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自我设限是在自尊受到威胁的情形下,保护或提升个体自尊的一种策略。本文在理性诠释自我设限的界定,分类及影响它的情境因素的基础上,述评了自我设限及其相关研究,这使我们不仅可以从宏观上整体认识这一领域,而且可以从总体上把握其研究现状与动态。  相似文献   

自我妨碍是在自尊受到威胁的情形下,保护或提升个体自尊的一种策略。从总体上看,这是一种不良的应对方式。自尊作为一种重要的人格特质在自我妨碍的防御应对方式中发挥着重要作用。自我妨碍与自尊有着不可分割的联系。通过对以往相关研究进行分析、归纳和总结,结果发现,自尊水平不同的个体在其自尊受到威胁时都倾向于采取自我妨碍策略,只是各自的动机不同。造成这一结果的原因一是以往大部分的研究均未将内隐自尊和外显自尊分离,二是诱发自我妨碍的情境因素不同。内隐自尊和外显自尊是相对独立的两个结构。要想进一步理清自尊与自我妨碍之间的内在关系,研究者必须分别在不同的自我妨碍诱发情境中,探讨外显自尊与内隐自尊对自我妨碍的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨初中生负面身体自我和自尊的现状及二者之间的关系,本研究以某实验中学300名初中生作为被试,采用负面身体自我量表(NPSS)和自尊量表(SES)对其进行了调查研究.通过对问卷数据的统计分析发现:初中生对自己的身体总体来说是满意的,95.3%的初中生的负面身体自我总分低于临界值2分;各维度平均分由高到低分别是:整体特征、矮、胖、相貌和瘦;初中生总体来说具有较高的自尊,大多数学生的自尊得分在中高水平;且初中生的负面身体自我与自尊有显著的负相关关系,负面身体自我对自尊有显著消极影响和预测作用.  相似文献   

研究以67名大学生为被试,采用实验和问卷调查相结合的方法主要考察了内隐自尊补偿效应。结果表明大学生被试在被同伴拒绝后整体外显自尊水平显著降低;被同伴拒绝且进行了低自我肯定的被试表现出了内隐自尊补偿效应;大学生被试的外显和内隐自尊变化没有显著性别差异。  相似文献   

自尊研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自尊是自我的一个重要部分,国内外的许多心理学者都对自尊进行过深入地研究。研究表明,虽然自尊不能给人们带来直接的利益,高自尊也不一定对人们有利,但是人们还是非常关心自尊。那么什么是自尊、自尊的来源、高低自尊的特征、及如何维持自尊呢?本文的目的就是把心理学者们对这些问题所进行的研究作一个综述。  相似文献   

本文从自我概念、自尊和自我控制三个方面探讨了同伴交往对儿童自我意识的发展的影响,说明了同伴交往对儿童自我意识发展的重要性。  相似文献   

杨静  罗奕依 《学周刊C版》2024,(13):118-121
学前融合教育作为一种特殊的教育模式,对促进幼儿自尊感和自我效能感的培养与发展产生了积极作用,因此,融合教育实施单位应该合理运用该项教育模式来帮助幼儿健康成长和发展。本文在对融合教育、幼儿自尊感和幼儿自我效能感进行概念界定之后,通过问卷调查法对普通幼儿自尊感和自我效能感的现状进行了分析,了解了学前融合教育对其产生的积极影响,并以此为依据提出了有关建议和策略,即通过大力推广学前融合教育、关注幼儿的差异性,提供个性化的教育支持、创建丰富的学前融合教育环境、构建多主体、跨学科的支持保障体系、强化学前融合教育师资培养等策略,旨在更好地推动普通幼儿自尊感和自我效能感的提升。  相似文献   

自尊问题研究述评   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
早期心理学家詹姆斯、库利、米德等人对自我做了大量理论探讨,并提出了对自尊问题的不同看法。80年代中期至90年代初,哈特等人对自尊的研究取得了新进展,揭示了青少年对自己在五个具体领域中的能力的知觉和来自重要人物的社会支持等因素对自尊水平的影响,并且对低自尊与抑郁情绪、自尊与自我认知问题做了卓有成效的研究  相似文献   

