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张丽娜 《当代体育》2014,(15):62-64
即使是最资深的NBA球迷,你可能也不会知道大卫·布拉特这个名字,但是,从现在开始,你应该记住这个名字,因为他将作为骑士队的新任主帅和NBA、和克利夫兰,和勒布朗·詹姆斯联系在一起。 布拉特绝对会成为NBA教练里最独一无二的那一个:他从来没有在NBA执教的经历,也从来没有在任何美国大学或高中执教过,但是他来到骑士时带着满身的荣誉,这些荣誉让他成为了欧洲大陆最负盛名的教练。“我觉得我已经在欧洲完成了一切。”布拉特说,“我在不同的国度带领不同的球队均赢得过冠军,现在,是时候接受新的挑战了。”  相似文献   

陈洋 《新体育》2010,(6):48-51
现在,凯文·杜兰特已经成为NBA最炙手可热的名字,他的2009-2010赛季已经结束,但他的时代也许才刚刚开始。  相似文献   

韩非 《当代体育》2010,(2):28-29
斯科拉可能是现在除吉诺比利之外在NBA和中国最受欢迎的阿根廷球员了。在休斯敦,斯科拉已经成为了火箭队内线进攻的中轴.他拥有所有人都没有的能力——不仅仅是进攻的终结者。也是进攻的发起和策划者。斯科拉一直以其诡异著称.篮球智商决定了他即便没有劲爆的身体素质和速度,也能成为NBA最优秀的四号位之一。  相似文献   

三井兽 《当代体育》2016,(5):110-112
自从拜伦·戴维斯说自己希望回到NBA打球的想法已经过去一段时间了,半年前他曾向外界解释了自己为什么要复出——他还有再战NBA的能力。一个重要的佐证是,他在洛杉矶的一场半职业比赛中,与比他年轻十岁的球员们对轰砍下了44分。那么,他的身体现在到底是什么情况?我们还能看见那个曾经的"大胡子"回到NBA吗?  相似文献   

自从进入联盟那天开始,勒布朗·詹姆斯就成为NBA中的最核心话题人物之一,现在已经是他在职业生涯的第六个年头.风头有增无减……  相似文献   

野牛的荣誉 2001年年底,“野牛”皮彭终于在加入NBA15年后拿到了自己的学士学位,他不辍学习的精神已经成为了当今NBA球员学习的榜样。 NBA曾三令五申,希望年轻球员在完成大学学业后再进入NBA打球,但由于巨额薪金的吸引,加之布莱恩特、加内特等高中球员的成功范例,使得NBA新秀球员的平均年龄逐年下降。在去年的选秀大会上,前4名新秀中竟有3位高中球员。即使是从全美大学生篮球联赛起步的球员,也有很多人中途辍学加入NBA。因此皮彭孜孜不倦努力完成大学学业的学习精神  相似文献   

诺维茨基尽管在德国,足球依然是所有运动的中心,但诺维茨基无疑已经成为了德国运动员的代表之一, 他现在是收入最高的德国运动员之一。在NBA国际化的过程中,曾有非常优秀的“国际球员”出现, 他们当中也有人曾以领袖身份夺得过总冠军,如奥拉朱旺,他是尼日利亚人,但他在美国念大学;如邓肯,他是美属维京群岛人,在美国文化中成长。但在打NBA前,诺维茨基并没有在美国读过高中和预科,也没有读过大学,他是一个纯正的德国人,在接触NBA前,他从未在美国生活过,因此他是一个纯正的“国际球员”。  相似文献   

陈洋 《新体育》2010,(8):15-17
一年前,当约翰·沃尔还在上高中的时候,他的名字就出现在各大体育网站上。那时他就像当年的“小皇帝”詹姆斯一样,被外界认为是NBA未来的状元。如今,仅仅在肯塔基大学打了一个年NCAA,沃尔就已经把2010年NBA选秀状元装在了自己的口袋里,而华盛顿奇才队也将自己的未来押宝在沃尔身上。  相似文献   

