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当今知识经济时代,高等教育的经济价值是教育界研究的重要命题。文章以教育与价值的关系为溯源,深入探讨高等教育的经济价值,从前提、手段、方法等三个方面探讨高等教育经济价值的实现机制。  相似文献   

教育公平机制的四维分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公平是处于社会转型期的中国最为期许的价值追求之一,构建完善的教育公平机制是教育领域实现公平的重要前提和必然步骤。当前我国教育公平机制的弊端在于缺乏完善的机制,不能协调经济不平衡发展所带来的两极分化现象,抑制某些制度性因素对教育公平的损害,无法真正实现受教育者个性自由发展的目标。因此,通过建立平等性、差异性、补偿性和评价性四维一体的教育公平机制,教育公平在当前中国社会的实现才有望成为可能。  相似文献   

教育的贫困与贫困的教育并存的现实,使得中国的决策层和理论界一筹莫展,对教育的价值取向、价值实现机制等问题长期陷入困惑与无谓的纷争之中,如何摆脱理论的困惑,在社会主义市场经济条件下走出教育发展的怪圈?本文从现代教育的经济价值出发,在对教育价值形成的投入产出运行过程和机制进行理性分析的同时,提出了中国教育改革与发展的基本路向。  相似文献   

思想政治教育在高校突发事件善后治理过程中是价值实现和本身价值增进的有机统一,其价值实现是通过思想政治教育的导向、整合、沟通、调适及规范功能在高校突发事件所起的作用达到的。通过构建心理治疗机制、学习创新机制、舆论导向机制、形象重塑机制,有助于构建高校突发事件善后治理机制。  相似文献   

从全面建设小康社会20年的经济社会发展现状和未来趋势看,教育投融资体制必须兼顾公共性机制的公平调控和市场性机制的效率配置力量。目前应以获取效率为阶段性目标和手段,实现从政府为主教育投资体制向大教育大投资体制改革的经济价值取向转变,这对于解决小康社会进程中的教育经费比重、基本普及高中阶段教育,以及保证弱势群体接受教育等政策目标的实现具有重要的理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,高等教育的办学机制也发生了实质性的转变.这种转变是高职教育主动适应经济社会发展形势的客观要求,是高等职业教育实现社会价值的唯一途径.21世纪以来,高等职业教育打破了传统的办学机制,建立了以面向市场、服务经济为宗旨的现代高职教育办学机制,结合教育的超前性与实践性,探索出适应我国经济社会发展的高职教育体系.  相似文献   

劳动价值理论的新成果认为教育劳动价值由整体性有用劳动创造,当其价值实现时必然体现因为价值个量与社会使用价值的不同所导致的价格差异。我国社会经济转型期由于地区经济的不平衡与经济体制的不完善等原因,将导致教育劳动价值实现的多样化。国家、政府和教育单位都应该深化改革,为教育劳动价值实现提供合理的制度环境,保护教育劳动者的积极性。  相似文献   

考试不仅是社会育人、量人、选人的重要机制,而且是教育机会和资源分配的重要依据。在考试中坚持公平性,是促进教育公平建设的重要组成环节,对促进经济和社会发展、贮备人才、实现人力资源强国具有重要的意义和价值。  相似文献   

主体间性是对主客对立的消解,是不同主体通过共识表现的统一性。主体间性教育思想是现代教育的价值追求,是教育活动中的本体关系。主体间性所表现出来的交互性、理解性、共生性、平等性,为师生关系分析提供了基本的价值维度,主体间性教育思想价值实现的实质、前提、途径、机制是对这一新的教育哲学观价值的深刻揭示以及从思想到行为的落实。  相似文献   

教育目的没有发挥其引导功能导致了教育目的抉择的众多误区。主要原因在于人们理论上模糊了"实然"教育目的与"应然"教育目的的差异,未厘定教育目的主体的外在教育目的与个体内在教育目的差异。文章指出在既定的社会经济条件下,实现教育目的转化的前提是要择定一个既符合时代要求又符合教育活动客观规律的教育目标;实现教育目的转化的关键是选择恰当的导向机制,把外在的教育目的转化为内在的教育目的;而教育目的的价值取向是实现教育目的转化的重要评价机制。  相似文献   

The decline in the popularity of physics over the period of secondary schooling and its consequent low uptake at A‐level and beyond continues to cause concern on educational and economic grounds. The aim of this study is to explore whether physics might be made more attractive to students by employing an extended range of classroom and laboratory activities to teach it. Specifically, the study scores the popularity of a range of activities, students’ perceptions about how often these activities are used to teach physics, and whether students consider them educationally useful. Students appear to think in terms of written activities, passive activities, social activities and constructive activities. Written activities are relatively unpopular and seen as educationally less effective, but students perceived them as used frequently. Social activities such as group work are more popular. The most popular activities are constructive activities, such as doing experiments; these are seen as educationally useful, but are perceived as being used less often than other activities. While there are legitimate limitations on the types of activities that can be used, these findings add to our appreciation of which teaching activities students like and value.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid in recent years to the impact of regional educational development on politics and the economy. In his research Monchar (1981) pointed out that, if regional educational development were uneven, relative deprivation might result, leading to riots, civil war, and potential separatism, since residents in less educationally developed areas might take those in more developed areas as their reference group. Black residents in South Africa, for instance, use the whites there as a reference group, and in comparison, feel all the more educationally deprived. Educational deprivation plus political and economic inequality easily leads to political instability. The index of unevenness in regional education is represented by the coefficient of variation (CV) of the rate of elementary- and high-school-age children in school (number of students/6-12 age-group children).…  相似文献   

