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COMMUNICATION AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMICS by Robert E. Babe (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995—$45.00/16.00, ISBN 0–8133–2672–9 hard, 0–8133–2671–0 paper, 270 pp.)

A DIFFERENT ROAD TAKEN: PROFILES IN CRITICAL COMMUNICATION edited by John A. Lent (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995—$49.95/18.95, ISBN 0–8133–1635–9 hard, 0–8133–1636–7 paper, 319 pp.)

AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE: A GUIDE TO THE REFERENCE LITERATURE by Frank W. Hoffman (Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1994— $37.50; $45.00 outside of North America, ISBN 1–56308–142–3, 286 pp.)

THEORY &; RESEARCH IN MASS COMMUNICATION: CONTEXTS AND CONSEQUENCES by David K. Perry (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1996—$39.95/19.95, ISBN 0–8058–1923–1 hard, 0–8058–1924‐X paper, 230 pp.)

MANAGING THE PUBLISHING PROCESS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY by Bruce W. Speck (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995—$69.50, ISBN 0–313–27956‐X, 360 pp.)

UNDERSTANDING THE MEDIA: A SOCIOLOGY OF MASS COMMUNICATIONS by Joel Smith (Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1995—$28.50, paper, ISBN 1–57273–005–6, 392 pp.)

MEDIA MADNESS: PUBLIC IMAGES OF MENTAL ILLNESS by Otto F. Wahl (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995—$25.95, ISBN 0–8135–2212–9, 260 pp.)

Burleson, Brant R., ed. COMMUNICATION YEARBOOK 19 (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1996—$49.95, ISBN 0–8039–0165–5, 458 pp.)

CULTURAL STUDIES AND COMMUNICATIONS edited by James Curran, et al. (London: Arnold/New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996—$59.95/16.95, ISBN 0–340–65268–3 hard, 0–340–61417‐X, 371 pp.)

SOCIAL APPROACHES TO COMMUNICATION edited by Wendy Leeds‐Hurwitz (New York: Guilford Publications, 1995—$42.50/19.95, ISBN 0–89862–867–9 hard, 0–89862–873–3 paper, 260 pp.)

THE IOWA GUIDE: SCHOLARLY JOURNALS IN MASS COMMUNICATION AND RELATED FIELDS by Carolyn Stewart Dyer and Shannon Heim (Iowa Center for Communication Study, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242—$15.00, paper, no ISBN given)

RESEARCH STRATEGIES IN TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION by Lynnette R. Porter and William Coggin (New York: Wiley, 1995—$34.95, paper, ISBN 0–471–11994–6, 374 pp.)  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,桂林"文化城"成为大后方的出版中心和国统区抗战舆论的前哨阵地.在颠沛流离的非常态社会环境下,文化的市场生存与社会责任的坚守显得更艰难可贵.《大公报》(桂林版)的诞生是抗战时局推动下的产物,承担着抗战文化信息传播的重要责任.对于抗战时期出版史的研究,因史料的散佚,而让诸多学者面临"无米之炊".抗战时期的出版广告则为我们打开一个研究战时出版活动的新视窗.本文试图从《大公报》(桂林版)出版广告这一视角切入,多维度考察抗战时期桂林的文化生产情况,探寻非常态环境下书业生存的策略以及复杂时局影响下的文化生态.  相似文献   

论述如何标识电子资源USMARC 记录头标06 字符位(记录类型)、计算机文件008 字段26 字符位(或006 字段09 字符位) (计算机文件类型)。  相似文献   

Informatik-Forschung und Entwicklung   erschienenen Berichts über das DFG Schwerpunktprogramm [1] gibt dieser Beitrag einen überlick über die Ausrichtung des Schwerpunktprogramms, das mit dem Auftaktworkshop im Mai dieses Jahres seine Arbeit offiziell aufgenommen hat, und erl?utert kurz die Fragestellungen, die in den entsprechenden Teilprojekten bearbeitet werden.  相似文献   

