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Much has been written about the characteristics of effective college teachers. However, skill sets have not yet been defined with any level of specificity. Also, instructors at community colleges have unique working conditions and challenges that influence how they teach. This paper illustrates the use of three studies conducted to build and validate a framework for defining the competencies of effective community college faculty. The project's culmination was a set of skills used to redesign one university's master's in education (MAEd) program in two-year college teaching. Although participants in all three studies identified subject matter expertise as an important competency, they emphasized several other skill sets as being important for meaningful student learning. Those skills are related to the use of authentic activities and multiple instructional delivery models, multiple ways of assessing student learning, and skills that are necessary outside the classroom in their teaching roles. Participants also emphasized interpersonal and affective components of effective teaching.  相似文献   

This quantitative correlational study examined administrator and faculty perspectives regarding factors that may have contributed to the development of community college baccalaureate degrees in Texas. It was hypothesized that factors such as student need, workforce need, college relations, and college mission were linearly and positively correlated. To test the hypothesis, an online survey was administered to a random sample of 530 faculty and administrators at the three baccalaureate granting community colleges in Texas. Correlation coefficients were computed for all possible pairs of the four variables to determine whether or not there were statistically significant correlations between variables. The results of the Pearson's correlation analyses produced four statistically significant correlations among variables at the p = .008 level. Results revealed a strong positive correlation between student need and workforce need r(359) = .82, p < .008. Findings of the study indicated that respondents perceived factors of student need for baccalaureate degrees and employers’ need for employees with bachelor's degree had the strongest influence on the development of community college baccalaureate degrees in the three community colleges in Texas.  相似文献   

殷燕 《平原大学学报》2008,25(3):103-106
大学英语教学的深刻变革使“教师角色定位及其转换”成为新一轮的研究热点。新的教学模式与教学方法给教学过程中教师的角色扮演带采了前所未有的挑战,专家、学者、学生分别对大学英语教师的角色进行了各自认可的定位。然而,工作在大学英语教学一线的教师自己却存在着不少的困惑。分析了我国大学英语教学新模式下教师角色定位及其转换中所出现的亟待解决的新问题,发现现实与预期还有一定差距,进而提出了解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

Research indicates that there has been a decline in college reading over the past decades, yet few studies have been conducted at community colleges. The aim of this exploratory study was to gain a broad view of what reading across the curriculum looks like at one urban community college from the perspectives of students and faculty. A survey was administered to students to gather information on their reading practices, beliefs, and attitudes. A second survey was distributed to full-time faculty to gather information on assignments, practices, and beliefs regarding reading. Findings indicate that many students do not complete assigned readings. Further, women students spend more time on reading and attend class more often having completed assigned reading than men. There are discrepancies between students’ and faculty’s assessments of students’ reading abilities, whether reading is essential to course success and between the kinds of readings commonly assigned and those students enjoy reading. The study identified areas for further research on reading in community college including the relationship between gender, reading compliance, and community college outcomes; the effectiveness of reading compliance strategies; the relationship between PowerPoint use and student reading; and students’ use of active reading strategies. The findings also point out the need for pedagogical innovation in the teaching of reading in community college, namely through the implementation of reading across the curriculum programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to pilot an alternative student teaching supervision model at a college of education in a US context. In the study, the collaborators used multiple paired dyads to supervise student teachers with multiple supports from college faculty. This study examined how teachers and university faculty planned the use of paired dyads and how participants responded to the innovation. The findings suggest teachers and junior faculty can undertake bottom-up reform within larger systemic constraints.  相似文献   

师德师风建设是社会主义精神文明建设的内容之一,在当前高校的师德师风建设中部分教师教书育人的观念、爱岗敬业的意识淡薄,教师与学生接触沟通交流不够,教师对理论学习的主动性不强。其原因主要是受市场经济的负面影响,教师师德培训、理论学习的不充分。高校要发扬教师的奉献精神、乐业精神,增强教师热爱学生的自觉性,努力提高教师专业教学能力,提升教师的教学道德水平,加强高校教师的理论学习,以此加强师德师风建设。  相似文献   

