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李萌 《出版广角》2015,(10):14-16
经过"十一五"期间的发展,数字出版产品的基本形态已经基本显现.然而在电子图书、数字报纸、数字期刊、网络原创文学、网络教育出版物、网络地图、数字音乐、网络动漫、网络游戏、数据库出版物、手机出版物等多种形态中,人们只是有限地接触了少数的几种,并没有出现出版人所预期的全民阅读局面.本文针对当前数字出版理论不足,以及数字出版普及过程中遇到的主要问题,提出了逐步推进数字出版全民普及的具体措施.  相似文献   

目前,数字出版被誉为继造纸术和活字印刷之后的第三次出版革命.以现有技术来看,无论是从纸媒出版物向数字出版物的转化,还是电子书、网络出版等,都能实现数字出版;而序列号/注册码、硬件锁、网络验证等技术手段也能在一定程度上解决数字出版的版权保护问题.  相似文献   

陈光耀 《中国出版》2013,(12):40-42
分析了数字出版物的质量现状及影响数字出版物质量的原因,进而提出了传统出版单位提高数字出版物质量的可行性对策和路径:树立牢固的质量意识,改变传统出版与数字出版"两张皮"的现象,严格执行三审制,加强校对环节,规范电子文档的管理,建立合作中的质量管控机制,确立上线后的不定期检查制度。  相似文献   

正质量是出版产品的生命,要充分发挥出版物质量监督检测工作的重要作用,为提高出版物质量水平、更好满足人民群众精神文化需求做出更大贡献。——国家新闻出版广电总局党组书记、副局长蒋建国数字出版在国外兴起和初入国门时,国内出版界一片惊呼:"狼来了!"这是第一阶段;后来不得不"与狼共舞",期待传统出版与数字出版共存,  相似文献   

随着世界范围内数字时代的到来,互联网阅读、移动客户端阅读等数字出版的全新形态正悄然兴起,且发展日新月异.本文从网络整合营销的4I原则出发,立足趣味、利益、互动、个性等四大原则,探讨出版发行企业创新数字出版物营销策略.  相似文献   

内容质量是出版物的生命线,数字化浪潮带来的数字出版产业大发展在给消费者带来全新阅读体验的同时,也给数字出版物的内容质量把控带来了严峻挑战.本文针对目前数字出版物的内容质量现状及出现的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策和措施,希望能为数字编辑或从事数字出版质量管理的行业人员提供一些有益的参考.  相似文献   

本文通过分析泛在信息环境为数字出版带来的机遇和挑战,阐述泛在信息环境下的数字出版新变化,并针对泛在信息环境的特点和数字出版特有的经营模式,提出对大众原创网络出版物、数据库出版物和手机出版物的经营模式对策,以应对数字出版新形式下的发展变化。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,网络和数字技术的深入发展,催生了一种依托于数字技术和网络技术的新型出版形态--电子数字出版.传统出版载体纸张的垄断地位被打破,网络、计算机、手机、MP4、MP5等都成了数字出版物的内容载体.  相似文献   

由于技术提供者与内容提供者的分离,转载、摘编在我国数字出版业中具有特殊重要性。在数字出版领域,转载、摘编他人已发表作品进行网络传播者必须取得原著作权人的明文许可。数字出版物编辑在转载、摘编时需注意:分清"合理使用"与"法定许可使用";转载传统出版商推出的汇编作品时,要根据情况取得不同的许可;将自己通过转载、摘编方式形成的文摘类传统出版物予以数字化出版时仍需再次取得原著作权人的许可。  相似文献   

在新媒体时代,数字出版拓展了出版物的载体,文字、声音、图像、影视等元素均体现于图书出版中,呈现出动态、交互、多层次体验的特点。本文将从"感觉"、"选择"与"理解"——视觉传播学理论这三个角度出发,探讨如何理解与提高数字出版的版面设计质量、增强数字出版的交互性与多层次体验等问题,使数字出版更好地迎合新媒体时代的要求与发展趋势。  相似文献   


The article discusses developments in scholarly and scientific publishing in the Republic of Georgia since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. State-sector publishing has declined, but there is now a fair amount of NGO publishing. Some publications appear only online. The author discusses some important online publications, databases, and other sites. Many are in English; some are in Georgian and/or Russian. Among them is a document delivery service.  相似文献   

陈玲  王明华  顾凯  邹栩 《编辑学报》2012,24(5):486-488
随着互联网技术的迅速发展与普及,传统的纸质媒体面临数字化和网络化的深刻变革。面对数字化出版环境以及投稿作者年轻化的特点,科技期刊编辑部应因地制宜,利用互联网技术和各种平台,实现信息网络化环境下的作者友好:提高刊物的可检索性及潜在作者获取信息的便捷性和准确性;通过建立自主型期刊网站提供在线稿件处理、教育服务等功能;借力优先数字出版,提升学术研究的传播力以及基于Web 2.0时代与作者交流方式互动化等编辑作为体现作者友好,适应数字化出版的需要,为作者提供更加优质的服务,获得竞争优势,从而更好地生存和发展。  相似文献   

