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作为伴随人类社会的交往雨产生和发展的交换媒介,货币在人类社会发展中扮演了极其重要的角色,这种角色在现代社会日益重要。货币在与生产力、生产关系和人类交往活动的互动中表征着历史进化的节度,货币的发展史从一个特殊的角度揭示了人类社会发展进程。在现代社会形成的过程中,货币起了十分重要的促进作用,这种作用明显地体现为,促进了“自然人”向“社会人”的转变,并通过不同的货币分配方式与不同的货币分配结果,促进了社会流动。从而促进了社会关系和社会结构的形成。  相似文献   

在构建和谐社会中去实现公正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一部人类历史也就是追求社会公正的历史。但是,社会公正是一个历史范畴,在不同的社会历史阶段,有着不同的内涵和表现形式。无论是在农业社会的等级制条件下,还是在近代政治领域与经济领域、公共领域与私人领域分化的条件下,都无法实现真正的社会公正,以至于思想家们往往是在起点公正、结果公正这些问题上进行繁琐的探讨。其实,社会公正的实质是人们之间的利益关系,它的实现需要在利益关系的变动中进行。当前,人类正在走向后工业社会,这是一种全新的利益关系形成的过程,这种利益关系将以人们之间的合作关系的形式表现出来,进而生成社会合作体系和实现社会公正。  相似文献   

马克思与阿尔都塞的意识形态理论的主要相同点和不同点在于:1.关于意识形态的存在问题:马克思认为意识形态“没有历史”,且在阶级社会中,意识形态作为一种“观念的上层建筑”而存在;而阿尔都塞则认为意识形态尽管没有历史(指的是意识形态一般,而不是意识形态的具体形式),但却永恒存在,而且意识形态是作为一种社会结构而存在;2.关于意识形态的意义或功能问题:马克思认为,在阶级社会中意识形态扮演的是“阶级社会的维护意识”,在全部人类历史中,则承担着人类文化发展的载体的角色;阿尔都塞则认为,意识形态以其“物质性”特征发挥着意识形态国家机器的作用,而在全部人类社会历史中,意识形态则承担着主体建构者的角色,即意识形态的功能,就是将“个体召唤为主体”。  相似文献   

实现公平正义是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本价值取向。人类社会历史与逻辑演进历程表明:人类历史就是人类劳动能力发展史;公平正义的实现以劳动能力发展为基点。大力发展生产力,推进人的全面发展,为实现人与人之间的公平正义创造条件,既是社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设的关键,也是以人为本科学发展观的必然要求。  相似文献   

唯物史观是马克思主义史学的核心内容。是马克思主义关于人类社会发展的根本观点,它把历史的发展看作是不以人的意志为转移的自然的过程,它的动因在于人类社会的内在矛盾——生产力和生产关系的相互作用,生产关系要适合生产力的发展水平。唯物史观的创立是史学领域的一次革命,它揭开了历史神秘的面纱。  相似文献   

人类社会的生产实践活动从来就是物质生产和精神生产的有机统一,社会生产方式也是物质生产方 式与精神方式的有机统一。同理,作为反映社会生产推动人类社会历史发展的社会基本矛盾,也是对社会物 质生产与精神生产相互作用,有机统一的矛盾运动规律的概括。人类社会就是在物质生产和精神生产的相互 作用、相互促进中不断发展的。社会基本矛盾是物质生产与精神生产相互作用的有机整体及其辩证运动。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学对和谐理念的科学阐释,必然会贯彻到其历史观上,从而描绘出人类文明演进的辩证图景。马克思、恩格斯在吸收前人对文明研究成果的基础上,对文明的本质作出了唯物史观的科学解释。他们认为,人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的各种成果的总和都凝聚着人的本质力量,是人的本质力量的表现与确证。人类文明的发展过程是由物质资料生产方式的变迁来推动其自身从低级到高级、从简单到复杂、从野蛮到文明的前进上升的辩证发展运动。由此可见,人类社会本身是一个不断解决矛盾的辩证的发展过程,人类社会发展的内在动力就是社会矛盾的不断解决。  相似文献   

科学技术日新月异,知识经济迅速崛起并已以一种信息化、多样化的特定形式,迅速被推到时代发展的前沿阵地。人类社会的发展经历了由农业社会到工业社会,由工业社会再到信息社会的历史发展进程。知识经济以其强大的生产力和先进的生产关系推动社会迅猛发展,使社会变革速度加快,导致社会分层、生产方式和社会管理、物质文明和精神文明建设以及人们的社会价值和社会意识等方面都在发生重大的变化。面对知识经济带来新的机遇和挑战,我国高等师范教育必须重新定位,并充分发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

High failure and drop-out rates from introductory programming courses continue to be of significant concern to computer science disciplines despite extensive research attempting to address the issue. In this study, we include the three entities of the didactic triangle, instructors, students and curriculum, to explore the learning difficulties that students encounter when studying introductory programming. We first explore students’ perceptions of the barriers and affordances to learning programming. A survey is conducted with introductory programming students to get their feedback on the topics and associated learning resources in the introductory programming course. The instructors’ perceptions are included by analyzing current teaching materials and assessment tools used in the course. As a result, an ADRI based approach is proposed to address the problems identified in the teaching and learning processes of an introductory programming course.  相似文献   