个别化教学是满足学生特殊教育需要的重要途径。教育理念支配和指导着教学的态度和行为,践行个别化教学必须在思想上澄清一些模糊认识。个别化教学必须确立以生命价值为基点、以潜能发掘为目标、以教育性管理为保障的核心理念。  相似文献   

经济全球化作为世界最重大的历史进程和趋势,既给人类社会带来种种负面效应,又促使不同的社会文明在相互沟通和深入比较中发现共通共融之处,这为我们理性解读社会主义和谐社会提供了一个广阔的视角。经济全球化的负面效应凸显了构建社会主义和谐社会的内在价值;经济全球化的积极应对勾勒了构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求;经济全球化的发展进程昭示了构建社会主义和谐社会的内在机制。  相似文献   

David Pang 《比较教育学》2005,41(2):171-198
This article examines the educational policy responses by five western countries/regions to the ‘Asian economic miracle’ in the 1990s. It begins by stating that the idea of the global economic context has assumed considerable importance in the current educational thinking and debates. It then shows that Asia has been thematized in the west as a challenge that must be accommodated as a matter of significant economic interests. The country/region specific analyses, in the aggregate, demonstrate that ‘educating for location’ has been the driving force behind the policy to become Asia‐literate. This instrumental approach is suggested as having a limiting influence on the sustainability of the policy initiatives. This paper underlies the need for a greater effort to make the proposed literacy reform educationally relevant and valid. Additionally, the recent events of 9/11 and the Bali bombings may have the effect of exacerbating the process.  相似文献   

文化对经济的影响有多种方式,可以通过文化产业直接对经济发展做出贡献,也可通过信仰、价值观和行为方式间接影响经济绩效。本文从文化产业与经济发展、文化与经济发展以及文化多样性与经济发展三个层面对现有国外研究进行评述。基本结论有以下几点:文化产业研究趋于成熟,但是内涵挖掘、研究深度与领域拓展仍难以满足现实需要;文化对经济发展产生影响获得普遍认可,但这种影响的逻辑体系和传导机制至今未明确化,文化因子进入内生经济增长模型仍然面临巨大困难;文化多样性与经济增长是当前及今后一段时期内的热点问题,尤其是文化多样性的变迁与经济发展目前研究甚少。  相似文献   

Book Review     
This book is a good example of the contribution a clear conceptual analysis can make to highlighting and clarifying problematic thinking about real issues in education. In the literature there are different claims of varying strength and plausibility which require very careful sorting. David Carr demonstrates such careful sorting in the difficult field of ethics and maps some paths for fruitful thinking about professionalism in teaching. ‘The distinctions of Peters and others between education and teaching, theory and practice, and intrinsic and instrumental value, stand in need of more careful mapping and refinement’ which could enable us to steer clear of ‘educationally pernicious conclusions’ (p. 179). Carr succeeds in doing just this.  相似文献   

Given the paucity of data supporting college students' epistemological style as an educationally relevant construct, we examined the degree to which individual differences in this style were predictive of various cognitive processing activities adopted to several problem-solving tasks. Twenty-two college subjects from each of three different epistemological groups—dualistic, multiplistic, and relativistic—were randomly selected to complete both a syllogism and Ink Blot problem-solving task. The results showed that the three epistemological groups reliably differed in how they mentally organized the ink blot stimuli, but not the syllogism problems. The findings are discussed as supporting the notion that the epistemology construct is an educationally salient source of individual differences, especially when performance tasks are ambiguous and ill-defined.  相似文献   

美国教育机会平等问题——道德和财政上的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育机会平等是当今美国儿童最重要的权利之一,其以教育资源的合理分配为保障。受教育机会平等的第一条原则是学生所受的教育不应该受到学生的非教育相关因素的影响;其第二个原则是不论是否可能,学生受到的教育应该设计为与学生教育相关特征相适应。因此,受教育机会平等应该理解为所获教育利益的平等而非生均费用的平等。  相似文献   

The psychologist who is involved in the placement and support of mainstreamed learning handicapped children is often called upon to assist regular teachers to meet the special needs of these children. This study examined the concerns of regular class teachers who were the primary instructors for 51 educable mentally retarded pupils and 196 educationally handicapped children. Teachers were asked to express the degree of comfort or discomfort they experienced while responsible for the special child in a variety of school related situations. Teachers consistently reported more comfort with activities involving supervision and academics than with activities that involved public display of the child's competence. Five different teacher response patterns were identified, and teachers were found to be somewhat less comfortable with the retarded than with the educationally handicapped child.  相似文献   

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