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On dendritic cell-based therapy for cancers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dendritic cells (DCs), the most prevalent antigen-presenting cell in vivo, had been widely characterized in the last three decades. DCs are present in almost all tissues of the body and play cardinal roles in recognition of microbial agents,autoantigens, allergens and alloantigen. DCs process the microbial agents or their antigens and migrate to lymphoid tissues to present the antigenic peptide to lymphocytes. This leads to activation of antigen-specific lymphocytes. Initially, it was assumed that DCs are principally involved in the induction and maintenance of adaptive immune responses, but now it is evident that DCs also have important roles in innate immunity. These features make DCs very good candidates for therapy against various pathological conditions including malignancies. Initially, DC-based therapy was used in animal models of cancers. Data from these studies inspired considerable optimism and DC-based therapies was started in human cancers 8 years ago. In general,DC-based therapy has been found to be safe in patients with cancers, although few controlled trials have been conducted in this regard. Because the fundamentals principles of human cancers and animal models of cancers are different, the therapeutic efficacy of the ongoing regime of DC-based therapy in cancer patients is not satisfactory. In this review, we covered the various aspects that should be considered for developing better regime of DC-based therapy for human cancers.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION With the enormous progress in tumor immu-nology,immunotherapy has reached an exciting phase in its evolution for the treatment of cancer(Hart,2005;Onji and Akbar,2005).Although an effective immunotherapeutic regimen has yet not been dem-onstrated in the clinical setting and the ultimate role of immunotherapy in the treatment of glioma is still unknown,the potential for immunotherapy as an adjunct to the current treatment of gliomas is now based on solid evidence(Yu et al.,20…  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas are the most devastating tumors in clinical practice and nave poorest survival, Immunological treatment of such patients may likely increase the survival and quality of life. Dendritic cells (DCs), most potent antigen presenting cells in combination with oral chemotherapeutic agents may be tried for patients giving consent to such treatment. We have successfully combined the two therapies in an adult male patient who was on downhill course after being operated on once with post operation chemotherapy and radiotherapy for glioma in the left parietal area. He received five dendritic cell therapy vaccines in combination with oral chemotherapy and responded dramatically having near normal quality of life for an additional five months with this regime, increasing the survival after operation to 11 months. This therapy is continuing with radiological betterment of the lesion. The DCs are matured with antigen extracted from wax embedded tissue at 6th day of culture. We feel that the treatment can be given to more number of patients to establish its efficacy for the dreaded cancer glioblastoma multiforme.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In cancer patients, tumor immunity is generally impaired. However, tumor immunity may occur in-vivo as circulating tumor-specific antibodies, with cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) having been identi- fied in cancer patients (Disis et al., 1997; Albert et al., 1998) suggesting that effective anti-tumor responses may be elicited through immunotherapeutic strategies. In recent years, a number of clinical trials have proved the safety and feasibility of using human dendritic cell…  相似文献   

Gallbladder cancer has a poor outcome because of its anatomy and location. Often, the diagnosis is made very late due to its silent course. Post-operated cases do respond to chemotherapy but the survival is counted in months and the quality of life is further hampered due to toxicity of drugs. Immunotherapy holds good promise in non-responding cancers treated by conventional chemotherapeutic agents. Among various therapies, dendritic cell therapy is growing at rapid pace due to its acceptable rationale. It has been utilized in treating successfully resected stage Ill (T2, N1, M0) gallbladder cancer in one of our patients. A 48 years old lady treated with this therapy is free of metastasis with ten doses of autologous dendritic cell vaccine constructed by utilizing resected tumor lysate antigen. She has received ten doses of therapy in 14 months of her treatment. This therapy has proven to be safe and without apparent side effects. The positive clinical response obtained supports that autologous dendritic cell-based immunotherapy is a promising therapeutic approach for refractory gallbladder cancers.  相似文献   

Microorganisms provide both beneficial and harmful effects to human beings. Beneficial effects come from the symbiotic relationship that exists between humans and microbiota, but then several human illnesses have turned some friendly microbes into opportunistic pathogens, causing several microbial-related diseases. Various efforts have been made to create and utilize antimicrobial agents in the treatment and prevention of these infections, but such efforts have been hampered by the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Despite extensive studies on drug discovery to alleviate this problem, issues with the toxicity and tolerance of certain compounds and continuous microbial evolution have forced researchers to focus on screening various phytochemical dietary compounds for antimicrobial activity. Linolenic acid and its derivatives (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) are omega-3 fatty acids that have been studied due to their role in human health, being important for the brain, the eye, the cardiovascular system, and general human growth. However, their utilization as antimicrobial agents has not been widely appreciated, perhaps due to a lack of understanding of antimicrobial mechanisms, toxicity, and route of administration. Therefore, this review focuses on the efficacy, mechanism, and toxicity of omega-3 fatty acids as alternative therapeutic agents for treating and preventing diseases associated with pathogenic microorganisms.  相似文献   

