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皮特 《篮球》1999,(22)
I feel unspeakably injured. I've lost a dear and exceptional friend and an important part of my life. Many people have called our competition the greatest rivalry in the history of sports. Wilt was the greatest offensive player I have ever seen, his play forced me to play at my highest level. If I didn't, our team would likely lose.——BILL RUSSELL  相似文献   

Face to Face     
I am waiting for Monaco to set the club’s politics.I hope it will allow me to havean ambitious football project in both the short and long term.The officials Know myposition and my desires.Now it is up to them.considering the football world Knows mysituation, that I will be free in July 2005.Everybody writes their own story.and theplayers are writing a superb page for Monaco and all of French football.It’s proof thatin football.anything can happen-you just have to believe until the end.It wasn’t easybut we deserved it.This is exceptional.” Deschamps  相似文献   

for miioslao klose Just one goal makes my heart feel mect. Can hardly belieue it(yeah). He s the best foiward in Gemnany. Nciioslow klose. Just one smile and tneie s no way back. Can haiely becieue it(yeal) How amauing the achiuement he did. Gocden shoot Awand. Miio,you re the best one in my mind. Now ancl forwer more. I lay my loue on you. It s au I wanna do. Ererytime you goal I can t help screaming. I U watch your euery game. Whooping and shouting for you de there. As I lay my lore on you. As I lay my lore on you.  相似文献   

I am from Sri Lanka, a country as beautiful as China. For the calling of Wushu, I came to China and have been here for seven years. I love anything Chinese.When I was very young, I had naively thought Wushu was all about being invulnerable and flying. I had a dream that I was flying like a bird back to Sri Lanka after I finished my Wushu studies in China.  相似文献   

Now that the terrible odor has gone, my husband and I are finally able to enjoy the riverside s coolness and fresh air, said Zheng, an elderly woman living beside Beijing s Kunyu River.Before the government took measures to clean it up, the river was severely polluted and stank in the summer, said Zheng.The Kunyu River clean-up is only a small example of Beijing s great efforts over the past year to improve its environment and honor its pledge to host a Green Olympics in 2008.According to local environmental officials, the Chinese capital has been successful in reducing air pollution and protecting drinking water sources.  相似文献   

Dear SIR, How do you do.I'm a faithful fan of Europe named Xue Yujing though I was born in orient China,I look for every chance to watch the matches of Europe.I always like La Liga,Serie A,Bundesliga and European Championship and so on. I like England nation team and Real Madrid best,David Beckham is my favourite player!  相似文献   

A 英汉对照原文:I am very excited and happy to be re-signing with the Cavaliers.Staying in Cleveland provides me with the unique opportunity to continueto play in front of my family,friends and fans.I look forward to workingtoward bringing a championship to our great fans and the city of Cleveland.译文:对于能和骑士队续约,我感到非常快乐和兴奋。留在克利夫兰给了我一个特别的机会,可以继续在我的家人、朋友和球迷跟前打球。我希望能为我们伟大的球迷.以及克利夫兰这座城市带来一次总冠军。——这是勒布朗·詹姆斯新闻发言人宣读的詹姆斯续约宣言片断。在2003三雄中,詹姆斯是最后一个与母队达成续约意向的球员(威德和安东尼都早早就与母队在顶薪续约的问题上一拍即合)。是否留守克利夫兰,始终让詹姆斯和他的商业团队很矛盾。像詹姆斯这样的球员,到哪儿都铁定签下顶薪,因此工资根本不是他考虑的核心问题,他急需的是大球市,因为与耐克公司签定的9000万美元合同到现在还不见盈利的曙光。但毕竟,骑士队和克利夫兰球迷已经在詹姆斯的鞍前马后做了太多,加上他的老家就在离克利夫兰不远的阿克伦,最终他还是选择了留队,但合同的具体年限尚未公布。  相似文献   

First Speaking第一次说的话"My name is Elroy Pinto aka fnatic.Noname,I am the manager for fnatic.WC3 and head of WC3 on fnatic.com.I have worked on several international projects such as WCReplays.com which is a big American community website.I have also been a manager and head of WC3 for MYM.International back in 2005.Until 2007 I was with MYM until I switched to fnatic.My first venture was a content writer and admin on a national website which soon came to an end.But in my time as a manager I have  相似文献   

