and creativity are two characteristics associated with mathematical talent. In this study, we analyzed these characteristics in a group of 37 mathematically talented students. The students were asked to find the pattern the Braille code had been built upon and reinvent it with the aim of making its mathematical language become more functional. Initially, the students were unable to identify the formation pattern of Braille, but after experiencing the difficulties that blind people face when reading it, they recognized the generating element and the regularity. The results were in contrast with those of a control group, and it is noted that the students with mathematical talent were more effective in using visualization to identify the regularity of the pattern and their invention proposals were more sophisticated and used less conventional mathematical content.  相似文献   


Creativity tests measure specific cognitive processes such as thinking divergently, making associations, constructing and combining broad categories, or working on many ideas simultaneously. They also measure noncognitive aspects of creativity such as motivation (e.g., impulse expression, desire for novelty, risk‐taking), and facilitatory personal properties like flexibility, tolerance for independence, or positive attitudes to differentness. Raters can score the various kinds of test with substantial levels of agreement, while scores are internally stable to an acceptable degree. The tests also correlate to a reasonable degree with various criteria of creativity such as teacher ratings, and are useful predictors of adult behavior. Thus, they are useful in both research and education. However, they are best thought of as measures of creative potential because creative achievement depends on additional factors not measured by creativity tests, such as technical skill, knowledge of a field, mental health, or even opportunity. However, the multidimensional creativity concept they define indicates that assessments should be based on several tests, rather than relying on a single score.  相似文献   

李毅、寇清杰认为,方克立长期关注中国新文化的体用问题,20多年来发表了多篇相关论文。20世纪80年代,张岱年比较系统地阐述了综合创新的文化观,方克立是其最有力的支持者、阐释者和发挥者之一。"马魂、中体、西用"一方面是对近代中国体用之争进行历史反思的新成果,另一方面是运用张岱年综合创新论考察当代中国文化建设实际的新收获。张允熠认为,"马魂、中体、西用"论是直接对张岱年运用体用观念阐述"马学为体,西学为用"的文化观或文化价值论的一种细化和发展,也是对张岱年"文化的综合创新"论在时代高度上的一次重新解读和提升,"综合创新"系综合命题,"马魂、中体、西用"论为分析命题。但这种表述方法也有需进一步推敲和完善其论证之处。刘仲林认为,中国哲学的创新,不仅要厘定马、中、西的价值定位,还要关注哲学创新所需具备的要素。张岱年也将文化的综合创新称之为"文化创造主义",并阐明了融会中西、激励精神、创发原则、应用科学四要素,这四要素皆可归结于创造精神。陈卫平认为,"马魂、中体、西用"是受到张岱年"综合创新"论的启发,是对其"对理法"的发挥结果。"马魂、中体、西用"作为对"综合创新"论的继承和发展,深得"对理法"真髓,不仅指出了三者在当代中国新文化建设中各自的价值定位,也有见于三者既有长短又能互补的辩证关系。  相似文献   

为了解研究生创新能力及与人格、思维的关系,论文以《硕士研究生创新能力调查问卷》《艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版》《学生认知风格问卷》为工具,抽取贵州省、陕西省两地520名硕士生.结果发现,硕士生创新能力总体处于中等及以上水平,人格特质均高于国内常模,思维认知得分均显著高于理论中值.男女生在创新思维能力和学术创新能力存在显著差异.不同学科的研究生在学术创新能力方面有显著差异.除知识结构,陕西省与贵州省的研究生创新能力得分均有显著差异.创新能力、人格与思维认知之间存在一定的关联,神经质、内外倾,言语表象、直觉-分析、思维内外倾是影响创新能力的主要因素.  相似文献   

较系统地介绍了最早三种晶体管的发明过程,从中实事求是地反映出晶体管之父W.B.肖克莱的多项发明专利,体现了他一生超凡的创造力,他是20世纪名副其实的"多产"的物理学家,对人类作出了重大贡献。为我们在建设创新型国家的进程中,提供了有益的启示与思考。  相似文献   

