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分析生命科学学科信息门户网站在高校教师和学生群中的使用情况,将其同国外在生命科学领域具有重大影响力的同类学科领域的学科信息门户——Intute:Health and Life Sciences(Hntute:HLS)从信息门户质量和服务水平的硬件保障和软件保障两大方面进行详细地比较分析,为我国生命科学学科信息门户的建设单位在今后的建设、完善和发展过程中提供决策参考。  相似文献   

文章根据作者自身经历,叙述了黄泥街图书批发市场的起源,分析了其存在、辉煌的原因,并对其行政性的消亡深感惋惜。黄泥街现象是中国经济发展的一个侧影,其生生灭灭是和中国政治生活密切相关的,因此作者从非政治的角度,提出了”黄泥街图书批发市场”正常的经济生命轨迹。文章对回顾中国当代经济转型时期的经济现象,描述个体生命和历史洪流的密切关系,展望中国未来经济的发展路径有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

口述史成果是图书馆的特色馆藏,具有重要的史料价值。对于口述史的研究,可以透过受访者的回忆,了解其个人经历和社会历史事件,重建过去的记忆。非物质文化遗产(以下简称“非遗”)传承人口述史,是当前非遗保护研究极为关键的问题。它是传承人个人生活史、技艺史的自我剖析和表达,也是社会记忆的有机组成部分。文章拟从“非遗”传承人口述史的文本出发,将视角集中在“非遗”传承人口述史的文化意义方面,探讨他们的“个人记忆”如何阐释社会“文化记忆”的内在价值。  相似文献   

生活史——听生活讲述它自己的故事   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生活史这种研究方法最初产生于人类学的研究中,随后在社会学领域得到了广泛的运用,本文将介绍生活史的发展概述和具体的设计方法,并分析该方法目前在国内外的应用现状,最后对该方法在图书情报学领域的引入可能性和相应的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

孔天监的《藏书记》是最早记录我国古代公共图书馆思想和实践的一篇文章,在我国古代图书馆学史上占有重要地位。本文介绍了该文的作者,分析了该文的内容,明确了我国古代公共图书馆的设立初衷确是对弱势群体给予人文关怀。  相似文献   

苗族口述历史文化资源是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产之一,是苗族人民精神生活的重要组成部分,复原历史文化方面具有其他档案、文献资料所无法替代的价值。苗族口述文化作为一种无形的文化遗产,目前面临着失传的威胁。文章调查了苗族口述历史文化的种类、现状、价值等实际情况,就如何组织管理与永久性保存苗族口述历史进行了探讨研究,并提出了具体的措施。  相似文献   

主要介绍了聂崇岐的生平,以及他在哈佛燕京“引得”和中法汉学研究所“通检”编纂中所做的重大贡献。作者认为,聂崇岐不仅是从“引得”到“通检”的关键人物,同时也是中国现代索引编纂史上的重要人物。  相似文献   

唐宋时期是中国古代相术由广泛流行走向成熟定型的时代,相书的编纂传写相当普遍。文章依据史志目录、敦煌文献,结合对其他传世文献的考察,对唐宋之际相书的著录、种类等情况进行全面梳理,以期为全面认识唐宋社会文化,尤其是民间信仰与民众心理,提供一份独特的资料。  相似文献   

陈皓  张建平 《新闻界》2008,(2):62-64
本文立足意境审美观来解读影片《悲情城市》,探询导演的创作观,分层次的关注影片的画面与镜语、剪辑与叙事,并在此基础上分析导演怎样完成对意境最高层次——"无形大象"的把握,揭示影片的主旨及导演对历史、人生的反思。  相似文献   

Hallvard Moe   《Media History》2013,19(2):213-227
New media technologies are often met with political and public ambivalence, as they are perceived to threaten established activities, values and institutions, as well as bring progress and improve political, cultural and social life. Taking the Norwegian history of television as an empirical case study, this article relates to an international research agenda focusing on the cultural political debates in the early phases of broadcast media. The article is structured according to five key conjunctures where significant new media and technologies were introduced with corresponding political debates: the introduction of television (1940s–1950s), of colour television (1960s–1970s), of satellite, cable and commercial television (1980s), of digital distribution (1990s–2000s) and the expansion of television to new platforms (2000s). The article addresses the key arguments and dividing lines in these political debates, as well as the change in the perception of television when the medium is no longer new, but has become an integrated part of people's everyday life.  相似文献   

天气预报和人们生活关系密切 ,日益成为人们关注的焦点之一。国内大多数报纸只发布简单的天气信息 ,少数报纸如《北京青年报》和《京华时报》等已开始注重天气报道。像《纽约时报》等国外报纸的天气报道由来已久 ,且比较成熟。通过对比不难看出 ,国内报纸的天气报道有值得称道之处 ,但尚有不足 ,须取人之长补己之短 ,本文提出一些改进之道。  相似文献   

回顾在1957年至1959年期间刘国钧先生与北大图书馆学系部分学生的生活、 学习经历,对刘国钧先生为人、为学、为教进行细腻的写实。不仅还原了50年前令今人 陌生的一段历史风貌,也揭示了一代知识分子曲折跌宕的心路历程。  相似文献   


