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教育券:城乡义务教育均衡发展的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育券理论源于对效率价值的追求,兼顾了部分公平的特征.本文分析了教育券的理论与实践,认为中国农村义务教育投入严重不足,城乡差距过大,尚不具备教育券大范围推广的基础.但可以借鉴教育券独特的财政预算资金支出路径,建立城乡义务教育经费均衡化投入的教育券制度,通过这一制度实现区域范围内城乡义务教育均衡发展的目标.  相似文献   

鉴于我国教育资源依然短缺和教育发展失衡的基本事实,推行教育券政策对促进职业教育发展具有重要意义:教育券政策应成为促进教育均衡发展的重要资源;要结合实际循序渐进地加以推行。特别要注意与良性发展的教育投资体制改革及其他一系列的体制改革和政策实施的配套环境相适应。  相似文献   

为改变民办教育和职业教育弱势地位,在公办学校和民办学校、普高和职高之间创设相时公平的竞争环境。促进全县教育的均衡发展。2001年秋季,浙江省长兴县率先进行了教育券制度的尝试,对就读民办学校和职业学校的学生一次性发放面额500元和300元的教育券。今年谊县为进一步拓展教育券的功能,又将教育券功能扩展到扶持贫困学生上,确定了自2002年秋季起,小学阶段的贫困生每学期可获得200元的教育券,初中阶段的贫困生每学期可获得300元的教育券。长兴教育券制度试行一年来,显著的成效引起各方强烈关注。本刊记者日前也亲赴长兴了解教育券制度实施的始末。  相似文献   

教育券理论源于对效率价值的追求,兼顾了部分公平的特征。本文分析了教育券的理论与实践,认为中国农村义务教育投入严重不足,城乡差距过大,尚不具备教育券大范围推广的基础。但可以借鉴教育券独特的财政预算资金支出路径,建立城乡义务教育经费均衡化投入的教育券制度,通过这一制度实现区域范围内城乡义务教育均衡发展的目标。  相似文献   

鉴于我国教育资源依然短缺和教育发展失衡的基本事实,采取教育券措施,促进职业教育发展具有重要意义;教育券措施应成为促进教育均衡发展的重要资源;要结合实际,循序渐进地落实,要特别注意与良好的诸如教育投资体制改革及其他一系列的体制改革和政策实施的配套环境相适应.  相似文献   

“基础教育均衡发展”的真实目标是教育公平。本文通过对教育公平的重新解读,分析了现行政策不能实现“基础教育均衡发展”的原因,并提出了一种促进教育公平的新思路,即公共教育服务区内的一切公办学校向服务区内的所有服务对象开放,在教育不平等的现实中,有效地结合各种补偿措施,由学生(家庭)自由选择学校,同时通过学生的自由选择促进学校间的良性竞争,提高整体教育质量。而能将这种思路付诸现实的政策工具即是教育券制度,通过对教育券制度的设计,能将教育公平的平等层面与自由层面有效结合起来,因而对促进教育公平具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

教育券在中国实践的再认识   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
弗里德曼教育券的原意是通过学生凭借教育券的择校竞争行为来促进办学的效率,资助上学只是它的外加功能.我国目前在局部地区试行的教育券有悖原意,基本上是一种"福利性"的教育资助;此外,教育券资助民办学校发展的必要性和意义以及教育券促进教育均衡发展的可能性也是值得质疑的.对教育券功能的拓展需持合理、谨慎的态度.  相似文献   

教育券是由美国经济学家米尔顿.弗里德曼于20世纪50年代首先提出,他以为美国19世纪后半叶以来建立的公共教育制度是一种政府垄断,缺乏市场竞争、效率低下、资源浪费严重,要改变这种状况,教育必须走市场化道路,实行教育券制度是一种理想的政策选择。美国教育券根本的价值取向是基础教育均衡化。美国教育券对于我国解决基础教育均衡发展问题有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

智利教育券政策述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1980年,智利开始实施由公共经费资助的政府教育券政策.该政策以弗里德曼的自由市场教育券模式为理论基础,覆盖全国所有的公立和部分私立中小学.教育券政策的实施尽管扩大了学生及其家长选择学校的机会,但研究表明社会经济背景较好的学生才是该政策的更大受益者.此外,在改进学校效益、提高教育质量、促进教育公平等方面,智利的教育券政策也并没有取得预期的效应.因此,有必要重新认识教育券政策的目的与功能,以寻求新的突破.  相似文献   

中等职业教育主要由公立学校承担,这造成了中等职业教育发展严重受到政府政策影响,本身适应能力变弱,教育水平低下.教育券将给职业教育注入一股活力.它能吸引更多民间资本进入职业教育领域,拓宽职业教育资金渠道,缓解资金不足问题.而且教育券使得学校竞相提高教育水平来获取资金,促进中等职业教育发展.  相似文献   

A system of funding education through vouchers is not only a viable option for urban settings but it would be more likely than any other form of systemic restructuring to reduce inequity between advantaged and disadvantaged students, increase meaningful instances of choice in education, and improve the quality of education. Funding education through vouchers would make good economic sense because private schools presently educate children at roughly half the cost of public schools. In addition, the present form of state-controlled education is a violation of both the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment. Finally, there has never been a full implementation of a voucher system. Therefore, no hard conclusions regarding the outcome of such implementation can be made.  相似文献   

