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赵颖 《平原大学学报》2002,19(3):105-106
左脑半球作为语言中枢,在青春期以前是语言习得的必要条件,但其功能在青春期以后却迅速消退,而只具有初步语言能力的右脑半球将处理所有语言信息,环境这一外在因素给语言习得提供了观察和模仿的机会,同时外部世界的不可知性刺激了儿童与外界交流的欲望也加速了语言习得的步伐。  相似文献   

儿童语言习得与第二语言习得都属于语言习得范畴,但习得所花费的时间与精力以及最终达到的水平却相差甚远。本文通过研究和分析儿童语言习得的过程,找出儿童语言习得过程中适用于二语教学的方法和策略,并通过具体事例进行阐述,希望对二语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

在语言习得过程中,儿童习得母语——也就是第一语言的速度和成功程度是令人吃惊的,他们在无意识的情况下就能很快掌握母语。儿童只需大量的语言输入就能在经历不同的语言发展阶段,逐渐形成一个创遗性的发展过程。而第二语言的习得却不同.在习得的动机,语言环境的刺激因素及认知发展水平上有较大差异,导致第一语言的习得要比第二语言的顺质畅的多。  相似文献   

语言的习得理论一直是语言学家研究的热点问题,但把这一理论应用在教学之中的研讨却不多。本文针对学生学习中存在的问题,引出学习语言的实质:语言的习得,并从语言本身的产生和发展及人们获得语言技能的顺序来分析,普遍语法原则、母语迁移、听的技能以及技能是影响习得的重要因素。  相似文献   

语言知识与语言习得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获得语言知识不是语言学习的目的,但语言知识却是进行语言交际的基础性工具。按照乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论,人类能够习得语言是基于一种本能,是习语者的内在因素和语言环境等外在因素共同作用的结果。语言、文化知识的介入对语言习得的影响是多方面的,如何克服其带来的负面影响,是语言研究者和语言教学者需要共同面对的课题。  相似文献   

儿童语言习得是一个与儿童生理成长相关而不可重的自然过程。但它对成人语言学习仍然具有重要的启发和借鉴意义,即创造一个适当的语言环境以获得习得性的学习效果。  相似文献   

本文从心理学言语角度 ,以语言习得理论为基础 ,解析了儿童语言习得的方式和第二外语学习模式。文章指出语言学习不同于语言习得 ,但是后者的学习方式对前者具有很大的启发意义 ;第二外语学习模式也并不是一条完美而又固定的方法 ,但是却对外语学习起着积极的参考作用 ,能够帮助提高外语学习的效果。  相似文献   

叶秀丹 《考试周刊》2012,(70):180-181
幼儿语言习得是心理学、心理语言学和语言教学研究的重要课题之一。在影响幼儿语言习得的诸多因素中.环境尤其是语言环境对儿童习得语言起着至关重要的作用。本文在阐释语言习得、语言环境概念的同时,阐述语言习得与环境二者的关系,并对幼儿语言习得中的环境影响因素的研究状况进行分析。  相似文献   

“中介语”是独立于语言习得者母语和目标语的相对系统的第二语言知识,是语言习得者在习得过程中生成的语言特征的不稳定组合,它具备三种任何其他语言所持有的特性:系统性、渗透性和动态性. 系统性是指初学者的第二语言并非杂乱无章的语言系统,是界于母语和目标语之间的独立系统;中介语的渗透性受制于其开放性,在其整个发展期间存在几个阶段,但在任何一定阶段内它不会维持不变,且随着习得者语言水平的提高以及新知识到旧知识的渗透,错误将会被逐渐地修正;中介语的动态性表现在其各个不同但相关的阶段内,这些阶段形成一个连续系统,而每个阶段都可看作是习得者的一个习得点。  相似文献   

拟声词是研究儿童语言习得的重要观测点。1岁左右儿童开始习得拟声词,1-2岁即习得A式、AB式两类基本形式,4-5岁已习得拟声词绝大多数变化形式。3-4岁是儿童习得拟声词的重要转折期,习得词种数量最多;此期之前,习得的拟声词以生命体发出的声音为主,此后习得无生命体发出的声音明显增加。句法功能上,2岁半儿童已可使用拟声词来指称事物和动作行为,3-4岁即习得了拟声词充当独立语、宾语、状语、补语等基本句法功能。研究发现,自主习得是儿童语言习得的主要方式,但模仿也起重要作用。  相似文献   

心智主义者(mentalism) 提出语言习得的最佳年龄在10 岁之前, 在这段时间内, 人脑中的“语言习得机制” (LAD) 具有可塑性(plasticality) , 但从青春发育期开始,这种可塑性就会逐渐消失, 甚至产生“僵化现象” (fossilization) 。但事实上, 成年人经过努力仍然能获得较好的语用能力。本文围绕“语感训练模式” (language sense training model) ,  相似文献   