Relaxed after SydneyQ: It is the 1st time since 1995 that you have to play in the qualification matches of the national team in order to take part in the World Championships. How do you think of that?A: I think this is normal as the national team is setting up a more competitive internal system which will encourage the upcoming players. In the warm-up matches held in Huiyang and Shengzhou, 3 out of the 5 key players qualified for Paris. Two winners from 2 rounds of inter-team competitions will also qualify and the last 2 players will be selected by the coaches. I feel quite comfortable as it is equal  相似文献   

vivlan:There are more and more young players coming intoChinese Series a League.(现在在中国的联赛中出现了越来越多的年轻球员。) iclmes:RIght,the average age of players became so younger.(是的.球员有些太年轻化了。) vlvion:l think they have ablity to play there.what about you?(我认为他们足可以应4,-J~赛.你认为呢?) iames:No,but I believe they have the potential to be lhe greatplayers(是的.但是我相信他们有潜力成为伟大的球员。) vivian:They will bring along gradually(他们会逐渐地成长起来。) lames:H…  相似文献   

(三十)差强人意对于比赛,谁都有状态不佳的时候,了解一些这方面的表达有助于我们对体育英语的理解和活用。Off days:糟糕的、“背”的时候。“Everybody is going to have off days,” (每个人都会有糟糕的时候),这是解脱压力最常用的一句话。Let down:原指放低某物和给车胎放气,可意指状态下降。比如After the first set I had a big let-down and I just couldn't move。(第1盘结束后我的体能迅速下降,无法跑动。)Hum-  相似文献   

Yu Fen, head coach of the Qinghua University diving team, is the youngest full professor in the Chinese eliteuniversity. “I am so lucky to be part of Qinghua, ” said Yu, who accepted an offer to build a world-class diving team afterthe 1996 Olympic Games. “Qinghua mixes sports and education perfectly,” Yu continued. “I had been working as a professionalcoach for many years and regretted that so many retired athletes were shut out of decent jobs because they hadreceived little inte…  相似文献   

Chinese women's soccer team have not been givenany target in the Athens Olympic Games but they willtake "every chance" to fight for honor. Xue Li, vice-president of the Chinese FootballAssociation (CFA) said: "The CFA will not assign atask to the players, but they will, as always, take everychance to play well for their country." "The Olympic Games is a big occasion and you cannever give up in an Olympic field," Xue said. "Youmust play your best in every game in Athens." The Steel …  相似文献   

G873.148 9903759高技术战争条件下部队机动训练身心适应的应激-焦虑水平研究=The soldiers' mental and physicalreactl' on to energeucy and anxiety in the mobiletraining under high-tech condit ions[刊,中,I]/课题组//解放军体育学院学报.-1997.-16(4).-19-23表1参3(YYW)高科技//应激//焦虑//训练//适应  相似文献   

1、 “I’ve a lot of experience and havebeen fortunate enough to play under somebrilliant managers 1iKe Alex Ferguson.I would 1ike to pass that Knowledge on.The challenge appeals to me and,as faras being Manchester United manager goes,why not?” 我经验丰富,而且运气很好,在几个能力非凡的教练手下混过,像现在的阿历克斯·弗格森。我十分乐意将我得到的学识用上,我想做曼联的教练就是对我最好的挑战,为什么不呢? 罗伊·基恩日前和记者畅谈日后退役之  相似文献   

1、“Our target is to come back here inMay for the European Cup final.We havebuilt up a great side and the ultimaterecognition is in the Champions LeagueWe are desperate to achieve that We arestill in three competitions and it is ourtarget to win the Treble. But we have some tough games comingup.so I can talk more about that in thenext few weeks.”  相似文献   

