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同伴评价作为新的评价形式,不仅符合核心素养测评对评价工具的要求,更具备学习功能.其发展经历了由疏离教育领域、聚焦学习结果的评价工具、聚焦学习过程的评价工具到作为学生参与学习的工具等变化.同伴评价的实施需要操作模型支持,最新的同伴评价操作模型包括12个操作步骤,具有形成性评价与学习工具的功能,是教师完整实施、实现同伴评价功能的重要保证.未来的同伴评价研究将聚焦核心素养培育,进一步强调同伴评价的学习功能;优化操作模型,增加同伴评价的使用情境;增加实证研究,深化同伴评价的信度和效度.  相似文献   

黄磊  刘燕  蒋玲 《大学教育》2023,(19):57-62+77
同伴评价以同伴作业为评价对象,可以同时促进评价者和被评价者对学习内容的思考和表达。同伴评价策略因评价对象的选择方式和评价结果的呈现形式不同而有所差异。根据媒体设计类课程的特点,文章采用“作业形式”和“班级”两因素混合设计,考查了平面设计课程中同伴评价对学生时间投入和成效体验的影响,并比较了“自主选择”和“教师指定”两种同伴评价策略下的作业质量。结果表明,与独创作业相比,同伴评价作业显著提高了学生的时间投入,自主选择的同伴评价作业成效体验显著降低,而教师指定的同伴评价作业无显著差异;自主选择的同伴评价作业在修改度、提高度和修改效率上均显著低于教师指定的同伴评价作业。文章讨论了可能存在的原因,并提出了相应的教学建议。  相似文献   

程莹 《初中生》2014,(23):24-25
本文探讨网络环境中在线评价修改同伴作文的方式对独立学院学生英语写作能力提高所起的作用。研究结果表明:学生基本认可同伴评价的方式,对同伴评价持积极肯定的态度;同伴评价提高了学生的自主学习能力;使学生作文在内容、结构和语言上都有很大的改进。因此只要设计合理、操作严谨,同伴评价可以作为一种有效的评价方式,融入到写作教学中。  相似文献   

本文探讨网络环境中在线评价修改同伴作文的方式对独立学院学生英语写作能力提高所起的作用。研究结果表明:学生基本认可同伴评价的方式,对同伴评价持积极肯定的态度;同伴评价提高了学生的自主学习能力;使学生作文在内容、结构和语言上都有很大的改进。因此只要设计合理、操作严谨,同伴评价可以作为一种有效的评价方式,融入到写作教学中。  相似文献   

幼儿同伴选择是同伴关系的一部分,是幼儿社会交往的开端。研究从幼儿选择同伴的角度和教师评价对幼儿同伴选择的影响这两方面对某幼儿园某班的30名幼儿和1名教师进行了连续3年的调查。调查发现:小班幼儿选择同伴的标准比较笼统,同伴所处的地理位置相对比较重要;而中、大班较小班有更加具体的同伴选择标准,更加注重同伴间的游戏体验。教师肯定性评价对幼儿的同伴选择影响小于教师否定性评价对同伴选择的影响。幼儿个体的气质、性格以及交往技巧才是同伴选择的决定性因素。  相似文献   

王荣  王海燕 《海外英语》2023,(22):147-149
该研究通过对50名大一新生开展为期一学年的同伴评价实践,探究同伴评价在大学英语写作教学中的设计、实践和困难应对方法。该研究认为同伴评价能否应对挑战、保证质量,取决于教师如何设计评价量表、实施互评。基于实践经验,该研究对大学英语写作教学中的同伴评价设计与实施提出了建议。  相似文献   

电子学档中同伴评价的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
电子学档(e-portfolios)是信息化教学和网络教学中促进学习反思和评价的重要工具。本研究采用实验方法研究电子学档中署名不同的同伴评价、自我评价及其反思的质量与效果。研究结果发现署名评价和对署名同伴的评价对学习有积极意义,评价质量较好;匿名之间的评价批判性强,但质量较差。在网络教学中同伴评价能够促进学习和反思,但应该主要采用署名同伴评价方式。  相似文献   

教师培训是促进教师专业发展的有效途径,其中,线上培训近些年受到了越来越广泛的关注。以往研究已经证实,同伴互评可以促进教师的在线学习效果,但在应用中仍存在同伴评价参与度低、评分者一致性和评语质量不高等问题。研究将评价支架引入到大规模教师培训类MOOC中,对同伴互评中的整体型评价支架和分析型评价支架进行设计和开发,并采用实证研究的范式,探讨不同评价支架类型对教师同伴互评中评价参与度和评价效果的影响。研究结果表明,分析型评价支架能更好地提升教师学习者同伴互评的评价参与度,提升评价一致性和评语质量。因此,在设计与开发教师培训类MOOC时,可考虑将分析型评价支架纳入同伴互评活动。  相似文献   

