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艺术策划展览在西方已经成为学术发展的有力手段。中国的策划展览观念由西方传入,对中国当代艺术起到了很大的推动作用。如何通过策划展览在本土意识和述说方式中融入国际化特征,树立中国形象,是未来中国策展人和运作机构关注的焦点。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的不断增强,文化软实力的建设也在蓬勃发展,并将国民综合素质的提升工作推向新的高度。在此背景下,国内各纪念馆大型原创性特展的质量和数量均有显著的提升,以展览交流为代表的文化交流工作也蓬勃展开。相应的,各项工作的理论研究与实践总结,特别是与展览策划相关的研究亟待加强。为此,笔者以学术研究为基础对原创性专题展览展开探究,以期能有效推动原创展览策划工作的提升。  相似文献   

浅谈公共图书馆展览的定位与策划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨公共图书馆展览活动的定位、内涵、类型和展览的策划等,以促进公共图书馆展览活动的发展,使公共图书馆成为人文、艺术、科技交融的园地。  相似文献   

“我的文学行当·黄永玉作品”日前将在广州图书馆举行,这也是“我的文学行当”全国巡展的第二站。展览总策划李辉说,之所以命名为“文学行当”,是因为黄永玉先生“他是画家,同时也是创作丰富的诗人、作家,只是他的美术影响盖过了文学。黄永玉一生的创作,是‘文学与艺术的结合”’。  相似文献   

一拍 《语文新圃》2009,(4):9-10
浪漫骑士、行吟诗人、自由思想家王小波离开这个“你方唱罢我登场”的热闹世界已经十二年了。七年前,《南方周末》“文化专刊”将他作为新闻热点,特意策划了“王小波逝世五年祭”专题。四年前,即八周年纪念日,据《新京报》讯:人们在鲁迅纪念馆举行“王小波生平展览”,展出了王小波各个时期的照片。  相似文献   

从现代传媒与艺术展览的关系角度审视艺术作品展览的策划理念,主要表现在艺术展览的艺术性和现代性两大环节,艺术展览的艺术性和现代性的创新与发展承担着引领和指导作用。艺术展览除具有较高的艺术性之外,还要用现代化的传媒形式对展览的艺术性加以传播、宣传、推广。将艺术信息和作品形式通过多维空间及互联网数字技术传递给受众者,使受众者对艺术从认识到深层次领悟,从而提高受众者的审美水平。  相似文献   

可能大多数人认识蒋振东是因为他策划出版的一系列畅销图书,他曾先后策划包装女作家20余人,已策划出版图书近百本。2000年,他就和朋友策划出版了痞子蔡的《第一次的亲密接触》,如今由他策划出版的中国第一本关注异乡人的《你哭了吗——他们在他乡的故事》、《左手快乐右手难过》,中国第一本用颜色和悲喜定义的图书《红爱情》和《黑爱情》,以及他今年1月份推出的中国第一本纸电影《不如一起有爱情》都是图书市场上的热门图书。  相似文献   

淮河流域人文荟萃,文化底蕴丰厚,与皖江文化、徽州文化一起,交相辉映,形成了地域特色鲜明的书画艺术。当前地方美术馆艺术类长期陈列的展品相对固定,珍藏的艺术作品未能“物尽其用”,缺乏能体现艺术发展和风格特点的特定史陈列。本研究以点带面,在对全国美术馆优秀个案研究展案例比较分析的基础上,从展览综述、展览策划、展览实施与展览推广四个维度展开,以梁巘为代表对明清以来淮河流域书画名家个案研究展进行策略设计,以此提升观众的自豪感、认同感,拓展地方传统文化影响力。  相似文献   

<正>由敦煌研究院和广州美术学院主办,敦煌研究院美术研究所和广州美术学院美术馆共同承办的"东方色彩.中国意象"画展于2010年9月9日至10月8日在广州美术学院美术馆展出。本次展览和研讨会以冯远、吴长江、赵健为学术主持,由王见、侯黎明、陈舒舒等策划。画展展览由三  相似文献   

Jenny 《大学生》2014,(3):46-49
安迪·沃霍尔来了。这是他的展览第二次来中国,第一次是上个世纪80年代,当时极少有人知道安迪·沃霍尔这个名字,他的展览在中国也没有引起多少涟漪。时隔多年,如今安迪·沃霍尔在中国当代艺术的眼里,是一个经典与神话。2013年9月底到11月初,这一次安迪·沃霍尔在中央美院的展览,让我们有机会可以对着他的作品慢慢回味。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with an early phase in the history of educational comparisons in which international exhibitions played a major role as spaces for comparison. It looks at the educational exhibits at the Exposition Universelle in Paris 1900, and more specifically its exhibitions on drawing instruction. By following a central Swedish actor, Hjalmar Berg, and his ambition to modernise drawing instruction in Sweden based on his impressions at the exhibition, the article argues that the exhibition was a medium with the potential to promote aesthetic modernisation. Previous research has highlighted the world’s fairs as important arenas for the international comparison of education. This article is intended to contribute to this field by also exploring what these exhibitions meant on a national level.  相似文献   

