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Evidence has been accumulating for some time about the impact of standards-based education reforms on schools and schooling, but there has been little research investigating the influence of these reforms on university-based initial teacher education (ITE). This article critically inquiries into the effects of these reforms on an ITE co-teaching project where a secondary English teacher in a school was seconded to work for a year as a teacher educator in an Australian university in a praxis-based partnership. Using Cavarero’s framing of ‘who’ and ‘what’ narratives, and Bakhtinian discourse theory, the authors present three autobiographical narratives exploring different perspectives on their experiences in the co-teaching partnership. The article affirms the value of school–university praxis partnerships for speaking back to standards-based reforms, but acknowledges that this speaking back involves complex relational and dialogic work in grappling with institutional and system-wide policies and practices.  相似文献   

Standards-based education reforms and intensified accountability regimes are now a feature of most countries’ agendas to improve the quality of their teaching workforces. One of the direct consequences of these reforms is a requirement that teachers demonstrate their ongoing participation in forms of professional development or professional learning throughout their careers. Along with this, there has been a narrowing of what is acknowledged by standards-based accountability regimes as discipline-based professional knowledge and ‘valuable’ professional development. This essay is a dialogic, reflexive account of a professional learning and writing project for English teachers and teacher educators in Australia, begun in 2013, called the stella2.0 project. The project builds on the groundbreaking work of the STELLA project in Australia from the turn of the century, and some other models of teacher writing projects across the world. Drawing on Cavarero, we critically scrutinize writing and storytelling in the dialogic professional community of the stella2.0 project, and in the process ‘speak back’ to standards-based reform policies that undermine English educators’ agency and professionalism.  相似文献   

气是一个十分古老的概念,许多圣人先哲、文坛巨匠都不同程度认识到了它对写作活动所起的决定作用。“才有清浊,气有修短”。对一个写作者来说,从一生下来就带有自己独特的个性特征,只有充分了解自己才情禀赋,才能发挥自己的优势,创作出独具个性特色的作品。写作者更要通过后天的不断学习,加强自我修养,读万卷书,行万里路,才能创作出有益于人类社会的发展和自我完善的佳作。  相似文献   

This essay introduces two presentations (or Vorträge) by Ulf Abraham and Thomas Zabka that were originally published in the German journal, Didaktik Deutsch. I reflect on the complexities of translation and intercultural communication, and ask how we might meaningfully compare the policy environment of one country with that of another. In this era of globalisation and standards-based reforms it is easy to suppose that those reforms are the same everywhere. The essays by Abraham and Zabka, however, provide insights into a policy environment where debates about the importance of language and literature are being played out differently vis-à-vis standards-based reforms than is the case in the Anglophone world. I ask what we can learn from these essays, and how the insights they provide might be applied in an Anglophone context.  相似文献   

This essay explores the role that storytelling might play in the professional learning of English teachers. It begins by reflecting on the ways that stories shape our everyday lives, and then considers how the meaning-making potential of storytelling might enable us to gain insights into our work as educators. This is in contradistinction to the ‘knowledge’ currently privileged by standards-based reforms, most notably the fetish of measurement reflected in standardized testing. The essay concludes that stories are not simply a form of knowing but a vital means of making the world human to us.  相似文献   

Whilst a part of the fine art degree course is about teaching technical skills and learning from tutor/peer group crits, a larger part is about the facilitation of a ‘safe’ and structured space in which students gain the confidence to experiment with personal ideas, to hone a self‐critical reflection and understand who they are as individuals, before being cast out into the world as ‘artist’. In this article I examine the thought processes and decision‐making of one undergraduate female painting student. For this student, who struggled to find her own ‘grotesque’ female body image in the canon of art historical works or contemporary popular media, the spaces of the painting degree course created a frame for possible enactments of identity and desire, as well as for playing with roles and practices. Through a mix of interviews with the student, viewing her visual work and written narratives, I analyse how she was able to carve out a space for her visual representation within the institutional frame. My analysis reveals how this student uses the transitional spaces of the degree course to develop creative strategies through which to explore her sexual desirability and aesthetic self. As an individual who felt marginalised from the visual realm of the ‘body beautiful’, the degree course offered an important refuge where she could examine how she felt about her own body and develop a confidence and character to present her body to the world.  相似文献   

伯莎·梅森作为夏洛蒂·勃朗特的自传体小说《简·爱》中的一位人物 ,往往被人们所忽视 ,人们只是把她看作使剧情起波澜的配角。自从美国两位女教授把她从小阁楼中“解放”出来之后 ,人们逐渐认识到伯莎不再只是个使剧情曲折的配角 ,她具有更深远的意义 ,她同简之间有着密切的关系 ,她透射出简的内心世界。她是另一个简·爱 ,是现实生活中的夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代言人  相似文献   