科比的这些年1996年的NBA选秀中有一个来自费城洛尔·梅里昂高中的17岁年轻人,他叫科比·布莱恩特,是前NBA二流球员"甜豆儿"乔·布莱思特之子。高中时科比能胜任场上的所有位置,他还打破了威尔特·张伯伦保持多年的东南宾夕法尼亚高中球员得分纪录。"他能不能适应NBA?他的球技明显不成问题。"当时的网队球员总管哈尔·威瑟尔说。  相似文献   

停摆的夏天,NBA真正的大牌球星们依旧干着各自该干的事,但是集体来华这还是第一次。八月份,又一批巨星来袭!青岛汪洋小编好,我想问的问题有两个:第一个就是NBA选秀是否有年龄限制,还是说高中毕业以后就可以?第二个就是NBA历史上年龄最小的加入NBA的球员是科比吗?首先回答汪同学的第一个问题:NBA现在是有年龄限制的。2005年的劳资协议的一个最重要的条款就是球员参加选秀的年龄限制条款。这个条款旨在避免不了解职业篮球的基础,或是还不够成熟参加NBA比赛的情况下,球员便进入联盟打球这种事情的发生。年龄限制条款的内容就是任何参加NBA选秀的球员必须在1 9周岁生日以后才可参选,也就是说至少高中毕业一年后。科比不是加盟NBA年龄最小的球员,他进入NBA的时候是18岁零2个月,最年轻加盟NBA的球员是他的队友安德鲁·拜纳姆,17岁8个月零2天。  相似文献   

李志群 《桥牌》2014,(5):43-44
此文系作者2013年9~11月参加中组部、国家行政学院举办的“省部级干部英语强化班(第8期)”时,根据教学要求所做的一篇英文演讲的中文译稿。 老师们、同学们,女士们、先生们,早上好!今天,我和大家分享一个轻松的话题:培养一种新的爱好,从现在开始!首先,我想给大家讲个故事:有位领导干部,刚退休时常常感到孤独和失落,每天吃不香、睡不好,因为自打退休那天起,就不像往常一样有部下给他送文件和报告,让他审阅和批示,也再也没有人向他请示汇报工作了。  相似文献   

通过梳理韩丹先生体育基本理论研究的代表性成果,在对其学术观点高度概括与总结的基础上,凝练出区分体育与竞技,体现了超前的体育与竞技观、跳出中国看体育体现了国际化的视野、破旧立新构成韩丹体育思想的核心内容、倡导学术争鸣体现其敢于质疑的学术精神等特点。从韩先生的文章及书信中处处体现了韩丹先生不断完善自我、永不止步的学术追求及对青年关爱并寄予厚望,彰显礼贤下士的学术品格。  相似文献   

金圣叹是历史上一个思想比较复杂的人物。肯定者有之,否定者亦有之。文章把二十世纪初鲁迅与胡适的批评放在一起加以比较,从“哭庙案”事件、晚明的“清议运动”和金圣叹的思想等历史的实际情况进行考察,认定金圣叹“并非反抗的叛徒”,也非“清议运动的代表”,他只是一个有“名士”气的才子而已。  相似文献   

通过对李晖九运会赛前的训练进行回顾和总结,指出李晖扎实的基本功和合理的技术动作是其取得优异成绩的基础;赛前合理的运动量和运动强度的安排促进李晖形成了良好的竞技状态;与技术动作训练相结合的心理训练特别是认知训练保证了李晖在比赛中沉着稳定地发挥出自己的最佳水平。  相似文献   

This article explores the role of Prince Alexandre de Merode in heading the IOC's fight against drugs from the 1960s to 2002. History has not served de Merode very well. He has been presented in simplistic ways that emerge from context rather than evidence – as either a saint or a sinner. IOC-sanctioned accounts cast him inthe mould of the saint: a moral and intelligent man who saved sports from doping. In contrast, sports academics have tended to portray him as a sinner: an ineffectual leader who did not develop either the testing systems or the punishments required to prevent doping and who deliberately concealed evidence of high-profile doping cases. This article assesses both representations before presenting information to support a richer and more complicated interpretation.  相似文献   

