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This paper presents an overview of the present educational system and structures in Pakistan. Historical developments in special education are reviewed, and legislation, policy, administration and organization at the national, regional and local levels are described. Efforts are under way in Pakistan to move away from the dual system of education, in which children with special educational needs receive educational services in special schools, towards an inclusive school system. Initiatives to mainstream children are being launched in pilot projects, and efforts are being made to build linkages between special and regular schools. Under the term ‘special needs education’, the trend is to shift the focus from disability categories towards building the capacity of the schools and providing needed support services. It is envisioned that the first step in promoting inclusion is to consolidate the dual administrative structure into a single system, with a clearly defined policy and plan for accommodating children with special needs within ordinary schools.  相似文献   

Citizenship Education in England: The Crick Report and Beyond   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Citizenship education is being formally introduced into schools in England as a matter of national policy for the first time. This article offers a critical evaluation of the report of the Advisory Group on Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools which was chaired by Professor Bernard Crick, and which has been influential in shaping current educational policy in relation to these matters. An assessment is also offered of the challenges and prospects which confront citizenship education in England in the light of these developments.  相似文献   

The Government of Uganda aims to provide good quality education for all learners in inclusive schools. However, some learners who have severe disabilities, including those who are deaf, will, for some time, continue to receive their education in special schools. In this article, Kirsten Kristensen, consultant in inclusive and special needs education for many countries in East Africa, Martin Omagor-Loican, Commissioner for Special Needs Education, Negris Onen, Principal Education Officer for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, both at the Ministry of Education in Sports in Uganda, and Daniel Okot, co-ordinator for the Diploma in Special Needs Education at Kyambogo University, provide an account of their study of 15 such schools. The findings from the study indicate a striking need for reform and transformation. While Uganda has an advanced structure for training teachers in special needs education, the quality of education and educational materials in special schools, is poor. Often children are admitted to special schools without proper assessment of their educational needs and the resources are not available to provide them with an appropriate range of experiences. The authors of this article call for a thoroughgoing review of provision and make a series of coherent and persuasive recommendations for developments in policy and practice focused on enabling special schools in Uganda to play an essential role in future as resource centres supporting an inclusive education system.  相似文献   

Many of the current problems regarding quality in education are traced back, both in political and education circles, to post-war development of the comprehensive school as an alternative for the traditional categorial system of secondary education. In this article this statement is investigated further using comparative analysis of the educational developments in the Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark, England and the Netherlands. The results seem to indicate that the current discussion about quality should be traced back primarily to curriculum changes, both in terms of restricting conditions and in terms of educational contents. These changes have been brought about during the last 25 years by socio-cultural and educational impulses. The results of these developments are often seen as directly connected to the current social problems of effectiveness in education, in terms of dysfunctionality and loss of quality. Such a way of thinking obscures the objective acquirements of the cultural change, which brought about a more democratic structure of education. The increasing accessibility and retentiveness this resulted in, are insufficiently included as independent factors in the current assessment of educational effectiveness. In criticisms of comprehensive schools and the loss of quality attributed to them, we see only ideological feints. But behind these appearances lurks a question, which demands thorough reflection on the tasks of education in our present information age.  相似文献   

随着小学素质教育的发展,小学生的素质要求也日趋丰富、完善,这对基层学校的教育理念及教育措施提出了更新的要求,小学素质教育面临新时期的又一场变革。因此,必须进一步解放思想,积极探究适合小学生自身发展的素质指标要求,建构一套行之有效的指标体系,引领新时期的小学素质教育,促进小学生健康、和谐的发展。  相似文献   

基础教育“重点校”政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国基础教育"重点校"政策是社会经济非均衡发展战略在教育中的体现。"重点校"政策在推动部分学校教育质量提高的同时,也扩大了城乡间、学校间在资源配置和教育质量上的差距,导致了教育公平的缺失,使得基础教育群体间入学机会不公平,尤其接受优质教育不公平。应从制度入手,推进教育管理制度、教育人事制度、教育财政制度的改革,缩小基础教育校际差别,逐步取消"重点校"政策,使公众享受到较为公平的教育。  相似文献   

中小学是青少年性教育的重要阶段,中小学性教育是基础教育改革的重要内容。在全球基础教育改革方兴未艾的背景下,部分国家顺应新世纪中小学性教育实践需求,积极推进中小学性教育改革,改革呈现目标体系更加多元均衡、起始年限更加提前、支撑体系更加完善的崭新动向及特征,从中折射出全球中小学性教育发展趋势。这为推进我国中小学性教育改革提供了深刻启示。  相似文献   

