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通过对珠江三角洲社会工作机构的调查,发现广东高校社会工作专业毕业生在技术教育、价值教育、个人素养等方面存在一些问题;为了更好地回应社会需求,推动整个广东社会工作教育,作为高校应该以技术教育为本位,加强实践教学;以价值教育为核心,彰显专业特色;以课程改革为突破口,增强师资力量。  相似文献   

In social work, it is believed that certain knowledge and skills are learned more effectively through experience than through didactic classroom content. Members of the faculty of a school of social work have developed a Social Action Day to reinforce curriculum and translate into practice material about advocacy and ethical responsibilities for social action; show the breadth of social work practice; and enhance the school's sense of community. The authors share their experience to inspire other social work faculty, so that they are better able to foster student interest and passion for political action that may generate social change.  相似文献   


The Council on Social Work Education's Handbook on Accreditation and Procedures (1991) reiterates the council's previous mandate for incorporation of knowledge of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity throughout both the undergraduate and graduate social work curriculum. This article presents an integrative cognitive and affective learning framework for multicultural social work education. The model encourages students' addressing the significance of their racial, ethnic, and cultural heritage and emphasizes the effects of this education and enrichment in developing an ethnic-sensitive social work practice.  相似文献   

The BSW Experiential Learning (BEL) Program aims to infuse intergenerational content into the curriculum and recruit students to the field of social work by implementing face-to-face learning opportunities with older adults. This article discusses and compares the experiences of 4 diverse BEL projects that implemented gero-experiential learning activities into 1 or more of the BSW curriculum areas: introduction/social work practice, social welfare policy, human behavior in the social environment, social work research, and field practicum. “Three keys to success” are offered as ways in which gero-experiential activities may be successfully implemented by other programs.  相似文献   

Frequently and accurately discerning others’ thoughts and feelings is associated with multiple valued educational outcomes across an array of settings. Despite its foundational role in social interactions, it is unclear whether individuals can be taught to improve their social perspective taking capacities. This experiment assesses whether a curriculum taught to US Army personnel (N?=?116) improved their social perspective taking prior to deployment. Results showed that participants improved their social perspective taking in three ways: through more accurately detecting biases in others, by generating more initial hypotheses to explain others’ behaviours, and by adapting their hypotheses in the face of new evidence. The curriculum did not affect participants’ perspective taking accuracy on a video measure. We discuss these findings with respect to their implications for other learning environments.  相似文献   


This article explores the current state of Occupational Social Work/Employee Assistance (OSW/EA) education. It examines the relationship between social work curricula, field placement experiences, and entry-level employment opportunities in the OSW/EA field. It is based on an educational initiative called the Partnership for Employee Assistance Education. Drawing on the OSW/EA literature, surveys, and focus group materials, the article concludes that the nature of OSW/EA is being reshaped by information technology, shifting demographics, globalization, and evolving terms and conditions of employment. The authors discuss how the graduate-level OSW/EA curriculum and field placements are being transformed to reflect these trends. Concepts such as Organizational Social Work and organizational intelligence are discussed. Innovative educational strategies are recommended. Finally, the authors argue that the contemporary workplace offers potential opportunity for innovative social work practice and education.  相似文献   

课程设置是整个教学工作中的一个重要环节,它直接影响到学生的专业成长,高职院校社会工作专业课程设置必须依据社会需求、培养目标、现代学习理论、学科的逻辑顺序、师生的本身特点等来确定,同时,必须遵循能力本位、整合性、主体性、模块化等原则。  相似文献   

Spatial thinking, which is taught and practiced in many of the social sciences, is a skill that is often overlooked in the social work curriculum. Spatial thought increases perception, logic, and organized cognition of goals and therefore holds promise for social work practice. Developing skills in spatial thought offers social workers additional tools for problem solving at all practice levels. Finally, thinking spatially raises awareness of problem-solving techniques in relation to environmental resources, a key aspect of systems theory. Fortunately, spatial thinking can be easily integrated into a variety of social work classes helping students master the skill and understand its importance. This article defines and describes spatial thinking, explores its fit in various areas of the social work curriculum, and discusses ways its use can be encouraged.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that most entering MSW students exhibit a primary interest in individual clinical practice but minimal understanding of or interest in welfare policy knowledge. However, this assumption is mostly based on attitudes before and at the beginning of encountering social welfare courses. Using a mixed-methods approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods, we studied the impact of a social welfare history and policy course on MSW students' perspectives and interests. We found that the course impacted students' understanding of and approach to their professional roles as well as to their own lives as citizens. These findings hold implications for social work education curriculum designs as well as for future research in social work teaching and education.  相似文献   

Playful Postmodernism: Building with Diversity in the Postmodern Classroom   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The authors surveyed program directors at all bachelor of social work and master of social work programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education using an online tool that assessed whether and how their respective social work programs are covering content related to HIV/AIDS. Of the 650 program directors, 153 (24%) participated in the survey. Programs reported coverage of HIV/AIDS content in various foundation content areas, including human behavior in the social environment, populations at risk, and social work practice. The authors also surveyed use of various pedagogical methods, and respondents reported the most use of guest speakers, lectures, and readings in delivering HIV/AIDS content. More than 70% of bachelor and master of social work programs reported having at least 1 field placement specific to HIV/AIDS. In addition, the authors evaluated social work textbooks for specific content on social work with HIV/AIDS, and recommendations are made for inclusion of more HIV/AIDS specific content.  相似文献   