Drawing upon recent research in the United States, this paper proposes that there are three key features undergirding powerful teacher education programs. The research suggests that in order to be powerful and effective, teacher education programs need to have a vision, be coherent, and provide opportunities to learn that are grounded in teaching practice. The author uses these features as a lens to examine programs in Norway – a country in which teacher education has been relatively under-examined. The analysis reveals several challenges for the Norwegian teacher education programs examined, such as a lack of shared vision among faculty responsible for teaching subject content and those teaching pedagogy, as well as few opportunities for student teachers to learn in the context of practice. Implications for strengthening programs are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,大学英语教学中存在着重英语国家文化学习,轻中国文化知识学习的现象,从而造成大学生中国文化英语表达能力的薄弱,影响大学生跨文化交际能力的培养。为改变这种局面,可以从提高大学生的文化平等意识、改革教学内容、方法和手段以及提高英语教师文化素养等方面进行改进。  相似文献   

毕业生就业压力和中小学课程改革新要求对现有的小学英语教法课的教学目标、课程观、教学观、教学方法提出了挑战。英语教法课程要突出专业特点,更新教育观念;调整课程结构,加强教学技能训练;理论联系实际,优化课堂教学等措施,促使教育类学生的职前教育与竞岗就业接轨。  相似文献   

To improve students’ outcomes and retention rates, community colleges have implemented acceleration strategies which hasten the completion of educational requirements (Edgecombe, 2011). The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of an accelerated freshmen writing course on teachers’ curricular decisions and pedagogical practices at a large urban community college. We conducted semi-structured interviews with the 11 faculty members teaching different sections of this accelerated writing course. All interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, coded, and analyzed. Our findings reveal that while instructors embrace the structural changes that come with accelerated courses and demonstrate a new appreciation for struggling students in their traditional English 101 class, they report on significant challenges in teaching due to the students’ lack of academic and personal maturity, as well as a need to lower their expectations and simplify the curriculum. This research raises questions about the unintended positive and negative effects of accelerated courses on teaching. More qualitative research is needed that focuses on the teachers’ experiences and their capacity to help students benefit from an accelerated course.  相似文献   

This essay describes how the use of a concept inventory has enhanced professional development and curriculum reform efforts of a faculty teaching community. The Host Pathogen Interactions (HPI) teaching team is composed of research and teaching faculty with expertise in HPI who share the goal of improving the learning experience of students in nine linked undergraduate microbiology courses. To support evidence-based curriculum reform, we administered our HPI Concept Inventory as a pre- and postsurvey to approximately 400 students each year since 2006. The resulting data include student scores as well as their open-ended explanations for distractor choices. The data have enabled us to address curriculum reform goals of 1) reconciling student learning with our expectations, 2) correlating student learning with background variables, 3) understanding student learning across institutions, 4) measuring the effect of teaching techniques on student learning, and 5) demonstrating how our courses collectively form a learning progression. The analysis of the concept inventory data has anchored and deepened the team's discussions of student learning. Reading and discussing students' responses revealed the gap between our understanding and the students' understanding. We provide evidence to support the concept inventory as a tool for assessing student understanding of HPI concepts and faculty development.  相似文献   

Mathematics is a particular stumbling block for community college students in developmental course work. The present study empirically investigated student-level and teacher-level factors that influence the success of community college students enrolled in developmental mathematics courses. Specifically, numerous variables in one statistical model were examined, which included student self-efficacy (SE) beliefs in various aspects of academic engagement, previous course difficulties, full-time teaching status, and class attendance policies. Multiple regression results show that attendance was the largest predictor for higher course grades, followed by repeating a mathematics course and students’ sense of SE. In the hierarchical line modeling (HLM) model, teachers’ full-time status was a significant predictor in the model, but when teaching status was controlled for, the remaining student belief variables in the model were not statistically significant except SE in Cognitive Strategies, Self-Regulated Learning, and Motivational Strategies. The results provide empirical support for increased communication between full- and part-time faculty members, implementation of attendance policies, academic interventions prior to students’ failures, and the need to address students’ sense of SE.  相似文献   


Providing computers and in‐servicing staff is not enough to get teachers and students using technology for teaching and learning. Schools of teacher education can prepare teachers better by helping college and university education faculty model technology use throughout the teacher credentialing curriculum. Another approach is to help teachers construct a model for identifying and developing factors that will support their own technology initiatives. The literature on technology integration reveals eight success factors for schools attempting to help teachers adopt technology in their classrooms. This article examines those success factors and looks at strategies for implementing them.  相似文献   