In order better to support children’s learning experiences, art museums have begun to establish interactive art exhibitions designed for family visitors. However, as more of these interactive exhibitions are established, some museum professionals are raising concerns about whether these exhibitions actually facilitate young visitors’ learning or impede them from engaging further with the art objects exhibited. Using the Family Room (FR) of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angles as a case study, this research examines the educational principles considered and the challenges encountered when conceptualising and implementing its interactive exhibition. My research shows that the FR project team emphasised three educational principles to be integrated into the exhibition design: (1) interactive learning, (2) family as a learning unit, and (3) enhance the learning of basic artistic elements. The FR’s overarching educational objective is to encourage transfer of learning between the FR to the Getty traditional art galleries. My research concludes with three suggestions to be considered in future practices of art museum education (1) the limits and potentials of interactives, (2) the interactive exhibition design and scaffolding, and (3) transfer of learning between galleries.  相似文献   

公益性展览是当前公共图书馆延伸服务的一种重要方式。以宁波市鄞州区图书馆为例,在探讨公共图书馆展览主题的基础上,分析探讨展览的服务方式,并提出相应的展览工作发展策略,希望能对改进公共图书馆的展览工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

近几年,随着会展业的迅猛发展,会展作为行业买卖双方的重要交流平台,参展已成为众多企业的主要营销方式之一。然而许多参展企业在耗费了大量人力、物力、财力参展后,取得的效果却远不如期望。因此,指导参展企业如何利用展会进行营销,提高展出效果,无论是对参展商而言,还是对整个会展业的健康发展的角度而言,都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

At the world exhibitions of the 1870s Sweden displayed a schoolhouse, with examples of teaching material and student work. How did Sweden ship an entire schoolhouse to these exhibitions? What impact did the schoolhouse have on visitors to the exhibition? The purpose of this article is to shed light on the transnational influences operating between Sweden and other countries at the world fairs of the 1870s, regarding both policy and practice formation. In this paper, we will explore the exhibited school, the Swedish schoolhouse, as a major political and educational intervention in the growing market of educational goods, into the group of advanced industrial nations, and into the space of leading education nations. The schoolhouse was internally focused while at the same time demonstrating advanced education thinking, closely linked to Sweden’s national future as a leading economy. Exhibitions were not just events or spectacles. They had effects.  相似文献   

陈列展览是博物馆特有的语言,是博物馆与观众沟通的桥梁,是博物馆生存和发展的重要手段。文章从文化创新的角度,把握陈列展览的几大要素,说明在当前经济社会背景下完成一个好的展览所必需考虑的创新因素,以此顺应文博事业的发展。  相似文献   

安平丝网企业向来注重展会营销的运用,并取得了较好的宣传和营销效果,同时也不可避免地存在着一些问题,如,营销工作规划缺乏科学性、展会组织管理不完善、宣传方式不当、工作人员素质缺乏等。为此提出一些营销策略:加强对参展人员的选拔和培训、充分做好展前准备工作、展会期间植入绿色营销理念、加快展后的产品推广步伐。  相似文献   

In this paper I report on the sociological and educational particulars of The Biodiscovery Space exhibition of the Life Museum of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using Basil Bernstein’s framework of pedagogic discourse and recontextualization. Data for analysis was obtained from interviews with the exhibition developers, field observations of museum visitors and analysis of exhibition documents. Using the ideas of power, classification and framework, among others, I analyzed the recontextualization process of the production of expositive discourse. Thus, working with Bernstein’s idea of classification, I explain the relationship between the discourses of the science of biology, history of science, museology, education, and communication in order to produce an expositive discourse. I also make explicit how agents of the Official Recontextualization Field of the Museum and the Pedagogic Recontextualization Field “....of the Museum determine partly the final expositive discourse of an exhibition”. Using the idea of a pedagogic discourse framework, I discuss how the constraints imposed by objects and texts in exhibitions help to create a specific manner of visitor interaction with these elements, “even if they have some autonomy”. Considerations about the audience and the intended process of acquisition are presented, when I discuss the control strategies of the exhibition. I propose that the Biodiscovery Space exhibit has a visible pedagogy. Finally, using the collected data I discuss the power tensions created in the production of expositive discourse showing how distributive, recontextualization and evaluation rules work in the context of exhibitions. The study of the dynamics in forming the expositive discourse using Bernstein’s framework reveals the individuals and institutions, the selection criteria, the negotiations and the power relations involved. It has the potential to assist both educators and researchers in the museum education field, as well as designers to understand the teaching and learning processes that occur during a visit and to establish relevant criteria to evaluate quality to best produce exhibitions in science museums.  相似文献   

举世瞩目的 2010年上海世博会,引起了亿万中国人民的热情关注。它不仅是世界博览会历史上的一件大事,更是占世界六分之一人口的中国人民心目中的盛事,参观人数创下了历届展会之最。而参观世博会的人群中,绝大多数是青少年和在校大学生,这种盛世展会必将对大学生思想政治教育产生巨大的影响。  相似文献   

戴建国 《培训与研究》2006,23(10):132-133
展览是人们喜欢的一种教育方式。地方院校图书馆应该重视地方文献展览,建设地方文献馆藏,开展地方文献展览,从而推进地方院校图书馆和地方各项事业的发展。  相似文献   

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