地方应用型高校社会工作专业是力促区域经济和公共服务发展的重要支撑,为城乡社区建设和社会工作机构输送了大量复合型专业人才.但在实际教学工作中,仍存在理论教学与实践教学泾渭分明、实践教育模式僵化等问题,因此,应着力打造服务社会发展和民生需要的校企合作机制,及时调整实践课程学时设置与计划安排,以更广泛的考核评价体系来评估学生...  相似文献   

There is growing consensus among baccalaureate program directors on the importance of the research curriculum in undergraduate social work education. This consensus, however, is not reflected in the practices of many baccalaureate programs which often are characterized by lack of integratino of practice and research content, and isolation between research and other segments of the curriculum. The seriousness of this problem is reflected in the frequency with which social work programs are cited by the CSWE Commission on Accreditation for concerns about, or noncompliance with, the research requirements of the Curriculum Policy Statement. This paper presents one model for integrating research in the social work curriculum. Research content is broadly identified and suggestions provided on how to incorporate that content across all curriculum areas.  相似文献   

This article reports on a project to sensitize graduate social work students taking courses in substance abuse to the needs of older adults. Graduate social work students at a major urban school of social work in the Northeast were recruited and trained to interview older adults with a history of substance abuse problems regarding their life experiences. The authors developed educational vignettes based on the interviews and curriculum units based on these vignettes to be incorporated into the substance abuse curriculum. The challenges and rewards of engaging students in the process of developing educational vignettes based on older adults lived experiences are also discussed.  相似文献   

价值教育在社会工作专业教育中居于核心地位,必须予以高度重视。我国的社会工作专业教育在课程设置、师资力量、实践环节及学生就业等方面存在问题,但是,其面临的最大问题应是专业价值观的教育问题。因此,社会工作专业应强化学生对专业价值的认同,单独开设价值教育课程,加强专业教师价值教育培训,通过课堂教学和专业实习相结合开展价值教育,增强学生对专业价值观的认同。  相似文献   

At the current historical juncture in which differences and inequalities are surfacing greater than ever in the world, societies, and schools, the main goal of this essay is to revisit the aspects of structuralism that can potentially contribute productively to understanding the invisible structures and forces that everyone carries (mostly unknowingly) with them at all times and in all places including in multicultural curricular and social justice work. By doing so, this essay also attempts to dispute with liberal humanistic notions of the self (teachers and students) in multicultural curricular studies that continues to support the dominant framework of curriculum. This essay is grounded on the idea that progressive change is predicated on (although never guaranteed by) uncovering and understanding as fully as possible the social, political, and economic organization of the world, which is always mediated by individual selves who are located within the world in specific ways.  相似文献   

Generalist practice social workers need to master group leadership and facilitation skills, and the best way to achieve this goal is through actual practice. An innovative teaching approach used to engage undergraduate social work majors in developing group facilitation skills is a “hands-on” service-learning experience leading social skills groups with middle school children. Students have the opportunity for a meaningful educational experience while working with children in a school setting. A four-session social skills curriculum is provided.  相似文献   

Social work's professional commitment to working toward social justice for vulnerable groups is well known. However, as a profession, social work has been criticized for proposing professional perspectives that may be interpreted by some as political indoctrination. The purpose of the current study was to examine social work students' perceptions of political debate in the classroom. An additional goal was to examine whether students believed that colleagues who hold certain sociopolitical beliefs should be prohibited from receiving a social work degree. Four hundred and ninety-seven undergraduate and graduate social work students from 10 programs were surveyed. Results show that a majority of respondents were comfortable with the discussion of sociopolitical content in the classroom. Nevertheless, students who self-identified as politically conservative were more likely to report that they perceived the classroom environment as less open and hence less conducive to debate. Finally, overt racism was identified as the only attitude that should prohibit someone from receiving a social work degree. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   


This article provides a prospective model syllabus for graduate-level social work courses exploring the interactions between social work and race—both historical and present, both productive and problematic—and makes an argument for this subject matter’s relevance for a course to be implemented in the graduate-level curriculum of social work programs. Instructors can view this syllabus as a template they can customize for their own purposes and contexts, and thus it should not be viewed as fixed, comprehensive, or definitive. Due to the evolutionary nature of research, language, and terms, the syllabus, of course, will need constant revision; but it is conceived as offering a curation of resources, thereby providing a starting point for education on this important topic, at least for this moment in time.  相似文献   


CSWE established a variety of standards regarding minority populations and diversity (CSWE, 1992). Some minority groups, although covered by CSWE standards, in practice are not dealt with in social work education. One in particular, Jewish students, is recommended for attention. This article focuses on what students of all backgrounds need for working effectively with Jewish clients, coverage of Jewish topics in the curriculum, and students' level of comfort in expressing their religion within the context of social work education.  相似文献   


Several recent articles on social work education have advocated for the inclusion of literature in the curriculum. The authors argue that the value of including works of literature in the social work curriculum extends beyond specific content to the reading process itself. They assert that the subjective values inherent in works of literature or film, as opposed to textbooks, can pose a necessary challenge to empirical thinking by exposing students to a diversity of narratives and narrative forms and by introducing ambiguity, critical thinking, and interpretive freedom into the classroom. An argument is made for including literature in a process of learning that is “dialogic” rather than “monologic” and that, by its practice and methodology more than its content, embodies and transmits the professional values of social work.  相似文献   

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