Educational vouchers have been proposed as a way to give parents more choice in their child's education. The economic and social consequences that vouchers will have for education is discussed. From a historical perspective, vouchers have never been fully implemented. Educational vouchers have the potential to drain public education of valuable resources. Educators have suggested that vouchers will not increase choice among parents or improve the quality of education in general. It is likely that vouchers will lead to larger inequalities between children of the middle and poor classes. Alternative approaches are provided that will give parents more choices within the public school system.  相似文献   

Within the differentiated forms of education provision, this paper intends to inquire into the causality governing the relation between the use of vouchers in education and an increased enrolment segmentation or student sorting. It does so through a comparative analysis of the quasi-market reform in Chile and the quasi-monopoly system in place in Argentina. Although from a national perspective these two countries have faced very different decentralisation reforms, they have presently arrived at similar states of their education system in terms of their enrolments' socio-economic segregation. The paper shows that vouchers are not an independent variable but an intervening one within the determinants of socio-economic segmentation. The evidence from Chile and Argentina shows that enrolment segmentation is not a consequence of the introduction of vouchers, and the causal relationship between these two variables is not a clear one. That is, the family school choice decisions brought about by the introduction of systems such as vouchers appear endogenous to a series of factors that determine such choice; factors that that are evidently important in the determination of socio-economic enrolment segmentations in non-voucher systems. This article questions the validity of the highly predominant empirical analyses which take student socio-economic characteristics and school choice decisions as independent determinant variables of student results, and intends initiating further thinking of what really lies behind the inequities in education in developing countries.  相似文献   


The assumption that rational choice dynamics will lead to diversity of school supply is at the heart of K–12 school choice arrangements. Yet as the field of school choice becomes more established, there will be the “inexorable push toward homogenization.” If vouchers, tuition tax credit scholarships, and education savings accounts become more significant players in the education market in the years to come, isomorphism, if it occurs, will limit the utility of school choice. Drawing on experiences from the charter sector and the Louisiana Scholarship Program, this article considers whether education savings accounts might encourage less isomorphism of practice among participating private schools than school choice options such as vouchers and tuition tax credit scholarships.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of market-based policies in special education, focusing on the case of voucher programs. It examines the nature of contemporary social reforms, while discussing school choice as the theoretical linchpin of a market model for educational reforms. Moreover, it includes analysis of why the market-driven rationale of vouchers erodes the public functions of special education. Despite their current implementation on a small scale, vouchers have the potential to become a threat to free and appropriate public special education.  相似文献   

照顾型继续教育消费券和效率型继续教育消费券是我国继续教育和职业技能培训领域消费券的主要表现形式。近年来,一些地方政府开始继续教育消费券的实践尝试,取得了良好的效果,但也存在着公众知晓度偏低、普及程度偏低、程序缺乏规范、培训质量意识滞后和顶层设计缺失等实际问题。推进继续教育消费券在我国的蓬勃发展,应创建本土化理论,照顾弱势群体,规范程序步骤,增强培训质量意识,强化制度建设。  相似文献   

A widely accepted result in the literature is that the majority of voters are against the introduction of universal vouchers. Chen and West (2000) predict that voters’ attitudes towards selective vouchers (SV) may be different. They claim that voters are indifferent between the no-voucher and SV regimes, unless competition leads to a reduction in the education price. I show that, when public schools are congested, the majority of voters are in favour of SV. Furthermore, SV induces a Pareto improvement. In equilibrium, the introduction of SV induces a reduction in income stratification at school, with some relatively poor students attending private schools.  相似文献   

教育券提升学校效率的前提是学校间能形成竞争,而学校间竞争形成则需要具备相应的条件。在教育实践中,学校竞争所需的一系列条件如学校的可选择性、教育发展的均衡性、服务的异质性、信息的可获性、完善的退出机制等要素并不完全具备。且上述要件作为一种必要条件,得到满足也并不意味着教育效率的必然提高。教育券诱发的过度竞争、精英化和成本失控反而会导致教育效率的降低。  相似文献   

“择校”是美国20世纪80年代以来教育改革最具争议性的话题。其现行政策主要有开放入学、特许学校、教育券、教育税减免、家庭学校教育等表现形式。上述择校政策大致可分为公立学校选择和私立学校选择两大类。美国国内对私立学校选择的质疑远远大于对公立学校选择的质疑;公立学校选择实施的范围和力度也远远大于私立学校选择。总的来说,由于择校政策推行的范围和力度相当有限,其是非得失有待进一步的检验与确证。  相似文献   


In 2002 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state-supported vouchers, which parents can redeem in private schools, do not offend the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Thus, the legality of government vouchers to fund education will be determined primarily on the basis of state law. Specifically, programs are being challenged under state constitutional provisions calling for the legislature to provide for a uniform system of education or provisions prohibiting the use of public funds in sectarian institutions. This article explores legal developments in this regard, with particular emphasis on implications of the recent state supreme court decisions striking down challenged voucher programs. Also addressed is current legislative activity, which will likely generate additional litigation pertaining to school vouchers. doi:10.1300/ J467v01n03_05  相似文献   

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