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周大新长篇家族叙事小说《第二十幕》塑造了盛云纬、曹宁贞、王文蕊等主要悲剧女性形象。她们为爱而生,为情而死,最终却沦为男权世界的牺牲品。她们与男性的关系体现出鲜明的“二元三人”模式。男权社会压制与女性自身的弱点是造成其悲剧命运的双重原因。女性塑造也深刻体现了作家对百年中国历史女性群体悲剧命运的现代思考。  相似文献   

由于特定的历史条件及其他众多原因,十九世纪美国文学作品中的充斥着歪曲变形的中国形象,这些作品涉及范围广泛涵盖中国的政治、经济、文化、民族性格等。我们在面对这些扭曲的中国形象时,认识其不合理性是一方面,更重要的是能从中得到一些启示。本文采用形象学的方法对十九世纪美国文学作品中中国形象加以分析,以揭示其不合理性及其当前的意义。  相似文献   

吉普赛女性形象作为"自由"的象征,是19世纪浪漫主义文学思潮的美学追求。而吉普赛女性形象与吉普赛女子的真实情况迥然相异。究其原因,创作主体因审美感知而形成审美表象,主体在审美情感的驱动下,进一步展开审美想象。诸多吉普赛女性形象,是创作主体借助审美想象的"完形"手法,亦真亦幻地塑造出来以表达其内在精神的追求。具体表象中渗入了创作主体的主观意识和情感态度后,作为审美意象的吉普赛女性形象随之而生。  相似文献   

现代家族小说中的女性形象是20世纪中国文学的一组特殊群体:有家族文化的支撑者和践行者,严格按照封建文化标准扮演贤妻良母的角色;有家族文化的破坏者和出走者,在一定程度上都具有瓦解家族的力量,促成家族逐渐走向衰亡;还有忍受封建礼教折磨欺凌,在男权至上的伦理制度宰割下走向毁灭的牺牲者形象。她们的悲剧展示了传统文化禁锢下女性的生存困境,批判旧家族文化的罪恶,预示着封建家族走向没落的历史命运。  相似文献   

The article is organized into three main sections:

In the first section, inspired by the work of Martin Jay, I try to show the denigration of vision in historical thinking, suggesting that images are demanding new theoretical and methodological approaches susceptible of elucidation in their own terms.

In the second section, I attempt an analytical interpretation of a collection of public images of teachers, dating from the second half of the nineteenth century, in order to show the heuristic potential of this material in the historical treatment of educational matters. Finally in the third section, I outline some trends of historiographical renewal, giving attention to the way images can help to reshape the remembering‐imagining and the space‐time relationships in the History of Education field.


The technology education movement includes the introduction and application of digital books into science classrooms. These digital books are attractive alternatives to traditional texts because they can be customized for students. This qualitative study examined 35 students as they customized their own digital books. Using a variety of digital photos and videos, each student was asked to drag and drop images into their text. The students were provided with a variety of digital photos and videos to use to customize their books. The images were identical except for the racial cues of the characters. We used content analysis of students' selections and interviews of students (N = 35). We discovered that cues about racial authenticity served as the primary motivation for students selecting particular images. As students were given options, they consistently chose images that reflected their racial, gender, and linguistic identities. The results of this study indicate the need to recognize how racial cues can help students draw deeper connections to digital media if those cues are culturally authentic. This implies that culturally authentic racial cues would spawn deeper engagement for students.  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of the value of research involving images in a school, and aims to provoke more general discussion of the purpose, value and risks of educational research using images. It reports on a participative research project in a secondary school which led to the construction of a web site based on images of that school. The value of the process and of the web site in promoting learning within the school community is discussed and assessed, along with the risks of abuse, misuse, and manipulation of those images. The authors consider the value of grouping and clustering the images generated in this project as a means of engaging meaningfully with the images themselves, their context and what they represent. Data are presented from discussions with students and staff involved in taking images, with further reflection on the process that they and we engaged in.  相似文献   