Background:Soccer injuries constitute an important public health problem and cause a high economic burden.Nevertheless,comprehensive data regarding injury costs in nonprofessional soccer are missing.The aim of this study was to determine which groups of nonprofessional soccer athletes,injury types,and injury situations caused high injury costs.Methods:A cross-sectional,retrospective telephone survey was carried out with a random sample of persons who had sustained a soccer injury between July 2013 and June 2014 and who had reported this accident to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund(Suva).One year after the corresponding accident,every injury was linked to its costs and to the answers obtained in the interview about injury setting,injury characteristics,and injury causes.Finally,the costs of 702 injuries were analyzed.Results:The average cost of an injury in nonprofessional soccer amounted to€4030(bias-corrected and accelerated 95%confidence interval(BCa 95%CI):3427-4719).Persons aged 30 years and older experienced 35%of soccer injuries but accounted for 49%of all costs.A total of58%of all costs were the result of injuries that occurred during amateur games.In particular,game injuries sustained by players in separate leagues for players aged 30+/40+years led to high average costs of€8190(BCa 95%CI:5036-11,645).Knee injuries accounted for 25%of all injuries and were responsible for 53%of all costs.Although contact and foul play did not lead to above-average costs,twisting or turning situations were highly cost relevant,leading to an average sum of€7710(BCa 95%CI:5376-10,466)per injury.Conclusion:Nonprofessional soccer players aged 30 years and older and particularly players in 30+/40+leagues had above-average injury costs.Furthermore,the prevention of knee injuries,noncontact and nonfoul play injuries,and injuries caused by twisting and turning should be of highest priority in decreasing health care costs.  相似文献   

1."I don't have any offers to go anywhere else, absolutely not. and that's the truth.I am amazed and surprised every time (this question) comes up as I have a contract. People seem to have forgotten that I have a contract until 2006 and nothing has been changed from that,I don't think that I'm in an impossible situation. The people around me are very quiet, calm and not worried at all. The speculation carries on though -all because of a cup of tea!I always said that I have a contract until 2006 and nothing has been changed and that's it. I don't want to comment on it every day, I don't think it's fair."  相似文献   

Background: One main purpose of the World Anti-Doping Agency was to harmonize anti-doping efforts, including the provision of anti-doping education. A multifaceted approach to doping prevention can play a key role in preventing intentional and unintentional doping. This article aimed to systematically record and evaluate doping prevention approaches in the form of information and education activities of national antidoping organizations(NADOs) and assess the extent to which a multifaceted doping prevention approach has been realized.Methods: Data on anti-doping information and education activities of 53 NADOs were collected via a survey and an online search of the NADOs' websites. Prevention activities were classified into knowledge focused, affective focused, social skills, life skills, and ethic-and valuebased.The implementation of the prevention activities was assessed by 4 independent raters using a modified visual analogue scale.Results: In total, 59% of the NADOs(n = 38) returned the survey and 70%(n = 45) had information available online. The data were combined for the visual analogue scale assessment. Overall, 58% of the NADOs(n = 37) reported offering activities including elements of all 5 approaches.Results of the raters' assessments indicated that the knowledge-focused approach was best implemented;the implementation of the other 4 approaches was largely unsatisfactory. The most common barriers to implementing doping prevention programs reported by the NADOs were lack of resources(n = 26) and difficulties in collaborating with sports organizations(n = 8).Conclusion: Results show a discrepancy between NADOs' self-report data and the implementation assessment. Even though the NADOs indicated otherwise, most of their education-based approaches did not address aspects of the visual analogue scale(e.g., resisting peer pressure) and only a few programs were ongoing. Possible explanations might be found in the reported barriers(e.g., financial). Concrete guidelines defining multifaceted, values-based education, and best practice examples should be developed to indicate how to include all 5 approaches in prevention.  相似文献   

A英汉对照我看81分原文:It was an amazing night for Kobe.Just unreal. Like watching a video game.He’s the best player in the game. We play Toronto in March.I’m going to go for 100.译文:对科比来说,这是一个惊魂之夜,虚幻得就像在看一场电视游戏。他是联盟里最好的球员。我们在三月份要打猛龙队,到时候我要向100分冲刺。被科比抢去得分王头衔的艾弗森给自己下了军令状。  相似文献   

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