Research Findings: The emergence of standards-based accountability reforms in early childhood education has created new challenges for the field. This article presents findings from a case study that explored how stakeholders in a large urban pre-kindergarten program struggled to implement an assessment tool that aligned the normative academic achievement expectations found among their teachers and administrators with the absolute measures of this construct found in their state policymakers' high-stakes standards-based accountability reforms. Analyzing the tension that emerged in this process of alignment highlights the challenges early educators face as they fold their child-centered programs into these larger high-stakes standards-based kindergarten through grade 12 education systems. Practice and Policy: The findings from this study illuminate the need for early childhood education programs to understand how high-stakes standards-based accountability reforms define student achievement. Furthermore, as early childhood programs and personnel address these reforms, their responses need to be explicit about how their assessment measures are connected to their normative conceptualizations of student achievement and what this means for the education of children in their programs.  相似文献   

在《哈利波特》系列小说中,J.K·罗琳借用一个魔幻世界,来讲述一个"人"的故事。而在这个魔幻世界的故事里,作者真情流露出了她对真、善、美的追求和对邪、恶、丑的憎恨,让读者看到了她所拥有的价值观。本文将通过分析小说主人公哈利波特的成长经历,探讨小说中所蕴涵的价值观及其对青少年的影响和启示。  相似文献   

Eleanor Metheny devoted more than four decades of her life to the profession of physical education. From an examination of her work, several major themes emerge in her speaking and writing—scientific, historical, feminist, and philosophical. Ideas are overlapping, sometimes even contradictory; yet she is recognized as one of the preeminent thinkers in the profession. Never satisfied with the status quo, she regularly challenged and cajoled her students and colleagues to examine the past, assess the present, and look to the future. She was both pragmatic and idealistic, but when she spoke, others listened—to ideas often articulated “in a different voice.” My purpose in this paper is not to evaluate those ideas but rather to describe them from my personal point of view and as I perceived them to have developed over time.  相似文献   

凯瑟琳·安·波特是美国公认的文体家。作为现代派小说的杰出代表。波特敢于打破叙述者对人的内部和外部只能做同步描述的传统全知叙事模式,另辟蹊径,运用独特的叙事策略,尤其是叙事视角的选择和视角越界的运用使她的短篇小说具有了前所未有的立体表现效果。短篇小说《失窃》虽然情节简单却蕴涵了丰富的意义空间。分析《失窃》的叙述视角有助于读者更准确的理解叙事者无言“展示”背后的深层含意。  相似文献   

Inquiry into Children's Mathematical Thinking as a Means to Teacher Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the context of U.S. and world wide educational reforms that require teachers to understand and respond to student thinking about mathematics in new ways, ongoing learning from practice is a necessity. In this paper we report on this process for one teacher in one especially productive year of learning. This case study documents how Ms. Statz's engagement with children's thinking changed dramatically in a period of only a few months; observations and interviews several years later confirm she sustained this change. Our analysis focuses on the mathematical discussions she had with her students, and suggests this talk with children about their thinking in instruction served both as an index of change, and, in combination with other factors, as a mechanism for change. We identified four phases in Ms. Statz's growth toward practical inquiry, distinguished by her use of interactive talk with children. Motivating the evolution of phases were two sorts of mechanisms: scaffolded examination of her students' thinking; and asking and answering questions about individual students' thinking. Processes for generating and testing knowledge about children's thinking ultimately became integrated into Ms. Statz's instructional practices as she created opportunities for herself, and then students, to hear and respond to children's thinking.  相似文献   

Florence Nightingale is usually pictured as an angelic nurse tending to British soldiers in military hospitals during the Crimean War. Although Nightingale was indeed a tender of soldiers, she was also an administrator, advocate for the common soldier, and proponent of the use of statistics and information design. This article examines Nightingale's rose diagrams, which she designed following her service as the director of nurses at a field hospital in the Crimean War. When the war ended, Nightingale was asked by the queen to write a report on the poor sanitary conditions and make recommendations for reform. When, after six months, the government did not act on the reforms, Nightingale decided to write an annex to the report, in which she would include her invention, the rose diagrams. Nightingale's ultimate success in persuading the government to institute reforms is an illustration of the power of visual rhetoric, as well as an example of Nightingale's own passionate resolve to right what she saw as a grievous wrong.  相似文献   