孤女形象历来备受西方作家关注,以孤女为题材的文学作品在西方女性作家创作中更为普遍。19世纪是西方女性文学发展的重要时期,探究这一时期孤女形象的意义尤为重要,因为西方女性作家通过孤女的塑造,形象地表达了女性自我意识的觉醒,更传输了不可避免的历史重负。孤女形象可以说是曲折、艰难的19世纪西方女性文学的缩影,我们从中也可窥视西方女性文学的发展历程。  相似文献   

This study explores the mental images at the microscopic level of matter created by 22 preservice science teachers in Oman. Participants were encouraged during a guided imagery session to construct mental images for a scenario written about the explanation of the reaction of sodium in water. They were then asked to describe what they envisioned in their own imagination. Participants had images that were based on textbook illustrations, modeling kits, a solar-system model, physical properties, and humanized animations. 3D mental images represented 33.36% of participants’ mental images at the microscopic level, while images in 2D format formed 39.15% of the overall created mental images. Several factors shaped the participants’ mental images, such as their imaginative ability, attention mode, and the nature of their old images stored in their long-term memory. Most of the participants experienced image transformation from one form to another as they were progressing in the GI session. This unstable reliance on different models might indicate unorganized conceptual networks in learners’ LTM: a feature that characterizes novices’ mental networking. On the contrary, past research has revealed that experts have more organized and sophisticated conceptual networking. This study argued that participants lacked the homogeneous and reliable mental model of the atom that is required to carry out advanced cognitive processes for mental exploration of chemical phenomena. The absence of this mental model might explain the overwhelming finding in literature that many learners fail to explain and predict chemical phenomena.  相似文献   

“现代”诗人用一个一个的印象描画情绪;用不加装饰的字眼抓取简洁、坚硬、鲜明的一个或一串意象;用电影的手法构筑画面。他们诗中的意象具体、客观、直接、无矫饰,但“飞过的鸟,溜过的反光,不大听得清楚的转瞬即逝的声音”,都被“连系起来,杂乱地排列起来”。这样的诗,“运用许多意象,给你一个复杂的感觉”;运用意象置换辞藻,还原“辞藻”的工具属性,让意象被类似蒙太奇的剪辑手段处理后,直接成为诗的构成元素。这是“现代”诗人创造的中国纯诗的新旋律。  相似文献   

通过对第17届、第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段各64场比赛进球的主要特征进行比较,结果表明:总进球数第17届高于第18届,两届都是下半场进球数高于上半场;进球主要区域是在罚球区内,特别是罚球点与球门区线之间的区域;进球方式是以脚射为主,其中抢点直接脚射进球比例较高;各位置进球数最多的是前锋运动员.  相似文献   

陈纾 《闽江学院学报》2009,30(4):105-108
2009年三雏立体电影成为电影的主流,成为其发祥以来的第四次立体电影的热潮.立体电影找到了新的发展途径,即通过三维动画技术的应用,立体电影突破了传统技术制作手段和成本的限制,成功地实现了产量和质量的提升.同时,随着新技术尤其是新的立体媒介的出现,立体影像将不再只局限于电影银幕,而将扩展为新的多媒体形式.  相似文献   

16-19世纪,澳门生活着大量的黑人。虽然这些黑人在澳门社会中地位低下,却充当着士兵、护卫、家仆等不同的社会角色,他们在澳门整个城市发展过程中起着重要的作用。到了清代中叶,由于澳门经济的衰退、葡萄牙奴隶贸易的衰落、澳门当地黑人婚姻问题较难解决以及逃奴现象严重等经济、政治方面的原因,致使澳门黑人的数量不断减少。作为澳门社会中的一个特殊群体,黑人在澳门社会中并没有完全消失;他们逐渐融入了澳门社会,而且在澳门社会中一直具有着重要的作用和不可替代的地位。  相似文献   

In this account of practice I would like to share my experiences of facilitating a Critical Reflection Action Learning (CRAL) set with a small family run business, struggling to make change and expand their services due to the problems they encountered in separating their business lives from their family lives. The account I present here is based on a 12-session project I carried out with the organisation using a CRAL methodology as part of my Doctoral studies at the University of Hull Business School (Shepherd 2011). In this particular Action Learning project participants were invited to create hand drawn images which acted as representations of the problems they faced as a business. The images were used by set members in reflective conversations on the problems they were having. Each set member cycled through a process of drawing an image and reflecting upon its meaning using individual, group and critical reflection. The whole process enabled set members to gain new insights into their problems and provided them with the opportunity to devise new, more effective ways of tackling their problems and understanding the power dynamics underpinning them.  相似文献   

