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通过文献资料法、跟踪调研法、统计分析法对安徽省重竞技运动管理中心女子柔道队8名运动员的扫腰技术进行分析与研究,提出扫腰技术在训练和比赛中是一项威胁大、得分高的技术。在实施过程中,必须与其它技术结合使用,才能创造运用的时机,提高运用的成功率。  相似文献   

马虹 《中华武术》2002,(2):26-27
闪通背一式,一般只知道其最后动作是一种摔法,但不清楚它还包括诸如磨盘肘、横捌肘、下采肘等多种肘法,摔掌、拍掌、穿掌、撩掌、劈掌等多种掌法,以及前扫、后扫等若干扫腿法。读者应从以下六个动作中细细品味。  相似文献   

要上好武术课,教好少年拳第二套动作,教师必须备好课(包括教材、教法、练法等)。要理解拳术套路中动作的内在联系,掌握好分解动作与完整动作之间的关系,灵活运用教学方法。一、语言法讲解是体育教学的基本方法,武术课如何运用讲解呢?1.要讲解动作的规格武术入门要从基本功开始,基本功即是手型、手法、身法、步法、腿法、工架等。讲解这些动作的规格,把重点放在腰、腿和工架方面,这是体现武术特点的主要一环。因为腰为上、下肢相连处,各动作变换,闪展腾挪,都有赖于腰的灵活性;腿则是武术中一切动作所必须依靠的,无论表现进  相似文献   

谭飚 《体育教学》2011,(6):71-71
在正手攻球的教学中,我发现大部分学生在做正手攻球的动作时较注重上肢动作,上肢动作做得较好,可对腰髋和下肢动作不够重视,整个动作不够协调,打出的球质量不高。其原因有二:一是不会转动腰髋,主要是腰和髋关节的柔韧性不好。  相似文献   

第二段11.乌龙绞柱──乌龙绞柱迎身起动作说明:(1)接上动,右腿向左斜上方扫挂,上身躺地从左向右后方流滚翻。(2)当右腿扫挂至上方时,左腿配合右腿夹胯向右上主剪蹬。同时,肩背撑地,腰自左向右、向上扭转。(3)两脚落地成右仆步,两手在身前扶地。目视仆腿方向(图1、2)。 要求: 右腿扫挂,夹胯前蹬,滚翻扭转要协调一致,同时进行。 12.前后扫腿──猛虎打旋扫铁尾 动作说明: 接上动,乌龙绞柱回身向前上步,屈膝下蹲,做右前扫半周;两手立刻在右腿前扶地,上体移至右侧,左腿伸 直右腿屈膝,向后扫 半周。目视…  相似文献   

<正> 为有助于加速学生对动作要点的识记,可采如下方法: 一、口诀法。将动作要点编成顺口溜,儿歌等形式向学生进行讲述。如冲拳的要点:拧腰伸肩,力达拳面。 二、“点字”法。根据数学内容和动作结构的特点,将动作要点中的重点字标出  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、专家访问法、数理统计法、对比分析法、运动生物力学测试法对腾空摆莲转体720度接马步动作的落地稳定性进行分析研究,认为:落地时刻的躯干角大小、腰骶连接点距离地面的高度、腰骶连接点对X轴的水平速度是影响落地稳定性的主要因素;落地时刻躯干角大、腰骶连接点距离地面高、对X轴水平速度小有利于落地稳定性。  相似文献   

1前言1.1问题的提出武术前扫腿900°是近年武术比赛中出现的新动作,是武术动作创新的结晶,它的前身是武术前扫腿540°,在扫转540°的基础上又增加了360°扫转。扫转圈数的增加提高了动作的观赏性,增加了套路演练的亮点。根据2002年新规则,难度等级与分值相对应,前扫腿900°难度  相似文献   

牛胜先 《武当》2010,(1):14-15
腰和腹是连在一起的,为什么要分开谈呢?因为先辈武术家们多谈腰,所以我把腰和腹分开谈,为的是刚才能着重谈谈腹。练太极拳是腰带动四肢,腰是一身之主宰。先辈们说,腰似车轴。练太极拳是腰的左右旋转带动手和脚,腰不动则手臂几乎也没什么动作。由于太极高手能合理用腰,故动作常使一般人不知觉。须知腰左右旋转,不是左右摆动,左右扭腰。如果是摆动、扭腰,那就大错特错了。  相似文献   

竞技武术套路前扫腿900度动作的技术分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前扫腿900°动作是近年武术比赛中出现的新动作,与以往前扫腿540°动作相比,其难度加大、扫转度数增加,如有技术失误将会给整套演练带来影响,所以说前扫腿900°动作完成质量的好坏直接影响到运动员的最后得分和名次评定。本文从运动员对该动作完成质量、专项身体素质、身体平衡性能力、旋转速度、扫转角度等方面对前扫腿900°动作进行技术分析,找出影响动作质量的主要原因,提出相应的针对性训练方法,以使运动员更好地完成前扫腿900°动作,提高整体竞技技术水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine hypotheses derived from Jones and Berglas's (1978) self-handicapping model. It was hypothesized that individuals using many self-handicaps would use more internal attributions and report greater gains in perceived judo ability following success than individuals using few self-handicaps. In addition, it was hypothesized that individuals using many self-handicaps would use more external attributions and report less reduction in perceived judo ability following failure. Fifty-three judo players completed measures of trait self-handicapping, situational self-handicapping and a measure of perceived judo ability before competition. Following competition, the participants completed the Causal Dimension Scale II and the measure of perceived judo ability for a second time. Analyses of variance revealed that high self-handicappers attributed failure to more external factors than low self-handicappers. It was also found that high self-handicappers reported less of a reduction in perceived judo ability following failure than low self-handicappers. The findings therefore provide support for the potential short-term benefits of self-handicapping in sport, although further research is required to examine the long-term implications of using self-handicaps.  相似文献   


