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教育已经进入了一个高度关注人的生命发展的新时期,作为融工具性和人文性为一体的语文课堂,应该是人的教育,重视对学生的关怀,重视对生命的尊重。新课程倡导教师、学生、文本之间的平等对话。在平等对话教学中,师生融为一体,共同学习着,共同思考着,共同灵动着,会焕发出生命的活力,涌动着生命的美丽。  相似文献   

教育已经进入了一个高度关注人的生命发展的新时期,作为融工具性和人文性为一体的语文课堂,应该是“人”的教育,重视对学生的关怀,重视对生命的尊重。新课程倡导教师、学生、文本之间的平等对话。在平等对话教学中,师生融为一体,共同学习着,共同思考着,共同灵动着,会焕发出生命的活力,涌动着生命的美丽。  相似文献   

<正>师生关系是教学过程中最重要的人与人之间的关系是人际关系在学校中的具体体现,它决定着学校的面貌、制约着学生对教育的接受程度,影响着教育过程,在很大程度上决定着教育的质量和效果。教师与学生的关系是在共同的教育活动中,通过信息交流与沟通逐步建立起来的。在教与学的双边活动过程中,师生只有配合默契、合作愉快,才能产生良好的教学效果。良好的师生关系是共同满足教学需要,协同教学活动,实现教学目标的基础和保证。古今中外教育家  相似文献   

在<狼,狗和猪>中,狗成了人的帮手.在与人的共同生活中,狗慢慢的继续观察着人,也思考着.  相似文献   

张永光  李力 《教师》2011,(2):8-8
高校的思想政治教育在本质上是一项社会实践活动,思想政治教育作为人共同参与的一项特殊的社会实践活动,同样也存在着社会化的问题。思想政治教育的社会化便是通过与社会的整合和对社会的适应,最终实现人与社会共同发展的目标。  相似文献   

走在路上,不管是城乡大街还是楼区小道,只要不是急着赶路,我总喜欢观察两种对象:植物和孩子。植物给人带来爽心悦目的清新,孩子给人送来真心实意的微笑。他们共同创造着人间美好的生态环境。  相似文献   

人性与人的本质始终是容易混淆的两个范畴。本文力求站在马克思主义的立场上,对人性和人的本质进行深入的剖析和判定:人性是人区别于动物的各种共同属性,包括人的自然本性、社会性和精神自主性;人的本质是人性得以产生的基础、源泉和动力,它是不断生成人性的实践活动本身。实践活动的历史性集中体现着人是一种历史的生成的存在,实践活动的创造性集中体现着人是一种不断超越现实的自由的存在。  相似文献   

后勤人形象是后勤人在其社会各项活动中,或是在其后勤管理服务的各项具体工作中逐渐形成的。众所周知,世界上不存在两个绝对相同的人。因此,人与人之间自然存在着一种个体的差异,这种差异的存在带来了个体形象的不同。后勤人有其各自的不同形象,但由于工作性质相近,在学校共同环境的影响下,在本职工作中的表现有着密切的关系,尤其是在共同教育条件的作用下,在实践活动中逐渐形成了后勤人的共同形象。  相似文献   

批判精神是西方哲学最根本的表现,而对"人"的关怀同样是构成西方哲学的核心之一。这在苏格拉底和海德格尔二人身上表现得尤为明显。然而不可否认的是,在他们共同的思想基底之上横置着一条无形的万里长城:理性和非理性的对立。  相似文献   

越来越多的人在呼唤着能够自由呼吸的教育,未来的学校需要架构起能够促进自我管理、体现人的身心完整、实现着成员共同宗旨的青色学校组织,让学校成为有灵魂的、活的生命体,从而在人的发展和学校内涵发展上实现着自我进化,在互相成就着彼此精彩的过程中积淀出独特的青色学校文化.  相似文献   

维汉口语语码转换是一种常见的语言现象。维吾尔族大学生的性别、年级和地域等因素与其对口语语码转换所持态度存在着一定的联系。笔者根据调查问卷分析,发现学生地域差异与其语码转换态度相关性较小,而性别和年级等因素却与语码转换态度相关性较大。  相似文献   

城市中长大的80后和因打工来到城市的农民工80后,虽生于同一时代,长于同一时代,但他们成长过程中的媒介背景有所不同。当同时生活于同一城市时,媒介特征仍然有所区别。这种媒介差异,是社会断裂的体现,也会加深社会断裂。  相似文献   