Since 1994, undergraduate students at Rutgers University have had the opportunity to explore broad issues in the history of women's higher education by examining issues surrounding single-sex and coeducation at their own institution, with specific concentration on social issues and student culture. Four distinct seminars and projects, two of which incorporate oral history, and all four involving historical research in archival sources, have contributed to the historical literature and have added valuable documentation on the history of women at Rutgers University. This article presents an overview of these specific courses. It further provides an assessment from the particular perspective of a university archivist who attempts to document the history of the institution, promote the use of that documentary record by a diverse audience of users, including undergraduate students, and who has had the opportunity to teach two seminars on the history of women's higher education, using Rutgers as a case study. The courses to be discussed are: “Rutgers Women: A Living History” (1993-1995), a research seminar incorporating oral history of the first women students to enter the previously all-male Rutgers College in 1972; the Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II (1994 to present), an ongoing project recording the memories of Rutgers men and women and their wartime experiences; the Douglass College Scholar's Program seminar on psychobiography (1998), a seminar which explored the life of Mary Clara Kangler, a 1938 graduate of the New Jersey College for Women whose tragic life ended in suicide; and the Douglass College Scholar's Program seminar on the history of the Douglass College and its role in the history of women's higher education in the United States (1999-2002), a research seminar based on archival research which explored the experiences of women and the controversial issues surrounding women's education at Rutgers.  相似文献   

利用哈佛燕京图书馆藏岭南大学档案缩微胶卷、广东省档案馆藏岭南大学档案等一手资料,对目前有关谭卓垣研究的资料加以辨析,考证其生卒年,在岭南大学、哥伦比亚大学和芝加哥大学求学的时间与经历,以及在岭南大学图书馆和夏威夷大学东方学院图书馆的从业经历,澄清现有研究成果中有误或含糊不清的观点与结论。谭卓垣是中国图书馆学史上第二位获得博士学位的人,是岭南大学图书馆历史上第一位华人馆长,也是任职最久的馆长。一生以馆长为业的谭卓垣,其图书馆学术思想和成就更多体现在对图书馆的实际管理方面。  相似文献   

<正>二 历代人物图像的种类特色和资料分布1 画像 传世古代名人的画像有行乐图、半身影、大影、题材画、画像集等。 (1)行乐图。 这是古人在生前请画家所画的生活写照,用以悬挂自赏。绘画的作者一般都是当时的名家高手,  相似文献   

This article traces the efforts of a research team led by the Yol?u elder and scholar, Neparr?a Gumbula, to investigate his people’s recorded history in the University of Sydney Archives. This research has identified some of the earliest photographic and written records of Yol?u life in Arnhem Land, Australia. Though consultations with the source communities of Mili?inbi (Milingimbi) and Galiwin’ku (Elcho Island), it has also determined appropriate ways of maintaining ongoing local access to these rare archived materials. The article contextualises this research within broader international initiatives to locate and provide access to other early ethnographic records from Arnhem Land. It considers the role of digital technologies in providing remote community access, and how various access protocols can be implemented to ensure appropriate use.  相似文献   

儒家文化作为中国传统文化的主流价值系统,不仅在历史上产生过重大影响,而且对今天的社会生活也依然具有一定的启示意义。文章立足于图书馆管理这一特定角度,从儒家的人本思想与图书馆的管理理念、儒家的义利之道与图书馆的管理取向、儒家的贵和思想与图书馆的管理艺术、儒家的权变智慧与图书馆的管理机制等四个方面着眼,论述了儒家文化对当今图书馆管理工作的启示意义,并强调图书馆管理者接受儒家等优秀传统文化的启迪以管理好图书馆这一精神殿堂,正是遵循精神遗产管理之内在规律的体现。  相似文献   

This article explores the methodological challenges and possibilities of writing a cultural history of broadcasting in French colonial Algeria during the tumultuous decades between the two world wars. In a diverse, multi-ethnic colonial society, how can historians and media scholars evaluate audience reception? What meanings did radio broadcasting acquire in the colonial context? To answer these questions, this article considers the controversies surrounding two culturally hybrid broadcasts produced by Radio-Algiers during the 1930s. A careful examination of the remaining historical record concerning these broadcasts, from newspaper accounts to archival sources, exposes the cultural fluidity that typified everyday colonial life and reveals how radio broadcasting politicized music and oral language in novel ways. Broadcasting—as a purely sonic medium—challenged the classificatory mechanisms of the French colonial state and the racial and ethnic boundaries that undergirded colonial society. In consequence, historical memories of Radio-Algiers and its role during the waning years of the French empire deny the sonic cultural hybridity that flourished over the interwar airwaves.  相似文献   

This article summarizes a background study conducted for museum staff planning the National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Through interviews we identified attitudes of Smithsonian visitors toward Native Americans. Three results stand out: First, although most visitors have had some minimal contact with contemporary Native Americans, imagery of the past dominated their responses. This past is characterized as a period in which Native Americans had freedom of movement, had control over their destiny, and lived in harmony with nature. This peaceful existence was destroyed with the arrival of the Europeans. Second, current Indian life is seen as grim, except in those cases where Native Americans have fully assimilated into urban environments. Implicit is an assumption that traditional life and values can only be maintained on reservations. At the same time, reservations are associated with poverty, alcoholism, unemployment, and poor health care. Third, visitors would like the new museum to emphasize aspects of Native life and culture that are unique or different from their own. Overall, visitors have only a cursory familiarity with Native philosophy, history, or current conditions. Very few express strongly held beliefs or positions about Native Americans.  相似文献   

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