同伴互评是现阶段网络学习评价领域研究的热点话题。同伴互评领域的研究表明,学习者学习风格是影响该教学活动效果的因素之一。文章根据科尔布(Kolb)的学习风格量表对被试对象进行分类,设计并开展了基于“线下教学,线上互评”混合教学模式的同伴互评活动;依据评价深度内容分析表,对同伴互评中产生的评语文本进行分析,探讨学习者学习风格差异对网络同伴互评过程及其学习结果的影响。研究结果表明:①持不同学习风格的学习者在互评中的评价深度存在显著差异,其中聚敛型学习者在互评中评价深度最深;②学习者学习风格并未对其学习结果产生直接影响,但其在互评中的评价深度可以预测其学习结果。因此,开展同伴互评活动的教师应充分关注学习者学习风格差异,提升同伴互评中学习者评价的深度。  相似文献   

同伴评价作为一种评价方式已经被忽略多年。很多研究者与教师都对它的可靠性和有效性心存疑虑。作者在一次平时英语口语测试中,采用了学生评价的方式对学生进行考核,把学生给同伴所打分的平均值与教师所给分值进行对比。通过此定量研究,作者意在调查英语口语教学实践中同伴评价的信度和效度。统计数据显示,学生给同伴所打分的平均值与教师所给分值非常接近。这也验证了在这种情况下,同伴评价具有较高的信度和效度。作者还开展了一个小组讨论来调查学生对这种评价方式的认同感以及所担心的问题。此调查对于未来同伴评价的设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The term ‘peer assessment’ may apply to a range of student activities. This imprecision may impact on the uptake of peer assessment pedagogies. To better describe peer assessment approaches, typologies of peer assessment diversity were previously derived from the education literature. However, these typologies have not yet been tested with ‘real-life’ peer assessment examples, nor do they consider broader contextual matters. We present an augmented peer assessment framework, refined through analysing faculty accounts of their peer assessment practices. Our framework subsumes previous attempts to classify peer assessment, and extends them to include technology use, resources and policy, which were new features of our data not present in previous frameworks. In the current higher education climate, these considerations may be crucial for the scalability and success of peer assessment. The framework proposed in this paper provides both precision and concision for researchers and educators in studying and implementing peer assessment.  相似文献   

在线同侪互评是一种形成性评价策略。它通过学习者之间相互给予评分或反馈来改善学习成果,对学习者的学习成绩、态度及高阶思维能力等方面能够产生重要的影响。首先回顾了近10年来国际在线同侪互评的主要文献.从概念与内涵、程序与方法、系统与工具,以及效果与影响等四个方面综述了现有研究成果。而后,展望未来研究可能聚焦于:同侪互评与其他网络教学策略整合、同侪互评与教师评价结合运用、同侪评语分析等主题。  相似文献   

Peer assessment is understood to be an arrangement with students assessing the quality of their fellow students’ writings and giving feedback to each other. This multiple‐case study of seven designs of peer assessment focuses on the contribution of peer assessment to the acquisition of undergraduates’ writing skills. Its aim is to arrive at an optimal design of peer assessment. Factors included in this study are: the quality of peer assessment activities, the interaction between students in oral peer feedback, students’ learning outcomes, and their evaluation of peer assessment. Most students took assessing the work of their fellow students seriously, and included the peer feedback in the revision of their work. In most conversations, students provided feedback in an evaluative manner. In others, the interaction was more exploratory. For peer assessment, we recommend a combination of written and oral peer feedback.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing volume of research in peer assessment for writing, few studies have been conducted to explore teachers’ perceptions of its appropriateness for writing instruction. It is essential to understand teachers’ perceptions of peer assessment as teachers play an important role in whether and how peer assessment is implemented in their instruction. The current study investigated tertiary English writing tutors’ perceptions of the appropriateness of peer assessment for English as a Foreign Language writing in China, where peer assessment has been increasingly discussed and researched but only occasionally used in teaching. The current study scrutinised the reasons behind its limited use via in-depth exploratory interviews with 25 writing tutors with different teaching backgrounds. The interview data showed tutors’ limited knowledge of peer assessment and unanimous hesitation in using it. The former was explained by insufficient instruction and training in peer assessment. The latter relates to the incompatibility of peer assessment with the examinations-oriented education system, learners’ low English language proficiency and learning motivation, and the conflict of peer assessment with the entrenched teacher-driven learning culture. Suggestions are made about training and engaging teachers to effectively use peer assessment in instruction.  相似文献   

