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虚构的历史叙事包含了诗性结构、情节编织以及转义等文学性的成分,它以艺术的审美为最大追求,为人们提供“戏说”的文学形式。戏说的历史题材作品可以完全归为艺术的范畴,发挥着艺术的愉悦功能。  相似文献   

在后现代理论影响下,西方的中国女性研究出现了重大转向,高彦颐的<闺塾师>和贺萧的<危险的愉悦>是其中的代表作.前者在挑战既有三种意识形态解释的基础上,重构了明末清初中国女性的自主空间;后者抛开传统的"实在论"取向,转而分析隐藏于上海妓女背后的话语权力网络.中国学者杨念群的<从科学话语到国家控制>一文,则将高、贺的研究取向融合为一,对女性"缠足"背后的权力关系进行了精彩的身体政治分析.这三种研究为中国女性史学提供了一个全新的研究空间,但与此同时也面临诸多理论上的困境.  相似文献   

直线历史观是现代性的特征之一,当现代性成为乡土叙事的最终追求目标时,直线历史观在乡土叙事中得以充分体现出来,意在表达一种对乡土现代性的渴望。但随着现代化进程对于乡土的种种破坏,在后现代语境下,一种循环历史观重又返回在乡土叙事中,这种历史观的轮回表明了中国知识分子对现代性的犹疑心态,也表明了中国现代性的复杂性与曲折性。  相似文献   

Historians typically tell stories about the past, but how are we to understand the epistemic status of those narratives? This problem is particularly pressing for history education, which seeks guidance not only on the question of which narrative to teach but also more fundamentally on the question of the goals of instruction in history. This article explores the nature of historical narrative, first, by engaging with the seminal work of Hayden White, and second, by developing the critique of White by David Carr. The picture of historical inquiry that emerges is one in which the fundamental cognitive activity is one of negotiating among narratives. Students, like historians, like any of us, come to the work of historical inquiry in possession of prior narratives, which are then thrown into an encounter with other narratives of varying size and scope. Good historians enact the negotiation among narratives responsibly and well, demonstrating the virtues of historical interpretation. History education, therefore, ought to help students improve their historical interpretations at the same time as it fosters those qualities that make them good interpreters.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,中国农村的改革是成就最大的,从联产承包责任制到土地流转政策,能够将中国农民安置在土地或城市的每一个角落,是一件了不起的功业。小说创作从来没有终止对乡土中国的叙述,这也是三十年来当代中国文学最有成就的领域。但是,如何叙述这一历史,表达的不仅是作家眼中乡土中国的历史变迁,同时也表达了他们对这一历史变迁的情感态度,因此也隐含了他们的历史观。这不同的叙述或叙事,展现了乡土中国当下发展的不同状况,当然也表达了中国现代性的不确定性。  相似文献   

教师是实施教育的关键,对我国不同历史时期教师叙写变迁的研究,具有重要的理论和实践意义。以20世纪50年代至2013年期间,我国教师教育范畴不同阶段的代表性教育学教科书为中心,从教科书内容如何论说教师、叙写结构设计演变、教科书作业(练习内容)意义建构取向三个方面考察我国教师叙写变迁,发现教师叙写内容建构存在模式化和文本话语呈现教条化的特征,教师叙写的内容话语呈现和结构设计演变展示了从关注道德主体到职业主体的转型,教师叙写的意义建构折射出教师认同和自我了解有待于提升。未来如何改进我国教育学教科书的教师叙写,则是面临的重要新课题。  相似文献   

《三家巷》中占很大篇幅的爱情描写虽然是为革命主题服务的,但出版后仍备受批评。爱情故事与革命主题的联合一方面与叙事人对材料的处理有关,另一方面与具体语境的接纳程度有关,而语境的变化则是中国现代化进程的必然。正因为50年代的具体语境已经无法为两者的联合提供合理的依据,《三家巷》中的爱情讲述才为批评家所诟病,但这恰恰成为中国文学现代性复杂特质的文本呈现。  相似文献   


I argue for a broad education in narratives as a way to address several problems found in moral psychology and social cognition. First, an education in narratives will address a common problem of narrowness or lack of diversity, shared by virtue ethics and the simulation theory of social cognition. Secondly, it also solves the ‘starting problem’ involved in the simulation approach. These discussions also relate directly to theories of empathy with special significance given to situational empathy.  相似文献   

Bobbie Kabuto 《Literacy》2018,52(3):137-144
This article explores the concept of narratives of biliteracy or how two bilingual mothers defined biliteracy for their families through the construction of narratives. This study is approached through a theoretical discussion of narratives to investigate how the two families constructed certain versions of their realities as they observed, interpreted and made sense of their children's experiences in reading in two languages. After presenting each family's narrative, this study will explore how underlying these narratives are language‐driven ideologies that allowed each mother to construct different meanings of bilingualism and biliteracy for their families. The findings and conclusion suggest that these language‐driven ideologies were based on how the mothers discussed the positive and negative effects that learning in two languages has on their children's educational and transnational experiences.  相似文献   

Mythmaking in Alien Abduction Narratives   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Examination of alien abduction discourse has the potential to inform our understanding of symbolic practices. This essay uses 130 narratives of individuals who claim to have had contact with extraterrestrial beings to argue that alien abduction discourse is a living myth. This myth—the Myth of Communion—is rhetorically significant because it illustrates the formative power of narrative while also revealing certain characteristics about our cultural condition.  相似文献   

Narratives convey feelings and communicate ideas that the listener needs to hear. As such, they make powerful tools in all endeavors of human interaction. The use of narratives has been especially successful in educational settings. The time has come for the patient narrative to take back its rightful place after having been displaced in the name of managed care and more efficient use of clinic visits. Modern medicine needs to learn to integrate the compassion and empathy gleaned from a patient's narrative with the knowledge and integrity needed to alleviate the patient's suffering and pain.  相似文献   

张启雄的小说集《噪音》是江门五邑地区近年来文学写作的一大创获。作家借助西方现代主义叙事手段,摹绘出现代社会变迁中人的生存环境和生存状态,传达出作者对此的深切忧虑和社会良知。  相似文献   

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