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Seventy-two returning adult students participating in a weekend social science option showed statistically significant increases on 11Personal Orientation Inventory subscales and theWatson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. The program involved an interdisciplinary and experiential learning approach. Utilizing t-tests, no significant differences between males and females on the pretest nor on pre-post change were found. This evaluation supports successful experiential learning as effective in continuation and reinforcement of the process of self-actualizing.The author expresses his thanks to Mary Van De Warker for codesigning and coinstructing the Weekend Social Science option with him and to Kathleen Crittenden for her helpful criticism of an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

Building upon a methodologically diverse research foundation, we adapted and validated the Learning Progression-based Assessment of Modern Genetics (LPA-MG) for college students’ knowledge of the domain. Toward collecting valid learning progression-based measures in a college majors context, we redeveloped and content validated a majority of a previous version of the LPA-MG which was developed for high school students. Using a Rasch model calibrated on 316 students from 2 sections of majors introductory biology, we demonstrate the validity of this version and describe how college students’ ideas of modern genetics are likely to change as the students progress from low to high understanding. We then utilize these findings to build theory around the connections college students at different levels of understanding make within and across the many ideas within the domain.  相似文献   

英语专业学生的"思辨缺席症"的原因主要体现在学习目标不清、教学方法的误导和知识面狭窄等方面,思辨能力的培养能有效改善英语专业学生的"思辨缺席症"。从设置真实写作任务、注重同伴反馈与讨论和建立写作手册等方面阐述如何培养学生的思辨能力。培养学生的分析能力、思辨能力和解决问题的能力,从而提高英语写作水平。  相似文献   

以“思辨性任务序列”为基本框架,设计了基于Moodle网络平台的英语专业学生思辨训练模式并验证了其有效性。受试为英语专业二年级学生(71人),实验班及2个对照组的配对样本T检验及单因素方差分析结果显示,该模式能有效提高学生的思辨技能。网络平台在线讨论版块“交流互动”功能有助于发展学生的思辨能力,“即时反馈”“学习路径”等管理功能有助于实现思辨训练的过程跟踪及控制。基于在线写作任务的“评价及反馈”是决定该模式有效性的关键环节。在推论技能,评估技能和分析技能三项核心思辨技能中,推论及评估技能优先得到发展。  相似文献   

文章基于对Paul批判性思维模型及其在线学习模型的改进,构建了一个用于异步在线交流的提问交互模型,以促进网络社区中学习者批判性思维的发展。该模型在批判性思维教学方面的有效性已经得到初步证实。  相似文献   


The author explored the developmental courses of deep learning approach and critical thinking over a 2-year period. Latent growth curve modeling (LGM) procedures were used to test and trace the trajectories of both theoretical frameworks over time. Participants were 264 (119 women, 145 men) university undergraduates. The Deep Learning subscale of Biggs's (1987) Study Process Questionnaire and the Critical Thinking subscale of the Reflective Thinking Questionnaire (Kember et al., 2000) were administered to the participants across four waves of data collection. Results of the LGM analyses indicated the growth of change of deep learning approach increased over time, whereas critical thinking practice decreased. Further multivariate growth curve analysis revealed an interactive, dynamic association between the intercept of critical thinking and the slope of deep learning approach. This evidence supports previous research findings, indicating that critical thinking may serve as an informational source in students’ engagement in deep learning approach.  相似文献   

《国际货运代理实务》是报关与国际货运、物流管理专业的核心职业技能课之一,本文以基于工作过程导向的原则、思路,按国际货代员岗位技能的要求进行本课程设计,实施项目驱动,构建学习情景,从而使学生掌握国际货代业务流程。  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Eddie MacNamara, Positive Management Series
Jackie Lown, No. 10 Anger and its Management
Jackie Lown, No. 11 Circle of Friends: Promoting Social Inclusion
Jackie Lown, No. 12 Promoting Self Esteem
Gillian Shotton, No. 13 Promoting Emotional Literacy in Your School
Garry Squires, No. 14 Cognitive Interventions: Changing Thinking and Feeling to Change Behaviour
Andrew Pollard, Readings for Reflective Teaching  相似文献   

