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迁移是研究语言习得的一个重要概念。法语由于其与英语的特殊关系以及长期受到英语学习的影响,英语专业的学生在学习二外法语时倾向用英语知识来构建法语,从而带来了正负双重迁移。基于此,从英语和法语的迁移理论着手,结合两种语言在语音方面的异同比较,分析探讨英语专业学生在二外法语语音习得阶段,如何合理利用迁移定势,促进正迁移,从而更好地学习二外法语。  相似文献   

近几年,游戏教学法在我国高等教育中逐步得到发展,特别是在法语听说课堂上,游戏教学法以其趣味性、较高的参与度和新型的教育观念吸引了诸多法语教师的注意力.本文旨在通过对游戏教学法意义、作用以及游戏选取原则的论述,使更多的法语教师了解这种教学方式并认识到它对听说教学的意义,以便更好地将它应用于法语听说教学的课堂上.  相似文献   

本文概述了1615年至1670年法国天主教雷哥列派和耶稣会在法属殖民地加拿大的传教活动,指出当时法国王室和国内各界人士的支持是法国天主教在加拿大维持传教的重要条件,并对传教概况、效果、影响作了初步探讨,论述了法国天主教在早期殖民地加拿大社会发展中的历史作用。  相似文献   

法语中的强调表达可以通过许多途径来完成。法语本族人常常运用语音、词汇、语法、修辞等手段来达到强调的目的。法语学习者很难系统的掌握法语的强调表达方法。文章拟就法语中表达强调的各种手段进行初步的探讨  相似文献   

二外法语是英语专业的一门比较重要的专业必修课,由于法语自身的难度较大,现有的课程设置学时不足和学生兴趣不高等原因,现在英语专业学生的二外法语学习并不理想。该文旨在针对现有的二外法语教学所存在的问题进行分析,并且尝试提供相应的改进措施以便达到提升教师教学效率和学生学习兴趣的目的。  相似文献   

随着法语人才需求的不断增加,法语专业人才培养以及法语教学改革越来越受到关注.课堂教学作为人才培养的重要环节,教学方法的改进和教学模式的创新尤为重要.法国文学课程是法语专业学习中一门重要的专业必修课程,在日常教学却备受冷落、处境尴尬.本文从法国文学课程现状分析入手,在建构主义教学理论的指导下,结合该课程的特点,对文学课程教学模式的创新和运用进行探索.  相似文献   

法国合同法改革的三部草案表明,在修订《法国民法典》的工作中,合同法基本原则法典化的呼声颇高。受适当限制的合同自由原则、合同强制力原则、善意原则三项原则可以被认为是改革后的法国合同法的基本原则。其中,善意原则的内涵与适用,将在法国法上得到不断的壮大发展。基本原则的法典化将为法国法官更主动地对合同进行审查与评价提供规范依据,在比较法上具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Cognate awareness is the ability to recognize the cognate relationship between words in two etymologically related languages. The current study examined the development of cognate awareness and its contribution to French (second language) reading comprehension among Canadian French immersion children. Eighty-one students were tested at the end of Grade 1 and again at the end of Grade 2. Children were administered a cognate awareness task in French, in which they were asked to decide whether a French word had a cognate in English. Overall, performance on the cognate awareness task was significantly above chance at both time points, and it improved overtime. Thus, for the majority of the participants, cognate awareness was evident as early as first grade. Regressions revealed that cognate awareness measured in Grades 1 and 2 made a significant contribution to Grade 2 French reading comprehension, beyond multiple controls. The results of the study suggest that cognate awareness is a unique aspect of second-language reading comprehension in young bilingual children.  相似文献   

Conclusions The impact of the immersion phenomenon in Ontario has been striking and complex. This brief review of research on bilingual education and its relationship to a variety of language teaching settings has shown that the immersion experiment has produced several constructive side effects. First, it has caused the re-examination of first language teaching in regular English classrooms and it is now sparking a move toward increased contact between educators of French as a first language and French as a second language. Second, it has heightened parental interest and led to the increased involvement of parents in their children's education. Canadian Parents for French, a national association formed in 1977, grew directly out of the excitement and interest created by bilingual education programs in Canada. Along with increased parental involvement has come the realization that the school — whether it is francophone or anglophone — cannot be expected to go it alone, that support for French must be generated in the media and in the community.Two recent conferences have resulted in part from this realization:Apprenons en français/Learning in French held at Glendon College in June, 1978, and the OISE Conference on French Language Instruction, the proceedings of which make up this issue ofInterchange. These were landmark events, since never before in Ontario had educators and parents involved in French as a first language and French as a second language come together to share their problems, ideas and hopes. Such meetings could and should represent the beginning of a continuing dialogue.  相似文献   

