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目的:通过对护生实习感受的调查,分析护生实习过程中存在的问题。方法:采用自设问卷对护生进行问卷调查。结果:护生评价实习收获的依据主要包括自身态度、操作机会、知识获取、环境氛围、带教老师几个方面,反映出护生临床实习缺乏持续主动性,发现问题及主动学习的能力有待提高,对社区医院工作认识不足及带教教师素质有待加强几个问题。结论:只有学校、实习单位、护生共同努力,才能培养出更多优秀的护士。  相似文献   

徐卉  毛本娣 《学子》2015,(5):75
目的:探讨"擂台式"带教在90后临床护理实习生中的应用效果。方法:选择2011年7月~2012年6月实习的53名学生为对照组,采用传统带教方式;选择2012年7月~2013年6月实习的54名学生为实验组,采用"擂台式"带教方式。比较两组护生理论知识、操作技能及临床护理综合能力。结果:实验组护生理论知识、操作技能成绩均明显优于对照组(P<0.01),护生临床护理综合能力明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:"擂台式"教学法能提高护生理论知识、操作技能及临床护理综合能力,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:分析护生在生产实习中存在的问题,探讨实施人性化带教对生产实习护生实习效果的影响。方法:对2012年在我院实习的10名护生进行深入访谈,现场录音,将获得的资料进行整理分析。结论:对生产实习护生实施人性化带教,能提高护生临床学习的积极性、主动性和创造性,对培养实用型护理人才具有重要意义。对带教中存在的问题及不足,有待改进及完善。  相似文献   

胡芳 《考试周刊》2015,(16):160-161
文章探讨临床带教质量的影响因素及解决对策,提高临床护理带教质量。回顾性分析2011年4月至2013年12月临床实习的300名护生实习中影响其带教质量的因素及实施的对策。发现影响临床护理带教的因素主要为:带教老师教学意识、能力缺陷;学生专业思想不稳固,理论与实践脱节,法律意识淡薄。针对影响临床带教质量的因素,可采取以下对策:提高师资综合素质素质,采取一对一教学模式,重视职业道德素质的培养、加强护生理论与实践相结合的训练、法律知识的学习等,提高护生在实习中的质量。  相似文献   

目的:探讨消化内科护理带教中的护理程序。方法:将2013年1月至2014年1月我院实习内科实习的40名实习护生随机分为观察组与参考组,带教中分别采用我院拟制的护理程序及常规带教程序,对两组实习护生实习结束时理论得分与实践得分进行比较分析。结果:两组实习护生实习结束时,理论得分及实践得分均明显大于参考组(P<0.05)。结论:在消化内科护理带教中科学安排、合理授课,有助于提高实习护生专业水平的提高。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多主体评价模式对提高高职院校护生临床实习满意度的作用。方法:选取我校2010级361名护生进入三甲医院实习,在医院选取44名临床辅导员和332名带教护士,实习结束时,发放我校自行设计的调查问卷。结果:护生、带教护士和临床辅导员对这次临床实习经历给予极高评价。与带教护士相比,临床辅导员获得的支持率更高,尤其在教学和学习方面,临床辅导员能为护生提供更多的帮助。结论:多主体评价模式提高了临床实习满意度。  相似文献   

目的:护生临床实习是护理教育的关键环节,是护生将理论知识与临床实践相结合的重要阶段,也是护生向护士角色转化的重要途径,我院妇科临床护理实习只有两个星期的时间,如果护士长不管理好这两个星期的实习,护生无法形成妇科临床护理思维模式。方法:2016年我科对本科护理生妇科实习计划进行了持续改进,目的是培养护生的妇科临床思维模式,我科成立妇科临床思维模式培养带教组,分四个组,每个组指定一名组长负责。结果:通过对妇科护生实习临床理论思维模式的训练,为学生构建起妇科疾病与预防为主和怎样预防的知识框架,并提高了学生的动手能力,为他们今后走向工作岗位更好服务于临床打下良好基础。结论:通过对妇科护生实习临床理论思维模式的训练,提高了学生对未来从事妇科护理工作的积极性,提高了护生实习满意率,至今收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

