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吴梦 《现代语文》2011,(9):56-57
“高中语文课程标准”指出:“阅读文学作品的过程,是发现和建构作品意义的过程。作品的文学价值,是由读者在阅读鉴赏过程中得以实现的。文学作品的阅读鉴赏,往往带有更多的主观性和个人色彩。教师应该鼓励学生以自己的情感、经验去体验作品,对作品作出有个性的反应,在阅读鉴赏过程中,培养学生创造性思维能力。”学生以自身情感和心灵去体验作品的过程其实就是高层次的审美活动,  相似文献   

学生阅读的作品,大部分是学作品,往往有着生动的人物形象(或拟人化的动植物、矿物),每个人物形象,就是具体可感的特定的角色。引导学生对这些角色进行体验,能激发学生阅读的兴趣,加深对作品的理解,培养探究性阅读的能力。可以这样说,角色体验是融合学作品和探究性阅读的独特的切入口,是培养学生探究性阅读能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

《语文新课程标准》指出,"九年义务教育阶段的语文课程,必须面向全体学生,使学生获得基本的语文素养。"阅读是一种审美活动,阅读是读者参与作品再创造的过程,通过阅读可以使学生语文能力和思维水平螺旋上升,以至产生质的飞跃。在语文学习活动中,注重学生自身全面的体验,整体推进、拓展语文能力的发展,加强学生的阅读能力是不可或缺的。  相似文献   

高中语课程标准主张语学习个性化、阅读个性化,正是对阅读教学的解放,目的是培养学生对学作品主题、形象、艺术手法的多样性的认识,发挥阅读主体的主观能动性.鼓励学生独特的、个性的、有价值的理解,提高阅读的效果.甚至将作品的价值内化为学生的精神本质和生命体验。  相似文献   

徐蓓春 《现代语文》2006,(10):73-74
“对话”作为当代哲学和化中的一个强势话语,已成了当下阅读教学的核心理念。《全日制义务教育语课程标准》(实验稿)中指出:“语教学应在师生双方的平等对话中进行”,“阅读教学是学生、教师、本之间的对话过程”。《普通高中语课程标准》(实验稿)中也对阅读教学提出了新的指导思想:“阅读是搜集信息、认识世界、发展思维、获得审美体验的重要途径。阅读教学是学生、教师、教科书编、本之间的多重对话,是思想碰撞和心灵交流的动态过程”。“阅读学作品的过程,是发现和建构作品意义的过程。作品的学价值,是由读在阅读鉴赏过程中得以实现的。”而在传统的“讲授式”、  相似文献   

审美活动是人类的一项特殊活动。“在审美活动中,人们更重视过程,审美的享受即在这过程中”。①“审美享受的过程性是审美活动的一个重要特点。”②赫尔岑也为审美活动的特点作了注脚:“一个通过阅读体验了时代,不象在科学中他只摘取最后的得到澄清的成果,而象那种一同举步、一同走上曲折道路的旅伴。”③这充分说明:审美享受便是在这个特殊活动的过程中体验、获得的,且这种审美享受伴随审美活动的始终。如果这种活动延续的过程越长,则获得的审美享受就越多。而悲剧结局的作品,尤其是合符生活逻辑、人物性格逻辑的悲剧结局往往能  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》明确指出:“阅读文学作品的过程,是发现和建构作品意义的过程。作品的文学价值,是由读者在阅读过程中得以实现的。文学作品的阅读鉴赏,往往带有更多的主观性和个人色彩。应引导学生设身处地去感受体验,重视对作品形象和情感的整体感知与把握,注意作品内涵的多义性和模糊性,鼓励学生积极地、富有创意地建构文本意义。”可见,《语文课程标准》把尊重学生在文学作品阅读过程中的独特体验,关注学生阅读心理的独特性,培养学生的批判质疑能力和创新能力,作为了新课程文学作品教学的基本理念。下面,笔者就这一教学理念,结合自己的课堂实践,谈一些个人的初浅认识。  相似文献   

第一步,鉴赏阅读鉴赏需先阅读作品。不读作品,缺乏对作品的实际感受,那么鉴赏就是一句空话。读作品是文学鉴赏的第一步。鉴赏阅读同一般的阅读方法不同。一般的阅读方法,以强调对文章的理解、记忆为特征,而鉴赏阅读则注重语言信息给人的感受,其阅读对象一般限于文学作品。同时,它还要求尽可能的保持阅读的连贯性,整体性。读的过程就是从作品中接受信息并结合自己的生活感受和审美积累对作品进行感受、体验、理解,从而产生情感,获得美感享受的一种审美活动步骤。在  相似文献   

接受美学对阅读教学的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了便于操作,使学生对作品的审美体验更具针对性和实效性,我尝试着引导学生采用点评式的方法阅读和鉴赏学作品。  相似文献   

学生的语文学习不仅是一种认知活动,更是一种体验活动。言语作品(主要是文学作品)的阅读过程,就是学生对作品言语内容、言语形式及言语形式与言语内容关系的体验过程。体验作品是体验感性的形象、性格、情节、技巧和意蕴等,而认知作品是把感性  相似文献   

