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Boy:I got a hundred in school today, Mom:Good!In which subject did you get a hundred? Boy:Well,I got forty in reading,thirty in spelling,and thirty in arithmetic.  相似文献   

Population:4.04 million. Capital City:Brisbane. Area of State:1,730,650 sq km. History: 71 years after the colonization(开拓殖民地)of Australia in 1788 by the English, Queen Victoria approved to establish the new colony of Queensland, which became a state in 1901. Climate: Just over half the state lies in the tropical zone and the remainder in the temperate zone. The average yearly temperatures range from 25℃in summer to 16℃in winter.  相似文献   

1.in the future,in future (1)in the future将来,未来,eg:He made up his mind to be a scientist in the future.他下定决心将来当一位科学家。(2)in future从今以后,今后,eg:  相似文献   

in,at和on是时间名词前常用的介词。下面就它们在时间名词前如何使用进行详细讲解: 一、固定搭配。例:in the morning/afternoon/evening,in the day=in the daytime,in the middle of the day,in time,in no time,in the night,in a minute,in the 21st century,in the past/last two years,in half an hour(在半小时之内/后),in the end,in one’s seven-  相似文献   

Objective: to have a better understanding of foregrounding applied in literary style.Methods: make an analysis of foregrounding applied in literary style from these aspects: concept,relation between prominence(psychological saliency) and literary relevance(foregrounding).Results: foregrounding has four functions in the analysis of literary texts.Conclusion: foregrounding is an important phenomenon,which cannot be excluded from the essential concerns of stylistics in general because stylistics is that part of linguistics which pays special attention to the most conscious and complex use of language in literature.  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talkT:Welcome back to school,boys and girls.Glad to see you.(安排一名学生晚点进入教室,复习"May I come in.?"这个句型。)S:May I come in,Mr Xu?T:Yes,come in,please.(Write"May I come in?Come in,please."on the blackboardand lead Ss to read.)T:You did a good job.Thispencil is for you.把铅笔奖励给  相似文献   

1.Dad:How do you put an elephant in the fridge? Kid:Open the door,put the elephant in,and close the door. Dad:How do you put a giraffe in the fridge? Kid:Open the door,take the elephant out,put the giraffe in,and close the door.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Play the game:Touch your nose.Touch your right ear.Touch your left leg…2.Sing"."(CAI)3.Free talk.T:I fly a kite in spring.What do you do in summer?S1:I fly a kite,too.(Asks S2)What do you do in summer?S2:I ride a bike in summer.(Asks S3)What do you do in summer?…Step2.  相似文献   

正基数词变序数词基变序,很容易,一二三,特殊记,th从四起,八去t来九去e,遇到ve,f替,ty变为tie,后加th莫迟疑,若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。时间介词巧记歌年、月、季节前须用in(如:in 2008,in Septem ber,in spring),日期前面行不通,遇到几号改用on(如:on January1),上午、下午、晚上仍用in(如:in the m orning/afternoon/evening),若是  相似文献   

介词in,on,at都可表示时间,但表示的时间范围不一样,用法也各有区别。1.in用来表示时间段。如上午、下午、傍晚、周、月份、季节、年等。如:in1998,in the m orning(afternoon,evening),in N ovem ber,in winter等。2.on用在具体的日期、星期几或一个特定的上午、下午、晚上前面。如:on her birthday,on O ctober1st,on Sunday,on a M onday evening,on Thursday afternoon,on the m orning ofjuly12th,2002.注:若m orning,evening,afternoon前面有early或者late修饰时,介词要变化为in。如:in the early m orning ofSeptem ber1st,in the…  相似文献   

尹志远 《初中生》2006,(9):37-38
1.在某年、某季节、某月、某世纪的年代等固定短语前用介词in.如:in 1995,in spring,in October,in the 1990's(在20世纪90年代),in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening…  相似文献   

任大中 《新高考》2011,(2):51-53
难度:☆☆词数:404建议阅读时间:8.5分钟A recent proposal to change the language used in a local TV news program in Guangzhou from Cantonese to Putonghua(Mandarin)has met with fierce opposition in the southern Chinese city,and fueled an escalating debate over the fate of Cantonese.  相似文献   

Time:Hot in the afternoon on a summer day.Place:In a forest.(All animals are in place. The tortoise is running.Hare comes in.)Mr.Hare:Good afternoon,Mr.Tortoise.  相似文献   

不少学生,由于对词的搭配关系掌握得不准确以及受到汉语习惯的影响,在英语写作、口语中常常犯一些不同类型的错误。下面对一些常见病句作以辨析。例1.他多年卧病在床。W rong:H e stayed in the bed foryears.Right:H e stayed in bed foryears.析:in bed和in the bed虽然都有“在床上”的意思,但in bed是“躺在床上睡觉”的意思,而in the bed是“在床上”,不指“睡觉”。例2.我不记得她的出生日期了。W rong:Idon’trem em berherbirthday.Right:I don’trem em berher birth date.析:在英语中birthday通常是指从出生后的第二年起一年…  相似文献   

45.他在欧洲期间,参观过许多地方。误:During he Was in Europe,he visited many places.误:During in Europe,he visited many places.正:During his stay in Europe,he visited many places.正:While he was in Europe,he visited many places.析:during是介词,不是连词,所以不用来引导句子;同时也不能再在其后接介词短语。  相似文献   

一、教学背景1.教学内容:1)词汇:east,west,south,north2)短语:in the east/west/south/north of 3)句型:New York is in the east of America.Los Angeles is in the west of America.  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(6):58-59
1 Jacob:How do you put an elephant in a fridge[冰箱]? Jimmy:I don't know,how? Jacob:You open the door and put it in! Well,how do you put a baboon[狒狒] in the fridge? Jimmy:Oh,I know! You open the door and put it in,right? Jacob:No,you open the door,take the elephant out,and then you put the baboon in.Well,all the animals except one go to a lion's birthday party,which one is it?  相似文献   

Father:Tom!How foolish you are!You were in Grade One last year,and now you are still in Grade One.Tom:But at eacher in my school is more foolish.He was in Grade Three last year and now he is in Grade One.Who Is More Foolish?@江河  相似文献   

Q:How many letters are there in the"English alphabet[字母表]"?A:18 letters!Three in "the",seven in"English",and eight in"alphabet".  相似文献   

1.对不起,我不知道你在伦敦。误:Sorry,I don't know you are in London.正:Sorry,I didn't know you were in London.析根据语境,本句是指刚才不知道对方在这,而不是现在不知道对方在这,所以要用一般过去时。2.你能告诉我上海冬天是否下雪吗?误:Could you tell me if it snowed in winter in shanghai?正:Could you tell me if it snows in winter in shanghai?析一般现在时除表示经常性的动作外,还可表  相似文献   

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