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周芳  杨林 《新闻前哨》2004,(11):29-31
3.公信力体系的重要来源和支柱:客观、公正的报道原则 BBC的公信力还来源于其客观、公正的报道原则。唯有客观、公正的报道才能获得受众的信任与认同。由于媒介巨大的社会影响力和公共舆论代表者的身份,客观、公正也是其作为社会服务组织的一项重要责任和义务。由于新闻报道的对象物是客观实在的,报道者必须使自己的报道做到客观,这样才能吸引受众的兴趣,最终为受众所接受,从而实现传播效果。公正性则是指媒介为报道中的利益或争议双方提供平等利用媒介的机会,以及传播者对事实持不偏不倚的中立立场。  相似文献   

所谓公信力,是传媒发布新闻、信息的可信度在公众中产生的影响力,也是传媒内在品质的综合反应。在激烈竞争的新闻市场,公信力已经成为大众媒体重要的无形资产和竞争资源,是媒介产品的信誉保证。[第一段]  相似文献   

媒介公信力与视听率,发行量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
可以说,早先就有很多类似于“公信力”的提法,如 “可信度”等,但实际上,公信力的内涵与外延比可信度要大得多:可信度主要是强调媒介刊发新闻的真实性而言,而公信力则不仅局限于此,它还体现了一个媒体存在的权威性、在社会中的信誉度和在公众中的影响力等多重特征。“公信力”这一提法的出现,客观上讲,是随着各媒体之间竞争的加剧,尤其是随着媒介产业化的发展和完善,媒介集团争相树立自身形象而出现的。从普遍意义上讲,我认为媒介的公信力是媒介在长期的发展中日积月累而成的,是在社会中有广泛的权威性和信誉度、在受众中有深…  相似文献   

近年来,尽管我国媒介取得了长足的发展和进步,但随着受众思想的多元化、利益的驱使、媒介自身的管理及激烈的竞争,公众对媒介呈现出越来越不信任的态势,媒介公信力受到严重影响。本文通过对大众媒介公信力的现状分析,试图找出提高大众媒介公信力的途径。  相似文献   

在我国大众传播学领域,公信力这一概念近几年的研究重点仅限于大众媒介的公信力。例如黄晓芳的《公信力与媒介的权威性》,郑保卫、唐远清的《试论新闻传媒的公信力》,廖圣清、李晓静、张国良的《中国大陆大众传媒公信力的实证研究》等,以及由喻国明主编的我国第一套关于大众媒介公信力的专著系列——《大众媒介公信力理论研究》、《大众媒介公信力测评研究》,  相似文献   

费程 《新闻世界》2013,(10):76-77
新闻节目办得好坏,决定着电台、电视台的视听率和舆论作用以及媒体的发展前景。媒介间的竞争主要是新闻信息领域的竞争,新闻节目是竞争的“主战场”。对于电视台来说,它的新闻节目能在多大程度上有效满足受众日益增长和多样化的信息需求,决定其未来是否能够在剧烈的竞争中立于不败之地。本文借鉴前人对电视新闻理论的研究,着重探讨电视新闻的个性、共性规律以及电视新闻节目的主要类型、报道方式、报道要求。  相似文献   

广告刊播与媒介公信力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
媒介公信力是公众对媒介的社会期待与媒介实际表现之间契合程度在公众心理上的反映。媒介公信力的影响因素复杂而多样,其中媒介所提供的信息的质量为最直接、最关键因素。刊播广告能够壮大媒介的经济实力,有助于提升媒介公信力。但是,刊播广告有可能造成广告商控制媒介,影响新闻报道的客观公正。目前,我国新闻媒介刊播广告存在虚假广告、新闻广告、庸俗广告和随意插播广告、广告超量等问题,引起公众强烈不满,有损媒介公信力。珍惜媒介公信力,规范广告刊播行为,势在必需。  相似文献   