疼痛是各种疾病最常见的症状,是当今困扰人类健康最严重的问题之一。目前临床上应用的镇痛药种类有限,且大多具有镇痛效果不强和/或成瘾、耐受等明确的副作用,致使大量的疼痛患者得不到有效的治疗。因而急需开发新型不成瘾和副作用小的镇痛药。由于难以在人体对疼痛进行深入的机制和药效研究,往往通过建立疼痛的动物模型来筛选和鉴定镇痛候选药物。很多研究表明,根据动物疼痛模型的镇痛效果,很难预测其在人类身上的镇痛作用,导致临床研究常常出现令人困惑和模糊混乱的评价结果。新兴的人类疼痛实验模型,有望成为镇痛新药研发中联系动物实验和临床试验的有机桥梁,用于评价候选镇痛新药的作用机制和疗效,可为临床试验提供更加科学的设计方案,增加临床试验的成功率。该文拟对在健康志愿者身上进行的人类疼痛实验模型的研究进展进行综述,以期为加快新型镇痛药物的研发进程提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The introduction of technology education in New Zealand provided an opportunity to teach biotechnology from a technological perspective. Biotechnology teaching models were developed during a professional development programme. The role of these teaching models has been described and analysed according to the definitions identified by the 'Models in Science and Technology: Research in Education' (MISTRE) group and classified according to Grosslight et al.'s analysis of models in order to identify and analyse the role of biotechnology teaching models in technology education. These teaching models fulfilled a variety of roles that included providing a focus to understanding the factors influencing a biotechnological outcome to providing a technique for collaborative evaluation of manipulative skills in microbial plating exercises.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by CC chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor family. This receptor was identified as a gene induced by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and is thought to be a mediator of EBV effects on B lymphocytes. This receptor is expressed in various lymphoid tissues and activates B and T lymphocytes. It has been shown to control the migration of memory T cells to inflamed tissues, as well as stimulate dendritic cell maturation. To map the CCR7 gene in chicken chromosome, a 6 000 rads chicken-hamster radiation hybrid panel (ChickRH6) was used. PCR of samples from ChickRH6 revealed that the location of CCR7 gene is linked to the maker SEQ0347 (6 cR away) with LOD score of 16.6 and that the marker SEQ0347 is located on chromosome 27 at 27 cR of RH (radiation hydrid) map. We compared the corresponding human mRNA sequence with the predicted coding sequence of chicken CCR7 gene, and found that the assembled contig shared a high percentage of similarity with that of the human gene.  相似文献   

新时期开始,性主题的创作最初乃是为突破"文革"以来意识形态对人性本能的不正当压抑。90年代中期开始,一些女性作家秉承西方女性主义者用"躯体写作"去寻找"性别自我"的初衷,严肃刻画在女性躯体欲望的表面展现之下的深层冲突。流风所播,后来者则发展为几乎完全回避躯体文化的内在冲突,为颠覆而颠覆、为欲望而欲望,造成"躯体写作"的形而上建构意图淹没在躯体欲望的张扬之中。颠覆过度,建构阙如,最终如巴赫金所说的单纯"性"的躯体将丧失完整的躯体存在,沦于"欲望躯体"的行列。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是一种神经退行性疾病,临床表现为认知功能障碍,病理学研究发现脑萎缩,细胞外老年斑(senile plaque,SP)沉积及细胞内出现神经纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangle,NFT).AD发病机制尚不清楚,因此动物模型的建立对探索其发病机制具有重要意义.该文就AD实验动物模型研究进展作一综述,详细描述并评价了目前常见的AD模型及其在药物研发中的应用.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Dendritic cells(DCs)are professional anti-gen-presenting cells(APC)that are responsible for the activation of undifferentiated T cells and the generation of primary T-cell responses(Cella et al.,1997).The specific role of DCs is to capture,process and present antigens to T cells.Immunogenic and inflammatory signals are responsible for the migra-tion of DCs from tissues to lymphoid organs where they initiate an immune response.These processes induce the maturation of DCs…  相似文献   

