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采用儿童孤独症及相关发育障碍心理教育评定量表对1名高功能自闭症儿童进行评估,并根据评估结果从社会性发展、问题行为矫正两个领域制定和实施干预计划.个案研究结果显示,该儿童在社会性发展和情绪与行为问题两大领域均有了较大的进步,为其接受融合教育提供了有效的帮助.  相似文献   

基于湖北省8市18县(区)1850个家庭的调查数据,本文考察了家庭教养方式对儿童问题行为的影响及其作用机制.研究发现:家庭教养方式对儿童问题行为有显著影响,权威型教养方式总体上有利于抑制儿童的问题行为,而忽视型教养方式下的儿童更容易出现问题行为,家庭教养方式对儿童问题行为的影响效应因儿童个体特征、家长教育素养的不同而存在差异.家庭教育具有复杂性和多元性,家长应采取何种教养方式以抑制儿童问题行为,既取决于儿童的个性特征,也取决于家长自身的教育素养.从家庭教育政策视野看,重点关注忽视型家庭的子女教育问题,重视家长教育素养提升,提高家庭教育指导的精准性和有效性,是促进儿童社会行为发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

儿童的问题行为是指妨碍儿童身心健康发展和良好品德的形成,给家庭、学校乃至社会带来麻烦的行为。它具有一定的经常性和扰乱性,同该年龄阶段儿童的正常行为表现差距较大。儿童问题行为不仅影响儿童身心的健康发展,而且影响我国素质教育的进程。问题行为不仅"难教儿童"才有,"好儿童"也可能有。为了减少和避免幼儿问题行为的发生,父母应采取科学、合理的方式教养子女。在学校学前教育过程中,老师应对儿童的各种行为表现做出合理的评估,有针对性地实施教育。  相似文献   

关于儿童问题行为的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐媛 《文教资料》2006,(22):172-173
在教育过程中,教育者需要对儿童的各种行为表现做出合理的评估判断,以帮助教育计划的实施,在此过程当中将涉及“问题行为”这一概念的界定问题。本文就儿童问题行为的概念、分类,以及判定问题行为的理论依据和具体操作方法一一作了评述,以期此文有助于广大中小学教师正确合理地判断儿童的行为表现。  相似文献   

儿童攻击行为是教育中比较棘手的问题,它不仅影响教学效率、妨碍教学活动的正常开展,而且对于儿童身心的健康和谐发展具有消极作用.教育者在面对儿童的攻击行为时,往往采用惩罚、责骂和冷落等手段,忽略了儿童攻击行为背后的意图.通过研究可以发现,教育者眼中的攻击行为其实是儿童远离焦虑的尝试,是儿童面临焦虑时防御机制的表现形式.深入探寻儿童行为背后的意图,了解儿童的心理困境,是教育者有针对性地对儿童攻击行为进行教育的重要途径.  相似文献   

儿童情绪的自我管理是要受到一定文化背景下的社会规则或规范所影响的,并对其未来行为有一定的预测作用和对问题行为有预防作用。结构化评估、非结构化评估以及半结构化评估是当前对儿童的情绪自我管理和社会行为进行研究的主要方法。  相似文献   

流动儿童受教育状况及其与心理健康的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查与考察北京市流动儿童的受教育状况及其与心理健康的关系.结果表明:流动儿童的受教育状况在各指标上均低于城市儿童,且对流动儿童的心理健康产生一定的影响.教育资源指数显著正向预测流动儿童的主观幸福感,显著负向预测内、外化问题行为;师生关系满意度显著正向预测主观幸福感和自尊,显著负向预测内化问题行为;师生冲突性显著正向预测外化问题行为,显著负向预测主观幸福感;师生支持性显著正向预测自尊;学习效能感显著正向预测主观幸福感和自尊;学习自信心显著正向预测自尊,显著负向预测内、外化问题行为;学习兴趣可显著负向预测外化问题行为.对流动儿童教育问题提出建议.  相似文献   

入学准备是学龄前儿童为了能够从即将开始的正规学校教育中受益所需要具备的各种关键特征或基础条件。自闭症儿童的社交互动障碍与行为问题使其容易受到入学准备不足的影响,对参与融合教育造成困难。目前国外通过课程和量表两种方式评估自闭症儿童入学阶段的优弱势,基于学校和家庭方面开发了多种早期干预项目,为我国开展自闭症儿童入学准备关键影响因素、评估工具研究、探索入学准备的早期干预提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

马占刚 《文教资料》2012,(11):149-150
目前以儿童问题行为的功能性评估为基础的干预已被广泛运用于特殊儿童问题行为的干预中,并已取得较好的干预效果。本文对智力障碍儿童问题行为常见的功能、问题行为功能性评估的一般流程做详细的介绍,并在此评估基础上制定智力障碍儿童问题行为的干预策略。  相似文献   

儿童问题行为因其严重的危害性而受到社会的广泛关注.在教育中,教育者往往从行为规范和教学要求的角度来判断儿童的行为,习惯于做儿童行为是否符合规范的观察者和评判者,忽视了儿童问题行为背后的内在需要.从人本主义的角度看,儿童问题行为是儿童解决自身问题的行为,是一种追求爱的方式、对谴责的焦虑和对陪伴的渴望.要了解儿童的内心世界和行为,就要倾听儿童内心的声音,帮助他们克服障碍,引导他们积极向上.  相似文献   