“教育民营”指的是“由非政府组织和公民个人对学校及其他教育机构进行管理和经营的一种教育制度”。这一制度对人们现有观念的最大冲击、也就是它的终极目标是将所有的公立学校也全部交给非政府组织和公民个人来经营,以形成一个公开、公平、开放、竞争的教育市场。而在公立中小学建立董事会制度正是推进“教育民营”的重要步骤。  相似文献   

In the original Diploma Disease thesis Sri Lanka is presented as a ‘later developing country’. This article explores the validity of the original Sri Lankan case within the more general thesis, changes in the symptoms of the ‘diploma disease’ over the past 20 years and economic and political developments which may have influenced the course of the disease. Despite economic liberalisation and an expansion of the education system, the value attached to educational certificates appears to have increased. Two explanations may be found within the educational system itself. Access to the apex of the system, the university, remains restricted and maintains the pressure of competition in the upper reaches of the secondary school. At the base of system, the Year 5 scholarship exam channels students into schools differentiated by quality. Although access to Year 11 is free and open to all, access to the top grade schools is restricted and highly competitive. A third explanation moves beyond both the education and economic system to the political crisis in Sri Lanka—manifested by the growth of ethnic tension in the late 1970s, the institutionalisation of political criteria for job allocation in the 1980s and the insurgency of Sinhala youth in the 1980s. All three aspects of the political crisis have contributed to a reaffirmation of educational qualifications as the legitimate criterion of access to jobs and resources.  相似文献   

Since spring 2001, the Audit Commission has been carrying out research into provision for children with special educational needs. In this article, Anne Pinney, Project Manager with the Public Services Research section at the Audit Commission, summarises the findings presented in an interim report published in June 2002. She reveals widespread dissatisfaction with current approaches to assessment; the process of developing a Statement; the allocation of resources to support children with special educational needs; and the procedures used by schools and LEAs to ensure that SEN provision is effective. Anne Pinney goes on to set out the recommendations made by the Audit Commission in its interim report. These include a collaborative approach to review involving schools and LEAs; increased delegation of resources to schools; and the development of more effective inter–agency approaches to assessment and intervention. This article concludes with a call for a high level independent review of SEN policy and practice focused on resolving the tensions in the current system. Anne Pinney also looks forward to a number of other outcomes from the Audit Commission's work in relation to children with special educational needs. BJSE will be bringing you news of these developments in future issues.  相似文献   

In recent years the tendency in schools of general education has been towards a broadening of academic education (defined by Soviet educationists as the study of systematic courses in basic scientific principles) by lowering the age at which pupils complete their elementary education and transferring specialized (or vocational) subjects from the general education school to the systems of specialized educational establishments. This trend has led to an increase in the duration of compulsory general education to 8–10 years, to a closer similarity of education in junior and senior secondary schools, and to a fuller reflection in education of the latest developments in science, technology and culture. Director of the Academy's Institute of General and Polytechnic Education and President of the Pedagogical Society of the R.S.F.S.R.  相似文献   

教会教育与中国人自办教育的长期共存和并立构成了中国近代新式教育发展的"双体"结构。在清末新政推行之前,教会教育在中国的新式教育中占有重要的地位。清末新政时期,中国的新式教育建立起来,教会教育受到治外法权和传教宽容条款的保护,与中国人自办的新式教育并存。民国时期,中国的爱国主义和民族主义思想高涨,经过收回教育权运动,绝大多数教会学校开始接受中国政府的管理,"双体"归于"一体"。  相似文献   

杨思信 《教育学报》2012,8(1):113-121
20世纪20年代发生的收回教育权运动从教育思想、教育学派、教育制度、教育编纂四个方面对中国现代教育产生了重要影响.教育思想方面,该运动提出了“教育为国家主权”、“教育与宗教分离”、“国家主义教育”三大观念.教育学派方面,该运动时期所形成的国家主义教育学派,丰富壮大了中国现代教育流派的队伍.教育制度方面,该运动促使政府形成了较为成熟的管理教会学校的体制.教育编纂方面,该运动时期提出和形成的“教育侵略”论、“文化侵略”论,成为中国近现代教育史上最有影响的学科研究话语范式.  相似文献   

