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校长角色是随着社会的不断发展而变化的.教育的发展使校长扮演的角色日益走向多元化.在新的教育背景下,合理定位校长角色、规范校长办学行为,是迫在眉睫需要解决的问题.校长是学校管理的组织者和实施者,是学校改革发展的引导者,校长对自身角色的准确把握,对学校的发展起着至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

作为一校之主的中小学校长 ,对外代表学校、对内负责学校的全面工作 ,承担有多种角色 ,行使着多种职能。协调只是其中的一项基本职能 ,“校长职能是相对的 ,它随着外部环境和学校自身发展变化而变化”[1] 。随着市场经济的深入发展、教育体制改革的深化 ,中小学校长协调职能发挥得如何显得至关重要。因此 ,笔者以为有必要对这一问题进行探讨。本文就联系协调职能的内涵 ,试谈市场经济条件下中小学校长协调职能的加强及运用。  一、协调及学校协调职能的内涵协调是管理的重要职能 ,不同时期、不同派别的管理学家都给予了高度重视。古典管理…  相似文献   

校长是一个被明确界定的职业,在学校管理中扮演着目标的决策者、教学活动的组织者、日常事务的处理者、绩效管理的责任者等角色.在现代学校管理中,校长一职的职业化和专业化是发展的必然趋势.在这个过程中,校长角色也在发生着相应变化,对校长角色内涵的进一步深化及重新定位,更有利于学校的发展.为此,校长应扮演管理创新者、关系调适者、信息加工者、伦理倡导者等四种角色.  相似文献   

中职校长专业化是技术进步和教育发展的必然要求。但是,在教育实践当中,中职校长专业化面临着中职校长的任职方式行政化、教育培训碎片化、目标导向离散化所带来的现实困境。当前,推进中职校长专业化的路径主要是:确立中职校长职业属性,夯实中职校长专业的社会基础;完善培养体系,强化中职校长专业化的学科支撑;改革管理制度,引入公开招聘中职校长的竞争机制;创新激励机制,实行中职校长职级制,增强中职校长专业发展的动力。  相似文献   

校长在学校是一个什么样的角色?应该扮演一个什么样的角色?对此历来有些争议。之所以有争议,就在于校长的角色比较复杂,很难将其角色进行一个标准化的定义。概而言之,多数人对校长角色中的这样三个属性比较认同:第一,学校改革发展的设计师;  相似文献   

现代学校制度建设所追求的价值目标之一是校长的专业化发展。基于这种认识,本文论述了现代学校制度建设与校长专业化发展之间的关系,进而提出了现代学校制度建设如何推动校长专业化发展的策略:明确校长的职业角色,建立和完善校长管理制度,建设学校学习型组织。  相似文献   

现代学校制度建设所追求的价值目标之一是校长的专业化发展.基于这种认识,本文论述了现代学校制度建设与校长专业化发展之间的关系,进而提出了现代学校制度建设如何推动校长专业化发展的策略:明确校长的职业角色,建立和完善校长管理制度,建设学校学习型组织.  相似文献   

校长专业化是当前中国教育改革趋势,也是学校发展实践需要。要“跳出来”对校长专业化进行审视,厘清校长的领导者、教育者、管理者角色。同时,校长专业化还要“扎进去”,让校长更好地服务于学生、教师和学校。  相似文献   

要办一所好学校.一要有专业化的校长:二要有高素质的教师队伍:三要有适合时代需求的现代教育理念和办学思想.高素质的教师队伍需要专业化校长的先进教育理念来打造和引领.校长专业化的实质就是校长素质的专业化.即要具备策划、决策、经营、管理等方面的能力.  相似文献   

一、奥地利中小学校长选拔 选拔任用是校长角色建设的一个重要环节。它是指在管理活动中,对校长角色的了解、考察识别、发展、选择和提拔。 奥地利学校管理系统是由垂直和水平两个层面构成的联合体。前者包括学校权威部门,主要涉及学区教育董事会和地方教育委员会等;后者包括学区权威部门,主要涉及  相似文献   

校长职业化是校长角色发展的必然趋势,同时也是我国教育改革的必然结果,进而将进一步推进教育事业的发展。校长职业化强调校长是一个独立的社会职业,而校长专业化则强调校长的专业水平和专业自主权。推进校长职业化应:1.转变校长的思维观念,树立现代教育产业经营观;2.强化校长的资格制度,建立校长市场化的配置模式;3.重视校长业绩的激励和权力的监督。  相似文献   

论中小学校长的办学理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校长办学理念是校长对办学实践的理性思考和理想追求,是校长办学信念的集中体现,具有理想性、全局性、实践性、独特性、稳定性的基本特征。重视办学理念,是中小学校长专业发展的内在需要,是学校组织发展的内在需要,也是时代发展的迫切需要。中小学校长应确立创新生活是学校的基本使命、爱是教育的基本途径、教师是学校发展的第一关键资源的办学理念,不断丰富自我人生实践和办学实践,自觉确立高远的人生信念,大力提升教育理论素养。  相似文献   