Given the wide use of peer assessment, especially in higher education, the relative accuracy of peer ratings compared to teacher ratings is a major concern for both educators and researchers. This concern has grown with the increase of peer assessment in digital platforms. In this meta-analysis, using a variance-known hierarchical linear modelling approach, we synthesise findings from studies on peer assessment since 1999 when computer-assisted peer assessment started to proliferate. The estimated average Pearson correlation between peer and teacher ratings is found to be .63, which is moderately strong. This correlation is significantly higher when: (a) the peer assessment is paper-based rather than computer-assisted; (b) the subject area is not medical/clinical; (c) the course is graduate level rather than undergraduate or K-12; (d) individual work instead of group work is assessed; (e) the assessors and assessees are matched at random; (f) the peer assessment is voluntary instead of compulsory; (g) the peer assessment is non-anonymous; (h) peer raters provide both scores and qualitative comments instead of only scores; and (i) peer raters are involved in developing the rating criteria. The findings are expected to inform practitioners regarding peer assessment practices that are more likely to exhibit better agreement with teacher assessment.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been an increasing use of peer assessment in classrooms and other learning settings. Despite the prevailing view that peer assessment has a positive effect on learning across empirical studies, the results reported are mixed. In this meta-analysis, we synthesised findings based on 134 effect sizes from 58 studies. Compared to students who do not participate in peer assessment, those who participate in peer assessment show a .291 standard deviation unit increase in their performance. Further, we performed a meta-regression analysis to examine the factors that are likely to influence the peer assessment effect. The most critical factor is rater training. When students receive rater training, the effect size of peer assessment is substantially larger than when students do not receive such training. Computer-mediated peer assessment is also associated with greater learning gains than the paper-based peer assessment. A few other variables (such as rating format, rating criteria and frequency of peer assessment) also show noticeable, although not statistically significant, effects. The results of the meta-analysis can be considered by researchers and teachers as a basis for determining how to make effective use of peer assessment as a learning tool.  相似文献   


Peer assessment has proven to have positive learning outcomes. Importantly, peer assessment is a social process and some claim that the use of anonymity might have advantages. However, the findings have not always been in the same direction. Our aims were: (a) to review the effects of using anonymity in peer assessment on performance, peer feedback content, peer grading accuracy, social effects and students’ perspective on peer assessment; and (b) to investigate the effects of four moderating variables (educational level, peer grading, assessment aids, direction of anonymity) in relation to anonymity. A literature search was conducted including five different terms related to peer assessment (e.g., peer feedback) and anonymity. Fourteen studies that used a control group or a within group design were found. The narrative review revealed that anonymous peer assessment seems to provide advantages for students’ perceptions about the learning value of peer assessment, delivering more critical peer feedback, increased self-perceived social effects, a slight tendency for more performance, especially in higher education and with less peer assessment aids. Some conclusions are that: (a) when implementing anonymity in peer assessment the instructional context and goals need to be considered, (b) existent empirical research is still limited, and (c) future research should employ stronger and more complex research designs.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of peer assessment as an assessment tool, questions may arise about its measurement quality. Among such questions, the extent peer assessment practices adhere to standards of measurement. It has been claimed that new forms of assessment, require new criteria to judge their validity and reliability, since they aim for specific goals and address different aspects of learning. But although new criteria have been formulated, little is known about how they are deployed and operate in actual peer assessment practices. This study intends to explicate the quality criteria relevant to the context of peer assessment. We conducted a survey in vocational education on peer assessment quality criteria applied in classrooms. Fifty-six teachers using peer assessment rated several quality criteria as relevant to their teaching practice. The findings suggest that peer assessment practices entail many of the quality criteria recognized in measurement and evaluation, although in an embedded way: the generic quality criteria are tuned or adapted to the peer assessment setting. The findings also show that peer assessment is very much in the hands of the teacher, who organizes and orchestrates the appraisal process in which students receive clear guidelines to appraise one another's work. Our results indicate that quality criteria hardly differ from the function peer assessment serves in classrooms, either within a summative or formative evaluation context. By gaining insight on the specific criteria of peer assessment and their precise purposes, we believe it becomes possible to help teachers improve its measurement quality.  相似文献   

This study explores the implementation of peer assessment with a group of students studying physics at Advanced level in a post-secondary school in Malta. The study that draws on action research methodology looks at how the views of students regarding peer assessment evolve as they engage with peer assessment. The research involved the actual implementation of an apprenticeship model of peer assessment and looked at the issues faced by the students. The results of the study show that students were very much immersed in a traditional assessment culture and needed to be trained to develop peer assessment skills. Student concerns related to fairness, regarding their abilities as assessors and dependence on the teacher as ‘expert’ remained unchanged as the students engaged with peer assessment. Successful implementation of peer assessment therefore requires a re-examination of the role of student and teachers as assessors within a safe learning environment.  相似文献   

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