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李实  薛俊 《惠州学院学报》2012,32(6):90-92,96
在分析我女足竞技后备人才培养体制现状的基础上,提出改革女足组织管理机构设置和运行机制;建立女足竞技后备人才市场机制;建立区域女足竞技后备人才培养一体化机制;制建立健全"教育、体育、社会"三位一体的女足竞技后备人才培养体制的设想和措施。  相似文献   

分析甘肃竞技体育后备人才资源总量分布,配置与结构、培养质量及输送状况,以及后备人才培养体制方面存在的诸多问题的基础上,提出了甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养发展的战略对策.  相似文献   

本文主要运用文献资料法和访问调查法,对自贡市的竞技体育可持续发展及后备人才的培养进行研究,揭示自贡市竞技体育后备人才培养现状及其存在的主要问题。对现今自贡市竞技体育后备人才数量减少;许多竞技体育项目后备人才缺少;训练体制不完善;缺少资金投入的现状进行分析。以期对自贡市的竞技体育的可持续发展提供一定的指导和建议。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、数据统计法等多种研究方法,对我国竞技体育后备人才资源的培养进行分析研究.结果表明:家长传统的体育价值观、就业、保障、教练员的素质、后备人才培养体制、独生子女现象等是影响我国竞技体育后备人才资源培养主要因素,针对这些因素提出相应的对策,有助于我们认清面临的形势,把握竞技体育后备人才培养系统的环境,为探索今后后备人才培养提供参考模式.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省青少年竞技体育后备人才培养体制状况的调查,探讨了青少年竞技体育后备人才再培养、提高训练质量等方面存在的问题,提出了相应的发展对策和建议。  相似文献   

李好 《考试周刊》2014,(50):13-13
我国高水平竞技体育人才的培养模式正处于新旧交替阶段,实施了几十年的"举国式"培养体制面临新的挑战和机遇。西方发达国家竞技体育后备人才的培养模式虽然各有千秋,但其共同点是已建立起与市场经济相吻合的竞技体育后备人才培养模式和运行机制。本文通过对当前世界竞技体育强国先进的人才培养模式进行研究分析,总结得出国外在竞技体育后备人才培养方面的成功经验。  相似文献   

通过分析甘肃竞技体育后备人才资源总量和分布,后备人才配置与结构、人才培养质量及输送状况,以及目前在后备人才培养体制方面存在的诸多问题.提出加快培养体制的改革,淡化竞技色彩,注意科学文化素质培养等建设性意见.  相似文献   

一、研究目的后备人才培养工作是竞技体育可持续发展的基石,是中国竞技体育水平长期处于世界领先水平的重要保障.胡锦涛在北京奥运会、残奥会总结表彰大会上的讲话中指出: “要重视竞技体育人才培养和队伍建设,特别是要加强竞技体育后备人才培养工作.”原有的培养模式已经越来越不适应优秀竞技体育后备人才发展的需要,体育后备人才的可持续发展越来越受到国际上重视被广泛的应用到了体育人才培养领域.  相似文献   

安徽省竞技体育的可持续发展不容乐观,存在保障体制不完善、科学化水平低、项目布局不合理、资金来源渠道单一、后备人才队伍萎缩等发展瓶颈。建议通过发挥传媒的宣传效应、完善竞技体育保障制度建设、做好教练培训工作、调整项目部局、拓宽资金渠道、加强后备人才建设等措施促进安徽省竞技体育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

安徽省竞技体育的可持续发展不容乐观,存在保障体制不完善、科学化水平低、项目布局不合理、资金来源渠道单一、后备人才队伍萎缩等发展瓶颈.建议通过发挥传媒的宣传效应、完善竞技体育保障制度建设、做好教练培训工作、调整项目部局、拓宽资金渠道、加强后备人才建设等措施促进安徽省竞技体育的可持续发展.  相似文献   

This study explored the extent of financial constraints experienced by athletes on the England Talent Pathway, as perceived by talent leads from various sports. Using a mixed-methods approach, 34 participants completed online surveys with 26 follow-up interviews. Findings showed the prevalence of financial constraints on individuals within the system, with three emerging themes: costs; demands on athletes; and potential funding support. “Pinch points”, causing the greatest severity of financial constraint, emerged further along the pathway and there were infrequent examples of mechanisms to identify talented athletes experiencing financial hardship. A means-tested system, premised on the demonstration of potential, is suggested by talent leads as a way of providing funding for athletes to ameliorate financial constraints in the future.  相似文献   

高水平运动员文化素质教育是培养优秀体育人才的关键环节,也是实现我国体育强国战略目标的重要举措。文章基于学业投入度理论,在自编问卷的基础上,对湖北省9所高校的高水平运动员学业情况进行调查,从高水平运动员学业投入的三个维度,即行为投入、认知投入和情感投入的现状及其影响因素进行分析。研究结果显示:高水平运动员学业投入处于一般水平,其中学习行为投入较为不足;不同个体特征高水平运动员的学业投入情况存在显著差异;其中,内部学习动机、专业志向和院校学业环境支持度对学业投入有正面影响;训练压力对学业投入有负面影响。基于上述结论,各高校可从高水平运动员个体特征差异、学训安排、院校培养模式等方面着手推进高水平运动员的学业发展。  相似文献   