BBC:高度组织化的新闻运作BBC是世界上历史最悠久的公共广播电视网,从1936年11月2日正式开播电视以来,BBC积极参与重大社会议题的报道与转播,不但在西方世界积累了大量观众,更因迅速、准确和比较公正的新闻报道方针建立起良好的公信力.即使在因"情报门"事件而遭到严厉抨击的2002年,仍有民调显示超过75%的英国民众"信赖BBC报道的公正性".  相似文献   

方刚  殷骁 《今传媒》2011,(12):17-19
作为公立传媒,英国广播公司(BBC)是由政府整合成立的,其主要收入也来源于政府征收的视听执照费,但BBC却能最大限度的在报道中做到独立和客观,因此其报道经常与政府意愿相违背。本文试从BBC与政府的几次博弈中分析BBC和政府的关系,并由此考察英国的新闻自由,通过揭示BBC如何在政府与民众之间实现平衡,为中国媒体处理相关事务提供一种值得借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

一编辑权独立是构建媒介公信力的基石媒介公信力是指传播者的可信度,"是公众对大众媒介的社会期待与媒介实际表现之间契合程度在公众心理上的反映"。它来自公众对媒体的信任与信心。客观可靠的媒体内容是生发公众信任的不竭源泉,也是确保媒体获取公众信任的关键。新闻采编部门作为媒体内容品质的直接把关人,其采编权的独立与否直接决定着媒体内容的品质。因此,维护编辑部门的权威,尊重编辑权,"是媒介作为‘专  相似文献   


Digital platforms such as search engines and social media have become major gateways to news. Algorithms are used to deliver news that is consistent with consumers’ preferences and individuals share news through their online social networks. This networked environment has resulted in growing uncertainty about online information which has had an impact on news industries globally. While it is well established that perceptions of trust in news found on social media or via search engines are lower than traditional news media, there has been less discussion about the impact of social media use on perceptions of trust in the news media more broadly. This study fills that gap by examining the influence of social media as news sources and pathways to news on perceptions of the level of news trust at a country level. A secondary data analysis of a 26-country survey in 2016 and 2019 was conducted. The analysis revealed an increase in social media use for accessing news resulted in a decline in trust in news media generally across the globe. Higher levels of general mistrust in news were related to an increased use of sharing of news. This paper argues the use of social media for news is closely linked to the increase in news mistrust, which is likely to continue to rise as the number of people using social media to access news continues to grow.  相似文献   

国外对于传媒与政治信任的关系有不少重要的研究,其研究的焦点集中在传媒是否对公众的政治信任有负面影响上,不少学者持"媒体抑郁论"的观点。但这种观点不断被检验,研究者发现不同传媒变量对不同层次政治信任的影响各不相同。国内在传媒与政治信任方面的研究比较缺乏。该领域的研究可以考虑综合运用质化、量化的研究方法、关注新媒体与政治信任之关系,以及探讨中国传媒与政治信任的关系。  相似文献   

Despite a large body of literature documenting factors influencing general political participation, research has lagged in understanding what motivates participation regarding specific issues. Our research fills this gap by examining the interplay of perceptions of media bias, trust in government, and political efficacy on individuals' levels of general and issue-specific political participation. Using survey data with indicators related to general political participation, our results demonstrate that perceptions of media bias overall are negatively related to general political participation. Moreover, this relationship is an indirect one, mediated by trust in government and political efficacy. Using survey data with indicators of issue-specific political participation in the context of stem cell research, our results show that—contrary to the relationship found for general political participation—perceptions of media bias are directly and positively associated with issue-specific participation. Implications for political participation and media bias theories are discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of the mass media to cover issues as well as thecapacity of recipients to be concerned about issues is limited.The coverage on and the concern about new issues will consequentlyremove old issues from the agenda of both the mass media andthe general public. The present study investigates two modelsof this process of issue competition. The equal-displacementmodel assumes that a rise of one issue in the media by a givennumber of stories is matched by an equal fall in all other issuessumming up to a similar number of issues. The restructuringmodel assumes that unexpected, surprising or otherwise newsworthyevents create killer issues that move several other issues completelyoff the agenda and leave others untouched. A content analysisof all news shows of the two major TV stations in Germany and53 weekly surveys regarding 16 different issues covering thewhole year 1986 shows that—within the media agenda—therewere no killer issues affecting the coverage of the TV stations.In the public agenda, however, some killer issues could be identified.Coverage of these issues increased public concern about themand decreased concerns about other issues. Consequences of theseresults for agenda-setting theory and for politics are discussed.  相似文献   