目的:通过调查本科护生对临床护理教学活动中存在的问题及意见,探讨相应的措施,进一步提高本科护理带教质量。方法:采用自行设计问卷,对2007级40名本科实习护生进行调查,调查其对带教老师、带教方法及带教环境的意见。结果:调查分析显示本科护生对带教老师的带教方法评价较好,对带教环境及护士长对学生的态度上评价较差。结论:护士长应更加重视临床带教,提高整体带教意识。  相似文献   

文章选择2022年5月至2023年3月在某三甲医院呼吸与危重症医学科轮转的90名临床本科实习护生作为研究对象,其中随机将45名临床本科实习护生纳入对照组,采用传统教学模式进行带教,同时将45名临床本科实习护生纳入实验组,采用“SPOC+对分课堂”教学模式进行带教,以此研究“SPOC+对分课堂”教学模式对临床本科实习护生自主学习能力的影响,结果发现,在实施“SPOC+对分课堂”教学模式干预后,实验组学生的自主学习能力、评判性思维、教学满意度及综合成绩得分均高于对照组学生,且差异有统计学意义。  相似文献   

本科护生经过校内3-4年的理论学习,开始进入由护生向护士过渡的临床实习阶段。本文阐述了本科护生进入临床实习的最初两周内的急诊科护理带教体会,并指出通过这种科学的带教方法为护生今后的临床实习以及工作奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

借鉴管理学中的5 S管理方法,在计量经济学实训教学中尝试改革,提出课程的实训内容设计分三个层次:基本技能实训模块、应用技能实训模块和创新技能实训模块,并在实施过程中设计了5 S管理方案.实践结果表明,通过实施5 S管理,学生的学习积极性和课程满意度明显改善,学生完成计量软件上机测试的质量明显提高,学生在近年来毕业论文及参加"挑战杯"大学生课外科技竞赛作品中应用计量方法的比例上升.  相似文献   

发现学习是落实课程改革精神,克服传统教学弊端的有效途径之一。发现学习活动组织策略包括:注意学生实际,分层教学;根据学习内容,授之以渔;注重教师主导,有效发挥学生的主体作用。在小学英语教学中,通过教材挖掘和情景创设激发学生英语学习兴趣,增强学习信心,促进学习外部动机向内部动机转化,提高学生的认知内驱力,有效提高学生学习效率,对学生知识和技能的记忆、巩固和迁移等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The impact of teachers on their students’ academic achievement continues to be an area of inquiry. One area not fully explored is the relation between teachers’ behavior and classroom management (CM) skills, student motivation, and student achievement. We examined these relations using a multi‐level structural equation model. Data included Behavior Management subscale scores of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System for 247 fourth and fifth grade teachers, indicators of academic motivation, and end‐of‐year state standardized mathematics assessment results for 4,847 students from the National Center of Teacher Effectiveness Main Study. The results indicate teachers’ CM skills have a significant direct effect on student motivation and a significant indirect effect on students’ math achievement, suggesting that students in classrooms of teachers with better CM are more motivated to learn math and have higher math achievement scores. This underscores the importance of helping teachers increase their use of evidence‐based classroom management techniques.  相似文献   

Although considerable resources have been invested in programs for the improvement of college and university teaching, there is little data available on the effectiveness of these programs. The present study assessed the value of speech and drama training as a method of improving lecturing skills in university teachers. It was found that teachers who received speech and drama training showed significant improvement in student ratings of classroom teaching relative to control teachers. Rival hypotheses involving greater motivation to improve in experimental teachers and generalized placebo and self-help effects were ruled out on the basis of student rating data from previous courses and differential findings for target and nontarget rating scales. It is concluded that speech and drama training can make a small but significant contribution to the improvement of university teaching.  相似文献   

采用结构方程模型(SEM)研究教学文化(culture of teaching)的结构要素及其对学生学业成绩的影响效应。主要有以下发现:第一,教学的有效性(effective teaching)、学生的参与性(student engagement)和学习的主动性(learning motivation)是描述教学文化的有效要素。第二,教学文化的各结构要素与学业成绩具有显著相关性。第三,教学文化结构要素对学业成绩具有层次性影响关系:教学的有效性和学生的参与性对学习的主动性具有直接显著影响效应;学习的主动性对学生的学业成绩具有显著的直接影响效应;学习的主动性在教学的有效性、学生的参与性与学生学业成绩之间存在着显著的中介性影响效应;而教学的有效性、学生的参与性两个变量对学业成绩不存在显著的直接影响效应。本研究运用实证数据揭示了教学文化发生作用的动力机制,提出构建良性的教学文化必须以提高教学的有效性为前提,以提高学生学习的主动性为中心,通过提升教与学的品质,促进学生内生性的、可持续的发展。  相似文献   

