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The province needs a total of 17,330 million yuan to carry out compulsory education. Of this amount, 9,200 million are for primary and secondary schools, including 5,900 million for junior secondary schools, 550 million for secondary teacher-training schools, 350 million for the training of primary school teachers, 350 million for the training of junior secondary school teachers, and 490 million for the repayment of what should have been paid out over the previous years. The amount needed in the Seventh Five-Year Plan period comes to 2,850 million yuan.  相似文献   

翟宇 《教育教学论坛》2019,(13):271-272
当前中职学校公共艺术教育的边缘化现状令人堪忧,中职学校重专业教育而轻艺术教育是违背素质教育的做法。其实,公共艺术教育的作用与意义是显而易见的,不但不妨碍各专业课的教学,反而有助于单一、枯燥的专业课的学习。公共艺术教育课程的设置以音乐、美术欣赏课为主,基础绘画技巧、乐理知识、观摩活动等为辅。要加强中等职业学校公共艺术教育、完善中职课程结构。学校培育创新人才,必须进一步深化艺术教育,严肃认真地组织实施《中等职业学校公共艺术课程教学大纲》,切实满足学生日益增长的精神文化需求。  相似文献   

北京市中职师资队伍现状、问题与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对北京市31所中职学校抽样调查结果显示:专任教师中文化课教师比例偏高、专业课教师比例偏低,实习指导教师明显短缺,缺少骨干教师和专业带头人;中青年专业课教师实践能力低,定期到企业参加生产实践难;部分教师未达到本科学历“;双师型”教师比例偏低。对此,应建立健全中职师资培训制度和培训体系;加强培训基地建设;加强教学研究工作,提高教师执教能力;提高引进人才和在职教师学历层次水平;调整职技高师院校的学科专业设置。  相似文献   

The increased responsibility now given to schools for initial teacher training (ITT) in partnership with training institutions has led to questions about how prepared and confident teachers are to assume their new role, and the support they provide for students to teach the arts. This research enquires into the situation and found the development of students' subject knowledge in the arts to be a matter of concern. As time on ITT courses is cut and teachers acknowledge the need to enhance their own knowledge-base in the arts, there is uncertainty about the quality and adequacy of training for student teachers in the arts.  相似文献   

试论师范院校艺术教育师资培训课程的改革与建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学艺术综合课教学的目的和特点,给我们的中小学艺术课教师提出了新的更高的要求,上好艺术综合课对从师范院校的现有艺术教育体制下培养出来的中小学教师是一种严峻的挑战。只有果断加以改革,进一步加强师范院校艺术教育中的师范性特征,弱化对单一技能的过度强调,设计和开发出符合艺术教育特点和满足新时代需求的师范院校艺术教育师资培训课程,艺术课师资才能真正符合时代的需求,中小学艺术课才能开展得更加名副其实和卓有成效。  相似文献   

根据中小学艺术教育课程特点,为达到提升教师实施艺术教育课程能力和促进其专业发展,对国内外艺术教育元素重组建构,从不同角度创生出多种艺术教师培训模式。体现继续教育培训模式不断创生构建的灵活性、丰富性、有效性。  相似文献   


After more than 20 years of exploring liberal arts education in Chinese universities, its curriculum development has been institutionalized. Efforts to build localized curricula that fit the realities at each institution have shifted from focusing on quantity and structure to emphasizing curriculum quality assurance based on teaching evaluation by students. An empirical analysis using Fudan University’s teaching evaluation data shows that some liberal arts core courses offered by technical and engineering departments are too specialized, while some offered by social sciences and humanities and languages departments lack rigor. Student evaluations of such courses therefore tend to be low. Improving the quality of liberal arts courses can begin by examining both teaching evaluations by students and course grading, starting with the less rigorous courses for non-majors. Improving the quality of liberal arts courses can begin with the courses that are too specialized or lacking rigor based on both teaching evaluations by students and grade distribution.  相似文献   

常熟理工学院升本十年来在应用文科人才培养、部分学科研究方向、社会服务和文化传承创新等方面成效显著,积累了基于办学格局发展精致文科、基于类型定位发展应用文科、基于品牌培育发展特色文科的基本经验。基于成就回顾和经验总结,提出新建理工类本科院校要因势而为,明晰文科发展的基本定位;分类指导,遵循文科发展的内在规律;勇于担当,承载文科育人的重要使命;校地互动,促进文科与地方文化建设和谐共生。  相似文献   

通识教育是发源于欧洲的一种高等教育思想。英国高校的通识教育在其发展历程中逐步完善,最终形成了以崇尚人文主义传统的教育理念、专业教育通识化的课程设置、师生交互式的个性化教学实践形式为一体的通识教育样式。聚焦于当前我国高等教育的发展现状,通识教育已成为全面提升大学生综合素养不可或缺的一个重要选择。英国高校通识教育对我国的启示是,构建符合我国优秀文化传统的通识教育理念;建立专业教育与通识教育相融合的课程体系;提升高校教师通识教育能力;实行智力训练和能力培养的教育方法。  相似文献   

Article 34. Funds for operating correspondence courses are raised from three channels: appropriations from governments at different levels that are in charge of the schools, collections from units with which the students are affiliated, and appropriate fees collected from students.  相似文献   