This article examines the changing journalistic norms and roles in terms of mobile and sedentary news work at the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The analysis draws on the research into the small everyday tools of bureaucracy and science. The focus is on the quill, the scissors and paste pot, the body of the reporter and the computer. Journalistic neutrality and truth seem at any given time to be defined in line with the practices made possible by the available tools. A change in tools makes new practices possible, meaning that the norms have to be redefined. Journalism was once synonymous with mobile reporters reporting on events they themselves witnessed. Journalism today, however, is often sedentary copy-and-paste work, much resembling the scissors-and-paste journalism of the nineteenth century. Comparison reveals that such transmission of texts and images produced by someone else always runs the risk of reproducing the voices of the elites.  相似文献   

Recently Woeginger [Woeginger, G. H. (2008-a). An axiomatic characterization for the Hirsch-index. Mathematical Social Sciences. An axiomatic analysis of Egghe's g-index. Journal of Informetrics] introduced a set of axioms for scientific impact measures. These lead to a characterization of the h-index. In this note we consider a slight generalization and check which of Woeginger's axioms are satisfied by the g-index, the h(2)-index and the R2-index.  相似文献   

The issue of privacy as it relates to employment in general is one of great concern, both to employers and employees. Both groups are faced with increasing threats to their individual or corporate privacy. Given that such threats carry personal, economic and social consequences, it is not suprising that many people are concerned. The bibliography which follows provides the reader with many sources which should prove useful to those well-versed in the subject, as well as to those who are looking at this issue for the first time.  相似文献   

James D. Halloran and Michael Gurevich (eds.) Broadcaster/Researcher Co-Operation in Mass Communication Research (Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, England, 1971 -- price not known, paper)

Global Communications in the Space Age (New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1972 -- $1.00, paper)

Katherine Shervis (comp.) Satellite Teleconferencing: An Annotated Bibliography (Edsat Center, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706 -- $2.00, paper)

0.J. Firestone's The Public Persuader: Government Advertising (Toronto: Methuen, 1970 -- $12.70)

Telenation (Canadian Broadcasting League, Box 1504, Ottawa, Canada KIP 5R5 -- $8.00 per year/12 issues)  相似文献   

In order to take multiple co-authorship appropriately into account, a straightforward modification of the Hirsch index was recently proposed. Fractionalised counting of the papers yields an appropriate measure which is called the hm-index. The effect of this procedure is compared in the present work with other variants of the h-index and found to be superior to the fractionalised counting of citations and to the normalization of the h-index with the average number of authors in the h-core. Three fictitious examples for model cases and one empirical case are analysed.  相似文献   

互联网环境下的信息处理与图书管理系统解决方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章论述基于Internet/Intranet 网络技术的信息处理/图书馆集成系统的主要优越性和必须具有的基本功能特性,在分析了MINISIS文献型关系数据库系统、鸣世(M2L)图书馆集成系统和MWI(MINI-SIS Web接口)三者的功能特性和价格政策后、认为MINISIS/M2L/MWI 是建立这种系统的理想解决方案。  相似文献   

TRADE BOOK MARKETING: A PRACTICAL GUIDE edited by Robert A. Carter (New York: Bowker, 1983---$29.95/19.95)

ELEMENT'S OF DIRECT MARKETING by Martin Baier (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983---price not given)

BROADCAST ADVERTISING: A COMPREHENSIVE WORKING TEXTBOOK by Sherilyn K. Zeigler and Herbert H. Howard (Columbus, Ohio: Grid Publishing, 1984---$34.95/17.95)

PUBLIC RELATIONS: MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES by Norman R. Nager and T. Harrell Allen (New York: Longman, 1984---$29.95/16.95)

CHOOSING AN ADVERTISING AGENCY by William M. Weilbacher (Chicago: Crain Books, 1983---$19.95, paper)  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungZiel dieser Rubrik ist die Förderung der informellen fachlichen Kommunikation durch Nachrichten, Kurzberichte, Interviews und Kommentare zu aktuellen fachlichen Themen. Auch Leserbriefe, die sich mit bereits veröffentlichten Beiträgen befassen, können hier veröffentlicht werden. Die Betreuung der Rubrik obliegt den Hauptherausgebern.  相似文献   

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