The term ‘close reading’ is problematic for English teachers, yet a heightened awareness of the role that language plays in mediating experience and social relationships is fundamental to an informed and critically engaged citizenry. This essay finds that a focus on abstracted ideological content of literary texts comes at the cost of material, aesthetic considerations of language or ‘literariness’: it is the baby that has been thrown out with the bathwater. The essay argues that a false dichotomy between a literary education as ‘cultural studies’ and the study of ‘Culture’ (with a capital C) has diverted attention from the relationship between words and meaning. It draws on the work of Raymond Williams in contending that a renewed concept of ‘close reading’ should be at the heart of English teachers’ professional practice.  相似文献   

How to understand and argue for the nature and place of literary texts and experience in contemporary English curriculum has been and continues to be the subject of much debate. While literature as traditionally conceptualised remains an important presence in much English curriculum, the notion of what ‘literature’ is, or what the category of ‘literary’ texts and cultural forms might encompass, in a context where literacy is understood as multimodal and English and literacy curriculum addresses multimodal literacies accordingly, is less clear. This paper addresses two areas with respect to literature and literature teaching in the digital age: first, issues surrounding the ways in which national curriculum guidelines in England and Australia envisage the teaching of literature, in principle and in practice; and second, the challenges presented to print-based conceptions of literature and literature teaching within English by significantly broader conceptualisations of literature encompassing a range of aesthetic multimodal texts and forms. The kinds of insights, experience and understandings generated through the study and creation of literary and aesthetic texts in English, it is argued, are now needed more than ever. However, as literary experience becomes increasingly transmodal, how English seeks to manage media shift to encompass both print and digital forms remains a challenging issue.  相似文献   

高初中语教材所选的一些作品隐含着浓郁的审美情趣和精美的艺术形象。在教学中引导学生对学本进行再创造,就是美学中的审美再现。教师的描述再现可以唤起审美主体的内省活动,朗读再现可以唤起审美的欲望和知觉;点拨再现可以使美的再现更强烈。讨论再现可以启发学生完善自己心中的形象,拓展再现有利于学生发现美的能力的培养。  相似文献   

“通读”是阅读和欣赏文学作品的一种很好的方法。通读《玉阶怨》、《怨词》、《行宫》三首宫怨小诗,文本资源得到整合,审美视阈得以拓展,不仅开掘了每一个文本的文化、艺术蕴蓄,并且揭示了不同文本之间的内在联系,从而捕捉到文本丰富的社会历史与文化审美的信息,获得良好的文学鉴赏效果。  相似文献   

接受反应文论认为读者是文学活动的主体,文学作品的最终完成、文学意义的最终实现取决于读者的能动性阅读和接受。本文运用文学接受史中的典型例子阐述了读者创造性阅读的重要意义,指出读者在文学接受活动中的主体作用对于作家的文学创作起着推动作用。  相似文献   

This semiotically informed article problematizes the concept of literacy as an aesthetic activity rather than reading skills and offers strategies for assessing young readers’ understanding of fictional texts. Although not based on empirical research, the essay refers to and theorizes from extensive field studies of children’s responses to literature. The concept of the implied reader, derived from reception theories, is employed to explore the skills demanded in order to make meaning from fictional texts. The essay presents a number of interpretative codes, including anticipatory, narrative, hermeneutic, semic, symbolic and referential. The implication of these codes is investigated in their relevance for texts specifically addressed to young readers. The article argues that literary competence is an essential component of a child’s intellectual growth that should be trained and encouraged, and that the acknowledgement of this competence it is of overall importance for educational research as well as for practitioners.  相似文献   

Teaching postcolonial literature can be a daunting undertaking that teachers may try to avoid. This article explores three problems that teachers may confront in teaching postcolonial texts. The first problem deals with which literary text to choose and the criteria that may help teachers anchor their choices. Second, in response to the question of how teachers pedagogically assist students to correct preconceived notions and deconstruct stereotypes, this article proposes three stages of creating and recreating spaces that interact and ultimately assist students generate meaning. Students move from prior knowledge into an informed reality guided by the teacher and then into the world of the text in a process that involves collaborative learning, reinventing conceptual realities and the concretization of literary texts. Third, I examine how to approach postcolonial texts by utilizing Iser’s aesthetic act of reading. The work posits a teaching model of three phases that help students interact and eventually unlock assumed unfamiliarity with postcolonial texts.  相似文献   

选本批评是一种以选寓评或选中兼评的文学批评样式。选编者的主体意识使选本批评显现了审美主体的文学观念;科举考试的实际需要使选本成为揣摩法则的写作范本;选本的历史意识是文学史的独特书写;序、论、赞、评的批评方式使选本呈现出多元话语模式。  相似文献   

文学文本的意义在"本我"的基础上因读者而异。文本的意义有"语码意义""语用意义"和"阐发意义"三个层次,文学阅读也有相应的三层境界。文学文本的传播目标不够精确,其语境也更为开放,这为设计文本召唤机制、激发定向阅读提供了操作空间。  相似文献   

在电子媒介时代,电子媒介文本诸如电影、电视、摄影、网络逐渐以传播方式上的优越性取代了语言文字文本的权威地位。但是语言文字文本有其固有的审美特质和人文属性,在与电子媒介文本的异质和互渗中得以创新和发展。  相似文献   

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