论民办学校的范畴和性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民办学校是指由公益法人或自然法人自筹经费、自主经营与管理的面向社会专门提供选择性教育服务的学校或教育机构。在国家正式制度缺位的条件下,我国民办学校实际存在非盈利型、准盈利型和纯盈利型三种不同的组织模式,其中以准盈利型的民办学校居多。根据新制度经济学产权理论,由于民办教育服务市场内部存在较大的交易成本,民办学校只有组成非营利性的教育组织形式,才是节约教育交易成本的一种有效的制度安排。  相似文献   

In Australia a desire to increase the return of investment in educational research has led to interest in different aspects of research impact, including the nature of links between research and schooling. One significant group in such links is postgraduate students who are also teachers or educational administrators. Responses were obtained from 1267 postgraduate students to questions about their perceptions of new developments in schools and of research, including their own studies. Differences between postgraduate students who were involved in school-level education and those who were not involved at this level were also investigated. Colleagues within their school were named as the major source of new developments, but two-thirds also saw the universities as important sources. The most common type of new development described was in the area of curriculum. Research was the most frequently cited basis for new ideas and development in schools, with a large majority stating that research had at least some impact on their work and on education generally in their region, the research frequently being introduced or mediated by colleagues. Areas being addressed by these students in their own research and projects were, in the main, of relevance to schools, most commonly in the areas of curriculum and educational processes and structures. Finally, the importance of postgraduate students as linkage agents between research and schools is stressed.  相似文献   

加强职业院校学生心理素质教育的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于职业教育在培养目标、生源渠道、教育内容和方式等方面的独特性,职业院校应加强对学生心理素质教育的重视.依据针对性、发展性和互动性的原则,加强心理素质教育的理论建设、教材建设、制度建设、师资队伍建设和教育科研工作,开展心理素质教育的各种活动,形成学校、家庭、社会辅导相互协作的心理教育网络.  相似文献   

Through a focus upon the simultaneous rise of leadership and the New Public Management (NPM) within the context of education in England this article offers an analytical account of these developments and their entry into the field of education. This analysis is located within contradictions and tensions arising out of the agential promises inherent in the construction of leadership and the simultaneous managerialist and directive intent of the NPM. The way in which discourses of leadership and, more latterly, distributed leadership act to draw a veil over these tensions and contradictions is demonstrated within the context of research in two schools. The article concludes by examining how discourses of leadership have enabled schools and teachers to adapt to educational modernisation in ways that have undermined teacher professionalism.  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大高等教育非常发达,在办学自主权、校企合作教育、教育管理效益、远距离教育、拓展国际教育市场及双语教学等方面自成体系,很有特色;结合我国高等教育实际,我们可以借鉴其先进经验,落实改进措施,如政府部分进一步转变职能;尽快构建高等教育机构立交桥;大力推进高校的联合办学,挖掘办学潜力,提高办学效益;拓展境外生源市场;提高管理的现代化、信息化水平等。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of non-religion-based state constitutional challenges to educational voucher and tax credit/scholarship programs. The first section discusses litigation examining whether education voucher programs violate constitutional provisions requiring the legislature to provide an efficient system of public schools. The second section looks at litigation examining whether educational voucher programs violate constitutional provisions requiring states to provide a uniform system of public schools. The third section summarizes case law in which plaintiffs have claimed that educational voucher programs violate constitutional requirements that state spending serve a public purpose. The fourth section discusses litigation in which courts have addressed whether educational voucher programs violate local control mandates. The fifth section evaluates challenges to education voucher and scholarship tax credits on the grounds that such policies contravene constitutional mandates that prohibit public spending to private schools. The final section identifies key themes that these non-religion-based state constitutional challenges raise for educational vouchers and tax credit programs as well as emerging issues of litigation.  相似文献   

The paper reports a questionnaire survey of headteachers of special schools and special units in Kenya, focusing in particular on their educational aims. The study is located in the broader context of special educational provision and developments in Africa. These include the colonial legacy, the influence of indigenous and traditional concepts of education and disability, and national policies engaging with issues of curriculum and inclusion. The aims the headteachers said were important were wide-ranging and included conventional academic achievement, personal and social development and citizenship, alongside skills of personal care and the control of difficult behaviour. However, the relative emphasis given to different aims suggests that the importance of traditional aims of special education in terms of control, containment and care still outweigh those of a broad and balanced educational provision. Surprisingly, there was relatively little emphasis on the importance of preparation for employment. The analysis suggests that although there have been rapid developments in the provision for special educational needs in Kenya, there remains a gap between the ambitions of national policy and actual provision at school level.  相似文献   

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