The present review considers the nature of the problem of evaluating college teaching as well as the means by which this evaluation has been attempted. This review shows that there is little agreement as to what the criteria for evaluating college teaching should be. It is stated that student and administrator evaluation of faculty are, by themselves or combined, limited in scope. A list of 10 activities and faculty behaviors that can be more reliably and validly evaluated by fellow colleagues than by anyone else is presented, as well as 22 different criteria or approaches that could be used for this evaluation. Recommendations for upgrading colleague evaluation of teaching are made in the hope that the present state of affairs can begin to reach high levels of adequacy and objectivity.This research was supported by the Measurement and Research Division of the Office of Instructional Resources, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  相似文献   

Eleven experienced community college faculty members were interviewed to elicit examples of how they improved student learning productivity in their online courses. The 11 faculty members represented eight different states, nine different fields or disciplines, and all were permanent or full-time faculty members at community colleges in the southern or western states. Based on a thematic analysis of the examples given, improvement in student learning occurred by (a) emphasizing seven approaches to increase student engagement, (b) using six different structuring tactics to focus student attention on learning, (c) using assessment techniques to improve learning, and (d) pursuing a personal passion for online teaching. These findings suggest that faculty can and do find ways to use different tools in different ways to improve student learning productivity in community colleges.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study at a two-year community college investigated the reasons behind a persistent gap in the college students’ engagement level in several key areas such as active and collaborative learning and student-faculty interaction as demonstrated in the longitudinal Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and the Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) results. Using the maximal variation purposeful sampling method, 63 students participated in the study. Results suggested that students’ own perception and behaviors, faculty’s expectations and characteristics, the course characteristics, and institutional level support all played an important role in engaging students. There was a disparity between students’ high perception of the importance of engagement and low level of effort and a disparity between faculty’s perception of student engagement and students’ own perception of engagement. Community college students welcomed high expectations and high standards from their faculty and also desired more challenging courses despite all the obstacles in their lives. Discussions and recommendations for strategies to close the gap in the two disparities and, thus, improve student engagement level are provided.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the relationship between faculty role orientations and student perceptions of teaching effectiveness in community colleges. Survey questionnaires were completed by 260 faculty members and 12,396 students at five Pennsylvania community college campuses. Using a conceptual framework drawn from symbolic interaction theory, it was hypothesized that faculty members holding a student-centered role orientation will be perceived as more effective teachers than those holding a subject-matter orientation. Results indicate that whereas there is an association between a student-centered role orientation and perceived teaching effectiveness, the relationship is due to an intervening variable—the expected course grade. An examination of the causal chain of relationships among these variables is presented.This is a revision of a paper presented at the 1975 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (see South, Morrison and Hill, 1975).  相似文献   

Community college administrators look for strategies to help students. GRASP (Gaining Retention and Achievement for Students Program) is a semester-long faculty development program that coaches community college instructors about simple, effective teaching strategies that promote student academic achievement. GRASP is founded on the belief that academic achievement is based on good teaching, which begins with faculty development. The major assumption for GRASP is that faculty are the single most important factor for student success. GRASP was offered at Doña Ana Community College (DACC). Located in Las Cruces, New Mexico, just 40 miles from the border of Mexico, DACC has a student population that is 70% minority. Results for GRASP indicate that overall student success improved by 7.9%, and that overall student retention improved by 4.0% for students participating in GRASP.  相似文献   

从学科发展与教师专业成长角度而言,促进高校思想政治理论课教师教学能力发展是教师队伍建设乃至整个思政理论课程建设的"牛鼻子",直接关系着立德树人教育目标的实现。高校思想政治理论课教师教学能力发展本身包含了教学实践本味的坚守、思政课程建设的推手、教师专业发展的应然等价值蕴含,但同样也面临着教学理念固化造成的理论观照缺位、课程改革凸显的课程设置滞后、教师主体地位羸弱致使的教师专业发展不充分等现实困境,应通过体悟教育本真,重塑教学理念;立足育人要求,把握课程属性;加强教师发展主体意识,学会教学反思;强化教师教学合作,构建教师教学发展共同体等路径加强教师教学能力的发展。  相似文献   

从教师教学工作量科学管理的重要性和必要性出发,寻求一个兼具稳定性、抗干扰性、易操作、公平且有激励作用的系级管理模式。该模式紧扣三个激励因素,以两个不变量为基础,帮助院校管理者对教师教学工作进行科学核定和管理,有助于稳定教师队伍,激发工作热情,提高工作效率和办学效益。  相似文献   

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