谈新时期保育员队伍建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幼儿园是一个保教并重的教育机构,加强保育员队伍建设,不断提升保育员队伍整体素质,是提高幼儿园的保教工作质量的重要环节。保育员的培训应从提高职业自豪感、改进培训内容和关注操作方法等多方面进行,才能取得较好的成效。  相似文献   

This study attempts to bridge two current lines of research on the quality of undergraduate education, i.e. students’ course experiences and engagement. Defining student engagement from a psychological perspective, this study explores the relationships between students’ course experiences and their motivation and engagement with a sample of 882 Chinese undergraduates who participated in a questionnaire survey. The results of structural equation modelling indicate that, although clear goals and standards, generic skills and appropriate workload positively relate to student engagement, appropriate assessment has a dual effect, while good teaching and emphasis on independence have undesirable, negative effects on students’ motivation and engagement. These findings reveal the potential of combining the two lines of research, and reflect some characteristics of teaching and learning in Chinese higher education institutions. The results have implications for enhancing the quality of undergraduate education in China.  相似文献   


Information technology (IT) has assumed an increasingly important role in the English primary school curriculum. The CATE criteria (DES, 1989b) require that student teachers develop competencies in teaching with IT if courses are to be accredited. Consequently, colleges have modified their policies and practices. To explore the effects of these changes, the experiences of a group of students were monitored over their four year course at Edge Hill College, and related to the experiences of students from a pre‐CATE cohort The CATE group made more use of IT in each of their teaching practices, with every respondent reporting some use of IT. Word processing was the most common IT based activity; uses of LOGO and simulations were disappointingly low. Students’ accounts of the benefits to pupils from using IT focused largely on improving skills in specific subject areas and computer skills, increasing motivation, and facilitating group and social skills. Little emphasis was placed on the development of thinking skills. Very few tutors offered help with IT on teaching practice; tutor skills, and in‐school mentoring both appear to be barriers to development These data are related to on‐going developments in the College. CATE has had, and continues to have, a direct effect upon College practices and these effects are visible in the classroom experiences of student teachers. Yet more progress is needed in developing student teachers’ abilities to use IT in class; we conclude that IT development should be seen as the focus for long term development, like other professional skills.  相似文献   

The issue of student attrition (where students leave a programme of study for any reason) is maintaining a high profile across the higher education sector and is a key concern for those delivering nurse education. Many authors have pointed out the cause for concern that student nurse attrition raises and its impact on the higher education institution (HEI), on the student body generally, on partners in practice, and on the student who leaves. The reasons that student nurses leave their programmes of study are similar to the reasons that other students leave (financial, personal, academic, lack of support, etc). For student nurses there are also issues with their experiences in practice. It is clear that with all student attrition, the reasons for leaving are complex in nature. It must be accepted that there are some issues that cannot be addressed by HEIs, but that ways to tackle attrition and to enhance student retention must be high on the agenda of any education provider. Individual programmes of study can utilise approaches to curriculum development that aim to enhance the student experience. The introduction of an enquiry‐based learning strand to the curriculum of one pre‐registration nursing programme aims to address some of the reasons for student attrition, namely: lack of support, poor academic performance, lack of study skills, disillusionment and low motivation, lack of confidence, and the theory‐practice gap resulting in stressful practice experiences. Enquiry‐based learning (EBL) is not seen as a panacea for student attrition, but it is seen as a positive way in which to enhance the student experience.  相似文献   

周亚莉 《海外英语》2012,(9):147-148
飞行学生本科英语学习分为基础英语和专业英语两个阶段,而基础英语学困生问题一直是飞行院校英语教学面临的巨大挑战。为了切实提高飞行学生基础英语水平,帮助其顺利掌握飞行专业英语,满足民航业对飞行员语言能力的各种要求,该研究从飞行专业基础英语课一线教师角度出发,采用定性研究方法,通过课堂观察及课下一对一访谈,发现飞行基础英语学困生的根本成因在于学习动机、学习意志、学习策略、课堂体验和课下管理意识这五方面的缺失。  相似文献   

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