当代杰出的史学家阿诺德·汤因比是文化形态史学的集大成者。他将文明作为历史研究的基本单位,试图通过对不同文明的深人比较,对文明的起源、生长、衰落、解体进行分析和诠释,揭示人类历史发展的一般规律。这为认识人类社会提供了新的视角,对当今世界全球化进程中的人类文明具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The impact of an introductory course on aging knowledge and attitudes toward aging was examined. Twenty‐five students from class and 20 comparison group members rated their grandparents and older men and women in general at pre‐test and post‐test on 19 attitudinal dimensions. During the class, students were exposed to the process of aging directly through two experiential exercises. The results suggested that the students viewed their own family members as exceptions both before and after the class. The ratings of nonfamily elders, although not as positive as the ratings of grandparents, changed more dramatically during the course of the study. Implications for teaching are suggested.  相似文献   

世界历史首先是人的历史,是人类发展的历史。马克思世界历史理论首先是人类发展的理论,是人类劳动方式以体力支出为主向脑力支出为主发展的历史,是历史主体随着社会关系的不断拓展而从民族地域性的解放走向全人类彻底解放的历史。世界历史的发展进程同人类智力发展的进程具有一致性,两者都与社会关系表现为相互正向推动的作用。  相似文献   


The importance of education to address current sustainability challenges in small island states has been widely recognized. Environmental education may increase knowledge, while also increasing environmental awareness and motivating students to become agents of change. Student engagement in introductory environmental science courses may benefit from operationalizing abstract concepts by embedding course material and activities within this local context. Here, we describe an introductory course in environmental science that has been tailored to the local context of a small island state in the Caribbean. In addition to reaching academic course goals, pre- and post-course surveys showed that course participants’ environmental awareness increased on the dimensions ‘Personal Value System’ and ‘Willingness to Take Environmental Action’. The described course provides a template for the development of a low-cost introductory environmental science course that integrates general theory and application within the context of Caribbean island states.  相似文献   

对于人的历史性存在何以可能这一问题,马克思的共产主义学说给予了初步的回答。在共产主义社会中,人的真正的历史性存在在世界历史发展中不断敞开,人的新型的社会关系在现代生产活动中正在形成,人的全面的自由个性在人类自我解放中逐步实现。这种回答与其说为我们提供了某种解决现代社会生活矛盾的答案,不如说为我们展现了一条更加深入地理解现代社会生活矛盾的道路。  相似文献   

王丽婵 《海外英语》2014,(15):239-240
Language plays an important role in society. It is a kind of social phenomenon and reflects all the sides of human society naturally. Inevitably, sexism is also reflected in language. As a kind of linguistic phenomenon which exists objectively, the phenomenon of gender discrimination in English language has deep history background and cultural roots for its emergence and development.  相似文献   

人类社会的发展总是伴随着文化的生产与再生产,我们从文化断裂可以将人类社会的发展史理解为人与自然界的搏弈史和人与人际间的搏弈史,前一个阶段是生产对物的文化,后一个阶段是生产对人的文化。在现阶段我国正处于社会转型关键时期,文化生产具有了一些新的特征。  相似文献   

马克思主义的“三种生产”(人口生产、物质生产、精神生产)与“三种文化”(人口文化、物质文化、精神文化)理论,是唯物主义历史观的重要内容和基本论点。人类社会从事“三大生产”的历史,同时也是创造“三大文化”的历史。无论从开拓马克思主义理论的新境界,还是从开创社会主义事业的新局面和构建社会主义和谐社会来看,构建“三种生产”和“三种文化”的网络系统,都是学界值得认真研究的重大课题之一。  相似文献   

本文通过阐述材料、社会和环境之间的关系,探讨了开发与生产新材料的过程中,既能有效利用资源与能源的同时,又能保护环境,减少污染,推动人类社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

While the equivalence between online and traditional classrooms has been well-researched, very little of this includes college-level introductory Physics. Only one study explored Physics at the whole-class level rather than specific course components such as a single lab or a homework platform. In this work, we compared the failure rate, grade distribution, and withdrawal rates in an introductory undergraduate Physics course across several learning modes including traditional face-to-face instruction, synchronous video instruction, and online classes. Statistically significant differences were found for student failure rates, grade distribution, and withdrawal rates but yielded small effect sizes. Post-hoc pair-wise test was run to determine differences between learning modes. Online students had a significantly lower failure rate than students who took the class via synchronous video classroom. While statistically significant differences were found for grade distributions, the pair-wise comparison yielded no statistically significance differences between learning modes when using the more conservative Bonferroni correction in post-hoc testing. Finally, in this study, student withdrawal rates were lowest for students who took the class in person (in-person classroom and synchronous video classroom) than online. Students that persist in an online introductory Physics class are more likely to achieve an A than in other modes. However, the withdrawal rate is higher from online Physics courses. Further research is warranted to better understand the reasons for higher withdrawal rates in online courses. Finding the root cause to help eliminate differences in student performance across learning modes should remain a high priority for education researchers and the education community as a whole.  相似文献   

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