从跨文化的视角选择中国、美国、澳大利亚这三个参与国际成功校长项目的国家,考察和比较在不同文化背景下三个国家对于成功校长的认识标准以及成功校长领导行为的异同可以发现:中国和美国把对成功校长的评判标准放在了学生的成绩上,而澳大利亚除了关注学生的成绩,还扩展到学生的成就,包括学生参与、学生的社会表现等。另外,学校的特色课程设置、校长的声望以及学校的声望也成为选取的标准。在对成功校长领导行为的研究中,雷斯武德等人的校长领导行为分类在各个国家均得到验证。此外,研究者还发现了一些新的校长领导行为。  相似文献   

Contextual antecedents of instructional leadership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The premise of this paper is that principals' activities and the success of those activities for the creation or maintenance of potent instruction in schools depends largely on the nature of principals' instructional contexts. Contextual precursors to principals' actions are identified and their relevancy described through the comparison of the behaviors of four elementary school principals in rural, suburban, and urban schools. Findings result from the analysis of a year-long, comparative field study of school principals in which data was gathered through extensive, on-site interviews and observations.  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育阶段三级课程管理体制的建立与运行,中小学校长的课程领导能力日益成为一个重要的现实问题。在课程决策、实施、评鉴、运作机制构建等方面,校长要扮演好“首席教师”和课程领导的角色,承担领导课程改革的职责。教育行政部门应在评价、培训等方面为校长课程领导能力的提升提供外在支持;校长自身要通过自主学习、专家合作、同伴互助、校际联系等多种方法与途径,努力提高课程领导能力,这不仅是有效推进基础教育课程改革的重要保障,而且也是校长专业发展的重要向度。  相似文献   

中小学校长评价研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中小学校长作为学校领导者和管理者,全面负责学校工作。校长的工作水平和工作表现影响着整个学校的办学质量。我国中小学校长评价的研究尚处于起步阶段,加强对中小学校长评价目的、评价标准、评价方法及评价结果使用等方面的研究,有利于促进我国中小学校长管理制度的科学化、规范化、制度化,也是促进校长专业化进程的一项战略性措施。  相似文献   

校长需要完善在教育领导中的实践理论,以搭起理论与实践对话的平台。从问题意识出发,可以解读校长实践理论的内涵、知识基础和形成阶段,从洞悉和满足教师的需要动机、营造良好的学校组织气候、发挥在学校中的关键角色、力争成为学习型校长等方面可以深化校长实践理论的内容,可以为提升校长的领导力水平提供知识基础。  相似文献   

Recent attention on the principal as instructional leader of the school has overshadowed the dual nature of the principal's role as a subordinate of the central office as well as superordinate of the school. An understanding of how principals respond to this dual role is useful in developing appropriate school improvement strategies. This study examines the diversity of principals' responses to one aspect of this dual role, the potential conflict between principal and central office. The investigation, involving a sample of 89 suburban elementary school principals, uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The study found that principals vary in their responses to this potential conflict depending on their career histories. Principals who have moved among several districts are more likely to have conflict with CO, while principals who have remained in the current district throughout their careers are less likely to have this conflict. Several features of career mobility are examined as possible explanations for the findings.  相似文献   

Rosonna Tite 《Interchange》1994,25(1):87-108
Although a good deal of attention has been given to persuading teachers to report cases of child abuse to a Children's Aid Society (CAS), the difficulties associated with reporting procedures have generally been overlooked. This neglect of the procedural issues has often meant that teachers have come under attack for failing to respond to abuse, although the procedures themselves, and the school context in which decisions about reporting take shape, have escaped some careful scrutiny. This paper draws on data collected as part of a larger study of Ontario women teachers. Information from 264 elementary teachers (mostly female) and 47 principals (mostly male) was collected in three phases: exploratory interviews, a survey, and follow-up interviews. A key part of the survey involved the difficulties associated with reporting to the principal and the CAS. Although the findings illustrate that teachers do not intentionally avoid their reporting role, they also demonstrate that almost half of teachers' suspicions never make it past the principals' desk. The procedural process is complicated by teachers' perception of the kind of CAS response they anticipate, and by the idea that principals can adequately handle reports while safeguarding teachers' daily work with children and their families. Beyond the procedural level, these findings suggest mandatory reporting is not entirely compatible with the work of the school and call for a theoretical assessment of the school's role in promoting the acceptance of family violence.  相似文献   

This paper presents the key findings of a recent study into the relationship between first time principals' formative years and their early experiences in the leadership role. The family, school and religion all had a significant influence in shaping basic values and beliefs, and the beliefs and values in turn exercised considerable influence on how new principals carried out their roles. It was evident that the socialization agencies of principals' respective families, workplaces and schools all played a noticeable role in the conception of their ‘self’ and their ‘leadership character’. The study also illustrates the impact of early experiences on the educators even before they took up positions of leadership, and throws light on their aspirations to become leaders and the strategies they employed to work their way up the career ladder. The paper explains how early life experiences, when combined with the historical, economic and cultural context in Singapore, affected the thoughts, attitudes, and actions of the novice principals. Finally, the paper examines some of the things that were perceived by the new principals as either supporting or hindering their practice, and at how they were affected. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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