加入WTO对中国是挑战又是机遇。中国媒体的生存和发展终究会面临外来媒体的冲击 ,包括商业利益和文化的冲击 ,其结果可能部分取决于中国以什么样的心态来对待这种冲击。中国大众传媒要以积极的态度对外来媒体的冲击进行认真接触和了解。全球化是不可抗拒的人类历史进程。中国经济、文化在全球化过程中得大于失 ,中国文明和文化有永久的生命力 ,媒体在全球化过程中肩负有不可替代的责任。  相似文献   

社交媒体时代受众的主体性地位逐渐凸显,新闻真实性可以理解为一种“信任性真实”,即受众所相信的真实。依据德国社会学家卢曼的分类,并结合对25位新闻从业者的深度访谈,本文从“系统信任”和“人际信任”两个维度对新闻的“信任性真实”进行了分析。笔者发现,“可视化”以及“交朋友”策略是社交媒体时代形塑传受之间“人际信任”的重要路径,不过需要指出的是,“信任”是完整实现新闻真实性的重要环节,但是新闻真实并不依赖于受众的信任,事实真实仍然是衡量新闻真实性的终极性标准。  相似文献   

This article establishes the theoretical significance of media trust and explores the relationships between individuals' levels of media trust and news attention. Three distinct types of media trust are introduced: 1) trust of news information, 2) trust of those who deliver the news, and 3) trust of media corporations. The findings indicate that these different types of media trust relate to news attention in distinct ways, specifically when examined across medium. The theoretical significance of the findings are discussed and contextualized in light of an evolving media environment.  相似文献   

This study explored, by comparative thematic analysis, the conceptualization of trust in news media in Serbia, Macedonia, and Croatia—three countries of Eastern Europe where past oppressive regimes might have left a heritage of distrust in all institutions. The analysis of 61 in-depth interviews showed the coexistence of three connotations of trust: trust as faith in news media as expert systems, trust in journalistic selectivity (found in all three countries), and trust as confidence in news media (found only in the Serbian sample). The analysis of the interviews also indicated a possible new dimension of journalistic selectivity and showed that, when looking for the truth in media messages, Serbians, Macedonians, and Croatians relied more on themselves than on the trustworthiness of their news media systems. The implications of these results on the measurement of trust in news media and on the relationship of Eastern Europeans toward their news media systems are discussed in light of sociological theories of trust, as well as specific historical, social, and cultural circumstances in the region.  相似文献   

Using industrial organization as the theoretical framework, this study examines the relation between market competition and the media performance of Taiwan's cable television industry. The media performance of cable television systems is defined as the subscribers' satisfaction with program service, customer service, and community service. A telephone survey was conducted to collect data for the study. This study's findings in general support a positive relation between market competition and media performance, which accords with most previous studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which trust in media is affected by personal media use and the framing of politics as a strategic game. The study is based on a four-wave panel survey matched with media content data, which allows us to investigate not only correlations but also individual-level effects on media trust. In accordance with previous research, our analyses show that the use of specific media types leads to more trust in those specific media. The results also show that media framing of politics as a strategic game has a negative effect on trust in the media. The more citizens are exposed to game-framed news, the less they tend to trust the media, with the exception of tabloid newspapers. Overall, these results lend support to the assumption of contagious effects of game-framed news. In a concluding section, we sum up our results and discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

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