This paper reports on a curriculum project in which principles of instructional design are integrated with real-world experiences in a corporate environment. Working in design teams, graduate students served as instructional developers in a corporate environment. The course instructor acted as project leader. Initially, both the client organization and design teams expressed confusion concerning their roles in relation to the course instructor. Design teams initially used technical language not readily understood by the client. The lack of guidance in instructional models on the development of appropriate instructional strategies was noted by all teams. Design teams concluded that knowledge of instructional design principles is a necessary but not sufficient preparation for professional activity as instructional developers. By the end of the three-month project, both the client organization and the design teams expressed strong satisfaction with the process and the outcome.  相似文献   

For 25 years now, there has been a serious attempt to get at the fundamental cause(s) of dyslexia in our laboratory. A great deal of research has been carried out on the psychological and brain underpinnings of the linguistic dysfunctions seen in dyslexia, but attempts to get at its cause have been limited. Initially, observations were made on the brains of persons with dyslexia who had died and their brains donated for research. These observations were modeled in animal models in order to better understand the full extent of anatomical and developmental brain characteristics. More recently, models have begun to employ genetic manipulations in order to close the gap between genes, brain, and behavior. In this article based on a lecture given in memory of Dr. Norman Geschwind to the International Dyslexia Association assembly in Philadelphia in 2004, I outline the history of the research leading up to the most recent findings. These findings consist of experiments using methods that interfere with the function of DNA, using as constructs genes that have been implicated in dyslexia, which cause developmental problems of neuronal migration in rats, secondary brain changes in response to the migration problems, and abnormal processing of sounds.  相似文献   

在过去三十年,癌症的免疫学研究和免疫治疗取得了重大进展。一个重要的进步就是识别人类癌症抗原对癌症患者引起的自发性免疫反应。迄今已知的大部分免疫原性人类癌症抗原属于睾丸癌抗原家族,这种抗原蛋白在各种类型癌症中均有表达,但正常组织不表达(除胚胎细胞外)。癌症免疫治疗的目的就是通过接种相关抗原联合免疫佐剂诱导或激发肿瘤特异性免疫反应。免疫佐剂与抗原联合应用可诱导强效的免疫反应,或者显著提高原有的免疫反应。免疫治疗对于早期癌症患者可能是有益的,因为在此阶段免疫逃逸不明显。  相似文献   

本文讨论了教育技术的专业实践如何影响教学设计师的角色。技术前景的动态本质使得教学设计师的工作复杂化,使得他们在应用所学的系统设计模式时有着很大的困难。目前,教学设计师在帮助机构有效采用教育技术方面担当着更加多样的、精细的角色。在假定这些新角色的基础上,教学设计人员应当跨越自身的舒适区,不仅仅是与学科专家合作的设计人员,或者是第一个吃螃蟹使用技术的人,而是真正成为绩效专家,协调机构内的不同力量。  相似文献   

Standard treatment options for breast cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies, such as adjuvant hormonal therapy and monoclonal antibodies. Recently, the recognition that chronic inflammation in the tumor microenvironment promotes tumor growth and survival during different stages of breast cancer development has led to the development of novel immunotherapies. Several immunotherapeutic strategies have been studied both preclinically and clinically and already have been shown to enhance the efficacy of conven- tional treatment modalities. Therefore, therapies targeting the immune system may represent a promising next-generation approach for the treatment of breast cancers. This review will discuss recent findings that elucidate the roles of suppressive immune cells and proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the tumor-promoting microen- vironment, and the most current immunotherapeutic strategies in breast cancer.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by CC chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor family. This receptor was identified as a gene induced by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and is thought to be a mediator of EBV effects on B lymphocytes. This receptor is expressed in various lymphoid tissues and activates B and T lymphocytes. It has been shown to control the migration of memory T cells to inflamed tissues, as well as stimulate dendritic cell maturation. To map the CCR7 gene in chicken chromosome, a 6000 rads chicken-hamster radiation hybrid panel (ChickRH6) was used. PCR of samples from ChickRH6 revealed that the location of CCR7 gene is linked to the maker SEQ0347 (6 cR away) with LOD score of 16.6 and that the marker SEQ0347 is located on chromosome 27 at 27 cR of RH (radiation hydrid) map. We compared the corresponding human mRNA sequence with the predicted coding sequence of chicken CCR7 gene, and found that the assembled contig shared a high percentage of similarity with that of the human gene.  相似文献   

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