延客与惑君——兼谈唐诗中胡姬的形象塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡姬是唐诗中经常出现的一类文学形象。文章认为,唐代诗人塑造的胡姬形象大体有两类,一类是生活在市井之中的酒家胡;另一类则是宫廷或官贵人家的歌舞伎。前者在唐诗中的形象正面积极,是大唐盛世繁华的象征;后者则在安史之乱的特殊背景下背负了惑君的罪名。但是,唐人对安史之乱的反应是多方面的,这种复杂性同时也影响到了时人对胡姬的评判。  相似文献   

Asking newly qualified teachers (NQTs) to provide images of their ‘best teaching’, and encouraging subsequent reflection on these images, has the potential to enhance their understanding of themselves as teachers as they explore their often unconsciously held assumptions about students and classrooms. This paper reports aspects of a study of 100 New Zealand secondary NQTs as they constructed and explained images of themselves when ‘teaching at their best’ at three points over the first 18 months of full-time teaching. The article shows how these images of ‘best teaching’ may represent the NQTs’ pedagogical creed, and explores the nature of relationships and ways of working with students described within this developing pedagogy. It concludes by indicating implications from this study for teacher education pedagogies and programmes.  相似文献   

五四时期,部分留洋人士留下了大量游记、日记、书信等形式的自传,他们尤其留意国人及自身在海外的形象问题。这种描述多带有一种自卑和屈辱感,进而体现为对华人以及自身国民劣根性的反思与批判。邹韬奋记录了这种现象与经历,以促使国人自省;朱自清通过实录自己在欧洲的遭遇,真实再现了民族受屈辱的处境;朱湘则在感受屈辱的同时,表达出自我改变、自我发展的愿望,以此进行坚决的抗争。这些自传反映了有志之士放眼看世界的心态和胸襟,在民族文化和自身的剖析中带有民族自强的愿望,是五四精神的体现。  相似文献   

Two experiments explored concept map construction as a useful intervention to improve metacomprehension accuracy among 7th grade students. In the first experiment, metacomprehension was marginally better for a concept mapping group than for a rereading group. In the second experiment, metacomprehension accuracy was significantly greater for a concept mapping group than for a control group, while a group of students who were given already constructed concept maps had accuracy between these two groups. In both experiments, control groups had poor metacomprehension accuracy. That is, they performed worse on tests they predicted better performance and performed better on tests they predicted worse performance. Although constructing concept maps did not produce the same high level of accurate monitoring previously reported in the literature, it still reduced the illusion of knowing.  相似文献   

蓓基·夏泼和曹七巧是中西方文学史上两个典型的坏女人形象,在她们的身上负面效应多于正面效应。这两个为了生存不择手段的女性作为善良慈爱的母性的反面典型,带给后世读者的启迪却是深刻的。女人不是天生合格的母亲,是需要后天学习的。社会在培养合格乃至优秀的母亲方面也应该尽到责任。  相似文献   

The present research examined the effect of illustrations on readers' metacomprehension accuracy for expository science text. In two experiments, students read non-illustrated texts, or the same texts illustrated with either conceptual or decorative images; were asked to judge how well they understood each text; and then took tests for each topic. Metacomprehension accuracy was computed as the intra-individual correlation between judgments and inference test performance. Results from both studies showed that the presence of decorative images can lead to poor metacomprehension accuracy. In the second study, an analysis of the cues that students reported using to make their judgments revealed that students who used comprehension-relevant cues showed more accurate metacomprehension. A self-explanation instruction did not alter either comprehension-relevant cue use or metacomprehension accuracy, although some advantages were seen when readers were prompted to self-explain from texts illustrated with conceptual images. These results suggest that students may need more explicit instruction or support to promote the use of valid cues when engaging in comprehension monitoring with illustrated text, and that seductive information such as decorative images may undermine comprehension monitoring.  相似文献   

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