严威 《海外英语》2012,(4):218-220
伊米莉亚虽然只是莎士比亚悲剧《奥赛罗》中的一名次要角色,但也颇为国内外的读者及评论家们关注。但无论在剧中,还是剧外,伊米莉亚饱受他人的指责,被认为是一个愚蠢不堪的笨女人,甚至该为最后的悲剧负责。然而,仔细考察整个剧本,这样的指责明显有失偏颇。伊米莉亚其实一点都不愚蠢。相反,她既机智又聪明。简而言之,伊米莉亚是又一位被大众偏见所冤枉的悲剧女性。  相似文献   

In this article, the contexts, forms and consequences of teacher resistance against school reforms based on quality assurance policies are discussed. The problems are demonstrated by recurring on research devoted to the acceptance and/or resistance of (German) teachers against standards-based accountability policies. These results demonstrate that the majority in the teacher force ignores, misinterprets or misuses the feedback information from standards-based performance tests aiming at a data-driven development of classroom teaching. Only a small part shows an adequate usage of feedback information, especially those schools that already have developed a culture of internal evaluation. In general, the success or failure of educational innovations is difficult to estimate, because it is a matter of interpretation and post hoc reconstruction.  相似文献   

《乡徙》中女主人公由一个把生存需要看成人生第一要义的人,由一个丧失了自主性与自觉性的“异化”的人,成长为追求自我价值实现的人,具有精神独立性的、努力进行自我拯救的人,作品的这种展示无疑具有现实意义。但是作品在对这一新的社会弱势群体的精神剖析上存在着价值判断的偏差,仿佛下岗不是对人以往拥有的各种社会权力的无情剥夺,而是救赎、启蒙精神氓众的治世良方,因此不能不说作者对弱势群体精神世界的如此解读是遗憾的。  相似文献   

Genre theory has been around for a long time now. The exchange between Michael Rosen and Frances Christie recently featured in Changing English is the latest in a series of exchanges between advocates of genre and their critics over the past three decades or so. Our aim in this response-essay is not to weigh up the merits of the cases made by Rosen and Christie. Rather, we want to think about how individual teachers might confront the hegemony of genre theory and the harmful effects we believe it is having on language education. Our starting point is Lisa’s own professional practice, as she enacts it from day to day at a state secondary school in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, one of the most ethnically diverse regions in Australia. We draw on Lisa’s journal to construct a sense of the time and place, as well as samples of students’ writing that she gathered in the course of a year with her Year 7 class, in order to gain a better understanding of her work as an English teacher. How does this material compare with ‘all the genre work done over some 25–30?years’ by the genre theorists? What ‘knowledge’ will she be able to construct on the basis of the classroom observations that she made over that time? What should we make of the fact that her world is not the same as the world as genre theorists conceive it?  相似文献   

This collaborative self-study, told through email excerpts and reflections, explores a teacher educator's return to high school teaching. In this study, we juxtapose our voices and alternate between past and present to develop insights that reveal how going back can lead to moving forward with respect to educating prospective teachers. While the story is Lisa's, we work together to use self-study as a research approach methodologically aimed at improving practice. As a teacher educator, Lisa's experience of being a first-year teacher with her former students was one of the most powerful experiences of her professional life. Being a new teacher for a second time forced her to face novice-teacher issues as a participant rather than as an observer or researcher. At times Lisa had no choice but to put aside her doctoral training. When she subsequently returned to teacher education, she did so with renewed passion and enriched understanding of the challenges facing new teachers.  相似文献   

张毅 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(12):86-88
艾米莉.勃朗特是一个女基督徒,她孤僻的性格造就了一部狂喜、热烈的十分矛盾、极为复杂的奇书。她的涉世经验不算丰富,但她却以丰富且极其深刻的想象力完成了一部超验的关于现实文明的作品。面对文明远离"荒蛮",文明人丧失灵魂自由、丧失主体超越机会的困境,她试图显现和克服世界这样充满凶恶与荒诞的性质,促使人们进行辨证的知性思索。  相似文献   

《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的一部非常重要的意识流作品。在该作品中,伍尔夫进行了小说技巧的创新。她熟练运用意识流的手法,从心灵意识片断把握人物的总体内心世界,同时将作者个人的意识和所塑造的人物心理相结合。在角色创造中,作者将人物角色背景进行清洗,通过角色的内心意识来塑造人物。同时,伍尔夫对作品进行了非个人化的叙述,把原本简单的故事和人物凸显地丰满,进而揭露了人的内心世界和人的本质。  相似文献   

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