This experiment tested whether the conformism observed among panels of judges in aesthetic sports also occurs among judges in judo. Similar to aesthetic sports, judo judging relies upon a form of open feedback. However, in judo, this system is reactive (i.e. two judges have to publicly ‘correct’ the score given by the higher-status referee), whereas it is active in aesthetic sports (i.e. judges with equal status report their score simultaneously and can use the feedback about the scores of their colleagues for evaluating later performances). In order to test whether such reactive open-feedback system leads to conformism among judges in judo, we designed an experiment in which this feedback was manipulated. Participants were 20 certified Flemish judges, who had to score two sets of 11 ambiguous video sequences that are used during formation and training of judo judges: one set with feedback about the referee's score and one set without feedback. The results revealed that when participants knew the referee's score, their scores were significantly more in line with this score than when they did not know this score. More specifically, for both sets of sequences at least 10% less deviations from the referee were observed when participants were given feedback about the score of the referee. These results suggest that preventable conformism can occur in typical judo judging, that is with reactive open feedback.  相似文献   

优秀女子柔道运动员运动损伤的现状调查及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用专家访谈、问卷调查法等方法,对中国女子柔道集训队的优秀女子柔道运动员的损伤部位、损伤性质、损伤的时间、创伤对训练的影响及损伤特点等进行全面的调查研究,详细分析探讨其致伤原因,并在此基础上提出预防运动损伤的有效的训练学对策。  相似文献   

对柔道新规则应用前后两次全国男子柔道比赛进攻技术应用情况进行分析,结果发现由于新规则中消极判罚的重大修订导致比赛中进攻技术发生明显变化,表现为进攻次数与进攻技术种类明显增加。进攻成功率有所下降,比赛节奏明显加快。  相似文献   


The effects of physical education courses in judo I, judo II, handball, badminton, basketball, and volleyball on certain personality traits of male freshmen at the University of North Carolina were compared. Subjects used were randomly selected from a student population meeting prespecified constraints and assigned to the Experimental (judo I and judo II, N = 73), Control 1 (handball and volleyball, N = 34), and Control 2 (badminton and basketball, N = 42) Groups. Personality trait measures on all subjects were obtained through repeated administrations of Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 1962 Edition of Form A; i.e., pretreatment, 8-week, and 16-week measures. Using pretreatment measures as covariates, analysis of variance techniques indicated that the judo experimental group became more warmhearted, easygoing, and participating than did either of the control groups.  相似文献   

中国优秀柔道运动员某些生理生化指标的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以117名优秀柔道运动员为研究对象,通过身体成分、有氧代谢能力、无氧代谢能力及血液指标等对我国优秀柔道运动员的竞技能力进行分析,结果表明,身体成分及形态学和血液生化指标与普通组运动员相比并无显著性差异,优秀运动员基础代谢率降低,出现机能节省化现象,呼吸、循环系统功能改善,能更好的适应大强度、大运动量的训练;女子优秀组运动员肢体肌肉的爆发力和速度耐力都优于普通组运动员。  相似文献   

对我国少年男子柔道运动员的技术情况进行了调查,结果表明,当前少年男子柔道以投技得分为主,投、寝技术发展不平衡,对于不同方向的技术和技术组合缺乏训练,体能的总体水平不高,运用规则的能力有待于提高。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、主成分分析法及因子分析法,筛选出具有代表性的、能够反映出柔道运动项目特点的身体素质的指标,在此基础上建立了我国青少年女子柔道运动员身体素质测试指标结构的评价模型,并制订了身体素质发展水平的评价标准,为女子柔道运动员专项运动素质训练的科学化,以及从素质方面进行运动员选材提供参考。  相似文献   

女子柔道运动员的体能特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任弘  邢文华  王利群 《体育科学》2004,24(3):15-16,19
以北京体育大学竞技体校女子柔道队、天津女子柔道队、北京女子柔道队和山东省滨州地区女子柔道队共 6 1名运动员为研究对象 ,测试了 5 6项指标 ,包括基础指标 4项 ,形态指标 35项 ,机能指标 5项和身体素质指标 12项。利用因子分析的方法 ,得出有效反映运动员的体能水平的 11项指标为 :上肢长、起桥推 /体重 ,立定跳远 /身高 ,胸围 /身高× 10 0 ,4 0 0 m跑 ,肩宽 /骨盆宽 ,握力重复 /最大握力× 10 0 ,心功指数、肺活量 /体重 ,立位体前屈 /下肢长× 10 0和转肩 /下肢长。  相似文献   

This cultural and comparative history examines the early development of women's judo in Belgium through gender and sport, and within the different communities and federations. Born in the late 1940s, women's judo in Belgium remained both a minority sport and under the domination of men during the 1950s. Circumscribed by dominant gender norms imposing a traditional representation of women, women's judo was, nevertheless, also a means for emancipation. It turned to recreational sport and self-defence in the Flemish part of the country, as well as temporarily to competitions in one part of the French-speaking community. The latter was generally a more conducive space to recognition and emancipation of female judokas. These similarities and differences lay in the articulation of several factors: cultural specificities of judo, influence of French and Japanese models, conceptions of pioneers and federal leaders, sociocultural characteristics of the linguistic communities, importance of Catholicism and emancipation of women.  相似文献   

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