研讨课的本质在于让学生学会批判性的思维,开启新的认知与实践,专门的“批判性思维”课程更好地体现了研讨课的这一本质。通过对批判性思维的全面探索和深入考察可以更好地把握研讨课的目标及要求。本文为《Seminar课程的研究与实践报告》的研究报告,主要阐述了该课题的研究背景、意义、主要内容、方法,总结了研究的主要结论,重点探讨了批判性思维课程中存在的问题与对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether Socioscientific Issues (SSI) based learning environments affect university students’ epistemological understanding of scientific inquiry differently from traditional science educational contexts. We identify and compare conceptions of scientific inquiry of students participating in an interdisciplinary, SSI-focused undergraduate human biology major (SSI) and those participating in a traditional biology major (BIO). Forty-five SSI students and 50 BIO students completed an open-ended questionnaire examining their understanding of scientific inquiry. Eight general themes including approximately 60 subthemes emerged from questionnaire responses, and the numbers of students including each subtheme in their responses were statistically compared between groups. A subset of students participated in interviews, which were used to validate and triangulate questionnaire data and probe students’ understanding of scientific inquiry in relation to their majors. We found that both groups provided very similar responses, differing significantly in only five subthemes. Results indicated that both groups held generally adequate understandings of inquiry, but also a number of misconceptions. Small differences between groups supported by both questionnaires and interviews suggest that the SSI context contributed to nuanced understandings, such as a more interdisciplinary and problem-centered conception of scientific inquiry. Implications for teaching and research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated-secondary school students’ perceptions of their constructivist learning environment in Liberal Studies, and whether their perceptions were related to their critical thinking ability. A convenience sample of Secondary Three students (N = 967) studying Liberal Studies in Hong Kong participated in this research by completing a self-administered questionnaire which included the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X, and demographic information on age and gender. Students perceived their learning environment to be moderately constructivist in nature. Both age and school banding differences were identified in that younger students and students in band 1 schools tended to perceive a higher degree of constructivist characteristics in their learning environment. Multiple regression analyses indicated that three of the five scales of CLES were predictors of critical thinking ability. Shared Control was the strongest predictor and negatively associated with critical thinking ability, while Personal Relevance and Critical Voice were positively related to critical thinking ability. Findings of the study are discussed with reference to developing students’ critical thinking ability in Liberal Studies classrooms.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between Need for Cognition (NFC), attitude towards and self-reported application of different desirable difficulties in self-regulated learning. Students with a higher NFC should be more appreciative and prone to use desirable difficulties because of a match between the learner’s attributes and the learning task requirements: cognitively effortful learning conditions will be preferred by students with a higher propensity for cognitive challenges. Supporting our hypotheses, we show that indeed a higher NFC positively relates to attitudes and use of different desirable difficulties (Study 1–2), especially to self-generating of materials and predictions, but weaker and inconsistently to interleaving/spacing and self-testing/practicing. While self-generating of contents and predictions loaded on one factor, and interleaving/spacing together with self-testing/practicing loaded on another factor, this two-factor structure was reliably obtained for self-reported use, yet for attitudes a one-factor structure did fit. Most importantly though, the observed relationship between NFC and different desirable difficulties could neither be explained by high school graduation grade, indicating academic competence (Study 1), nor by academic self-concept as one’s perception of one’s academic abilities (Study 2). Results are discussed within an information-processing framework related to implications for desirable difficulties as learning strategies.  相似文献   

新闻语言具有社会性,批评语言学作为具体的分析工具能够对新闻语言的特点加以解释,使受众自觉地判断其间的关系,批评地理解新闻报道中的各种倾向性和观点。在课堂教学过程中引导学生初步尝试对西方新闻中的词汇进行批评分析,理解这些语料词汇所承载的文化背景和意识形态以及相应产生的新闻倾向性。  相似文献   