This essay introduces a novel way to conceptualize writerly invention – invention as adopting a non-intentional intellectual stance wherein heuristics are experienced as acting upon the writer as opposed to being enacted by the writer. This view of invention complicates and extends the traditional, Aristotelian view of invention as discreet heuristic aids chosen by the writer to develop a topic or position. The non-intentional invention heuristics explored in this essay include promethean, trickster, and improvisational.  相似文献   

影响德国大学创新力的制度与观念解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在世界范围内,德国高等教育向人们展示的不仅是其创新的显力,还有其绵延不绝的创新潜力。本文从制度与观念等维度对影响德国大学创新力的因素进行了探讨,对支撑德国大学创新力的独特理念和推动德国大学创新力的动力网络与制度保障进行了较为全面的分析。  相似文献   

While a high number of studies have focused on the nature of creativity and on approaches to identify and to promote creativity there is a lack of studies analysing people's implicit theories of creativity. The present study investigates implicit theories of individuals who are assumed to influence other's views on creativity. We collected data from politicians, scientists, artists and school teachers. Subjects were asked to write down what they spontaneously associate to the term “creativity”. Answers were analysed using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Out of the 560 subjects asked, only 145 participated in the study. Answers were compared with regard to profession, gender, and country (Austria versus Germany). In general, results show extremely high answer variability. Differences in the number of associations produced and the most frequent words associated with creativity are higher across profession groups than between females and males and between respondents from Austria and from Germany. Artists seem to form an outstanding group. They show the highest participation rate of all subgroups, produced the highest number of associations, comprised the highest rate of subjects expressing ego‐involvement in their answers, and used the widest‐ranging approaches to creativity.  相似文献   

A historical review of visualization in human cognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a historical overview of visualization as a cognitive strategy in human creativity, discovery, and problem-solving. Visualization strategies, such as mental imagery, pervade historical accounts of scientific discovery and invention. A selected number of historical examples are presented and discussed on topics such as physics, aviation, and the science of chaos. Everyday examples are also discussed to show the value of visualization in cognition for all people. Several counter examples are also discussed showing that visualization can also lead to erroneous conclusions. Many educational implications are discussed, such as reconsidering the dominant role and value schools place on verbal, abstract thinking. These issues are also considered in light of emerging computer-based technologies, such as virtual reality.  相似文献   

学生创造力的培养是现代教育的重要目的,课堂教学是培养学生创造力的重要方式。然而,当前的课堂教学中存在着诸多妨碍学生创造力培养的因素,如创造力观念的偏差,课堂教学观念的偏颇,师生关系的僵化,课堂气氛的沉闷。基础教育改革就应克服以上弊端,营造出有利于学生创造力培养的课堂教学氛围,促进学生创造力的发展。  相似文献   

Teaching technology without reference to the human need which calls for it, not only gives students the wrong idea about the nature of technology, it also hides the importance of the testing of artifacts for operation in the relevant environment. The research reported in this paper began with the trialing of stories designed to show the social need which triggered new invention, in the appropriate period of history, through the eyes of contemporary children of our pupils' age. The pupils were asked to design their working models through drawings, to construct them, and then to test and evaluate them. The model used to understand the interplay between the ideas in the minds of pupils, and the selection process which decided on their worthiness, is one drawn from evolutionary epistemology. Data shows that some elementary school children do recognise the mental nature of the design activity as the combination of parts of remembered mechanisms, and the grounds for selection as fitness for the job in the chosen environment. This approach goes some way towards distinguishing aspects of technological education from scientific education, including the high value accorded to creativity and personal invention in technology.  相似文献   

培养学生的创造力是学校教育的基本职责 ,而创造力的培养离不开创造性思维的培养。单就语文教育来讲 ,语文教育有培养学生就创造性思维进而培养学生创造力的得天独厚的优势。因此 ,有目的地论述了创造的涵义、创造力的要素、创造性思维的特点和构成以及语文教育在培养创造力中的优越条件等问题  相似文献   

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