广东省体育教师胜任力的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷调查和访谈的形式,从体育教师胜任力的整体发展水平,不同性别、年龄段及教龄对教师胜任力的发展水平影响,不同职称、学历及学校类型对体育教师胜任力的影响等方面入手,对广东省体育教师胜任力现状进行了调查,发现该地区不同体育教师在关爱与沟通、个人特质和职业偏好等方面存在一定差异。通过分析其存在差异的原因,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

This article is an examination of the recent contribution in this journal by Kreider. In that publication he argued against formalist and non-formalist positions concerning our understanding of game-player and game-playing, focusing his discussion around game rules and their relationship to the two key concepts. This led him to produce alternative conceptions of game-player and game-playing, and it is these conceptions tied closely to the idea of commitment, and Kreider’s arguments surrounding them, which are the subject of my article. Following an introduction, I summarize and evaluate Kreider's dissatisfaction with earlier accounts. Then I present and examine key aspects of his proposals for a different understanding of game-players and game-playing. While I remain uncertain about some of his claims, overall my conclusions are characterized more by disagreement with him than by a sense that he has overcome problems previously expressed theories contain.  相似文献   

论"自由人"在排球比赛中的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
:“自由人”作为排球比赛新规则的产物 ,在比赛中发挥着巨大的作用。“自由人”在接发球和防守中有明显的优势 ;合理地选拔、培养“自由人”,并设计出行之有效的战术 ,是提高全队战斗力 ,发挥“自由人”优势的有效途径 ,也是赢得比赛胜利的保证  相似文献   


‘It is a sport’ writes Hemingway on the subject of bullfights in public places, ‘a very wild and primitive sport and, mainly, a true sport of amateurs. I fear however that because of danger of death which it implies, it never has great success among the sporting-men of America and England’ (Death in the afternoon, Gallimard, 1938, p. 27). Hemingway was interested in sport since his young age: athletic, a follower of sports at Oak Park's High School, fascinated by horse racing and later an enthusiast for deep sea fishing, hunting, boxing etc, in other words what we would call today the ‘extreme sports’, he had a passion for bullfighting in Spain, which he tested, although unsuccessfully. In his papers for the Toronto Weekly Star, his novel The Sun also rises published in 1926, and especially in his essay Death in the afternoon, a true treaty of bullfighting, he undertakes a close study of the specific techniques of this very particular sport; yet what interests him most of all is its artistic value. Art or sport? Such is the key question that he poses throughout the pages of this work, which are actually a deep reflection on the origins of the sport and the finality of art; the relations between sport and art are quite complex and, according to him, have to be reconsidered, since writing for him is also linked to moral and physical effort, and is even a kind of ‘intimate bullfighting’.  相似文献   

The aim of this case study was to determine whether a sailor's deliberate choice of a conservative strategy to manage sleep deprivation would allow him to cross the Pacific Ocean and to minimize his state of anxiety and perceived fatigue. The participant, who had more than 10 years' sailing experience in severe conditions, was tested on a small catamaran without any living quarters during a solo Pacific Ocean crossing. Estimations of sleep hours, state anxiety, and perceived fatigue were self-reported by the sailor on a daily basis using a specific questionnaire. The most important finding is that the sailor's deliberate sleep strategy, 5.4 h sleep per day (24% less than on-shore), was enough to keep his anxiety and perceived fatigue within acceptable limits and enabled him to achieve his goal, which was the first crossing of the Pacific Ocean on a catamaran of less than 6 m. In conclusion, our results suggest that the sailor observed in the present case study was able to minimize anxiety and perceived fatigue with adequate sleep to optimize his performance, security, and to achieve his goal.  相似文献   

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