使用修订的青少年理性经验决策风格量表为测试工具,以中学生为研究对象探讨了青少年决策风格与认知需求以及青少年决策风格与内外控制源的关系。结果表明:(1)青少年理性风格的决策者在做决策时更倾向于认为自己的成败取决于自身因素,经验风格的决策者在做决策时更倾向相信运气等外界因素。(2)青少年理性决策风格的决策者更喜欢复杂的认知任务。(3)男生在做决策时比女生更加理性。  相似文献   

A design studio is a critical venue for design students, as they are educated to develop design thinking and other skills through studio courses. This article introduces a design studio project in which Korean and Malaysian students worked jointly for one semester to design affordable urban housing. The Korean students were interior design majors and the Malaysian students were architecture majors; thus it was thought that the students' areas of expertise were likely to differ. It was also anticipated that the students would display cultural differences in terms of housing and planning practices. The motive for starting the joint design studio was the idea that a cross‐cultural collaborative working setting could redefine students' thinking styles and stimulate students to obtain non‐routine perspectives on the design of buildings and spaces. Through observation and interviews, we explored how students tackled affordable housing problems within the context of cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary design education. Collaborative learning in a joint studio situation supplemented students' expertise, re‐orienting approaches to design and opening up a holistic approach to the design issues of affordability, sustainability and community. Overall, the practical learning in the joint studio project validated the importance of exploring alternative solutions based on varied levels of information, and input of those from different educational and cultural backgrounds. The cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration allowed for a previously unavailable enhancement of design education by encouraging students to obtain divergent thinking for innovative design ideas.  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查的方式,从学习习惯、单词记忆、生词处理方式等方面对浙江教育学院09级高职非英语专业学生英语词汇学习现状进行调查分析,发现高职非英语专业学生英语词汇来源单一,主要依赖课本;存在不良的词汇学习习惯;缺乏词汇记忆和生词处理策略。根据调查结果提出了引导学生培养良好的词汇学习习惯;教授学生一定的词汇学习策略;适当改变词汇的教学方式的建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was twofold. First, an empirical study was designed aimed at investigating the perceptions that entry-level non-computing majors -namely Physical Education and Sport Science (PESS) undergraduate students- hold about basic Computer Literacy (CL) issues. The participants were 90 first-year PESS students, and their perceptions were elicited through a written questionnaire. The data analysis revealed scientifically acceptable perceptions as well as various empirical, vague, incomplete and erroneous perceptions. Second, those students’ prior knowledge was utilized to design and implement an Educational Computer Card Game (ECCG) aimed at helping PESS students overcome their conceptual difficulties and approach the aforementioned CL issues in a scientifically consistent manner. The ECCG was designed taking into account basic digital game-based learning principles in combination with basic aspects of social and constructivist perspectives to learning. The ECCG was also pilot-tested in the field with real students, and the results were encouraging.  相似文献   

对上海师范大学日语专业学生和非日语专业学生进行了问卷调查,旨在了解中国学生学习日语过程中的外语思维变化和语言行为表现能力。通过调查分析,发现了中国学生学习日语过程中外语思维的变化、语言行为表现能力与学习外语的时间和语言环境等有着密切的关系。要掌握一门地道的外语,除了解所学国家的文化、风俗习惯等之外,用所学国家的语言方式习惯性思维等也非常重要。  相似文献   

培养一专多能的复合型人才不仅能够满足社会对人才的新需求,而且能够帮助学生拓宽就业渠道,扩展职业发展空间.就如何利用理工科院校的优势培养文科学生自然科学素质的问题,从教学内容、教学方法、考核评价等方面给出了基于"计算思维"能力培养的文科专业计算机课程群课堂教学和实验教学的思考与实践.  相似文献   

作为经管类专业必须开设的核心课程,经济法承担着为经管类学生训练法律思维和培育法律素养的任务。为实现既懂经济又懂法律的复合型人才的培养目标,在经济法的教学过程中,不能仅仅依靠课堂教学,需要从讲学模式的革新、课堂外学习的管理、师生关系的调整和应用能力的训练等方面重视学生自主学习能力的养成。  相似文献   

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