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语文教科书承载着特定社会的主流价值观和意识形态。从社会文化、角色展示、社会控制、社会关系四个维度对新课改前后两套人教版小学语文教科书价值取向进行比较发现:新版教科书回归"儿童生活世界"的理念凸显;多民族文化和谐共生的主题更加突出;更加注重亲情的生活化呈现;重构了个体与集体的关系等。研究同时也发现新版教科书对社会新出现的自致角色和功利性角色的介绍偏少;教科书中女性社会角色比例偏低等问题。为此,需进一步增加介绍世界各国文化、习俗的选文,开拓学生的国际视野;增加展现少数民族习俗、文化的选文,规避"大汉族主义"的倾向;丰富女性人物形象,深化对女性社会角色和职业特点的认识,阻断"重男轻女"观念的滋生。  相似文献   

中韩两国对传统节日春节非常重视,本文从祭祀与拜年、饮食及服饰、风俗活动、传统习俗之变化四个方面入手论述了中韩春节的传统习俗,并且探讨了这些传统习俗随着社会大环境的变迁而变化之必然趋势。通过考察两国春节传统习俗,展现两国人民过去与现在的生活面貌,比较两国春节习俗之差异,同时唤起人们对传统习俗、民族文化的重视。  相似文献   

电大德育教师作为一种特定的社会角色 ,与宏观社会的联系通常表现为角色的社会期待、社会权利和社会地位 ,与微观社会的联系则体现在角色实践中的角色特性、角色失调与调适 ,以及角色扮演。为逐步缩小与社会期待之间的距离而角色则需实现社会化  相似文献   

习俗是一种行为化了的文化形式。习俗对于民族文化的研究具有特别重要的意义。苗族的习俗相当完整和古老。习俗对于苗族来说 ,它的作用比汉族或其他民族要大得多。苗族基本上是一个“风俗统治”的民族 ,传统的习俗渗透在它生活的各个方面。苗族的生活习俗最突出的是服饰。苗族的婚姻习俗共同特点是通过歌舞的形式用集体交往的方式来进行情感交流 ,作为择偶的手段和方法。苗族的生产习俗、丧葬习俗、节日等都有自己的特点和不同的意义。  相似文献   

《苗族理辞》是以民族古歌形式表达的民间规约,是苗族地域文化发展的产物和表征。《苗族理辞》以史诗的庄严风格、宏大规模等艺术特性呈现了苗族民间规约的文化内涵。《苗族理辞》在苗族社会生活中具有极为重要的作用,既是苗族传统文化传承的载体,又具有现实意义的社会控制功能,人们根据"古理古法"维持一个有序的和谐社会。  相似文献   

宴客习俗是南丹县壮族社群社会生活中的一件大事,千百年来这种传统习俗在表面上没有发生明显的变化,但其内在的性质却有了许多改变。本文从民俗学、社会人类学的角度来分析这种习俗的传承与变迁。  相似文献   

谈丧葬礼俗中的习俗控制丁玲习俗是人们在社会生活与生产劳动中逐渐形成并共同遵守的习惯和风尚,是人类生活中产生最早也较稳定的一种社会行为规范,由于各民族所处的环境及信仰的不同,也就产生不同的习俗,但不论是哪个民族中的个人,一出生,便会落入特定的习俗圈内,...  相似文献   

畲族历史悠久,文化丰富多彩,人民勤劳勇敢。畲族文化中女性的地位、生活习俗、劳动观、婚姻观等与其他民族有所不同,她们充当着特定的角色,对于该家族承担一定的义务,拥有一定的权利,畲族的文化渊源和历史经历所浓缩或转化成的民俗风情,丰富了我国民族大家庭的文化内涵。  相似文献   

在生产力发展与民族文化交融的时代背景下,与少数民族男性服饰相比,女性服饰往往更具有服饰文化的典型性与稳定性。基于苗族女性服饰民间艺术个案的村寨田野考察,苗族最具代表性的“盛装”服饰体现着苗族女性服饰的社会性别意识的获得,呈现着社会性别秩序与规范,揭示出外在服饰特征与内在女性文化之间的关系,同时也面临着被推入“他者”的处境。  相似文献   

民族节日是一个民族在长期历史发展中形成的、具有一定意义的、在特定的时间举行庆祝或祭祀仪式的日子.以苗族民间传统节日“赶秋节”作为桥梁,通过研究苗族民间传统节日“赶秋节”中的认同主体,剖析节日文化中神话传说、传统习俗、语言、服饰等民族认同的构建要素,进而探讨民族节日对民族认同产生的影响.  相似文献   

山江地区苗族妇女由于传统习俗,妇女活动的小群体特点等因素不自觉地传承了苗绣。并且苗绣能与妇女的家庭角色很好的兼容,所以妇女可以在照顾家庭的同时进行一些生产性劳动,不自觉地将苗绣传承下来。妇女对于民族传统手工艺的传承是功不可没的。  相似文献   

苗族刺绣的特点在于苗族妇女的独特创造,在于培养苗族人的历史意识,教育苗族后来人不忘苗族祖先故土,体现出苗族人对祖先的追忆和寻根的浓重相思,被视为苗族凝固的历史而得以传承。  相似文献   