许凯 《教育导刊》2006,(11):49-49
自尊在某种意义上等同于自我肯定,即个体对自我形象的认同。从3、4岁起,儿童开始评价自己并从中体验到自豪或羞愧,自尊的萌芽就出现了。可以说自尊是与生俱来的,但同时自尊也是可以壮大或熄灭的。自尊的壮大需要不断的滋养。“滋养孩子的自尊”是我从童话大王郑渊洁那里得到的启示。他在小学二年级时因为一篇与众不同的作文而受到老师的表扬,这位老师还把这篇作文推荐到校刊发表。“有一天上课,她说郑渊洁你站起来,我很紧张,因为我老爱走神,我以为她又发现我走神了,我就站起来。她说你上来领两本《优秀作文选》,你的作文被推荐刊登了。这对…  相似文献   

通过问卷调查高校学生,探讨自尊与环境素质这一关系的环境教育意义。采用回归分析等数据分析法发现,高校学生自尊水平与环境素质呈显著正相关,环境教育可以提升高校学生的自尊水平和环境素质。自尊在高校环境教育与环境素质之间具有部分中介作用,环境素质在高校环境教育与自尊之间起到完全中介的作用,验证了自尊在高校环境教育中的路径价值。同时,研究还验证了高校学生环境素质的结构,具体包括环境认知、环境意识和环境行为三个部分。  相似文献   

The Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE) has been widely used in examinations of sex differences in global self-esteem. However, previous examinations of sex differences have not accounted for method effects associated with item wording, which have consistently been reported by researchers using the RSE. Accordingly, this study examined the multigroup invariance of global self-esteem and method effects associated with negatively worded items on the RSE between males and females. A correlated traits, correlated methods framework for modeling method effects was combined with a standard multigroup invariance routine using covariance structure analysis. Overall, there were few differences between males and females in terms of the measurement of self-esteem and method effects associated with negatively worded items on the RSE. Our findings suggest that, whereas method effects exist on the RSE scale for both males and females, the method effects associated with negatively worded items do not influence the measurement invariance and mean differences in global self-esteem scores between the sexes.  相似文献   

Contingent self-esteem (CSE) describes the degree to which self-esteem is dependent on meeting day-to-day appraisals from oneself and others. This will vary between individuals, ranging from lower to higher CSE. A lower CSE is related to a range of adaptive social and emotional outcomes in adolescents and young adults. This study explores children’s CSE and how this associates with behavioural outcomes. A total of 280 children between the ages of 9 and 11 years completed a composite questionnaire on aspects of their self-esteem and behaviour. Children’s class teachers completed behavioural outcome questionnaires for a random sample of 100 of these children. Based on teachers’ and children’s scores, high levels of global self-esteem were associated with lower CSE and fewer behavioural difficulties. CSE domains of social feedback and physical appearance retained significant associations with behavioural outcomes after controlling for global self-esteem. This may relate to the degree that children depend on the perceived evaluations of others. Implications for educational psychologists are highlighted.  相似文献   

Justified Self-Esteem   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper develops a thread of argument from previous contributions to this journal by Richard Smith and Ruth Cigman about the educational salience of self-esteem. It is argued—contra Smith and Cigman—that the social science conception of self-esteem does serve a useful educational function, most importantly in undermining the inflated self-help conception of self-esteem that has commonly been transposed to the educational arena. Recent findings about a lack of significant correlation between low global self-esteem and relevant educational variables help us to focus on the type of self-esteem that does matter in the classroom: justified domain-specific self-esteem, in which the chief domains in question are the school subjects and students' self-respect. Moreover, this paper suggests that low self-confidence—which is a real problem for many students—may often be mistaken for low self-esteem.  相似文献   