随着高校高水平运动员数量逐年增多,高校高水平运动员的后勤保障日益受到人们的重视.就业保障是高校高水平运动员后勤保障的重要内容.高校高水平运动员作为高校培养的新型人才,如果没有掌握一门扎实的文化专业技能,而仅靠运动技能毕业后很难在社会中立足.因此,注重对高校高水平运动员综合素质的培养,是提高高校高水平运动员就业质量的关键...  相似文献   

This research explored social support expressions to and for Boston Red Sox pitcher, Curt Schilling, in response to troubling events he disclosed on his blog, www.38pitches.com. An interpretive analysis of 514 comments posted by blog readers to Schilling's blog entries was conducted. The analysis revealed that, via their supportive postings, blog readers emerged as a mobilized support group who authenticated Schilling's identity as a sports media critic and active sports media participant while also cementing his legacy in Red Sox culture. The analysis suggests that blogs possess valuable public relations utility for professional athletes, particularly for those who have combative relationships with sports journalists, as social support is covertly obtained, enabling professional athletes to preserve “face” while simultaneously garnering support for their views.  相似文献   

In this conceptual article, we seek to extend the domain of the conservation of resources (COR) theory to the collegiate student–athlete population in the context of academic–athletic role conflict and stress. Aside from reviewing the direct effects academic–athletic role conflict may have on psychological strain, this conceptual study also continues to build on the theory by proposing mediational pathways of role conflict, and the moderating effects of personal characteristics and social support on the stressor–strain relationship. Although this theoretical framework has been mainly applied in the work–family context, it could be proven useful in alleviating the pressures resulting from student–athletes’ competing roles by providing stress-coping strategies. Focusing on addressing student–athletes’ challenges in managing their college careers, the study provides a theoretical foundation for enhancing student–athletes’ well-being and collegiate experiences. Implications for managerial practices and research are discussed.  相似文献   

通过查阅近十年有关运动选材资料,从遗传角度对身体形态与运动员科学选材,心理因素与运动选材,生理机能与运动选材,遗传物质本身与运动选材等方面进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

This study is a qualitative examination of the experiences and impact of participating in an outdoor-based and adventure education-based orientation as an alternative to traditional forms of sport team initiation. Traditional forms of initiation for the participants in this study had included hazing ceremonies, whereby new team members were forced to engage in degrading, humiliating and abusive activities to secure their place on a team. Following an experiential weekend orientation that incorporated cooperative, team-building and adventure-based challenges, interviews were conducted with male and female varsity athletes from collegiate hockey, volleyball, badminton and basketball teams in Canada. The participants observed how the cooperative, outdoor team activities contributed to an egalitarian, inclusive climate, which promoted team cohesion, communication and support among veteran and rookie athletes. Tackling team challenges that required support and cooperation for success facilitated the restructuring of pre-established hierarchical relationships, which led to changes in the ways athletes perceived and subsequently treated each other throughout the orientation and into their season. This study highlights some of the promising possibilities for creating new welcoming traditions for collegiate athletic teams that draw from experiential outdoor education and adventure-based models.  相似文献   

从目前辽宁省体育的投入和分配出发,分析了现阶段辽宁运动员出现的人员流失,运动员产权界定不清,奖金分配不合理等问题及产生原因,提出了解决对策。指出运动员人力资本“双产权”制度属于“过渡式”产权,未来体育人力资源产权的改革将沿着“国家—共有—私人”的路径发展;单一自由人产权是终级发展方向。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a holistic development support program at Division I historically White institution (HWI) on Black male former college athletes’ pre- and post-graduation experiences and outcomes. Previous research has documented the myriad of challenges facing Black male college athletes at Division I HWIs including exposure to exploitive athletic sub-cultures, stigmatizing campus climates, and a general lack of support for their psychosocial, personal, and professional development. In response to these disconcerting trends, culturally relevant support programs have been created to address the unique needs of this sub-group. This qualitative case study involved 14 semi-structured individual interviews with seven Black male former college athletes who participated in a culturally relevant holistic development (CRHD) support program. Using the strategic responsiveness to interest convergence (SRIC) theory and the excellence beyond athletics (EBA) framework, key findings revealed participants’ involvement resulted in a range of personal and professional benefits both during and after college. Implications for policies and practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Employing the conceptual model developed by Comeaux and Harrison (Coll Stud Aff J 30(1):75–87, 2011), this study explored the undergraduate experience of Division I athlete STEM graduates. Data collection involved 17 in-depth interviews with former athletes at two research-intensive, public institutions. Results revealed that pre-college characteristics, involvement in purposeful STEM-related activities, and sport participation, as well as academic support and guidance within athletic departments, play important roles in shaping the experiences of athletes who earn STEM degrees. Implications for student affairs professionals, faculty, and others who frequently interact with college athletes and are committed to creating more equitable educational environments are discussed.  相似文献   

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