唐代墓志当中有大量寡居妇女的例证,她们往往年轻守寡,寡居十几年甚至几十年。她们大多数承担着侍奉公婆、抚养儿女、主持家务的重任,也有的选择回本家生活。为了与清心寡欲、不御铅华的社会舆论要求相一致,为了填补生活和心灵的空白,许多女性选择了佛教作为精神依赖。一些女性甚至非常痴迷,死后也不愿与丈夫合葬。佛教戒律对于她们来说似乎比儒家的伦理道德更易接受。  相似文献   

Adolescents who have attended “bicultural and trilingual” primary schools followed by Dutch-speaking secondary schools were questioned at the end of their school careers. The focus of the questions was on their emotional and cognitive links with the various language and ethnic groups in Brussels with which they are currently interacting. At the same time, they were asked to evaluate their schooling and to draw up a future program for themselves and their children, indicating the role they would assign to education. Finally, the value and internal coherence these individuals ascribed to what outsiders would regard as cultural hybridism was examined.  相似文献   

毛氏在小说评点中对人物形象的塑造具有强烈的理论自觉 ,其评点总结了历史小说的人物形象理论。在强调人物性格主导方面的同时 ,也认识到一些人物形象所具有的两面性 ,从而作出了一些辩证的分析 ,并且充分肯定和积极提倡写出人物的个性。毛氏的人物形象理论的产生具有深刻的主客观原因 ,其理论具有创作论方面的学理意义。  相似文献   

Thirty-six mothers whose children had been abused were interviewed and compared with 36 mothers matched for social class and ethnic background. The abuse group mothers had lower self-esteem than the comparison mothers as judged by their desire that their children should not grow up to be like themselves or their partners. They were also less likely to discuss their problems with other people. They were less likely than the comparison mothers to have been brought up by their own parents. They had significantly more negative feelings than the comparison mothers towards their fathers when they were children and these negative feelings persisted into adult life. It is important that emphasis on treatment programs for these mothers should be placed on building up self-esteem and skills in interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

To examine the relations of preschoolers' social acceptance to peer ratings and self-perceptions, 53 preschoolers were asked to rate how much they liked or disliked their peers and to justify these ratings. Preschoolers also rated their peers' aggressive, prosocial, and sociable behavior. Finally, they completed a pictorial self-perception scale that assessed their views of their physical competence and their relationships with mother and with peers. Children who were better liked by peers were rated as more prosocial, more sociable, and less aggressive than less liked children. Preschoolers often reported liking certain peers because they perceived that those peers liked them; they often reported disliking certain peers because they perceived those peers as aggressive. In contrast to findings with older children, preschoolers' social acceptance was not significantly related to any aspect of their self-perceptions. The results provide evidence for the validity of peer ratings by preschool-age children and bring up issues related to the development and assessment of self-perceptions among preschoolers.  相似文献   

To examine the relations of preschoolers' social acceptance to peer ratings and self-perceptions, 53 preschoolers were asked to rate how much they liked or disliked their peers and to justify these ratings. Preschoolers also rated their peers' aggressive, prosocial, and sociable behavior. Finally, they completed a pictorial self-perception scale that assessed their views of their physical competence and their relationships with mother and with peers. Children who were better liked by peers were rated as more prosocial, more sociable, and less aggressive than less liked children. Preschoolers often reported liking certain peers because they perceived that those peers liked them; they often reported disliking certain peers because they perceived those peers as aggressive. In contrast to findings with older children, preschoolers' social acceptance was not significantly related to any aspect of their self-perceptions. The results provide evidence for the validity of peer ratings by preschool-age children and bring up issues related to the development and assessment of self-perceptions among preschoolers.  相似文献   

Over the past thirty years universities have increasingly extended their offerings of vocationally oriented degrees and have recruited into academe, practitioners from the professions. This paper reports on a qualitative study that investigated the experiences of 20 professionals-turned-academics in Australia; their expectations of academe and how they defined, resisted and took up the multiple and changing roles associated with academic work. Findings indicate that the majority experienced nostalgia for universities of the past which they imagined to be places of intellectual elitism and curiosity-driven research and scholarship. At the same time, they identified strongly as practitioners within their professional fields, were committed to field-oriented practical education and resisted taking up researcher identities, understanding ‘real’ research in narrowly defined terms. Our discussion of these findings highlights the tension between what is desired and what is real in academe and its impact on job performance and satisfaction for this group of academics.  相似文献   

香港法律制度是前港英当局按照其海外属地法律制度的“模式”建立起来的。它的法律中大量吸收了国际惯例,使其法律制度又具有了许多国际化的特色。通过对香港合同法中合同的概念及还盘、临时合约、约因、禁制令制度的分析,以探索这些制度对内地合同法的借鉴意义,从而使大陆合同法尽快与国际惯例接轨提供理论基础。  相似文献   

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