流动儿童的家庭环境及对其自尊的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以490名初中生(其中399名流动儿童)为被试,使用家庭环境问卷和自尊问卷考察流动儿童发展的家庭环境特点及其对自尊的影响。结果发现:(1)流动儿童的家庭经济资本、人力资本和家庭内社会资本低于城市儿童;(2)流动时间在1-3年的流动儿童,其家庭内社会资本最高;(3)家庭经济资本越高,流动儿童整体自尊水平越高;家庭经济资本、人力资本、家庭外社会资本高的流动儿童,其成就自尊也越高;家庭外社会资本较高的流动儿童,其社会自尊较高。  相似文献   

三至五年级蒙古族小学儿童自尊状况的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自尊作为人格自我调节结构的核心成分,在儿童社会性发展的各方面均具有重要地位,文化是影响儿童自尊的重要因素。笔者以多元文化背景下的338名三至五年级蒙古族小学儿童作为研究对象,对其自尊特点进行了系统深入的探讨。结果表明:性别、年级、来源地和父母文化程度均不同程度地对蒙古族小学儿童的总体自尊及自尊各方面产生影响。  相似文献   

Child-mother attachment and the self in six-year-olds   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Bowlby has proposed that child-parent attachment is important in the child's representation of self. In this study, the child's representation of self was examined in connection with child-mother attachment in a sample of 52 white, middle-class 6-year-olds. Children were seen in 2 play sessions, 1 month apart. Quality of attachment was assessed in each session based on the child's behavior on reunion following a laboratory separation of approximately 1 hour, using a system devised by Main and Cassidy. Aggregated attachment ratings and classifications were assigned based on the child's behavior in both reunions. Assessments of the self consisted of (a) assessment of the self within the relationship with the attachment figure (an incomplete doll stories procedure), (b) assessment of the child's perceptions of how an unspecified "other" views him or her (a puppet interview), (c) direct assessment of global self-esteem independent of the attachment relationship (the subscale of global self-esteem from Harter's Perceived Competence Scale for Children), (d) a second direct assessment of global self-esteem (an interview with the child), and (e) assessment of feelings of competence and acceptance in specific domains that may be precursors of self-esteem (Harter's Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children). Significant, albeit modest, connections between attachment and the self were established; furthermore, specific patterns of self-perceptions were related to particular patterns of attachment.  相似文献   

Some philosophers of education have recently argued that educators can more or less ignore children's global self-esteem without failing them educationally in any important way. This paper draws on an attachment theoretic account of self-esteem to argue that this view is mistaken. I argue that understanding self-esteem's origins in attachment supports two controversial claims. First, self-esteem is a crucial element of the confidence and motivation children need in order to engage in and achieve educational pursuits, especially in certain domains of instruction such as physical education. Second, self-esteem can be facilitated socially, through an appropriate arrangement of school institutions, thus without hindering the pursuit of other high priority aims such as a challenging academic curriculum. Consequently I maintain that educators who ignore self-esteem overlook something educationally important.  相似文献   

Research findings indicate that there appears to be a relationship between poor motor skills and self-esteem, however this relationship is ambiguous. This review examines the effects of poor motor skills on global and/or domain specific self-esteem. Four databases, Google Scholar and the Manchester Online library were searched for articles focusing on motor skills and self-esteem in children and adolescents. A date range of between January 2000 and July 2015 was specified to ensure sufficient overlap with the most recent meta-analysis. From the database searches, 26 potentially relevant studies were identified and from these 26, eight studies met the inclusion criteria. A synthesis of the studies reveals that there appears to be a relationship between motor skills and self-esteem, however this relationship is complex and likely to vary depending on age, gender and co-morbidity. Implications for educational psychology practice are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年自尊发展特点研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用自编<青少年自尊评定问卷>,探讨2 470名青少年自尊发展的年级和性别特点.结果表明:(1)青少年自尊存在显著的年级差异,初二是青少年自尊发展的关键时期;(2)青少年自尊存在极其显著的性别差异,女生自尊发展水平显著高于男生.从而可以预测,女生的心理健康水平高于男生.  相似文献   

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