随着中学美术新课标的实施,以创新精神和实践能力培养为重点的教学方式对于县级城乡接合学校的中学美术教育是一个新课题,在素质培养和创新方面,中学美术教师要灵活掌握教材内容,适当结合地方特色,选择贴近学生生活的教学素材,营造良好课堂氛围,让学生从以往的被动模仿学习到乐于动手、善于观察、敢于创新,在实践中体验美术学习的乐趣。  相似文献   

关于大学文科数学课程体系建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高文科学生的综合素质,很多文科专业开设了大学数学课程。文章针对专业培养目标,从文科数学课程体系建设方面探讨了文科专业开设数学课程的必要性,文科专业与数学课程的关系,以及文科数学课程开设的实施方法。  相似文献   

Recent government reform of initial teacher education has increased teachers’ responsibility for training students in schools, bringing about some fundamental changes in the professional relationship between the schools, higher education institutions (HEIs), teachers and students. This paper reports on primary undergraduate student teachers’ and their class teachers’ perceptions of school-based training to teach art. Class teachers were interviewed about their preparedness to train students and questionnaires and interviews were used to gauge students’ views of the effectiveness of university-based courses and the support given to them by teachers. The findings indicate that teachers were able to support students in matters of classroom management and resources but that they were mostly unable to assist them in developing subject knowledge and understanding of art teaching and learning. This raises concerns about teachers’ subject knowledge and their confidence in training students. Our findings suggest that there is significant room for improvement in the partnership arrangements between schools and HEIs in order to better support students’ teaching of art.  相似文献   

浅议高师音乐教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育正在实施的课程改革对中小学艺术课提出了新的标准,作为培养中小学教师摇篮的高师音乐教学也应顺应其变化,在课程设置上符合培养“一专多能”人才的要求,注重师范性,加强教学法教学,确保教学质量。  相似文献   

中职教师在职攻读硕士学位培养方案探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前,中职学校专业教师存在着学历不高、知识更新能力较差、实践经验不足、教育学知识缺乏等问题.培养学校应当针对上述问题制定培养方案:课程设置中,理论基础课应以培养学习能力为主,不必强调基础理论知识的深度,专业课应以实用的科技前沿知识为主,并有一定的专业宽度;对一般理工科毕业的教师补充职业教育学方面的知识,对专业教师进行现代教育技术的训练;重视实践环节;硕士论文要避免纯理论研究而应具有实用价值.  相似文献   

农村中小学教师专业化发展的问题、原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进教师专业化不断发展是提高农村中小学教育质量的关键。目前,我国农村中小学教师专业化发展仍存在诸多问题。政府和相关教育机构要确立农村中小学教师专业化的培养理念,构建农村中小学教师专业化的培训途径,创新教育评价模式,完善农村中小学教师专业化的制度保障机制等,切实促进农村中小学教师在教育工作中朝着专业化的方向发展。  相似文献   

Conclusion There are strong indications that the courses developed under the Teacher Preparation Project at Utah State University are providing new dimensions to the education of prospective science teachers and liberal art students who select a science emphasis at the undergraduate level. To date, the courses have institutional support in both staffing and funding that should keep them in place in the coming years. Clearly, the project made adjustments along the way, learning from early mistakes, and building team rapport and commitment required to bring about the completion of the project. Certain issues have been raised and resolved to some extent. Mixing liberal arts majors with secondary science teaching majors appears to be good for the integrative course, bringing diversity of background and viewpoint into the class. The kinds of teaching behaviors in evidence in these classes require high expectations for student performance but also a willingness on the part of the professor to stand back and let the student explore or to allow a discussion to run. This is clearly a more facilitative and less directive teaching role than is expected for most undergraduate courses. Finally, one can expect to get mixed reactions from students, positive about their newfound independence but, for some at least, a lack of tolerance for ambiguity and some discomfort at having a new (and sometimes threatening) set of grading procedures thrust upon them. In the USU Teacher Preparation Project, these decisions have charted a course of action for the future-a course derived from cognitive psychology principles requiring growth on the part of both faculty and students. This material is based upon work supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. TPE-8850642). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations exprtessed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Motivating students to learn in general education courses, particularly in an online environment, is a challenge for many colleges and universities. A general education curriculum, by definition, is wide-ranging in its scope of topics, disciplines, and applications, but many students enter college with specific personal interests or affinities for particular areas of academic study. This interest gap between individual student interests and general education offerings is frequently expressed by students in their desire to “get the core courses out of the way.” For those institutions that appreciate the role that a general education curriculum plays in providing students with a holistic liberal arts education, this “get them out of the way” attitude must be addressed. Through the application of text-based situational interest research, and creative writing principles and techniques to instructional design, this article offers educators theoretical insights and practical ways to stimulate student interest in online general education courses.  相似文献   

新课改与中文专业师范生的职前教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高等师范院校的职前教育服务于基础教育,为基础教育输送合格师资。但随着新课改的实施,中小学的课堂教学得到了进一步改善,而高师职前教育明显滞后,不适应新课改对师资培训的要求。基于中文专业师范生的职前教育的现状与反思,旨在重建高师职前教育的理念和行动策略,使高师院校所培养的未来基础教育语文教师能适应教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

目前,高职院校都在大力推行工学结合的人才培养模式,取得了很好的成绩,形成了许多宝贵的经验。但总体而言,工学结合还存在着许多困难,特别是文科类专业实施工学结合的困难更多、更大,主要是思想观念落后、创新办法不多、实践经验不足等。如何探索文科类专业实施工学结合人才培养模式的创新途径,本文介绍了广东女子职业技术学院所做的有益尝试,以对文科类专业实施工学结合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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