The research examines the effects of a bilingual pedagogical program (French/Tahitian) on the acquisition of oral and written French as well as the Tahitian language itself in primary schools in French Polynesia. 125 children divided into an experimental group (partially schooled in Tahitian for 300 min per week) and a control group (schooled in French) were followed from the second year of kindergarten to Grade 1 and tested on Tahitian and French language competence. The results show that the program appears to have a positive impact on Tahitian proficiency, without any negative effect on learning of French (oral and reading).  相似文献   

法语用途日益广泛,学生人数逐年上升,学习和掌握常用特殊词提到教学日程上来,法语tout就是值得研究的一个词,它具有代词、副词、形容词的多种词性及用法。  相似文献   

萨尔问题是在法国全面肢解德国的政策失败后凸显出来的,是二战后法德关系中的一个敏感问题,牵扯到法德和解的各个环节。法国在大的国际局势的变动下,不断改变自己对德政策的立场,直到最终放弃萨尔,实现与德和解。  相似文献   

《中法简明条款》法文本及其汉译   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
《中法简明条款》约定“以法文本为准”,此约定牵涉到谅山事件责任等一系列历史问题的研究。为了进一步推进相关历史问题的研究,提供《中法简明争款》法文本并进行汉译。  相似文献   

詹婷 《宜春学院学报》2011,33(3):53-54,62
近年来社会上出现了"法语热",学习法语的人越来越多。随之而来的全国高校法语专业人才培养的急剧升温。地方高校面对办学经验不足、办学资源有限等客观条件,要培养怎样的法语人才、怎样培养出合格的法语人才是摆在我们面前的一大课题。本文基于这种现状,将结合本校法语专业建设的实际进行研究探索。  相似文献   

1789年7月开始的法国大革命,之所以未剥夺小农土地发展资本主义大农场,是因为当时的法国既没有大幅提升农业商品生产力的必要性,又没有能保障该变革进行的领导力量,同时也没有成功进行该变革所必需的社会安全保障机制.正是这些因素,使法国大革命后建立的政权在处理国内土地问题时没有复制英国圈地运动模式,而是让众多小农变成了小块土地所有者,以致法国资本主义农业在长时期内主要沿着富农经济道路发展.这无疑是符合18世纪80年代末法国国情的正确选择.  相似文献   

在二外法语语言习得过程中,学习者的母语知识必然会影响到其法语的学习,根据语言迁移理论对母语为汉语的二外法语学习者在语音、词汇和语法汇学习过程中所出现的母语负迁移现象进行简单的分析,从而帮助学生克服由于母语知识负迁移所引起的学习困难,促进学生的二外法语的语言发展。  相似文献   

比较文学初创时期的法国学派,坚持以实证主义的态度,关照不同国家不同民族之间文学上的事实联系,以影响研究为自己安身立命之根本。法国学派在初创时期因为历史无可避免的局限性,以其自身理论与实践相脱节的缺陷,被后来学者指责陷入了狭隘的民族中心主义。笔者认为,对法国学派的影响研究的全面认识,应该细读和反思元典著作,立足于学科经典著作的原始语境来整体把握。  相似文献   

Questionnaires concerning the self‐concept and evaluations of maths and French, as well as an intelligence test, were administered to secondary school students more than six months before they had to decide whether or not to take maths courses during the following school year. At the same time their school grades for maths and French were recorded. Students’ decisions were related to self‐concept, evaluations of maths and French, and aptitude measures, by means of discriminant analyses. Results indicated that sex, in combination with students’ (positive) evaluations of mathematics, their achievements in mathematics and their intellectual abilities, as well as a focus on French and self‐concept of French abilities, could adequately predict their choice of mathematics courses. No interaction effects were found between sex and the other predictor variables. These results suggest that stimulating more girls to choose mathematics during their secondary school years should focus upon achievement, self‐concept and evaluations of mathematics in comparison with other options.  相似文献   

天津教案发生后,法国公使罗淑亚步步紧逼,强迫清政府接受其无理要求,英国公使威妥玛则不仅与之密切配合,狼狈为奸,而且充当罗淑亚的主使,其手段之毒辣更数倍于罗淑亚.为威逼清政府妥协,威妥玛先以法国将对中国开战相恐吓;在普法战争爆发消息传来后,他又变换手法继续压迫清政府妥协退让.天津教案最终以完全接受法国无理要求为结局,固然与曾国藩的软弱妥协有关,然而威妥玛的为虎作伥也是一个重要因素.  相似文献   

French Lieutenant's Woman written by John Fowles mainly talks about the developing relationship between Sarah Woodruff and Charles Smithson.Sarah Woodruff known as"Tragedy",or "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is caught between the Victorian and modern ages.Rumors spread around that she stands by the sea to wait for the French Lieutenant who seduced her to return.And Charles is a young,lazy but intelligent English gentleman,who breaks off his engagement to a traditional young woman Tina to pursue Sarah.The novel is very special and attractive in many ways,so my purpose of the paper is to analyze how characters' desire and postmodern environment wind through the story.  相似文献   

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