Check In–Check Out (CICO) is a support programme for students with externalising problem behaviours. This study implemented in Finland is one of the first reports on the application of CICO in the European context. An experimental, multiple-baseline, single-case design is used to examine the effects of the CICO intervention on the problem behaviour and appropriate behaviour of three general education primary school pupils. The similarity of the observation data and the information provided in daily report card (DRC) are investigated to gauge the validity of the DRC assessments. The fidelity and social validity of the intervention are also analysed. CICO reduced problem behaviour in all pupils. The results suggest that DRCs are valid tools for estimating behaviour in applied settings. CICO was implemented with high fidelity, and it had excellent acceptability among school personnel. This study adds to the existing literature by implying that effective behaviour support for pupils with disruptive behaviours can be applied easily in general education settings and in diverse international contexts.  相似文献   

The rejection of pupils with behaviour problems is a serious problem for inclusive education schools. Sometimes parents prefer special schools because they do not want their children to become outsiders in integration classes. Are they right? The study presented here surveys children with behaviour problems in integrated primary school classes and in special education schools. The main focus is the extent to which behaviour problems influence social relations within the classes. The findings indicate that German pupils with behaviour problems are not well liked. The comparison of special education classes and integrated primary school classes also shows, however, that this is not solely a feature of integrated classes. Pupils with behaviour problems are disliked in both systems, and to a comparable degree. This means that there may be some good arguments for special schools. But both systems—special schools and integrated school classes—have outsiders. Especially parents of pupils with learning difficulties and behaviour problems should know that there is no difference here between special education classes and integrative primary school classes.  相似文献   

为了预防和矫治中学生问题行为,建构了一个防治中学生问题行为的心理健康教育模式,分析模式建构的理论基础,介绍了模式建构的主导思想、目标、实施原则、实施途径与策略、实施效果与评价.  相似文献   

The general aim of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers' perceptions of control and their causal attributions for behaviour problems. Elementary teachers ( n = 305) were asked to rate each of 12 factors as the possible cause of the behaviour problem described in a vignette and they also completed the Spheres of Control Scale. Teachers seemed to agree that family and pupil-related factors might cause behaviour problems, while they rejected school and organic factors. Overall, teachers seemed to have a high perception of control in three distinct spheres of life, i.e. personal efficacy, interpersonal relationships and sociopolitical behaviour. Nevertheless, only perceived control in the area of interpersonal relationships was found to be significantly correlated with 4 causal attributions. Results are discussed in the framework of in-service training for regular education teachers.  相似文献   

音乐教育作为现代教育不可缺少的一种教育形态,必须顺应时代的脉搏。音乐教育的现代化,不仅是教学设施装备的现代化,而且更是教育意识,教学行为模式的现代化。  相似文献   

教育(主要是非义务教育)是否是产业的问题,十几年前我国理论界就有过争论。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制目标的建立和进行,有关教育产业的讨论无论在广度上还是在深度上有了新的认识。  相似文献   

'Whiteness studies' has become a significant theme in writing about ethnicity and education over the past decade. Unlike both multiculturalism and anti-racism, whiteness theorists suggest that whiteness can be seen not as a biological fact, but as a social construction, and seek to examine white behaviour and assumptions as a first step toward resisting that behaviour. While its place in the academic world seems secure, its theories have had a limited impact on practitioners, particularly in Britain. Despite urgent calls by many writers in the field of whiteness studies, the number of white teachers attempting to understand how their own ethnicity affects their work appears negligible. In this paper I seek to begin to address that problem by applying a model of white attitudes to my own thinking and behaviour as a white teacher in a multi-ethnic primary school. It is suggested that this act of recording and reporting on the taken-for-granted behaviour of whites must be the first step toward decentring whiteness, and thus of providing a more equitable education for all children.  相似文献   

This article discusses the contribution of educational research to the emergence of a discourse on 'the problem of girls in science and technology' in the Netherlands. Research has not only produced findings and recommendations, but also conceptualisations of the problem. We argue that it has gradually become self-evident to think of the attitudes, achievement and choices of girls pertaining to science and technology as the problem of gender inequality in education. The results of many studies focusing on connections between teacher behaviour, the subject matter and school characteristics on the one hand and attitudes, achievement and choices of girls on the other, appear to be disappointing. We suggest that both the questions that were asked and the way they were investigated are responsible for the disappointing results. We propose that research on gender and education should not be limited to the investigation of statistical correlations between school characteristics and student outcomes, but should also study the mechanisms and processes that mediate between these factors. Insights from women's studies on the social construction of gender and on the development of gendered identities could be useful in addressing this issue.  相似文献   

The orientation of vocational education towards competence-based education has led to fundamental changes in the work of vocational education teachers. This article pictures teaching in innovative, competence-based vocational education in the Netherlands. In a multiple case study, the teaching practices of 10 teachers from five vocational schools were thoroughly studied. By examining not only the actual behaviour of teachers but also their related personal ideas and professional attitudes, we learn about the ways teachers implement new educational concepts and their experienced uncertainties, dilemmas and practical tensions. These insights lead to a better understanding and specification of the concept of competence-based vocational education at the micro level of educational processes, that is, the interaction between teachers and students. Implications are described in terms of new repertoires of teaching behaviour and teaching methods – all in the context of vocational education.  相似文献   

大学生道德动力不足问题是指大学生对道德有比较正确的认知,但在道德践行上却缺少推动道德行为的坚定力量和坚持精神,所以往往在道德行为上表现为知行不一。导致大学生道德动力不足的原因主要有社会道德环境的影响、教育引导不完善以及大学生的道德思维不成熟等,只有通过社会、学校、大学生自身各方面的通力协作,才能最终解决大学生道德动力不足的问题。  相似文献   

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