语言是不能脱离社会及其文化环境而被人们准确接受和正确理解的。脱离语境或社会文化背景而孤立地理解语言,往往会笑话百出,甚至不知所云。外语的阅读理解与对其文化背景的深入了解也是密不可分的。本文总结了多位语言学前辈们的研究成果,阐述了语言文化背景和阅读理解之间的辩证关系,强调了教师在外语教学中的地位和作用及在教外语的同时传授文化背景知识的重要性。  相似文献   

Neurobiological aspects of language in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article discusses the relevance of the study of the neurobiology of cognitive development, both for an understanding of the neural bases of cognition and of the nature of cognition itself. A key issue is the age at which hemisphere specialization first appears and whether it changes over time. The neuropsychological literature concerning language in both normal and brain-damaged children is reviewed. The usefulness of studying cognition in other clinical disorders and variation in normal cognition is indicated. The various methods used in the research are described and the methodological and interpretational difficulties arising from the diversity of groups studied and the methods used are discussed. The model is advanced that hemisphere specialization exists from birth onward and does not undergo further change in either its nature or degree. The apparent increase in the extent of hemisphere specialization during childhood is interpreted as an epiphenomenon of the increasing cognitive and behavioral repertoire of the child. Neural plasticity, assumed to underlie recovery of function, is seen as being coexistent with, but independent of, hemisphere specialization.  相似文献   

对于儿童第二语言习得的关键期学术界尚未有定论,一般认为2岁至青春期前后特别是学前阶段是儿童学习第二语言的最佳时机。随着脑科学的发展以及对儿童认知发展规律的进一步认识,越来越多的实验研究表明在儿童早期阶段学习两种语言存在着明显的优势,更有利于儿童的语言、认知、智力、心理能力等方面的发展。在实施双语教育的地区,第二语言学习与双语教育要抓住最佳时机,家庭环境要尽早支持幼儿自然习得双语,正规学校系统要在学前阶段尽早开展双语教育。  相似文献   

Conclusions Sex differences exist in the prevalence of dyslexia as well as in overall verbal ability. These sex differences may reflect sex differences in hemispheric specialization: males show strong left hemisphere specialization for verbal processing and strong right hemisphere specialization for spatial processing whereas females show greater bihemispheric participation in both verbal and spatial processing. The greater hemispheric specialization observed in males may have implications including: (1) lower verbal ability than in females, (2) higher spatial ability than in females, (3) reduced potential for shifting language to the right hemisphere after early life left hemisphere injury, and (4) diminished capacity to compensate for unfavorable left-right anatomic asymmetries of the posterior language zone. Lower overall verbal ability as well as an inability to spare certain language skills effectively in the face of either unfavorable cerebral asymmetries or early life left hemisphere insults may partially explain the excess of developmental language disorders (and dyslexia in particular) in boys. Dr. Hier is a neurologist at the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Hospital, an Instructor in Neurology at the Harvard Medical School, and Clinical and Research Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. The work reported in this paper was supported in part by NINCDS Fellowship NS05917-01 and presented at a meeting of the New Branch of The Orton Society in October 1978.  相似文献   

Hemispheric specialization and the language abilities of autistic children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between patterns of hemispheric specialization for speech processing and language ability in autistic children. 17 male autistic children, 6-18 years of age, and 17 normal children, matched for chronological age and gender, were tested. Measures of hemispheric asymmetry were differences in the averaged cortical evoked responses taken from right and left hemisphere scalp locations to linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory stimuli. A comprehensive battery of language tests was administered to autistic subjects. Autistic children's direction of hemispheric asymmetry in response to linguistic stimuli differed significantly from that of normal subjects. The majority of autistic subjects showed reversed (right hemisphere dominant), but not necessarily reduced, patterns of hemispheric asymmetry. Autistic children with more advanced language abilities were more likely to exhibit a normal direction of hemispheric asymmetry. The possibility that a shift from right to left hemisphere processing of speech occurs as the autistic child acquires spoken language is discussed.  相似文献   

从过渡语发展阶段看大学英语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过渡语是二语和外语学习过程中,学习者使用的介于母语和目的语之间的语言体系。根据学习者错误类别,过渡语的发展可以分为随意错误阶段、出现阶段、系统阶段和稳定阶段。过渡语及其阶段的划分,对于正确认识外语学习过程和学习者语言系统,进行以学习者为核心的分层次英语教学,加强大学英语后续教学,提高学习者英语运用能力,都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

大学英语教学的目的并非单纯地向学生传授语言基本知识,还要重视培养其独立思考与创新能力的发展。根据这一教学目标,本文试分析最近发展区理论内涵,并在此基础上通过对教学模式和教学内容的分析,来探讨最近发展区理论对大学英语教学的影响。  相似文献   

人们普遍认为儿童在第二语言学习方面要优于成人,尤其他们在语音方面的特殊能力给人留下深刻印象,这也是从小学开始外语教育的一个普遍依据。实验通过对60个年龄在13-35岁的中国学生所做的语音测试考察年龄和学习时间对英语语音的影响。实验证明年龄是影响语音能力的一个重要因素,在青春期前学习外语的学生更有可能达到标准的语音水平。  相似文献   

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