科学、技术和医学(STM)数字出版具有内容数字化、组织语义化和流程网络化的特点。STM数字出版物可划分为传统出版物的数字化出版,新型出版模式下的数字化资源,分析型、工具型为主的知识服务类和科学评价类资源,以及交互性的信息资源四种类型,对图书馆的传统文献资源结构、采购模式和资源采购经费等方面造成冲击。图书馆需要适当提高数字资源比重,整合资源类型、提高资源易用性,推动开放获取资源建设,并加强数字资源产权保护和长期保存研究。  相似文献   

梳理总结20多年来中国近代海关出版物的影印出版过程,为相关史料的影印出版提供参考借鉴。文章对中国近代海关出版物的纸质原版、数字出版和目录出版三种出版形态影印出版的基本情况、特点、编排体例等进行了详细的介绍和分析,并从影印内容、史料整理、史料影印三个方面总结出版经验,指出出版过程中存在原始出版物过于分散、影印版本打乱出版物原有体系、宣传推广不够、地图影印失真等问题,对今后进一步整理中国近代海关出版物影印出版提出建议:补充出版缺少的内容,翻译出版英文原件,原比例再版地图,开展专题出版,探索数字出版等。  相似文献   

This study examines aspects of scholarly journal publishing in the Nordic countries. On average half of Nordic journals publish online. In most Nordic countries, commercial publishers predominate; however, in Finland the majority are society publishers. The number of open access journals is low, in line with international figures. There is concern to maintain local languages in journal publishing. A majority of the journals publishing in local languages are within social science, humanities, and arts; the STM sector publishes in English. English‐language publications are favoured in research assessments, international recognition, and impact, while the visibility of local‐language scholarly journals in international databases is low. The Nordbib program supports Nordic scholarly journals and fosters co‐operation with publishing companies and learned societies over migration to e‐publishing; it also supports open access. The article discusses future challenges for journal publishing, pointing out the problems of small journal publishers and the need for co‐operation between stakeholders.  相似文献   

Scientific publishing in mathematics and physics (as in other exact sciences) is rapidly changing, and it is important to identify and predict relevant changes and their potential consequences. To understand such changes, the authors begin with a brief history of scientific publishing and the rise of digital publishing. The study presents a qualitative comparison of the basic features of traditional and digital forms of publications (books, journals, libraries and databases, archives, webinars, forums, digital learning materials), on the basis of which relevant changes (specific for mathematics and physics) are identified and predicted. Several tables describing the most popular and useful scientific online tools for scientists, professors, students, and engineers are listed.  相似文献   

Specialist publications are an important part of professional and disciplinary development. They serve to communicate research; enable the development of a shared, contestable, and expanding knowledge base; support the educational programmes that advance the profession; grow practice; and inform the evolution of the discipline. In conservation, professional and peer-reviewed journals and other forms of publications support cultural, organisational, and scientific development; facilitate new and improved forms of conservation professional practice; enable the growth of a distinctive research-led discipline; and help conservation to more effectively compete with other disciplines for influence and funding. This paper reports on the findings of a study that investigated conservators’ opinions and experiences of peer-reviewed publishing. This study examined the value conservators place on the dissemination of their research; the obstacles to, and incentives in publishing; the views held by conservators of the benefits of publication to themselves and the field; and the impact of the field's inherent interdisciplinarity on the pattern of conservation publishing. Eighty-six conservators (conservators and conservation scientists) and ten journal editors completed an online questionnaire focusing on the communication of knowledge within the field of cultural materials conservation. Findings suggest that while the peer review process is valued, a significant number who responded indicated a preference for forms of communication other than in peer review journals or publishing in general.  相似文献   

The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) has changed its approach to member publications over a two‐year period with an increased focus on understanding the needs of its broad membership and structuring its portfolio of magazines and websites to meet members' needs and complement the organization's research publications. The process of market research and product development is outlined in this article and the resulting combination of online and print products described. The products have been well received by IEE members and the wider community and have been recognized within the publishing industry with important awards in the business‐to‐business and not‐for‐profit sectors.  相似文献   

高校图书馆出版服务是学术交流的创新模式,研究国外高校图书馆的出版实践,有助于促进我国高校图书馆更好地开展出版服务.以国外高校图书馆的出版途径为基础,对近五年《图书馆出版名录》涉及的各项出版物类型进行数量对比和趋势分析.鉴于国内外出版物管理制度的不同,结合我国出版机制的现实情况和基本国情,探析适合我国高校图书馆出版服务的...  相似文献   

What future roles will publishers need to build on and develop given changes driven by the online system for the publication of research‐based information? By reviewing some of the key issues currently faced by publishers online, this article is an attempt to provide a constructive framework for working through both immediate tactical pressures and priorities, and longer‐term plans on product refinement and market needs. The areas of publishing affected by online availability are identified and contrasted with those that are not. Success rests on the ability of publishers to listen to and observe online users, to be open to the new opportunities that arise, and to be willing to adapt publications to provide value to the research community and libraries by making full and sound use of online as it becomes the dominant route for accessing research information.  相似文献   

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