贵州省普定县仙马村大花苗族族性音调,初步断定其源自本民族的谐音乐器"阿江",使用的乐律为"自然律"。在进一步的研究中,发现其特有的含中立音的羽调式及其终止音,是该族族性音调的典型特征。  相似文献   

Shimenkan is a remote and mountainous village in Weining county, Guizhou province, an area traditionally populated by Miao ethnic minority. The arrival of Christian missionaries just over 100 years ago began Shimenkan’s transformation from an illiterate school-less place, to a “revered site of Miao education.” Today, Shimenkan has returned to being the worst performing part of Weining county in terms of educational attainment. By investigating and analyzing the impact of Christianity on Miao school education and community education, this paper will discuss how Miao students are coping with cultural aspects of education and community amidst social change, and the impact of the cultural context on their academic achievement. Where foreign culture meets local demands, little resistance to cultural education exists. In such circumstances, outside culture is likely to be accepted in the community, and may generate positive outcomes.  相似文献   

苗族是从其他省区迁到云南的少数民族之一。苗族在其发展过程中,既吸收了其他民族的文化,又保持自己独特的文化传统。通过对威信县韩姓苗族的传统文化习俗的研究,可以认识云南苗族的传统文化习俗,进而了解苗族丰富多彩的民族文化。  相似文献   

This study reports on the composing process of one student, Peta (a pseudonym), as he reflects on a significant composition he produced during a unit on identity in a 12th‐grade English class in a U. S. high school. The unit was the first thematic exploration of the year for the students and was designed to help them think about themselves as readers, writers, and individuals. The teacher's goal was to have students' engagements with literary and artistic texts serve as vehicles for developing better understandings of themselves. The study demonstrates how students' engagement with more ‘traditional’ artefacts is essentially an example of multimodality and evidences why teachers and researchers should see such work as part of the long tradition of creativity within English. It also demonstrates how such an apparently ‘traditional’ artistic approach in fact covers the same territory as that of the digital revolution, that is that multimodal ‘tools’ engage all the cultural resources of students from their domestic, community and school settings, in contrast with much typical school activity that is perceived as pointless and tedious.  相似文献   

Youth-movements in Israel are non-formal organizations that educate for social and political involvement and provide a broad platform for youth involvement in the community. This study explored the question: does the social activism of adolescents who both elect for membership in youth movements and a leadership role of instructing younger members also reflect itself in environmentalism? In a survey of 1496 young instructors drawn from 15 official youth movements, findings on environmental literacy variables show youth are only generally knowledgeable about environmental problems; express ‘technical-optimism’ which leads them to limited concern for the environment; show limited recognition of the importance of environmental education, and show limited acknowledgment of the necessity for changes in personal consumerism. Findings also show that environmental issues are not on their mind since they are not a conversation topic with peers or family. Nonetheless, these youth also demonstrate strong self-efficacy to effect change; view themselves as role models for younger members; and express willingness to include environmentally-supportive activities within regular youth movement activities. Their valuing of nature also provides a foundation for building other environmental values. Further analysis shows how these findings can contribute theoretical and practical tools for incorporating sustainability within the youth movement framework, and help realize their potential for promoting sustainability in society.  相似文献   

Adult education research has tended to concentrate on the pragmatics of facilitating learning and developing educational programmes in institutionalised settings. Critical, contextual analysis of adult learning, and studies of informal learning, are both relatively neglected in the adult education literature. Applying concepts drawn from contestation theory to data from two Australian women's learning centres, this paper suggests that, while women gain considerable knowledge from adult education courses conducted in community centres, the informal, incidental or embedded learning that takes place as women participate in these centres is also very significant. This experiential learning enables women to make sense of and act on their environment, and to come to understand themselves as knowledge‐creating, acting being. It appears that much of this informal learning is generated by conflict between people within the centres.  相似文献   

艾丽斯·沃克对于当代美国文学的贡献,首先在于她能够为一直被忽视的美国黑人妇女代言,从而赋予了她们现身和立言的权利。她笔下的妇女,面对黑人社区背景下遭遇的种种压迫,用不同的方式进行反抗。而她们最终的命运历程体现的是黑人女性在精神创伤下的内心重建和她们在自我重建中走向生命完整的过程。  相似文献   

Self in learning: Chinese adolescents' goals and sense of agency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li J 《Child development》2006,77(2):482-501
This study examined goals and agency as the 2 core aspects of self in learning among Chinese adolescents. A sample of 259 adolescents aged 12-19 responded to open-ended probes about themselves. Counter to the common view that Chinese selves are predominantly social, adolescents expressed many more individual than social goals and agency. Moreover, older adolescents showed overall more goals and agency than younger adolescents. However, their specific goals did not differ by age. Regarding agency, older adolescents articulated more of the so-called "learning virtues." Yet their social agency did not differ by age. We interpret these findings as in reference to the Confucian learning tradition, the existing research on goals and agency, and self in culture from a domain-specific perspective.  相似文献   

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